Sep 19, 2023

※🔴📰 (SoTW's Higher Self told his Day Consciousness Fulford speaks 80% truth) Benjamin Fulford weekly geo-political news and analysis: The world is heading for a showdown at the UN corral. ~ Sept 19, 2023 ~ |


The world is heading for a showdown at the UN corral. – Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis (

👁️⃤𓂀🤑📺🥳 (Lad os for Guds og Kissers skyld, fejre frimureriet ellers gør de det bare selv) Allente-YouSee-Norlys Kartel-alliancen slår til igen: Den jyske energi- og fibergigant Norlys som snart bliver mobil, tv og streaming mafiaen (pirater), bliver et nyt TDC-monopol version 2.0 [LÆS VIDERE] ~ 19. September 2023 ~ |

The universe is eternal, infinite and vibrant, a conscious cosmos: 📺🤑🙅‍♂️ (Reblog: Allente, YouSee, Stofa, Waoo? Gammel vin på nye flasker?)
Milliardopkøb af Telia er kommet et skridt nærmere – snart skal navnet skiftes (

FREE GUY: ... Og så sikker som amen i kirken, køber Norlys, Telia Danmark med 1,3 millioner mobilkunder, og slår snart alle konkurrenter ud af banen. Der bliver ikke et 'øje' tørt når alle kunderne samler alt under Norlys' produkter og de lancerer tilbudskampagner på 6 måneder og derefter, bliver det mega-dyrt, at være en 'stavnsbåndet' kunde (medlem) af Norlys. Mobil og Internet-abonnementer, TV-Pakker og (reklamer) har et enormt marked i multimillard dollar-klassen. Tør de danske konkurrencemyndigheder stoppe processen? Nej sgu! De er en del af det ”Kartel” som deler i porten mellem sig. Det er lidt ligesom filmen Kartellet, hvor entreprenøren Lars Halbo deltager i nogle udbudsrunder på forskelligt entreprenørarbejde hvor han underbyder nogle større virksomheder og dermed vinder arbejdet. Men eftersom Lars ikke vil være med til ulovligt at aftale priser med de andre firmaer, kommer han og hans familie under pres.

KONKLUSION: Så længe danskerne forholder sig passivt - af ligegyldighed, fejhed, opportunisme, ender det hele i status quo. Vi får hjælp udefra, men vi skal selv opvågne, indefra. Når spirituel åbning fører til indre smerte, kaos, angst og forvirring efter berøring af den guddommelige kraft, kan vi først dernæst, ændre verden... | 


Gasolier, Flybrændstoffer og Benzin | Priser på brændsel i Grønland (
Dyr olie kan få centralbanker til at hæve renten yderligere – Ekstra Bladet
Benzinpriserne stiger Benzinpriserne vil stige i Damnark, siger investeringsøkonom - Google Search

Minister om ny dansk rumlov: »Raketbygning er ikke det samme som lystfiskeri« | Ingeniøren
Danske kæmpevirksomheder vil i rummet – nu er ministeren klar til at bane vejen for dansk rumfart (
The universe is eternal, infinite and vibrant, a conscious cosmos: 🆔🤖🦠 ~ (GR: 'DK's Digitale Strategi, Transhumanister og Teknokratiet') The Fourth Industrial Revolution som igennem World Econimic Forum vil blive underskrevet den 25 april i år af Danmarks Tech Ambassadør (SoTW Jan 2021 Arkiv)

Borgmester sygemeldt |
Endnu en politiker bukker under: Sygemeldt med stress og fysiske smerter | TV2 Østjylland (
Patienthåndbogen - Münchausens syndrom -

🙏 ~ 💝 (How and why did it take the Pentagon 28 HOURS to find missing F-35 that had crashed in a field 80 miles from base?) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Sept 19, 2023 ~ |


🥼🚰♾️ ( -_・) ︻デ═一 (Free energy doesn't exist or Oligarchs will find you and they will kill you) Why not Convert You Car to run on WATER + Save GAS today!... ~ Sept 19, 2023 ~ |

FREE GUY: Biodiesel, Bio-Ethanol or Alcohol is added to petrol to save a buck (une arnaque). Why not use purified or salt water fuel device or hydrogen (H2)? Like they do in the State Police of Ohio, to save taxpayers money?. Because it's illegal method acc. to the oil industry... Did you know, that water powered cars goes back to 1974 or before that time, suppressed by big oil?...  A us citizen invented a water fueled lawn mower and was put to jail, because he didn't pay taxes, so they claim (so sad and hysterically funny, at the same time)... Stanley Meyer, the inventor of the water-powered car, was killed by Belgian investors or Rockefeller Oligarchs or CIA or Pentagon?... The Inventor Kohei Minato of Japan who's invented a working all-magnet motor, as well as an electromagnetic variation that was described as "ultra efficient" -- or overunity as some would say, never heard of again... Then we have Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, PhD Jacob Trier Frederiksen, fusion specialist, REFUSES to acknowledge Petros Zografo invention... AND we can go on and on and (on)... Btw, its so, so, so simple, like making Colloid Silver or Hydrogen Fuel Cell; anode and cathode - place it in water (+-) add electricity runned by a powerful alternator or battery, rising air bubble, water molecule splits, out comes chemical elements, hydrogen and oxygen! Hydrogen (H2), oxygen (O2), pure clean water vapors goes out, left is hydrogen, bring it forward into the car-engine - c’est top. 1 liter pure clean water = 100 km... [READ MORE]... |

🤪🚗🔋🔌 ('Except stupid Danes buying up all 'battery-powered vehicles' they can get their hands on cause govt told them to do so.' ~ SoTW) GlobalResearch: Europe Abandons All-Electric Car Mandate. Stupidity of the CO2 Transition ~ Sept 19, 2023 ~ |

Europe Abandons All-Electric Car Mandate. Stupidity of the CO2 Transition - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization


France24Quartz, and the Wall Street Journal (paywall-free link) report that the EU abandoned its much-ballyhooed transition to electric cars, which was supposed to culminate with a total ban on gasoline cars in 2035.


The EU’s reversal allows “the sales of new cars with combustion engines that run on synthetic fuels,” which sounds very environmentally friendly. But synthetic fuels are similar to gasoline or diesel, so the decision allows internal combustion cars to continue being produced. While electric cars will still be produced and incentivized, there is no longer a 100% mandate by 2035.

This transition was announced with a lot of pomp:

The transition was supposed to go on for 13 years after its announcement in 2022 but was abandoned only a year after its adoption. What happened?

Prodded by climate activists, the EU was pressured to ban fossil fuel vehicles and replace them with battery-powered vehicles. The problem is that such a transition is impossible:

  • Transitioning to electric passenger vehicles will increase electricity demand by 25%.
  • Transitioning to electric trucks will further raise electricity demand to a total of 40% increase.
  • EU is phasing out fossil fuel generation and replacing it with unreliable solar and wind generation – thus decreasing power availability instead of increasing it to meet greater demand.
  • As cars and especially trucks are charged at night, solar and wind power cannot contribute to charging.

Are electric cars more efficient?

😈🛐⚖️ (HQ for PRIESTS, MASONS & DEMONS evil lair will STOP to exist. All their MONEY will disappear. JUSTICE will be MADE. 1.3 billion BELIVERS will go into SHOCK) The Vatican? A reading with Labradorite Crystal ball and Tarot cards. ~ Sept 19, 2023 ~ |