Jan 8, 2023

💝 (Things that make you go Hmmm... Nooo way, Hosay... Aaalrighty then!) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Video ~ Jan 8, 2023 ~ |

Richard Branson woke in middle of night to find Elon Musk barefoot in his kitchen - and holding his baby | UK News | Sky News

'The Ark': Dean Devlin's SYFY show official trailer | SYFY WIRE
ark » Search Results » Exopolitics

👁️⃤𓂀📐👌(Kartellets KO, det danske Frimurer-Forræderiet og Ego-traumaet) Folk ser spøgelser alle vegne, men kan ikke 'se', de virkelige trusler. Vi vil ikke 'se', det vi ikke ønsker, at se. Vi kan heller ikke være andet, end det, vi har lært! Det første, og det allersværeste er, vi skal gen-lære eller Un-learne, at give slip på, hvad vi har lært! Det er en meget hård genfødsel at acceptere, vi ikke skal lære af de bedste eller hvad vi får fortalt - men af vores eget indre trossystem ~ 8. Jan 2023 ~ |

HUSK altid remsen; DU er, hvad du har LÆRT.. Husk - DU kan kun SELV ønske om, at sætte dig selv FRI!... HUSK - der er INGEN, som kommer og redder DIG!... HUSK - DU er SELV, herrer over dit eget LIV!... SoTW

Editor's note: FORTSAT - Dernæst skal vi holde 'øje' med alle de små hints, Universet, giver os. Lige efter, at få opløst frygten, der skal fortælle computerhjernen, at vi har ret til at få frigivet alt den dårlige programmering, alt det vi har lært fra b.la. autoriteter, et helt menneskeliv og frygten af genkendelsesmønstret, ophævet. Man er hvad man har lært - men kan dog sagens genlærer når skoletiden er ovre. Og her, finder man ud af, i voksenlivet, om de 5 (eller flere) autoriteter, der har styret ens liv og indoktrineringen. Forældre, Skolelæren, Doktormanden, Præsten, og så vores politiker-autoriteter (og medierne naturligvis). Den spirituelle alder, hvis den har et navn, starter når man er 27-30 år gammel. Her åbnes op eller ekspanderes ens egen sjæle-bevidsthed og ikke kun egoet, forsvaret og underbevidstheden. Derfor, er der også mange unge mennesker i denne alder, som kan huske eller tænker tilbage på ens barndom, og hvis den har været dårlig, kommer alt op til overfladen og meget mere. Mit allerhøjeste ønske er, at min biodatter, Isabella, kommer tilbage til sin elskede far, efter hun har givet slip på sit vrede "monster" indeni og sluppet den hævngerrige mor, morbror. Er den moderne kvinde et forsmået sultent rovdyr, som holder mange døtre, tilbage, fra deres biologiske far? (omvendt kan mænd også være nogle ondskabsfulde sataner)... | 

Tre danske spisesteder har fået Ditte Okman til at græde af glæde: Det var så fucking fantastisk (berlingske.dk)
Poul Nyrup frygtede at se familiens hemmelighed i øjnene: Der var meget på spil | BT Film, TV og Streaming - www.bt.dk

Krigen i Ukraine fortæller os, hvorfor vi er en del af Europa (jyllands-posten.dk)

Dansk medie fjerner passage om blowjob og Sofie Linde: - Set i bakspejlet var det ikke okay - TV 2

(20+) Knud Knudsen | Facebook

⚔️🆚🕊️ (Putin says 'war' – aloud – instead of 'special military operation') 333 DAYS Between Start Of Ukraine War And Jan. 20, 2023! ~ Jan 8, 2023 (SOTW; Russian Official: Put "Zircon Hypersonic Missiles . . . 100 Miles from Potomac River"? 2nd version or doppelganger Putin controlled by WHs, calls for Orthodox Christmas truce & mobilize another 500K men. Lord Voldemort's Zelensky in Washington & Nazi-Nato allies rejects and escalate the War into WIII? Why haven't we seen an end to this conflict by Victory Day (9 May), 2022 as Putin promised the world? Because "Cabal" with U.S. Inc. and Military–industrial complex to send $275 million in military aid to Ukraine of 2023 and NATO chief, warmonger Jens Stoltenberg, Bilderberger's KGB "Steklov" worries war could become wider conflict. no shit, Sherlock! The very last battleground might be Cabal in the west with CIA controlled Ukraine vs. BRIC's in the East for Planetary Liberation. Putin has already destroyed D.U.M.B.s, tens of thousands Nazi-troops, Pyramids that belonged to Evil it self by aggressive Aliens, HQ of Cabal and there's over 40 biolabs owned and controlled by Cabal) ~ |

DENAZIFICATION - LEGAL BASIS - UN Charter Chapter-17 (rumble.com)


Posted By: EarthGrid [Send E-Mail]

Date: Saturday, 7-Jan-2023 15:28:59

Heads Up! There are 333 DAYS between the start of the Ukraine war (22/02/2022) and 20/01/2023! Your media love 33s and 333s. When something happens remember I called it!

Also: 322 days after 22/02/2022 is January 10, 2023 (Skull & Crossbones club).

You will see a big lie in the media related to this war overseas in 13 days or less. Huge.

Please stop believing lies.
Please have the strength to turn social media off.
Please have the strength to put your phone in black/white mode.

This social media war in the Ukraine has got to stop.
The US loses big when Russia wins that war..

👼 ~ 💕 (A must-read!) Matthew Ward Message: Escalating Activity ~ Jan 8, 2023 (SOTW; B-E-A-utiful. Thx Matthew and Suzy - just what I needed today. Matthew, says, that everything to rid Earth of darkness is progressing according to the divine plan conceived by the highly evolved souls in charge of the Milky Way galaxy in conjunction with the highest universal council🥰🍾🎁✨🛐) ~ |

[Escalating activity; NESARA/GNESARA; truths will emerge incrementally; Gaia’s ascension pace; tomorrow’s circumstances, leaders; crystalline cells; DNA]

Channeled by Suzy Ward
© 2023 matthewbooks

Editor's note: This is about channeled information on reincarnation, karma, extraterrestrials, spirituality & metaphysics from Matthew Ward through his mother Suzanne. It's so exciting how Matthew's messages resonates with me and many others. Catch the moment of truth and level of explanation easing to expand our understanding in our low density or world of 3D matrix of illusion. Similar to our Galactic channeled Sheldan Nidle messages and deceased Montague Keen (both Sheldan and Montague has stopped given us updates)

January 4, 2023

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Many are sensing “The air feels super-charged with change!” and that is indeed an apt description of activity worldwide to eliminate darkness. Last year’s noteworthy progress now is being escalated on Earth and beyond.

The light forces vs dark forces battle also is being waged off-planet. For many decades dark ones in some of your military organizations and corporations have been working secretly with members of other civilizations in space projects with negative intentions. Just as darkness on Earth is coming to light so it can be vanquished, so it will be with the dismantling of those projects that are using technology most think exists only in science fiction novels and movies. In the not-too-distant future, the technology will be used benevolently on the planet.

Everything to rid Earth of darkness is progressing according to the divine plan conceived by the highly evolved souls in charge of the Milky Way galaxy in conjunction with the highest universal council. It is at that height of divine order you were chosen to participate because you are the strongest of the billions of souls who volunteered. You don’t remember that you knew then you are pure love-light energy—the only “weapon” the darkness has no defense against—and well-experienced in the mission you undertook. Dear ones, trust what we often have told you: Simply by BEing, you are helping our Earth family transform their world—your light is that powerful!

🌌🖖✨ ('Gospel of Q. Written 500K yrs ago by The Council of the Seven Sages of the World.') Q CHRONICLES ASSASINATION ATTEMPT STAR TREK MAJESTIC 12 CONNECTIONS Jan 8, 2023 (SOTW; Yda I watched "Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)" since there's shitty movies all the time on the telly (Tel-lie-vision) and my internet is broken bad and I can't get into Fan Expos, World Fares, Comic-Con events or Star Trek conventions in Denmark or EU. First 15 min in below video is very interesting abt Star Trek: The Q Continuum. How, Leslie Stevens & Gene Roddenberry, created Star Trek series. Btw, I recall on SoTW Dr. Michael Salla (and Alex Collier) in which, I've meet a few times, talks abt it was Rodenberry, who based Star Trek, on Secret US Navy Space Fleet and how the Star Trek franchise was his relationship with a mysterious extraterrestrial group calling itself the 'Council of Nine' that were being channeled by the psychic Phyllis Schlemmer in the 1970s. Dr. Salla also talks abt William Shatner, globally revered for his role as Captain Kirk in the Star Trek franchise, being launched into space on October 13 2021, a likely cover for him playing a significant role in unfolding events on Ganymede (which is a whole other story). Anywho, after 15 min until end 30 min it gets a bit crazy and Sarge, laugh himself silly, abt true, but bizarre things, that has nothing to do with Star Trek) ~ |

© Verdensalt.dk - compilation - Aerospace and defense companies - Fox Mulder: "I Want to Believe"

© Verdensalt.dk - to give you an idea why 99,9% of Earthlings have not heard of SSP