Jul 31, 2018
EB.dk Nyheder | 31. Juli 2018 | ~ Lige nu: Politiet anholder mand med stor kniv i København ~ | (In English:) Copenhagen Police have just hunted and arrested a man with a big knife at Kultorvet in Copenhagen. "It was a big kitchen knife, almost a sable I would say," according to a witness, that called the police ... | Blogger: Oh No! We're Gonna Die 😱 BUT NOBODY GOT HURT! NOBODY!!!.. Ahoy Matey! Arrr! swing a plastic sable like a rrreal pirate!!! 🏴☠️ In The Name of Allah & Terrorism - O-M-G! - The never ever stopping Operation Gladio lead Special tactical suits danish SWAT police, attacking a innocent man, because he had a plastic sable in a train in April of 2018 😮 ... About a year ago, the Danish police flipped and wanted to arrest a Dutch tourist at a hairdresser, because he had a fake body-armor from an event nearby .. In April of 2018, a lockdown on a school outside Copenhagen, when two teenage apparently had a knife argument ... Also in April of 2018, The Island of Funen with Odense and Danish police forces, Preparedness Funen and a host of other authorities simulated a CHEMICAL ATTACK, at the Odense Congress Center and an terror accident at Odense University Hospital.. Further, 1 week later in April of 2018, a REAL attack happened in same island, where Fyns police action forces, with bomb squads and chemical preparedness, together with other authorities, completed a police operation in an apartment at Jægermarken in Svendborg ... Please don't buy into their FEAR-MONGERING ... "wake up sheeple" ... |
Fortune.com | Jul 31, 2018 | ~ Runs in the Family: Jeff Bezos's Parents Might Also Be Ridiculously Rich ~ | .. Jeff Bezos' parents may be ridiculously rich on 12,000,000% return on early Amazon investment .. | Blogger: [💰"The world we exist in is fueled by power, greed, by the lust to have more, ... It's a world that's run by the power to contaminate others." 🤑] ... Kinda sad and very disturbing, that it's even possible, on Earth to get that rich, while others starve and die in the streets... They're not alone, Amazon's CEO became the first person to EVER have a net worth of $100 billion... We have our own billionaire in Denmark (many)... But one greedy of his kind is the CEO of Nets A/S, Bo Nilsson, 720 million DKK, in one big chunk of funny-money, by betting or cheating on his companies stocks (share options), just before a Børsintroduktion (IPO)... The top CEO of ISS, Eric Rylberg, got 80 million DKK last year in salary, bonus, pension and redemption of share options... etc. etc....
Verdensalt | Archive | Jul 31, 2018 | ~ The most spiritually touching and inspiring flicks in 2000s close to tapping the universal truth? or just fantasy? ~ | Blogger: [📽️2018 - First Reformed - Directed by Paul Schrader. A slow movie classic which explores a rainbow mix of religious and spiritual themes!?📽️] ... “I find your lack of faith disturbing” - "When I left you I was but the learner. Now I am the master." (The Dark Lord - Famous Darth Vader)" ... Sooo ... Where Do We Find The Truth? If you can handle the truth and truly believe in your own spiritual self-mastery!!! Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy - in movies of course! 🎦 (too many choices 🤔) ... 🤩 Take 'The X-Files series' (Season 10, Season 11). TRY to really listen to the 2-5 minute opening monologue/introduction of x-files episode 1 in each season from 2016/2018 and you will discover the TRUTH!? ... 🤩 Avenger movies (next generation super soldiers & SSP wars) ... 🤩 2017 - Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (some say the movie and Spiritual Life depicts the REAL universe) ... 🤩 2010 - 'Green Zone'. "Green Zone" produced the 'American War' in a way that almost NONE has dared to do in a Hollywood studio ever: Its message was that Iraq's fabulous "weapons of mass destruction "did not exist and that neocons in the (deep state or real state) administration made up the lie and were ready to kill to cover their deception ... 🤩 2017 'Geostorm' - Hollywood introduction of 'weaponized weather' and geoengineering, dumbing-down the population ... 🤩 2014 - "Interstellar," Co-created with Sananda and One ... 🤩 2016 - Independence Day Resurgence, depicts elements of Alien Disclosure ... 🤩 2018 - Iron Sky: The Coming Race (Nazis on the moon) ... Spontaneous sci-fi controllers like Gene Roddenberry (Star Trek), Ray Bradbury (Fahrenheit 451), Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke ('2001: A Space Odyssey), Robert Wise's 1951 science fiction film classic ('The Day the Earth Stood Still') - still fanfic ... Lastly a important movie called "They Live" - Truth Sunglasses (1988)... |
Published Sept 12, 2015 by Verdensalt
I'm such a romantic soul.....There are so many movies out there that 'kinda' defies Hollywood/Illuminati's trend of most overbaked Clichés - psychological subliminal messages and censorship, to say at least... Romantic movies, though, still have a happy ending story.... however, that's what we really want, right? Besides the romantic storyline, everyone who knows Hawaii (City Of Light - Hana, Hanae, means Heavenly Joy) understand the significance of spiritual sacred place... like the mystic earth's energy was sacred ... Mount Shasta, CAas well as Sedona, AZ...... like the flick 'Aloha'
Anyways... from the very beginning of Aloha, Hawaii is painted as a magical, spiritual place. Tracy's son, Mitchell, repeatedly brings up the Hawaiian legend of Lono (characterized in the movie as a playful god) and Pele (a goddess of fire), and how their interplay leads to birth and rebirth. Mitchell believes that Brian may be Lono—a force who'll upend all their lives and put everyone on a new path (for better or worse).
Ng, who constantly brings up the fact that she's one-quarter Hawaiian, talks about the spirits of the land. When a window blows open, disturbing a military party, she credits the action to "Hawaiian leprechauns," who are said to come in with the wind. Driving at night, she and Brian come across the "Night Marchers," thought to be ghosts of ancient warriors. Ng tells Brian to stop and look down, because looking at the spirits (if you're not Hawaiian) means death. She and others talk about the sacredness of the earth, the sky and the bones of ancestors.
While on the island, Brian must facilitate a sacred ceremony, wherein a new graveyard can be consecrated under the eyes of local gods … but of course he himself doesn't believe in these island spirits. "Tell me you don't believe that the sky has the answer to every question," he says to Ng, and insists the Night Marchers were a reenactment of some sort. "I salute your elaborate system of denial, sir," Ng says.... I really love this movie.....link
Next is Interstellar.. My first reaction was VAUW! Should probably watch it a few times to catch the core of the symbolism and the many layers of meaning....My headline is captured from a conclusion on the film by Ben Kendrick from Screenrant.
Movie by Christopher Nolan's titled 'Inception' evokes deep traces of symbolism, mystery and future aspects of multi-dimensional partial worlds.....
If I had to put into words 'Interstellar', it would probably be trying to show the world in a post-apocalyptic condition where lack of food forces people from Earth into space, i.e. a state of the earth's impending doom. There is still a focus on the human drama about family the father of Matthew McConaughey figure who must leave her children to save the world, he believes. In return, Nolan here screwed seriously the visual buttons and displays both our planet and the universe around it in a grandiose overwhelming aesthetics. However, it seems that Nolan is out in more classical, epic storytelling than Alfonso Cuaron (Gravity) was with his existentialist space history... read more (danish).......
Matrix World Disclosure | Jul 31, 2018 | ~ Story of Your Enslavement 2 ~ |
Lost In A World That Doesn`t Exist - Story of Your Enslavement Visit Us: https://matrixdisclosure.com Those who truly lead the planet are a group of extremely wealthy, well-organized people who never appear to everyone. From there, from anonymity, they bind and untie the course of things. Those who have heard of them call themselves World Eye or Illuminati. Who are these people? How are they organized? How do they lead the planet? What are your goals? There are questions that I am trying to answer in the following. From the highest imaginable level of power, these Illuminati, unknown to many, govern almost unhindered. They make laws and revolutions, they set up governments, they decide what countries are disappearing for others to take their place. They “fabricate” new ideologies and even religions. It is said that they created the capitalist order, they also created the communist one. They enforce the international military and economic treaties, they change political regimes and state presidents, as some simple parts of a car. Their working method is simple but effective and can be described in 3 steps: PROBLEM, REACTION, SOLUTION.
SPACE | Jul 31, 2018 | ~ Why the Private Spaceflight Industry Needs More Lawyers (Op-Ed) ~ | .. Michael D. Shaw: If private companies are going to start exploring and settling the final frontier — building human outposts on the moon and Mars, launching tourists into space or even building luxury space hotels in orbit — the world will need clearer laws to govern the commercial use of space and more specialized attorneys to understand and interpret those laws... | Blogger: [MIC-SSP = 'been there, done that'] ... (NASA = Never A Straight Answer!!) ... IF, there's too much fuzz going on there, concerns and panic, hire in Alfred Lambremont Webre. He would give them a straight answer ... but they're not going to like it... |
Artist's concept of a possible colony on the moon. Credit: NASA |
METRO.us | Jul 31, 2018 | ~ What is the QAnon conspiracy and why is it resurfacing? ~ | .. An absurd conspiracy theory is creeping out into the real world, along with the threat of violence.. Believers in the bizarre online conspiracy theory QAnon are taking it into the real world, which has some observers worrying about the threat of violence .. | Blogger: The CIA controlled mainstream media’s tabloids has been forced to take on the QAnon conspiracy!?... 💪|
Energy Voice | Jul 31, 2018 | ~ MPs back UK Government plans to buy nuclear waste in national parks ~ | .. MPs have given the green light to plans which could see nuclear waste buried deep in vaults beneath national parks .. | Blogger: O-M-G! 👪☢️🤢...[🔥Alvorlig naturbrand - det brænder UNDER jorden. Store mængder knastør spagnum er med til at få naturbrand til at vokse under jorden sydøst for Aalborg. TÆNK, hvad der ville ske, hvis vi fik en naturbrand ved DTU Risø Campus i Roskilde og det brændte under jorden, hvor de opbevarer sprængfarlig radioaktiv affald!??? 💣] ... Godt man ikke får tappet sit postevand fra drikkevands- forsyningen i Roskilde eller svømmer i Roskilde fjorden. "En udsivning fra et atomaffaldsdepot ved Thise kan forurene Thise vandværk", ifølge en presse- meddelelse fra Skive. Christiansborg bakkede dog op om de fire kommuner, heriblandt Skive, som kæmpede mod at blive modtagere af et atomaffaldsdepot tilbage i 2012, sorteper blev nemlig Roskilde kommune ... 💭 PS: Placeringen af Danmarks depoter med atomaffald opbevares sikkert over jorden hos Risø. Skal tonsvis af atomaffald graves ned i Danmark? Selvom Danmark for årtier siden sagde 'NEJ TAK' til både atomvåben og atomkraft, findes der stadig atomaffald herhjemme? En hel del af det, faktisk, for på Risø-centeret ved Roskilde er der opbevaret mellem 5.000 og 10.000 m3 radioaktivt affald i tønder!!!!.I begyndelsen af 2017 skal Folketinget efter planen beslutte, om det danske atomaffald skal placeres i et mellemlager eller graves ned et sted i Danmark... Uddannelses- og Forsknings- ministeriet har bestilt geologiske undersøgelser i en dybde på 500 meter, og det forstås af nogle som om, at idéen med at slutdeponere det danske atomaffald i Danmark er genoplivet... Mens regeringen er igang, så kan de vel også bare hente de 200.000 liter dieselolie, lavradioaktivt spildevand fra en atomreaktor og kemisk og giftigt affald hjem til Danmark fra et 50 år gammel nedlagt base ved navn 'Camp Century' i Grønlands indlandsis som var del af USA's tophemmelige missilforsvar mod Sovjetunionen... En win-win-situation, USA forbliver vores venner og regeringen kan bortskaffe livsfarlig affald... |
LLWR operates the UK’s Low Level Waste Repository in West Cumbria on behalf of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and also oversees the management of lower activity waste throughout the country. |
Mystery and Discover VI | Jul 31, 2018 | ~ New Message From The Pleiadians 2018 ~ | Blogger: (I Want to Believe) -- Some say, Nordic aliens are humanoid extra- terrestrials purported to come from the Pleiades who resemble Nordic-Scandinavians (The Pleiades and the Andromeda galaxy).. Danish and Swedish Nordic Alien prototype of blue eyed, blonde-haired tall humanoids... Yeah! That's right 👱👽🌌... |
RT - Russia Today | Jul 31, 2018 | ~ UFO or old pier? Satellite PHOTO of round object beneath water off Greek coast has internet guessing ~ | .. A strange circular shape seen on Google’s satellite maps has created a stir among ufologists online, who are speculating that it could be a hidden submersible off the coast of Greece. The circular object was brought to people’s attention by the website Disclose.TV, which posts information about UFOs and aliens. According to the niche publication, the unidentified submersible object was viewed online using Google Maps in the Aegean Sea .. |
A satellite image of the mysterious object in the sea. ©Google |
Secureteam10 | Jul 31, 2018 | ~ It SWALLOWED An Entire Town... (This is getting scary) ~ | Blogger: Huge earth cracks, landslides and sinkholes opens up around the world ... |
Secureteam10 is your source for reporting the best in new UFO sighting news, info on the government coverup, and the strange activity happening on and off of our planet. Email me YOUR footage and help us continue the good fight for disclosure!
Three UFOs Caught on Camera from LAX-bound Plane (MUFON)
NN | Jul 31, 2018 | ~ Vaccine mafia targets Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s Mastering Vaccine Info Foundational Course & Training Boot Camp – WATCH at REAL.video ~ | .. (Natural News) Just hours after announcing the launch of her Mastering Vaccine Info Foundational Course & Training Boot Camp program, vaccine expert Dr. Sherri Tenpenny became the target of a massive “astroturfing” assault by pro-vaccine psychopaths who are desperately trying to shut down both the program and her website .. |
The Sun | Jul 31, 2018 | ~ 'DELIBERATE' DISAPPEARANCE? Flight MH370 theories – is the mystery about the Malaysia Airlines plane solved and what’s the latest? ~ | .. Wild claims include Vladimir Putin's involvement in hijacking the plane .. | .. Reuters: Malaysia civil aviation chief resigns over MH370 lapses .. |
Memorial boards at Kuala Lumpar Airport in Malaysia where messages are written and prayers are said for the missing Malaysian aircraft MH370 |
As a group of aviation experts have revealed what they believe really happened to the Malaysia Airlines plane, we give you details on other arguments...
BUMI YANG TERCINTA (2) | May 14, 2018 | ~ EXCELLENT MESSAGE OF AIRCRAFT MH370 AND MH17 (translated) ~ | Blogger: According to BF, this Malaysian-language website shows they know exactly what happened to Malaysian Air Flight 370 (In other words, we are going to have a world leader publicly state that the plane was taken to the U.S. military base on Diego Garcia, flown to Tel Aviv, then flown to Florida and repainted as Malaysian Air Flight 17, then flown to threaten world leaders in Holland before being blown up in the Ukraine in an attempt to smear Russia) ... |
8 March 2014
00.35am: Flight Malaysia Airlines (MAS) MH370 carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew members has departed from KLIA Airport and is due to arrive to Beijing at 6.30am.
1.19am : MH370 was able to communicate with the control tower at KLIA for the last time.
1.35am : One hour after departure, Flight MH370 was hijacked by Mossad (Israeli Intelligence Agent) using a remote control from a military aircraft called AWACS.
All Boeing aircraft have been installed with a chip called "QRS-11 gyro chip". this facilitates the aircraft to be controlled via the remote control.
AWACS military aircraft
The AWACS military aircraft managed to control the entire MH370 aircraft by using the remote control and then starting to turn MH370 towards the sea.
2.00am : Fariq Abdul Hamid, a flight attendant of the flight MH370, has tried to contact someone through telephone calls as it flies as low as 5000 ft in Penang's airspace on that day. It is understood that the Boeing 777-200 ER aircraft was flying at a fairly low altitude to allow mobile phone signals to be detected by a land-based telecommunication transmitter. The call was interrupted before the connection was successful.
4.00am : Residents of the Maldives islands have told reporters that they have seen an airplane flying too low and they say that the color is the same as the Malaysian Airline System.
READ MORE: http://bumiyangtercinta2.blogspot.dk/2015/11/terbongkarnya-misteri-pesawat-mh370-dan_15.html?m=1 (USE TRANSLATER)
Joni Patry Vedic Astrological | Jul 31, 2018 | Monthly Newsletter of The Galactic Center | News from the Stars | ~ August Spiritual Insights and Predictions ~ | .. August 2018 Predictions: Ground Breaking, Transformational Discoveries. Everything is HOT! Human emotion is at a peak and the earth begins to shake resulting in earth changes, earth quakes, tsunamis, extreme weather, storms and hurricanes. As predicted, the world is in a heat wave and fires are everywhere. This is due to the powerful extremes of fiery Mars conjunct Ketu. Both together are considered intensely fiery, so as long as they are in the same sign, the heat and fires will persist. There are so many astrological events occurring this month indicating another month of radical shifts and changes .. |
There are so many astrological events occurring this month indicating another month of radical shifts and changes. On August 11th, there is a second solar eclipse following a total lunar eclipse. This is what I call the eclipse season, which is the most intense time of the year. It always feels like the earth and its people are out of control. Human emotion is at a peak and the earth begins to shake resulting in earth changes, earth quakes, tsunamis, extreme weather, storms and hurricanes.
As predicted, the world is in a heat wave and fires are everywhere. This is due to the powerful extremes of fiery Mars conjunct Ketu. Both together are considered intensely fiery, so as long as they are in the same sign, the heat and fires will persist. They are in the same sign of Capricorn till November 7th.
When Mars and Ketu are together, it does indicate terrorism. Disputes over government rulings will instigate angry outbursts and attacks both within countries turning on themselves and countries against each other. This is a time of extremes in anger and rage.
Outrage and anger will be directed towards leaders and the governments around the world. The many changes implemented especially by President Trump will have major economic repercussions, but the outcome years from now will pay off. However, the economic storm now will lead us to a downturn in 2020. The economy will continue to rise and fall, which creates fear of what is to come. The major fall is not due till the end of 2019 and 2020 so there is still time to invest. And as the roller coaster continues, a surge of energy will bring an uprising to cryptocurrency. This fall I predict the value of bitcoin will rise again.
Mercury is retrograde adding to all the havoc of the eclipse energy. Mercury turned retrograde at 29 degrees of Cancer on July 26th, which marks a very volatile period. Mercury in the water sign of Cancer will bring out many emotional issues. The 29 degree marking is ghandanta representing drowning and out of control behavior. (Ghandanta is when a planet is in the last degrees of a water sign and the first degrees of a fire sign and literally means drowning).
When planets, especially Mercury, are retrograde, it is time to review and reflect on issues of the past. Furthermore, eclipses are a time when hidden issues are revealed. This is a time when family issues from the past will surface that have not been resolved. Be aware, this is an opportunity to heal emotional issues concerning the past that have kept you stuck in some detrimental way. It is time to heal those issues from the past that control and limit future opportunities and growth.
The eclipse conjunct Mercury retrograde will cause major problems around travels. If you plan to travel, be sure to be prepared for major inconveniences. The eclipse and retrograde Mercury are in the nakshatra Ashlesha, which further indicates problems with traveling, since Ashlesha is ruled by Mercury. I believe the major issues will revolve around storms and weather, since Mercury began its retrograde cycle ghandanta at 29 degrees Cancer.
Finanswatch.dk | 31. juli 2018 | ~ Estisk statsanklager: Danske Bank-anmeldelse er meget informativ og underbygget ~ | .. Politianmeldelsen af 26 navngivne Danske Bank-ansatte i Estland er meget informativ og underbygget, lyder det fra den estiske statsanklager, der nu har åbnet en efterforskning af sagen .. | Blogger: [🤐 Den implicerende magtelite, er sammensat af så indspist et miljø, alle har altid en klemme på hinanden 🔩] ... Betyder det noget, for Bankledelsen i Danske bank? ... (NEJ) ... Banker jagter besparelser: Skraldespande, kaffeautomater, direktionsmiddage og vandflasker under lup... (Selvfølgelig, toppen går fri, altid dem gå gulvet, som skal straffes) ... Danske Bank giver whistleblower frit lejde til at sladre til tilsyn ... (tror du på, at Finanstilsynet, tør følge bolden helt til tops - NEJ) ... Forretningsmand med milliardbeløb i klemme: Danske Bank var central hvidvaskbank. Danske Bank har været central i én af Europas mest omtalte sager om hvidvask i nyere tid ifølge forretningsmanden William Browder ... (ryger der hoved i toppen af kransekagen eller hos politikere - NEJ) ... Danske Bank vil sende indtjening fra hvidvask tilbage til samfundet ... (1,5 milliarder kroner. Hjælper det noget. NEJ. De har formøet at hvidvaske 58 mia. kr. og alle de milliarder, vi ikke kender til) ... |
LÆS VIDERE: https://finanswatch.dk/secure/Finansnyt/Pengeinstitutter/Danske_Bank/article10776804.ece
BREAKING | Sputnik News | Jul 31, 2018 | ~ Unknown Man Blows Himself up at Stadium in Belgium - Reports ~ | .. A man, wearing a belt of explosives, blew himself up at 8:40 a.m. local time at Stembert, on the heights of Verviers, on the Linaigrettes football pitch. .. | Blogger: Yet another FF Ops in Belgium!? Belgium’s Dutroux Pedophile, Child Rape Affair: A Road Map for Deep-State Criminality... |
"The police went to the scene after an eyewitness reported that an unknown person had blown himself up in the center of the football field in the Stembert area," the prosecutor's office stated, noting that there will be no additional information for the duration of the investigation.
The motives and circumstances of the incident are still being clarified.
Pkoi ?????— Kheire Meirane Amare (@kmeiraneamare) 31. juli 2018
Belgique : Un homme s'est fait exploser sur un terrain de football à Verviers: "Il est décédé" https://t.co/5lRdWQF30c pic.twitter.com/oOQPxvhqVc
"It would seem that he is a European in his fifties and a former career military officer," City Hall deputy mayor Hasan Aydin said.
The deputy mayor told reporters that at the moment suicide is being looked at as a priority, the authorities are currently trying to establish the identity of the deceased.
"Suicide seems the most likely reason for the moment because if he had wanted to cause casualties, the man would have chosen another place at another time," he stated.
Zingdad Update | Jul 31, 2018 | ~ Zingdad in the USA in September! PLUS the latest from Adamu! ~ |
So, SO much has been going on in my life since my last newsletter. And there is so much I could be telling you about that I don't even know where to start.
For one thing meeting your Twin Flame WILL turn your life upside down, I can assure you! :-)
So I find myself a little surprised that this first newsletter in a looooong while only really has two items in it. But this newsletter more than makes up for its brevity in pure excitement.
Well, for me it does anyway. I do hope you will feel the same way when you read what I have to share.
You see, I don't think it is possible for me to be MORE thrilled: I have finally put the details to bed and I'm ready to announce the dates and venue for the retreat I will be hosting in the USA!
AND, if that wasn't enough, the latest video from Adamu has also just been released!
For all the details on both of these items, please see below.
And please keep your eyes peeled for my next newsletter which will be coming very soon. I have JUST received a news update from Adamu that is... beyond startling. Without a doubt the most earth-shattering information I have EVER received from him. I am going to have to work VERY carefully with him to get all the info and to make sure I convey it correctly because this is big. Good news, for sure. But BIG!
But in the meantime, here it is: the fabulous news I can share with you for now...
1. Standing in the Light of Your Divine Self
Zingdad’s Hawaiian Retreat September 2018
- Are you ready to receive the keys to the deepest healing of your mind, body and spirit?
- Are you ready to learn how to release your hurts, your blockages and your victim states?
- Are you ready to discover your own Divine Light and to use that Light for the transformation of your being?
- Are you ready to know that the ability to heal yourself is your divine right?
- And do you feel called to be a healer of others too?
If you find yourself eagerly saying YES!
then this is for YOU!
Join Zingdad for 6 days and 6 nights of life-altering spiritual transformation in magnificent Maui, Hawaii.
Empower yourself with the tools that will serve your soul's journey all the way Home to the heart of the Oneness.
Learn how to perform SOUL RE-INTEGRATION healing upon yourself... and others!
AND BONUS! Spend each evening around the bonfire under the stars being enthralled by magical, heart opening stories shared by Adamu and friends!
Now read on to find out more about this amazing event and to book your seat here:
2. Adamu Speaks:
then this is for YOU!
Join Zingdad for 6 days and 6 nights of life-altering spiritual transformation in magnificent Maui, Hawaii.
Empower yourself with the tools that will serve your soul's journey all the way Home to the heart of the Oneness.
Learn how to perform SOUL RE-INTEGRATION healing upon yourself... and others!
AND BONUS! Spend each evening around the bonfire under the stars being enthralled by magical, heart opening stories shared by Adamu and friends!
Now read on to find out more about this amazing event and to book your seat here:
2. Adamu Speaks:
The 6th Sacred Step
Destroying the Illusion | Jul 31, 2018 | ~ GEOENGINEERING is Strengthening California Wildfires and Drought ~ | Blogger: ⚠️Heads Up!⚠️ Verdensalt.dk's interpretations of Military use of GEOENGINEERING PROGRAMS: Chemtrails!. Chemtrails! Chemtrails! - EN MASSE (Nanoparticles and Smart Dust, some still cycling up in the atmosphere) → California Drought! → Santa Ana winds → The Trade Winds → Superflamable Aluminium! → Fukushima Nuclear Fallout (flammable radioactive chemicals) → DEW (High-Energy Laser Weapon Systems) → HAARP (scalar technology) → Black Knight Satellites (Nikola Tesla technology) → SRMGI – Solar Radiation Management Governance Initiative → Solar/Planetary Object Simulator (why the white, overshinning sun, where is the old normal yellow/red sun!? Hiding the Nibiru object in our solar system?) .. PS: More water vapor attaching to the chemtrail particles, creates electric superstorms, floats, snow, hurricanes, hard-rain, thunder and hail storms etc ... Why do you think, Denmark, from Sweden to Japan, has drought this summer and wildfires!? It's NOT all natural guys, believe me... TODAY, Denmark has it's warmest recorded temperature - up to 33 celsius (91F), 21 degrees (70F) in the night time? Not recorded in 144 years... (all three videos are highly recommended to watch)... |
Jordan Sather (born 1990) in Bremerton, WA, is committed to empowering individuals through sharing knowledge of self and the cosmos. He is passionate about health, and coaches clients who want to become stronger individuals. He also writes for alternative blogs and news sites about new discoveries in regards to science, history, and geopolitics.
Live fra Bremen: Klaus Riskær | 31. Juli 2018 | ~ Vores reporter får en snak med Klaus Riskær. Han har ikke tid, han skal på Pub Crawl ~ | Blogger: [💸Riskærs Revolution, er ikke andet end varm luft i canal grande 🌬️] ... (☠️Dansk politik - totalitært regime - ureguleret lobbyisme hvor interesseorganisationer, ind- og udlands mastodont-virksomheder og andre berørte systematisk kommer til orde, grundet pengedonationer🕳️) ... Staten får penge ind via 4 metoder: 1. Direkte Skatter. 2. Formue og Ejendomsskatter 3. Moms. 4. Afgifter (og en femte: pengedonationer).... Så godt så langt... JA, der er en skævdeling og et skattesystem, som er ubrugeligt, der STRAFFER, den almindelige lønmodtager, og BELØNNER, de superrige og erhvervslivet... PUNKTUM... Men, INDEN vi tager vi de spirituelle 5D briller på forsøger at afdække, HVEM, der har kreeret disse sindrige matematiske komplekse pension-og skattesystemer, så er det Finansministeriet med embedsværkets dyre matematikere og StatsAdelen's drenge fra Rothschildsgruppen og FED's Walls Streets algitimer, som styrer landet... Altså, det jeg vil frem til, UDLANDET, betjener sig slavisk af der kolossale lukrative marked i Danmark, hvor Statskapital- ismens industrier bestemmer og hele systemet er STYRET, fra udlandet... Den danske Stat, har aldrig gået rundt og været brødflove. De har kendt kulør lige fra det 19. århundrede – 20. århundrede – 21. århundrede. Et rungende Ja Tak til det altdominerende USA's inderkredse og Patriarkatet. Og dermed også ja til NWO og de "hemmelige" selskaber - den store plan. Hvordan de hemmelige selskaber opstod og stadig styre den dag idag med pengesystem, Religion "deres", Industrier, Samfund, Politik, Efterretningstjenester, FN og New age til opbygningen af den nye verden orden... Glem et øjeblik om den lytter fra Riskærs Revolution, oprettelsen af nyt parti 'BLANK'. Om Riskær's Transaktion- og Værdibaseret Beskatning (TVS).. Om 'Gode penge', der arbejder for en pengereform, hvor det kun er Nationalbanken, der kan skabe penge, og alle borgere kan få en konto i Nationalbanken til løn og daglige betalinger.. Om JFK21, Mads Palsvig, Mærkesag nummer 1 "SÆT PENGENE FRI" = Folkeejet Nationalbank... o.s.v. o.s.v. . DET, man er nødt til forholde sig til, er, at VI i Danmark, er styret af enorme stærke kræfter fra udlandet... Too Big To Fail og ikke underlagt nogen former for lovgivning: Danske Bank, Nordea, Nykredit, Jyske Bank, Sydbank og BRFkredit. Kongehuset og Mærsk, PET, FE, Guld 1000 store virksomheder og Parlamentarisk immunitet i Folketinget... Vi bryder IKKE den ONDE cirkel, ved at opfinde noget NYT, alene i Danmark.. Her kommer de spirituelle 5D briller ind i billedet... DET NYE BUZZWORD OG BOMBESIKKERT SYSTEM HEDDER: ""Quantum finansielt computing"". Jeg har fået fortalt, at 50.000 mennesker, verden over, har under radaren, opfundet et nyt og sikkert system, der skal bare, trykkes på reset-knappen... NÅR, det bliver indført, bliver alle systemer nullified, og så kan Riskærs Revolution, gå hjem og vugge. Vi er nødt til, at have et globalt perspektiv ind i billedet, om et system, der er brugbart for ALLE i verden, som INGEN af de grådige magteliter, kan bryde... Rothschild 'systemet' fungere ikke rigtigt mere, måske kan bankerne lugte, at en ny global økonomisk afmatning lurer. Recession eller ej, vores brodne kar, Brøkreserve-bankvæsen, er på retur og et nyt system er på vej! Nedsmeltningen er allerede gået igang. Aktie og obligationsmarked er ustablit og fiat penge er yt. Papirpengene repræsenterer dog stadigæk en forpligtelse, der er reel. Denne forpligtelse er bare gældpapirpenge eller kontopenge om du vil. Banken skaber kun penge ved at abstrahere en reel forpligtelse. Penge er kun papir - ikke engang - de er bits i en computer. Dvs. de fleste finansielle transaktioner er genereret via algoritmer. Alternativet er en primitiv bytteøkonomi med guld, sølv og ædelmetaller som betalingsmiddel. Men det kan vi heller ikke 'endnu'. Det eneste bankerne når frem til er den digital tidsalder. Problemet er bare, hvis både den finansielle sektor og statsapparatet er pilrådden, som nu, så kan blockchain-teknologien være endnu et smuthul for et overvældende stort tryllenummer med maksimale profit og uden tilsyn - voilà - endnu et scam bliver født!! Men måske, måske er denne iver helt og komplet forspildt. Der er rigtigt mange som stadigvæk sætter sin lid til en amerikansk devaluation eller RV der via NESARA hurtig bliver en verdensom- spændende nulstilling af valutaer (GESARA) som også sætter gang i den juridiske start på et nyt finanssystem. Et system som har eksisteret i årtier, men venter på sin gyldighed... |
Riskærs Revolution
https://www.radio24syv.dk/programmer/riskaers-revolution/28344380/riskaers-revolution-31-07-2018Dagens debat starter med finansmanden, iværksætteren, levemanden og mediepersonligheden Klaus Riskær Pedersen. En revolution ligefrem? Ja, men ikke ved at tænde bål i gaderne og storme slottet. En revolution kan sagtens starte som en tanke eller blot et ord. En sætning, der bliver hængende. En digression, en mellemakt. Noget, der leder fra et sted til et andet, og som giver folk lyst til at tænke videre, fortsætte diskussionen. Tænke selv. Tale selv. Dét er Riskærs Revolution
TRMNRR \\ HenryMAKOW.com | Jul 31, 2018 | ~ Child-trafficked as a girl, Fiona Barnett exposes the participants in the Luciferian cult that operates as an integrated global operation ~ | Blogger: [Verdensalt.dk is bond by a Light Warriors knighty oath: Protect the weak and uphold the good. This code states that knights must defend the weak and the innocent, must protect women and children, must fight fairly and honorably, and obey their lieges.] ... I know, i know... sorry to bring this to your attention, once again.. 😕 It's harsh for your ego and defense mechanisms, even to consider, that sought evil exist in our world... In religion, ethics, philosophy, and psychology "good and evil" is a very common dichotomy... Think about Peter "Rocket" Madsen, the Danish inventor, the submarine murder or Anders Behring Breivik, the 2011 Norway, mass shootings.. They both, belongs to a 'satanic cult' (Was Rocket-Madsen and Kim Wall, active member of CopenHell?) ... Anders Behring Breivik (Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up?) ... These out-of-this-world disgusting people, are NEVER ACTING ALONE and has some childhood background, that makes them, who they are... Norway killer Anders Behring Breivik’s mother "sexualised" her four-year-old son, smacked him, and often told him she wished he were dead, child psychologist reports printed in a new book on the Norwegian killer have revealed... Kabbalah and Scientology are so yesterday... The latest fad of Hollyweird is Satanism itself, dressed up as a revival of the late occultist Aleister Crowley’s (1875–1947) sex cult, Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) or Thelema... You be the judge... |
Caption: I was prostituted to Meryl Street at a Hollywood party at age 14 years |
Fiona with parents in the 1980's
The Illuminati is not Exclusively Jewish
Witness Statement by Fiona Barnett
(Excerpt by henrymakow.com)
July 30, 2018
Child trafficking is run as a single integrated world operation. This operation is coordinated by the CIA in collaboration with British and Australian intelligence services....Retired NYPD Detective James Rothstein was appointed to the first US task force to investigate this child trafficking operation which, he found, went all the way up to the Whitehouse.
Detective Rothstein found that the CIA was behind a blackmail operation in which child prostitutes were used to honeytrap and compromise politicians, military brass, top businessmen, and key government officials. Rothstein, who arrested the key Watergate perpetrator, said Watergate solely concerned this human compromise racket, and specifically was an attempt to obtain a list of compromised pedophile VIPs and their proclivities that was held at the Democratic National Headquarters. I spoke with Rothstein who said he knew of an identical VIP pedophile ring that existed here in Australia, and that an Australian intelligence officer named Peter Osborne knew the details of this.
The Australian wing of this child trafficking operation is coordinated by ASIO (Australian Security Intelligence Organisation). During the 1970s and 80s, Labour Party politician, Kim Beazley Sr. headed ASIO's child trafficking operation. Under Kim Beazley's administration, I was prostituted, at age 6 years, to a pedophile orgy at Parliament House in Canberra, where I was raped by then Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, Attorney-General Lionel Murphy, and Governor-General John Kerr. During this same excursion, future Prime Minister Bob Hawke raped me in a suburban backyard near Canberra, and former President Richard Nixon raped me in the back of a US / CIA military plane at Australia's main military airport where Airforce One lands when it visits Australia.
After this, I was child sex-trafficked from Sydney airport to California, USA, in a cargo plane. I was gassed and stuffed in a wooden crate like an animal. During this trip, I was raped by media founder Ted Turner at a pedophile party held at Disneyland, and I was trafficked to the annual summer camp at Bohemian Grove attended by notable politicians, businessmen and other VIPs. I was raped by Reverend Billy Graham in a pink bubble themed cabin at Bohemian Grove. Billy Graham told me his good buddy Richard Nixon had recommended me to him. At Bohemian Grove, I was one of a group of children dressed as teddy bears and hunted for sport by men in the forest, to the theme song "Teddy Bears Picnic". I also witnessed the ritual murder of a woman by male guests dressed in black Luciferian robes.
I will now lay the foundations for explaining the relationship between pedophilia, child trafficking, ritual abuse, mind control practices, and the CIA's Project MK-ULTRA.
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