Peter Madsen, who created his home-made submarine, had sick videos of women being decapitated, a court heard |
Oct 4, 2017
The Sun | Oct 4, 2017 | SICK VID 'STASH' -- Danish inventor accused of killing journalist Kim Wall on submarine ‘possessed videos of women being MUTILATED’ | Blogger: Danish prosecutors working for the danish Police authorities, has just stated, that the submarine owner accused of killing journalist, kept ""snuff videos"" in his workshop.. Once again, the Rocket-Madsen, gets on world news coverage with its ability to get fair and accurate news coverage. Right? As i've predicted from the very start, Rocket-Madsen aka Raket-Madsen aka Peter Madsen, will NEVER be released from prison, never see the light of day! Why? Well, nobody, and i mean nobody, knows the complete truth of this case and the police are still withholding VITAL evidence. No matter if the danish police is using it as a FF Ops of some kind, or keeping a ""possible"" innocent subject incarcerated forever, we've just don't know. We could speculate, that the danish police will not release this ""kind of person"", because this case has gone VIRAL all over the world, and cannot stand a failure among the police ranks? Second, something very wrong about this submariners obsession, rumors, turning his flooding iron into a sexorgie, BDSM or satanic gameplay? We don't know that either. Third, the fact about why Peter Madsen has been grounded, never ever, to take his rocket project in space (low Earth orbit - LEO) is very disturbing to me (all his supporters and Big-Money Backers - GONE). Perhaps of the secrecy and MIC-SSP circus up there.. After the assumable hoax and FF Ops (2015 Copenhagen shootings Krudttønden attack), i've NEVER put my trust into the leadership and centraladministration which are using the militarized Danish Police force units, to control us all. I'm quite sure, the danish police bosses and bras are ""intentionally"" withholding evidence for this setup. I'm still not convinced that Peter Madsen is the worst indigestible liar and committed one of the biggest criminal acts, in Denmark's history. We The People, haven't' seen ANY evidence - only police authority and The Danish Courts... Remember, off the record, on the QT, and very hush-hush.... |
RT - Russia Today | Oct 4, 2017 | Elusive supermassive black hole ‘couples’ discovered by NASA | .. Several pairs of supermassive black holes have been detected by NASA observatories in a rare find that scientists say could shed light on how the phenomena produce the strongest gravitational wave signals in the universe. The ‘couples’ form when two galaxies collide and merge with each other, forcing their supermassive black holes close together .. |
NY Enhedslisten | 4. Oktober 2017 | Fakta om politikeres løn, pension og eftervederlag | .. Hvorfor skal politikere have pension før alle andre? Stop pensionshykleriet - deltag i kampagnen på .. | Blogger. Det er ikke partiet som jeg smider på min blog og fremhæver, det er de helt vanvittige pensionsvilkår og de hundredvis af ekstra privilegier, som politikerne har, og vi andre drømmer om. Vi ved med garanti, de fortier med hemmelighedskræmmerier bag ufattelige mængder data og mørklægningsloven, Statsministeriets særlige sikkerhedsarkiv samt skjul partistøtte. Ministeransvarlighedsloven er blot en skrøne... Check det ud... |
Hvad får et folketingsmedlem?
Løn: Et medlem af Folketinget har en grundløn på 51.358 kr. om måneden. Dertil kommer et skattefrit omkostningstillæg på op til 5.047,25 kr. om måneden. Det svarer til samlet årsindtægt på knap 740.000 kroner før skat.
Eftervederlag: Når et folketingsmedlem ryger ud af Folketinget pga. valg eller sygdom, får de et eftervederlag på 51.358 kr. om måneden i et-to år afhængigt af, hvor længe de har siddet i Folketinget. I det første år sker der ingen modregning for indtægter op til 134.596 kr. Derudover modregnes evt. indtægter, men der er ingen krav om, at ekspolitikeren skal stå til rådighed for arbejdsmarkedet.
Boligydelse: De folketingsmedlemmer som har bopæl langt væk Christiansborg, fx Fyn og Jylland, får ret til en særlig skattefri boliggodtgørelse på max 8.813,50 kroner.
Pensionsalder: Et enkelt år som medlem af Folketinget udløser retten til livslang politikerpension. Til forskel fra resten af befolkningen, der må vente til folkepensionsalderen, kan politikere få pension allerede fra efterlønsalderen. Hvis de blev medlem før 2007, modtager de altså pension, fra de er 60 år. Er de blevet medlem senere end 2007, så modtager de pension, fra de er 61 år.
Pensionens størrelse: Har man blot siddet en enkelt periode i Folketinget, så udløser det en politikerpension på 79.142 kr. om året. 20 år eller mere i Folketinget giver hele 347.008 kr. om året i politikerpension. Politikerpensionen bliver udbetalt, også selvom personen stadig arbejder og får løn eller modtager andre pensioner ved siden af.
Læs mere på Folketingets hjemmeside.
Hvad får en minister?
Løn: I 2014 fik statsministeren 1.464.148 kr. i løn, mens økonomi- og indenrigsministeren, udenrigsministeren samt finansministeren fik 1.288.450 kr. i løn. De øvrige ministre fik 1.171.318 kr. i løn.
Eftervederlag: En minister får udbetalt eftervederlag svarende til den løn, de fik som minister, i halvandet til tre år. Perioden afhænger af, hvor længe personen har været minister. Evt. indtægter modregnes, men der er ingen krav om at stå til rådighed for arbejdsmarkedet.
Pensionsalder: Et enkelt år som minister udløser retten til livslang ministerpension. Til forskel fra resten af befolkningen, der må vente til folkepensionsalderen, kan ministrene få ministerpension allerede fra efterlønsalderen.
Pensionsbeløb: Ministerpensionens størrelse afhænger af, hvor længe man har været minister. Bare ét år som minister udløser lige så meget i pension som ni år som statstjenestemand. Efter otte år som minister får man samme pension, som en statstjenestemand optjener på 37 år.
The Sun | Oct 4, 2017 | What is a P45, how do I get a new one and why did Lee Nelson hand one to Theresa May? | Blogger: En demonstrant blandt publikum overrækker Storbritanniens premierminister, Theresa May, en P45-formular (ophør af ansættelse, en slags skatteformular), da hun adresserer den konservative partiets årlige konference i Manchester den 4. oktober 2017.. Hvem ellers kunne trænge til en P45? ""Flid, fedt & snyd"". Vores egen Statsminister, Baby-Lars? Selvom Lars Løkke Rasmussen kan bryste sig af, at han har mere end 200.000 danskere FB-følgere, falder jeg ikke på halen over ham. Gør du? Hvem ellers? Den Irske PM, Leo Voldemort (Varadkar)? Premierminister som ""nægter"" til stadighed, at lade Amazon, Apple og Google betale Skatter. Irland, er berygtede skattely for hundredtusindvis af firmaer fra hele verden (Low CIT, tax incentives, evidence of large scale profit shifting). Overgår bl.a. Bermuda og Caymanøerne med med flere træskolængder. Her gemmer sig også Ronaldos milliarder. Hvem ellers? Jernkvinden, “Mutti” og den formodede afkom som Hitlers barn, Angela Merkel, som topstyrrer det total korrupte EU? Ja du hørte rigtigt. Hvad med Khazarian slavestat Israel og Zionismens højborg, lederen Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu? Hva med den franske PM. Bedre kendt som 'the candidate of Rothschild', Emmanuel Macron? Hvad med den japanske? Khazarian-Babylonian Mafia majonetdukken, "Shōwa Shōin" aka Shinzō Abe. Er de amerikanske bedre? The Donald vs. “Barry O'Bomber”? Den vestlige halvkugle af højprofilerede verdensledere, har kun ét mål. At bejler, nurser og synge Kumbaya, My Lord til magtelitens gigant-virksomheder. Husk på, elitens bedste trick er at overbevise os om, at den ikke eksisterer, selvom de figurer som kransekagefigurer på Støjbergs kagemand... |
BREAKING | RT - Russia Today | Oct 4, 2017 | Motorbike explodes outside Jordanian military attache building in Paris | Blogger: Barcelona attack: CIA warned Spanish authorities of possible Las Ramblas terror two months ago, reports suggest.. Now we're heard a few days ago, a possible attack was imminent in France - here we go!... |
A motorbike has exploded in front of the Jordanian military attaché building in Paris Wednesday morning, Jordan's Foreign Ministry spokesman was quoted as saying by the state-run Petra news agency, Reuters reports.
The explosion caused minor damage to vehicles parked in front of the building, the Petra agency cited the spokesman as saying.
He added that the Jordanian ambassador in Paris was reassured about the safety of the workers in the mission, where no one was harmed.
Tom Heneghan Update | Oct 2, 2017 | Multiple Shooters in Las Vegas! Paddock a Patsy! | Blogger: Please note, I'll send my prayers and condolences to all the victims of this mass atrocity and their families and friends in Las Vegas. PS: Please use your own spiritual discernment - why do we need to trust people within the military community who's trying to find out the truth? Well, you figure it out!.. The official facts do NOT add up in Vegas?... | Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert: Tom Heneghan just reported one of his sources said Stephen Paddock never fired a shot and was a Patsy! That was my guess when I saw the muzzle blasts of what appears to be at least 2 shooters at the lower levels (probably floor 8-10) near the center of Mandalay Bay! Get this out everywhere | Simon Parkes: Simon Parkes, life long experiencer of aliens, ufo's (family worked at MI5, NSA): After the dreadful attack in Las Vegas, shares in gun stocks have risen 3% as people believe it was staged to stop the lawful selling of guns and as a result have flocked to gun shops to buy them and ammunition making stock and bonds rebound at the exchange | Mike Adams the Health Ranger: First, ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack which has now killed 59 and injured 500+. Secondly, there are five things that just don't add up about the official reports on this event. Why did one "lone wolf gunman" have ten rifles? How did he get ahold of a full-auto machine gun? Dozens of concert-goers reported the presence of multiple shooters? Who warned concert-goers they were “all going to die” a full 45 minutes before the shooting started? The weapon you hear on videos was FULL AUTO, which is almost impossible to acquire through legal means? Why were the exits blocked, trapping victims like rats in a maze? Why did the shooter have as many as 10 firearms in his room? | The Guardian: Facebook and Google promote politicized fake news about Las Vegas shooter. The spread of rightwing blogs, claiming the shooter was an anti-Trump liberal, on to mainstream platforms is the latest example of hyper-partisan trolling after a tragedy | Fast Company: YouTube’s Top Search Results For Las Vegas Are Already Littered With Conspiracy Theories YouTube’s search results proclaim this week’s shooting was a “false flag.” | Fox News: Las Vegas shooter described as 'unstable' sent tens of thousands of dollars overseas. Why? | and TheGoldFish Report: Blood on victim which is rather unusual, as a standing position when shoot, blood should have been running vertical (downwards) NOT horizontal on her legs. Jim (veteran, former marine corps officer, supervision of 300 marine recruits, marksmanship training at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton) is not convinced that the shooter fired live rounds. Also very suspicious that the victims(s) on this pictures has been declared dead, that's a violation of medical protocol, they should have been rushed to a hospital, where doctors can make that determination (they did the same thing at Sandy Hook and Boston bombings). This Country & Western concert has a probability of 90% trump supporters, shooter had a Asian or foreign girlfriend, which must likely did NOT support Trump, all considered. Early rumors tells Jim, that the shooter was a far left Hillary Clinton supporter, so this could be a complete setup, if real, a huge embarrassment to the left-wing politics | Beforeitsnews: I’m not positive if this is real or bogus yet. But to all those in search of blood, guts and gore as evidence…..gunshot wounds are not like what you see in movies. It is very feasible to be shot and not spray tons of blood. In truth, some bullet wounds don’t bleed on the outside much at all... etc. etc. | x22Report: Certain facts in the Vegas event do not add up, there have been reports of shooting on the 4th floor, many witness say there were multiple shooters and how did the people here the gun shots over the concert noise. The corporate media is really pushing the gun control angle on the whole thing. Before the shooter identity came out, the authority came out and told all that he had 23 guns in his Hotel (including rifles, which has no long range effect to the concerts crowd). He legally purpose these many weapons. He has no criminal background, no mental illnesses, pensioned former accountant, they can't figure out a motive as of yet (besides he has converted into Islam, 1 month before). HighImpactFlix youtube channel listen in to the police scanner, there seem to be MULTIPLE gunman around (fairground and in the floors in the Hotel). Many local Vegans confirms this theory with multiple shooters, including an Australian citizen living next door to the shooter, Paddock (just like with JFK assassinations) | DAHBOO777 Youtuber: has discovered that there were a 'MANDATORY ACTIVE SHOOTER TRAINING' at Sep 30th, 2017 in Las Vegas. We've seen it before a FF Ops, drills takes place same day or days before (Precisely same template used under 2015 Copenhagen shootings Krudttønden attack). This is all orchestrated to push gun control and take your rights away in US. Many, many countries has already gun control, but NOT helping, since people who wants to buy guns, get it on the black market | SGTreport: PROOF: MEDIA & LAW ENFORCEMENT ARE LYING ABOUT THE VEGAS SHOOTING (476,358 views) | The Richie Allen Show: Meria: "It's Too Early To Say, But Las Vegas Shooter Has Classic Signs Of Manchurian Candidate." | ABCNews: Hillary Clinton slams NRA, gun silencer bill in wake of Las Vegas shooting |
ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL
reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly
propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions
Monday October 2, 2017
Multiple Shooters in Las Vegas! Paddock a Patsy!
UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that, as of October 2, 2017, the 2nd United States Civil War has begun as the Bush-Clinton-Obama Satanic Crime Cabal faces final decapitation and eternal damnation.
Multiple Shooters In Las Vegas! Paddock a Patsy!
by Glenn Canady
UPDATE: Tom Heneghan just reported one of his sources said Stephen Paddock never fired a shot and was a Patsy!
That was my guess when I saw the muzzle blasts of what appears to be at least 2 shooters at the lower levels (probably floor 8-10) near the center of Mandalay Bay! Get this out everywhere.
We are at civil war here and as Al Gore said – a lot of people are going to die in the next 90 days.
CONFIRMED! Best Video shows shooter on about the 10th floor! Paddock was a patsy! No shooting on 32nd floor! Official story is a LIE! Tweet to Trump!
Activist Post | Aug 22, 2017 | Over 125 Victims Reveal Massive Child Molestation Conspiracy And Cover-Up Within USA Gymnastics | Blogger: Tænk på de formodede sager med karakter af seksuelle krænkelser af børn og unge i sport og under DBU som aldrig kommer frem? DBU hører under Danmarks Idrætsforbund (DIF). Forbundet oplyser, at man i gennemsnit har 4-5 sager om året om grove seksuelle krænkelser og overgreb på børn, hvor der falder dom. I alt 52 sager på 12 år. Desuden er der 15-20 sager årligt om såkaldt uetisk adfærd såsom upassende bemærkninger eller sms’er. Og tallene kan være højere, vurderer lektor fra Børns Vilkår.... |
By Matt Agorist
A massive case involving over a hundred women and girls is shining a light on the horrid sexual abuse and cover-up taking place within the USA Gymnastics program. For decades children were “sacrificed” and their abusers “protected,” according to one of the victims.
Last week, former gymnast Rachael Denhollander called for a regime change within the organization. Denhollander is one of more than 125 victims, including US Olympic champion and three-time gold medalist, Aly Raisman, who are coming forward with evidence of cover-ups and abuse.
As USA Today reports, in a joint interview with USA TODAY Sports and the Associated Press on Saturday, Raisman said revelations of widespread abuse by longtime team physician Larry Nassar and the reaction by the governing bodies has colored how she views her sport.
“The people at the very top, that work at the office every single day at USA Gymnastics, they need to do better,” Raisman said.
“It’s making me sad,” she added. “I’m here to support my teammates because we got inducted to the Hall of Fame and I’m here to support the girls who are competing. I love the Olympics, I love gymnastics, I love the sport.
“But I don’t support how USA Gymnastics is handling everything right now.”As the Guardian reports, Nassar spent nearly 30 years as an osteopath with the USA Gymnastics program and is now in prison in Michigan after pleading guilty to possession of child pornography. Nassar is still awaiting trial on separate criminal sexual conduct charges in addition to being sued by over 125 women in civil court who claim he sexually assaulted them under the guise of treatment.
Denhollander and another former gymnast, Jamie Dantzcher, are demanding the leadership of USA Gymnastics be removed immediately.
“The painful reality is that no one on the board of USAG can be trusted on the issue of sexual assault,” Denhollander said.Culture of abuse at USAG had created institutional dynamics where over and over and over again predators were protected and the children were sacrificed....[READ MORE]
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