David Wilcock: All right. Welcome to “
Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host,
David Wilcock, and we have a special surprise for you: the insider who I referred to as Paul. And I can reveal for the first time that his name is Emery Smith.
And you may know him if you ever saw the movie, “Sirius”.
Emery, welcome to the show.
Emery Smith: Oh, thanks Dave. I'm so excited to be here – 10 years in the making of working with you and establishing a great relationship.
And basically, you're the reason that a lot of my progression in this field of undisclosed information has been brought to me.
And at the same time, it's time now to bring it forward, which, thanks for helping me get to that point, because, as you know, for the past three to five years, I was kind of just holding onto it.
David: Now, in the movie “Sirius”, . . .
Emery: Yeah.
David: . . . there is an autopsy of a little, six-inch tall, apparently extraterrestrial body.
Emery: Correct.
David: Who, in the movie, is doing that autopsy?
Emery: I was Vice President for CSETI for about five years, and what had happened was there was this being, of course, that was taken over by a civilian lab in Spain.
And the government actually did have it before anyone else, but no one knows about that.
David: Hmm.
Emery: So the thing was, the people I was working with in CSETI decided it would be a great idea to go over here, and “let's do an autopsy, and let's get some DNA, because if you get some DNA, well, that outrules everything. And let's get a major university to do it.”
So being through my background, working with tissue from un-Earth origin in these compartmentalized programs – I've seen over 3,000 of these things – that it was just a winner for me to be the person to go do the autopsy on the senior team.
And I was definitely also assisted by Dr. Steven Greer and Dr. Jan Bravo.
So they were, of course, the physicians there witnessing this and helping me harvest this tissue.
David: I don't think anybody will forgive me if we don't talk, at least in this first episode we'll get started, about how you came to have multiple medical doctorate-level knowledge from classified military programs.
Emery: Well, I . . .