Apr 28, 2021

🤩🤑🙃 ~ (Danske Guld1000 TBTF Butikskæder, Virksomheder, Kapitalfonde og Banker i ekstase) Advokater melder om kogende marked for virksomhedshandler (Watchmedier) ~ | Blogger: [🤜DET GÅR SKIDEGODT EGON, hvis man er én af Danmarks 1.000 største Bank-Medico-Tech virksomheder-guldæg, mens Coronakrisen er en bombe under selvstændighedskulturen🤛] ... Guldmedaljen, går igen, igen, igen til Bestseller-milliardær Anders Holch Povlsen, som nægtede at betale husleje, beskyldt for greenwashing, militærdiktatur under Nemlig.dk, hemmelige virk. i Kina og Schweiz og var en del af statens millionopkøbet af ubrugelige mundbind m.fl..... Fra 2020 absolut taber, til absolut vinder i 2021 er som ventet, Danmarks største og statens infrastruktur-bank, hvis STØRSTE aktionær er BlackRock, Inc., samt årsregnskab, lå på sølle 4,6 mia. kr. mod et overskud på 15,1 mia. kr. året forinden. Dog er overskuddet steget markant til 3,1 milliarder i første kvartal 2021. Til gengæld, skal de også have den ros, om de negative renter, så privatkunder skal betale for at have over 100.000 kroner på kontoen fra 1. juli, fyret en masse direktører, for at svindle, samt snydt for 1,500 ma. kr., der svaret til total indtægter og udgifter på de offentlige finanser, på et år. Det var nogenlunde dette beløb, der gik gennem bankens estiske filial fra ca. 10.000 mistænkelige udenlandske kunder i årene 2007 til 2015, der stadigvæk holdes hemmeligt og I-N-G-E-N i danske bank, er sigtet eller smidt i fængslet... Tro mig, mht. til de negative renter, følges op, af andre banker, såsom Nordea, der måske, bliver den næste. Husk på, vi er på vej mod det GREAT RESET - digitale bankbøger, pengeløstsamfund, algoritmer og softbots, kryptovalutaer, robotisering og digitalisering i et omfang, ikke set siden, panikken i 1907 og på opfordring fra JP Morgan og andre fremtrædende finansfolk, dannede Federal Reserve Act i 1913, hvorved Fed blev etableret som Amerika's centralbank... [LÆS VIDERE]... |

"I 2015 kaldte den legendariske Wall Street-investor, Carl Icahn, BlackRock for "et ekstremt farligt selskab." ~ SoTW

"Før finanskrisen var jeg ikke engang bekendt med navnet. Men i årene efter Lehman [brødrene] sammenbrud [i 2008] dukkede BlackRock overalt op. Overalt !," sagde Buchter." ~ SoTW

Danske Bank A/S – major shareholder announcement from BlackRock, Inc. 


...VINDEREN er DSV Panalpina A/S, transportkoncernen DSV, kunne annoncere opkøbet af det Kuwait-baserede Global Integrated Logistics (GIL) for, hvad der svarer til 26 mia. kr. Og hvis man ikke ved korrupt oliebranchen er under Kuwait og Saudi-ledet kulturen ja, så har man en del research... 

Ørsted-aktier giver energiselskab et overskud på 10 milliarder... Stærkt salg i Asien får Carlsberg til at opjustere, Kirk Kapital lander investeringsoverskud på knap en halv milliard, samt Overskuddet er mere end femdoblet i Sydbank i første kvartal... 

IMERCO A/S er fuldstændigt gået i svime over folk som shopper, Bilka-ejer lukrerer på corona og får rekordregnskab og Israelske Teva, der har danske Kåre Schultz i spidsen, hvis lønseddel overgår Lars Fruergaards – fik 75,6 mio. kr. i 2019, der i første kvartal fik markedets forventninger til indtjeningen, viser selskabets regnskab... 

Guldregn og Gulddrengen vil jo altid være 2 milliarder store bonus, Nets-topchef Bo Nilsson og Nets-medarbejdere, hvis Domicil lige er solgt til Forsvaret, for små 300 millioner, til aktiviteter inden for cybersikkerhed. 

Og vi ved hvad det betyder, det giver folk som skandaleramte, FE-chef Lars Findsen, endnu mere boldplads, til at snage og overvåge, danskerne... |    

🙏 ~ 💝 (Vaccine shedding, secreting or EMF-transmission between vaxxers and non-vaxxers) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Urgent! 5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 mRNA Experimental Shots Are Bioweapons and Discuss What to Do About It ~ Health Impact News🌟] ... Excerpts: "Ever since reports have surfaced in recent days that people who have chosen NOT to receive the experimental COVID-19 shots but have been exposed to those who have received them, and have suffered what appear to be infections coming from these fully “vaccinated” people, affecting mainly women who have reported menstruation difficulties, heavy bleeding, miscarriages, and reduction of breast milk, I have been watching my newsfeed to see if any of the dissenting doctors and scientists we feature regularly here at Health Impact News would address these issues. Fortunately, a team of 5 doctors in the U.S., all of whom we have featured in the past here at Health Impact News and are highly qualified to address this topic, just held a round-table discussion a couple of days ago to address these issues. The issues they discuss affect ALL of us in the U.S. (and around the world) right now, and it is imperative that you take 79 minutes of your time to watch this video (..).. |

💸💸💸 ~ (1.000 mia. kr. CV-krisen hul i statskassen, mens StatsAdelen, SydBank-DanskeBank-Medico-Tech og Amdi, skrældgriner) Kommuner sender millioner til Tvind - afsløret af en aktindsigt som kommunen.dk og DR har fået udarbejdet (2017 SoTW Arkivskabet) ~ | Blogger: [😟Noget der kan få mig heeeelt op i det RØDE felt er svindel eller 'soft korruption' i centraladministrationen👿] ... Vi snyder og bedrager og rager til os - like there's no tomorrow. Der bliver himlet op om en velfærdsstat, der kræver mådeholdenhed, generøsitet og arbejdsiver. Vi får at vide, at socialt bedrageri koster staten milliarder. Tilflyttere skal ikke koste kommunen noget. Kommunerne sparer på velfærden, hæver skatterne, mens der ligger milliarder på kistebunden, der sporløst forsvinder og alle der holder med "Else", kender rumlen af råddenskab i plejesektoren. Alle de kloge, som bedrager os - de mindre kloge, er mere optaget af, hvor mange penge man kan hive ud af kommunekassen, i stedet for at bidrage til den. For når naboen kan, så kan jeg også, virker det som om.. Det er nemlig ikke vores penge, men skatteyderens pengepung - et stort ta-selv-bord... Bettina Jensen og Britta Nielsen, hendes børn, (hvor er det bare synd for dem) Rigspolitiet, og alle hendes veninder snyder os. Kom.direktører. Borgmestre. Sygehusfolk. Kommunale havne. Det kommunale affaldshierarkiet. Hele hærskaren af embedsfolk og Politikere. Så lige på journalista.dk, at selv den selvudråbte heltinde, Lisbeth Zornig, der bekæmper fattigdomsbekæmpelse, scorer over 30.000 kroner for foredrag på biblioteker og i børnehaver. ALLE som har en lederstatus eller har erhvervet sig en eller anden form for magtposition i Statsadelen, får åbenlyst overdraget nøglen til Joakim Von Ands' skattekiste, har snablen dybt begravet nede i den offentlige pengetank, fordi de ligger frit tilgængeligt. Nu, også Tvind koncernen, er du overrasket?... [LÆS VIDERE]... |


Hentet fra: https://www.verdensalt.dk/2020/07/kommuner-sender-millioner-til-tvind.html

... Det er ikke længere et tænkt eksempel, når alm. borgere skyder penge til Statsforvaltningen-Kommunen-Udt.Danmark-SKAT.

Skylder du penge til Staten, Fx børnebidrag eller uddannelsesbidrag (som et eksperiment), bliver der slået HÅRDT ned. 

Som min advokat siger. ""Pas på - retsstaten tror ikke på man kan leve af ingenting"".. 

Staten har adgang til ALT, fordi vi er overgået fra analoge borgere, til digitale.. 

Staten kan tjekke; din danske indkomst, aktuel lønindkomst, pensionsudbetalinger, dagpenge og lignende indkomst. Yderligere kan der også hentes oplysninger om pensionsindb., renteindtægter og anden kapitalindtægt. Oplysninger om personlig erhvervsvirksomhed i Danmark, hovedaktionær eller hovedanpartshaver i et selskab i Danmark. 

Og i sidste ende, kan Staten konfiskere dine penge på din bankbog, ligesom de gjorde med Kasi-Jesper og Pandora-sagen. Det er IKKE et tænkt eksempel, det er VIRKELIGHEDEN. 

Det ser ud til, at de store hajer svømmer frit rundt, og æder sig mætte af små uskyldige fisk, som forsøger at leve et helt almindeligt liv. 

Har man venner i Statsadelen, kan man leve som baroner...

Amdi er den nye Epstein, der også boede på Miami i skjul med sine millioner af dollars, som har snydt og bedraget os alle og ødelagt børn og unge mennesker i årtier. 

Nu er jeg grov, siger du? Sæt did ind i Tvind emperiet og alle deres skandaler, så vil du forstå....|

💊🕳️🐇 ~ (Swallowing the Red Pill: 'Trump and the Alliance** to the rescue') Obama/ Biden/ Clinton/ Pelosi White House Pedophile Ring Uncovered by Wikileaks (By Judy Byington - Beforeitsnews) ~ | Blogger: ... Thanks to my 50-years of experienced holistic ND for sharing, is caring... I know, I know - read it or leave it... If you can't handle to hear about rape, torture and human sacrifice of children in Satanic rites, stop right there and move on... And it's not like PFC, Cobra RM, The GoldFish report, Benjamin Fulford and many others, are not telling you all these things... Sometimes curiosity didn't kill the cat, instead of rejecting it all, try to take this mind-blowing claims by reading it, step-by-step and then do you own research... If you're not spiritually mature, or not ready, leave it behind, and return, when you are prepared, to take it in... Same goes for all our Guides or Spiritual channelings or daily intake of MSM... SoTW only post these things, because i'm not a woman, like my 2 former girlfriends, who meditate 5 hours a day, go to retreats, attend or offer courses, doing spiritual healing courses (or esoteric tantra yoga example) and only sent out love - but that helps as well, of course.. I could, and I AM doing some meditation, always do my daily routined protection, call in my spritual guides for help and Declare and Decrees, every day... Buuutt, how can you do home study program for spiritual advancement, esoteric knowledge, and self-improvement, if you don't know the thousands years of Evil, lurking behind the scene?. How can you wake up, if you don't know, that you need to wake up?. That is why, SoTW is still posting material, for people to realize, that we are NOT out of the woods yet, the EVENT, has not transpired, we are not yet Ascended and Transmuted Humans Crystalline DNA, yet. I'm sorry to tell you, right now, we are in one of HU-manity's worst battle ever encountered on Mother GAIA trying to leave 3-D and enter into 5-D with a Galactic war in SSP-SPACE. You might say, well, we have all experienced it before in all our lifetimes of reincarnations, reentering “The Soul-Trap 3-D Matrix", over and over and over again. Yeah, but 'THIS' time period counts and millions of star beings are waiting in Orion's Belt, Healing Moderships are assisting in removing the Corona, in LEO, for the BIG BANG to Create, Liberate, Transform, Earth, away from a Prison-Planet, into something so unique and beautiful, that is hard to imagine... |


“We have hard proof that President Obama ran a pedophile ring out of the Whitehouse” said Julian Assange in a Fox News Hannity bombshell report on Sun. 25 April.

“…a young boy the age of 5…will make the perfect catamite for the president” read a Wikileaks email to Obama according to Assange. “He will arrive from Romania on Tuesday. I’m sure the president will be pleased.”

Other notables named as being involved in the pedophile ring were Bill and Hillary Clinton, Tim Kaine, Elizabeth Warren, Jimmy Carter, Harry Reid, Ben Affleck, Cory Booker, Al Franken and Nancy Pelosi. Trump Attorney Lin Wood included Chief Justice John Roberts in the group. https://undergroundreportorg.wordpress.com/2017/02/20/wikileaks-obama-ran-pedophile-ring-out-of-whitehouse

Child trafficking by the Obama/Biden Administration using the Clinton Foundation was well known in the intelligence community. The extensive network of Child Sex Trafficking was believed organized by the Black Hats, or Illuminatti* at the Vatican and funded by the CIA Black Budget and Chinese Communist Party Child Trafficking Ring.

Apparently their ring extended to trafficking children caught at the border, those who went by submarine to Biden-owned Water Island that lay next door to Epstein’s Pedophile Island, DUMB tunnels that ran beneath every capitol city in the nation and globe and included an underground tunnel system under Biden-owned property in the Ukraine and another buried two miles beneath the White House.

⭐💃⭐ ~ (Too Many Secrets) Marilyn Monroe's Book of Secrets Documentary: Kennedys, UFOs & Murder (Jay Myers Documentaries) ~ | Blogger: [👉SoTW's 3 top 'murdered' woman who changed the world: Princess Diana, America's Pop Princess, Whitney Houston & Hollywood actress-turned-princess, Marilyn Monroe👈] ... {SoTW was VIP-close, but no cigar, to Whitney Houston at a concert with Crown Prince Frederik in 1988 at Valby Hall in Copenhagen} ... No, no no you are dead wrong, most people would say to SoTW... The three top woman who changed the world must be former First Lady, Michelle Obama (a.k.a 'Michael' LaVaughn Robinson - a gay, transgender, tranny or transsexual). Oprah Winfrey (another DS NWO puppet like 'Michael' and Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton). The Supreme Chancellor of Germany, EU & G8, Angela Merkel (born with frozen sperm from Hitler, who was a Rothschild. Stasi GDR file, Doctor Klauber)... I'm not making this up, this is years of research, but of course, very, very, very hard believe... ONE thing's for sure, I don't trust the official reports; cite a barbiturate overdose as the main cause for Marilyn Monroe's death, Whitney Houston 's official cause of death was due to accidental drowning by cocaine contributes to heart disease and Diana, Princess of Wales, died from the injuries she sustained in a car crash in the Pont de l'Alma tunnel in Paris... To sum things up, in terms of these three pillars, they all have one thing in common more than anything else - too many secrets - and died under extreme mysterious circumstances... PS: These documentaries about intriguing topics from secret societies to artificial intelligence and ancient mysteries, are highly recommended to watch.. |



Marilyn was a woman of many secrets, secrets she recorded in her little red book. What did Marilyn Monroe know that made her such a threat and did it lead to her mysterious death? From her affairs with the Kennedys to UFOs and mind-control, forget what you think you know about Marilyn Monroe!

💉💉💉 ~ (Corona-Corporation Media Propaganda?) Why India's Covid crisis might not matter to the whole world (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Eyewitness: "People are not dying in the streets - what we have here is RESTRICTIONS - it's not like people can't take care of anything or dying in the cities - it's MANIPULATION. Unless you don't see it with your own eyes, don't trust the media" ~ woman from video👈] ... {Oil drops from one-mth highs on demand fears as virus surges in India - The oil market fearscollapse in oil consumption in India - MSM media} ... Can you compare the number of India's death rates to the rest of the world? Nooo, there's around 1.366 billion (2019) citizens... We are all "dying" sorry the "expression, for not "knowing" what the heck is going on... Yes, SoTW, belongs to the category, “Anti-vaxxer” that refers to people who disagree with the use of vaccines for a variety of reasons. Expecially CV-vaccines. For example, some view vaccines as an infringement on their human rights...If I may be so bold as to say, the harrowing scenes from India that have shocked the world, as the country struggles with soaring cases of Covid, could it be, because Asian Indians, have taken the Corona-Vaccines? (check the Telegram messages)... 🙉FACTS: Just remember, about 25 per cent of deaths in the age group of 25- 69 years occur because of heart diseases, in India. Then we have, air pollution, that is now the fifth largest killer in India, killing 620,000 Indians every year. And a lot of other factors, like the largest source of water pollution in India is untreated sewage... 🤔Please remember, India counts for 1,7 percent of world trade, that is the same size as Belgium. However, India's stock market now 7th biggest in the world as BSE m-cap surges to $2.7 trillion. So could this be Davos-Rothchilders trying to destroy India's businesses, because, they are part of BRICS? India's largest export is petroleum oils plus gems, precious metals. Everytime we see US of A Inc. takeover of a country, it's because of oil. You see, NATO's Gladio-Enabler, Jens Stoltenberg aka "Steklov", former KGB-agent, and the Globalists are in WAR with Russia. But at the same time, the Corona-Corporation is runned by CCP - oh man - the world (drama) is so complicated... [READ MORE].. | |


Excerpts: 📑"Tuberculosis is on the rise in India as a result of, among other things, lockdown - with many family members close to each other for far too long. It increases the infection very markedly for tuberculosis. And the expectation is that the birth mortality as a result will increase significantly over the next periosd of time. In the same way, we are also seeing a marked increase in the number of people infected with measles and polio. Also two very ugly infectious diseases which are far worse than COVID-19. Not least when it comes to children and young people."📑 (..)... 



👩‍⚕️Vibeke Manniche, a Danish Doctor, PhD, consultant & lecturer, are saying in her latest blogpost, that 'tuberculosis, measles and polio on the rise due to COVID-19 - not least in India.'. 

🙏PS: With all due respect to the fine danish doctor, I still believe, it has something to due with the vaccination program. India has so far administered more than 127 million doses of a coronavirus vaccine in what is the world's largest inoculation drive. India is currently giving jabs of two vaccines - one developed by AstraZeneca and one by Indian firm Bharat Biotech (Covaxin). In April, a third vaccine - Russia's Sputnik V - was approved for use. Several other candidates are at different stages of trials... 

⚰️NOT LONG AGO, Bill Gates (& Melinda Foundation) was banned from entering India because of the testing of polio vax in 2000-2013 (rumor has it, that BG was later executed or hanged in July 29, 2013), that has left 496,000 Indian children paralyzed, many died... Another bizarre rumor, about Robin Williams acting as Melinda Gates???... 

🔎As always, you be the judge - do your research... |