So as you’ve probably heard by now … the White Hats (with a ‘bit of help’ from our energetic/timeline support through past mass meditations) have taken out a huge, and possibly the last primary base the Cabal/Chimera/Draco had.
Be assured … that such big breakthroughs on the physical plane are more like inevitable 3D-physical ‘symptoms’ of the upgrades in energy … thanks primarily to what you & I and your comrades in the 144k do.
So I’ll be covering that, also in terms of how WE must handle such events, to truly capitalize & quicken planetary liberation.
On this week’s episode of Ground Crew Command … I’ll also be delivering an interesting (and somewhat liberating) lesson on how to resolve the frustrating confusion from conflicting - circulating intel …
... by deciphering & accurately applying discernment a certain way & with more ease.
Plus … crucial revelations about DNA Activation that aren’t often spoken about, to unravel your freedom (more on that in the news section bellow)
Special guests this week are:
MedicaHealth Experts Catharina Jansma & David!
Who will talk to us about their amazing new healing products.
Based in the UK, they are pioneering sacred geometry based technology into mainstream applications.
Here's just a taste of what they'll share:
The Assemblage Point
“ … The Assemblage Point is the very centre of the human electromagnetic field, the point at which a vortex emerges and where life force energy is able to enter the electromagnetic body. Normally located on the breast bone, the exact location and angle of entry has a direct effect on a person’s energy and is linked to activity in the body’s organs and glands, including the brain. For this reason, the behaviour, feelings and health of every person on Earth are directly affected by the Assemblage Point …”