Jan 6, 2022

📰🍿❌ ~ (Priceless information about Kazakhstan) ~ | Blogger: You know what? Kazakhstan not laughing at TV's 'Ali G' (is too stupid to really exist). SoTW not trying downplaying or ridicuring what is going on in Kazakhstan - this is very, very serious - officers beheaded, protesters killed as government offices are targeted amid unrest, I'm not sure, I believe in all of that. I looks to me, that it's a White Hats op, if it's true, Kazakhstan has fallen and second largest Illuminati Capital of the New World Order & Bitcoin stronghold overthrown. Buuutt, how the hell should I know? From an outside perspective, it sounds more and more, like a false flag coverup; reminds me on the MSM and officials narrative about the events in late 2013 and early 2014 in Kiev, Ukraine? (US that staged a coup - false flag event). My ex-wife was from Ukraine and stories about dictatorship, poverty, inequality and corruption, seems also present in Kazakhstan. And perhaps, like (DC) below, it runs very deep in the black-blooded NWO and banking mafia (like The Black Nobility are the oligarchic families of Venice and Genoa)... |


UPDATE 7/1/2022:

 Kazakhstan crisis: Police told to 'shoot to kill without warning' to end unrest, says president


Restored Republic via a GCR as of January 6, 2021

Compiled Thurs. 6 Jan. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

“The Storm Has Arrived.”
…President Donald Trump

Kazakhstan Has Fallen,

Illuminati Capital of the New World Order & Bitcoin Stronghold Overthrown Wed. 5 Jan.

Game Over

Silver Alert!!!

White Male, 78, Wandering in DC Who Thinks He’s President.

Patriotic Music (thetabernaclechoir.org)

I Think the World Is Glorious | The Tabernacle Choir – Bing video

Judy Note:

A. Thurs. 6 Jan. 2022:

  • One year Anniversary of Protest at US Capitol (protestors infiltrated with members of ISIS and Black Lives Matter believed directed by Deep State FBI, CIA, Capitol Police, Nancy Pelosi and company).
  • FEMA to conduct “Nuclear Detonation Drill” (with Trump now having taken control of FEMA).  
  • The Jan. 6 Distraction: Glenn Beck & President Trump on “Overcoming America’s Real Challenges”| Ep 159: https://blazetv.com/glenn

B. News Highlights:

On Wed. 5 Jan. 2022 protestors succeeded in taking over the government of Kazakhstan, the most dominant nation of Central Asia and Illuminati Capital of the New World Order next to Israel, Ukraine, Switzerland, Vatican, City of London & Washington DC.

Kazakhstan used Hollywood to create a fake image of Kazakhstan, while building a high-tech New World Order Headquarters in Astana (a Satan) capital city. Kazakhstan was part of the Silk Road by Chinese border & Bitcoin mining was moved to there when China banned BTC mining earlier this year. The Alliance was shutting all that down right now. Power Deficit Forces Crypto Miners to Leave Kazakhstan. Kharzarian Mafia:  https://news.bitcoin.com/power-deficit-forces-crypto-miners-to-leave-kazakhstan/ https://t.me/DUMBSandUnderground/14648 https://t.me/DUMBSandUnderground/14622

🙏 ~ 💝 (Nu kan det fandme være nok, då!) Dagens Spirituelle Motivationscitater eller Livets Sandheder (SoTW DK) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Hvorfor skal børnene straffes igen (igen)? Bornholmsk skole opdeler klasser efter piger og drenge! Alle elever fra 1. klasse og op anbefales at blive testet to gange om ugen. Båder på skoler, DEMA-camp og hjemmetests. Feminismens konstitueret børneminister-betonlebbe, Pernille Rosemary, vil holde børnene til deres stamklasser, lege i særlige legezoner i SFOen og alt skal sprittes af, som var det under pesten, indtil April... HELT INDTIL APRIL 2022??? O-M-GOD! (ligesom Speaker Allan, ville have sagt det). Dagen derpå, hvor kæben faldt til jorden, efter hele landet er farvet rødt på SSI's smittekort. Meeen, SSI's Frau-Krause og WHO er fuldstændigt enige: Coronapandemien er SLUT i Februar, jo hun sagde 2 måneder, og det er gået verden rundt. Meeen, CORONA-BABY må ikke dø!. Badebolden, Virolog Allan Rand-mig-et-vis-sted; forventer restriktioner ind i foråret... [LÆS VIDERE]... |

Velkommen til virkeligheden: Omikron ligner mere og mere en forkølelsesvirus...

Du ved godt at Mørke-Mette har brugt misvisende indlæggelsestal til at lukke landet ned, ikke? og Pelle Pape, slettet (mink) sms'er i mange år?

 Jeg sidder tit og tænker på, når hele skidtet afsløres og falder til jorden, hvad bliver vores "autoriteters" borglamme undskyld? Vi ved godt hvad Sundhedsstatens retorik udspekuleret vrøvl forskriver; de var heeelt uskyldige og vidste intet, de selv, blev ført bag lyset, undskyldende, bedende om forladelse... 

Hvad skal de 250.000 danskere som arbejder med sundhed i dag, beskæftige sig med i fremtiden, når hele Rockefeller Medical- og Corona Sundhedsmafiaen bliver hængt op i lygtepæle og vacciner og medicin bliver bortskaffet og erstattet med Naturlægemidler samt Med-Beds??  

Hvordan skal de arme forældre forklares sig ud af problematikken, overfor Deres børn, at det hele var et kæmpe scam og de selv, blev suget med ned og levet på bølgen, når skammen bobler over? De fleste børn er jo dybt loyale over for deres forældre, uanset hvad der sker... 


DET ER ALTID UNGE OG BØRN, det går ud over (ældre og svage). Især under den danske udgave af CCP-Corona-Corporations Agenda og dem, som stortset, aldrig, påvirkes af "Corona". 

Små børn skal ikke tage ansvar for håndteringen af coronakrisen. De har brug for at mærke den tryghed, der ligger i, at de voksne har styr på det. Men hvis forældrene er samfundsudskammet, stresset og ængstelige, bliver børnene sgu da også. Forældre, med bumse-mundbind, testet hver anden dag og vaccineret 3 gange, gør børnene, ikke det modsatte, vel? De efterligner og er som et spejl på væggen. 

🙏 ~ 💝 (New year, new coronavirus term? Flu + Coronavirus = 'Flurona' (Tombola) coming to a town near you!) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: The 'Movie' or 'Shitsshow' is not over you say?... 1st seen in Israel - dot-connector... 'OMEGA' or 'OMICRON' the 'MORONIC' strain that turns into a mix of the two diseases COVID-19 and influenza, dubbed "FLURONA" ... Variants of SARS-CoV-2 of a nonexistence, not-living and none-isolated virus, which no-government are able to proof exist: FIRST there was Alpha (lineage B.1.1.7), next Beta (lineage B.1.351), next Gamma (lineage P.1) next Delta (lineage B.1.617.2) next Omicron or (lineage B.1.1.529). Now 'Flurona' found in Israel and America and who's next?? 🙄 - The dying Human Cabal are using the fears of Sheeple, especially the many, many cowards among us, to manipulate their actions. Buuutt, how much is "white hat" operating and /or "Dark Hat"?. Think about that. Was Omicron engineered by WHITE HATS as a self-spreading ANTIDOTE to end the covid pandemic?... Went-World-Viral: SSI Denmark: could return to ‘normal life in two months’. Head of department and senior consultant at the State Serum Institute (SSI), Tyra Grove Krause; Denmark, could return to normal life by the end of February 2022 despite the country's current soaring Covid-19 infection numbers, a leading health official said... |



😮🛸🙃 ~ (Been there, Done that!) This Just Happened at AREA 51… (LUFOS censored Archive Nov 2020) ~ | Blogger: [👉Hancock - Call Me Crazy Ooone More Time👈] ... Actually, for me, Storm Area 51, was not so much Storming Cabals hideout or locate Aliens, but rather, to Storm the Spiritual parts of America - not camping in the Nevada desert (dumb idea anyway)... We should properly all forget about Area 51 or S4 facility, there's way more important planetary concerns to direct your attention to. Like the SSP wars, (Secret Space Programs) Antarctic ruins and Ashtar Command base hidden in Jupiter’s clouds (the Galactic Federation of Worlds)... I did however manage to locate the Little Alien cafe and also went on a (crazy) guided tour, years prior, in 2017 at a MUFON conference. The US Air Force facility known as either Groom Lake, Homey Airport, or Area 51, within the Nevada Test and Training Range, has, besides the main gate, also a (back door) - done that... It caught my interest after i was contacted by a VERY shy and mysterious guest (IT specialist) from Janet Airline (EG&G - Area 51 - Dreamland Resort) at a MUFON conference... This company runs security and the (secret) codename, called JANET, that the government uses to covertly ferry people around. UFO researcher has discovered that Area 51 employees are (also) using (in secret a subcontractor) called SAS - SCANDINAVIAN AIRLINES to/from The Tonopah Test Range (TTR) - a restricted military installation located about 30 miles (48 km) southeast of Tonopah, Nevada. It is part of the northern fringe of the Nellis Range, dangerously close to Area 51... Driving the looong way from Las Vegas out in the dry desert, from the highway, I could (see) more incoming B-1 bombers with F-16 fighter jets in their weekly routine exercises (no F-35 - they were grounded) while we were on our way on a guided MUFON tour bus (with 20 years plus experienced German Jürgen and his buddy, Tony, a very skilled US guide) towards back door Area 51 (Groom Lake) where we meet the infamous Area 51 camo dudes - lethal force authorized... [READ MORE]... |

2019 "Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop All of Us" - Yes Verdensalt.dk was there! -- No aliens. No party. Poor turnout for Area 51 raid kills UFO fanatics’ festival. Lame free storm Area 51 Las Vegas party ~ SoTW

https://www.flightera.net/Boeing/B736 - verdensalt - search after Tonopah [XSD]
check out these links to go even deeper: 👉


 Jürgen has the best knowledge in the world, about Area 51 /, S4 etc. and that German guy, has lived in the area and has been questioning by FBI, many times, because he has studied the advanced security they have around the 5,000 square miles (12,950 square km) of restricted airspace. Especially their super advanced sensors in the road that he studied in every detailed and then questioned by to FBI aaand USAF didn't like that a bit, either... 

⚔️These camo dudes came to us hard (more or less), one car with 4 military dudes in front and one in the back of this minibus, they knew, Jürgen, so it seemed, he said, they could measure our body heat, listen to every single conversation, using thermal face biometrics, intelligent telescopes, satellites, scanners and Direct Energy Weapon systems - you name it - they got it... 

😋You want more? 
  • Have I been to "Mad" Mike Hughes hideout (yeah). 
  • "Back Gate" to Area 51 (yes sir). 
  • MUFON & International UFO Congresses (of course). 
  • Together with James Gilliland in Mt. Shasta seeing 20-30 UFO's (Absolutely). 
  • Sedona UFO and Vortex Tours (I confess). 
  • Talked to people within the US-MIC (you bet your sweet bippy I did)... 
🤔Why this crazy UFO interest SoTW?... Not sure really? 
  • Star Trek / Star Wars fan...
  • A deeb inside knowing higher self and seen UFO IRL...
  • Maaany years of Cobra School!...
  • My danish holistic doctor knowledge!...
  • Reiki healing & Inaugurated in Kriya Yoga & Horoskop activations...
  • As former danish military police recruit in the Royal Danish Air Force!...
  • Take a pick.. |


🏃💨🏛️ ~ (Storm KM, Area 51 & Capitol Building: Will 'Kazakhstan' be the 1st country being liberated by White Hats for all others to come?) 🔴LIVESTREAM: TAROT READINGS BY JANINE & JeanClaude@BeyondMystic ~ | Blogger: [👉Comments on a Telegram channel: "Nur-Sultan (Astana)👉 “satana” aka satan in Russian. All Soviet republics’ 1st language -russian. Nur- means light, Su(l)tan. Kazakh’s capitol city previously known Astana, currently Nur-Sultan is believed to be cabal’s 2nd capitol"👈]... Protesters stormed government buildings, sized Almaty Airport, everything is on a standstill, including finances and Janine's card are telling us, that the Zhanaozen people, has had ENOUGH! They just arrested some military (deepstaters) while Russia is sending troops (which Janine and JeanClaus sees as a good thing for the people)... (SoTW) - Soooo, the history of the Khazarians, specifically the Khazarian Mafia (KM), (some calls it out to be the Rothchild-empire) the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that the Khazarian oligarchy morphed into by their deployment of Babylonian Money-Magick, has been nearly completely excised from the history books (VT Today or Veteranstoday has a really detailed information article on that)... PS: Is Kazakh’s capitol city, Nur-Sultan, Zhanaozen, Kazakhstan, Khazaria, Khazarian Mafia, The Jews of Khazaria, interconnected? I don't know, I'm not that clever on SoTW, but I know about the Khazarian Mafia (I used to work for Banking Rothchilders AKA Golden Slacks, Vampire Squid)... NOTE: Janine is 100% sure that G/NESARA is coming... |

In the MSM news: Bitcoin dives after Kazakhstan kills internet - Former Soviet republic, world’s second-largest mining hub, is facing major internet disruptions amid nationwide anti-government protests... 

(PFC alternative news) Bibi Netanyahu is the Operational Head of the Khazarian Mafia...

(VT Today alternative news) The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia