May 7, 2017

RT - Russia Today | May 7, 2017 | Centrist Macron beats right wing Le Pen in French presidential election | Blogger: Ligesom med den amerikanske præsidentvalg, ser det ud til at franskmændene vælger den mindst farlige af de to kandidater. Den EU-venlige og globalistens tøffelhelt, Emmanuel Macron. Men, som jeg har set mange spåkoner siger, så bliver der en masse ballade, måske omtælling, lige efter. Macron påstod han havde været målet for en "massiv" computer hack, der dumpede sine kampagnemails online, mens TheDeepStates MSM medier, fik mundkurv på. Påstået, om en offshore konto og engageret i skatteunddragelse osv. Men hvad ved jeg, det er blot spekulationer, men du kan ikke undgå at granske de utallige beviser fra Frankrig som viser, at de fleste terror-events har været FF-Ops, og hvis det er rigtigt, så ved vi også at det franske præsidentvalg er rigged... |

Emmanuel Macron © Philippe Wojazer / Reuters

Lisa Haven | May 5, 2017 | DARPA slams open a can of super solider’s! a real-life twist into the pages of marvel comics | Blogger: Hvad jeg har fået fortalt af tidl. amerikanske soldater og læst mig frem til, så har alle elitesoldater microchippet (RFID) med implantater til bekæmpelse af PTSD og gøre militæret mere modstandsdygtigt over for krigsførelse og kan naturligvis udbygges, for næsten ubegrænset muligheder. Det er den officielle historie, men som Lisa Haven fortæller os via dailymail, ser det amerikanske militær på måder at hacke den menneskelige hjerne for at styrke soldaternes kognitive evner. DARPA afslørede, at der finansieres otte separate forskningsindsatser for at afgøre, om elektrisk stimulering sikkert kan bruges til at "forbedre læring og fremskynde træningsevner". Det er en fuldstændigt kopi af hvad HPV og andre former for kræftvaccinationer (nanoteknologi) gør ved os. Vacciner med nanoteknologi. Lyt til bl.a. hvad den amerikanske Dr. Larry Palevsky, M.D. fortæller os ved omkring 19 minutters mærket i videoen (The Truth About Vaccines: Ty and Charlene's Story), omkring Blod-hjerne-barriere ( adskiller hjernevævet fra blodet ). Blod-hjerne-barrieren er hjernens effektive forsvarsmur, værn mod giftstoffer. Verdens føderale sundhedsorganisationer påstås, at aluminium, som er bestanddel i vacciner, er det samme som i vores omgivende miljø, det passer ikke. Vacciners stærke aluminiumsalt som adjuvans og andre former for aluminium der tilsættes vacciner, er struktureres på en sådanne måde det passere gennem hjernen. Aluminium binder virus og bakterier og andre lægemidler/kemiske stoffer som den farmaceutisk industri fremstiller, til at passere gennem hjernen sammen med Polysorbate-80 (Monsanto) som emulgatorer der få fedtstof og vand til at hænge. Dermed kan industrien fremstille nano-vaccine teknologier som går direkte i hjernen uden om Blod-hjerne-barrieren.. Kræftbehandlingen er big business med stærke alliancer mellem kræftinstitutionerne og medicinal- og kemisk industri, husk det. Ligeså med US-MIC(det militær-industrielle kompleks).. Går vi lidt videre, findes der også energi implantater eller æterisk implantater, også kendt som Archonic eller Archontic implantater med henvisning til Archons, et navn, der er givet til den negativt orienterede alien race. Mange siger, læger, al almindelighed, har stødt på disse implantater, men må ikke fjerne dem.. Men det er en hel anden historie, som ikke mange tror på.. Søg selv viden men husk på, industrien har umådeligt mange penge at forske med, hvordan de gør mennesker til cyborgs, så vi bliver totalt afhængige af krig og medicin som er den største indtjeningskilde, på jorden...|

For More Information See:

The US military is looking into ways to hack the human brain to enhance soldiers' cognitive abilities. DARPA revealed it is funding eight separate research efforts to determine if electrical stimulation can safely be used to 'enhance learning and accelerate training skills'
Here's the link that goes with the video:

Live Science | May 4, 2017 | Uncle Fatty: Obese Monkey Shows Dangers of Human Food |

Tourists at a food market in Thailand make a habit of feeding this now-obese macaque loads of sugary and fatty foods.Credit: Viral Press
A morbidly obese macaque who lives near a floating market in Thailand is raising eyebrows for his sheer size.

At about 33 lbs. (15 kilograms), the chubby monkey, dubbed "Uncle Fatty" by tourists in the park, dwarfs his average-size comrades, who typically weigh about between 13.2 and 15.4 lbs. (6 and 7 kg), said Patricia Turner, a pathobiologist at the University of Guelph in Canada, who has studied obesity in macaques. The portly primate is now entering a special wildlife rescue center to get to a healthier state.

But how exactly did Uncle Fatty get so rotund, and are the causes and consequences of obesity in animals similar to those found in humans?

"Like humans, macaques become obese from consuming excess calories — regardless of the type of food," Turner told Live Science in an email.

And it turns out that Uncle Fatty isn't alone: As animals that live in association with humans take up the habits of people, the animals too are facing increased rates of obesity and metabolic disease, such as type 2 diabetes, Turner said. [See Images of Uncle Fatty, the Obese Macaque in Thailand]

Uncle Fatty's weight

In Uncle Fatty's case, the problem is clear: too much food. He lives near a popular floating food market (where goods are sold from boats) frequented by tourists who love to see the portly monkey chow down. Among his favorite treats are noodles, sweet corn on the cob, milkshakes and sweet melons. Macaques and humans are physiologically very similar, and for both, too many calories lead to excess weight gain, Turner said.

"Uncle [Fatty] has got[ten] fat because he has just been eating everything that people give to him," Kawinoat MongKholtechaphat, an organizer with the primate conservation group Monkey Lovers, which is helping Uncle Fatty get to a healthier weight, told The Mirror. "He's not sick. He just needs help. He likes eating, and there are lots of visitors and tourists who give him food all day."

However, it's easier to gain weight on certain foods than others, Turner said. Sugary food is one of the key problems. "Excessive amounts combined with lack of exercise and obesity can trigger metabolic disease, including diabetes," Turner said. Fatty foods, which pack more calories per gram than other types of macronutrients, can also contribute to weight gain, she added.

To combat his weight gain, Uncle Fatty has been moved 100 miles (161 kilometers) away from his home near the floating market to a wildlife center, the Mirror reported. There, he will be given a healthier diet and an exercise regimen, including a regular routine of running and swinging with other animals to slim down, the Mirror said.

The GoldFish Report | No. 93 | Week 18 | May 7, 2017 | POTUS Update with Kent Dunn | ... Kent and Louisa discuss the health care bill H.R 277, first foreign policy trip abroad as POTUS including G7Meeting, Bankruptcy of Puerto Rico, the awakening of humanity to the LEGAL NAME FICTION, economics of the GCR, and much more .. |

On The GoldFish Report No. 93, Kent and Louisa discuss the health care bill H.R 277, first foreign policy trip abroad as POTUS including G7Meeting, Bankruptcy of Puerto Rico, the awakening of humanity to the LEGAL NAME FICTION, economics of the GCR, and much more. To Follow us on Twitter visit @ReportGoldFish, to like us on facebook please visit, and view our reports on our Blog at and subscribe to our YouTube Channel at The GoldFish Report. To help support this viewer supported social media please visit to make a donation or visit our vendors page. To learn more about Judge Anna von reitz and her work to restore the Republic for the United States please visit Thank you for Viewing!

HighImpactFlix YouTube Channel | May 7, 2017 | More Shameless Govern-Media Propaganda | Blogger: Maj: Olieprisen når laveste niveau i 2017 -- Frygt for at den amerikanske skiferolie skal udligne effekten af Opecs produktionsloft har olieprisen ned på sit laveste niveau i 2017. Et uventet stort fald i de amerikanske lagre af råolie trækker til gengæld i den rigtige retning.. Hvorfor får vi borgere ikke den ventede rabat på diesel og benzin? Eller fyringsolie som mange huse opvarmes af? Hvorfor er der ingen som råber op i Danmark? Fordi, Staten tjener kassen på at opretholde prisen kunstigt oppe sammen med deres buddy-buddy, oligarkerne Saudi-Arabien... |

With all the iron-clad information going out on the internet exposing government and their bed buddies in MSM...I'm surprised they're swiss-cheese bottomed boat is still floating.

Arcturian Group Message | May 7, 2017 | Channelled through Marilyn Raffael | Blogger: Some say, the Arcturians work in very close connection with the Ascended Masters. The Arcturians are a group consciousness extraterrestrial race that are highly evolved and come from the Arcturus star system. The Pleiadians are known as Nordic aliens and are humanoid-like aliens that come from the stellar systems surrounding the Pleiades stars. Both alien races seek to help mankind and are known as masters healers. Their skills and knowledge in working with spiritual energies are immense ... |

Billede af Arcturians iflg.
Arcturians er en race, der kommer fra den blå planet, der kredser den røde kæmpestjerne Arcturus i Bootes konstellation. Arcturus kredser cirka 36 lysår fra vores solsystem. Arcturians er den mest avancerede civilisation i galaksen, transcendere ind i 4. og 5. dimension. Mange kender Arcturians, som velvillige væsener. Men hvad kun nogle ved, er læren som Arcturians følger. Indhyllet i mystik, og tabt i de åndelige oversættelser gennem kommunikation og kanaliseringer af Arcturians til mennesker, en race af væsener synes at eksistere og kommunikere fundamentale love, der styrer eksistensen af ​​fred, kærlighed og glæde. Denne grundlæggende lovgivning tillader Arcturians at skubbe i retning af højere planer af eksistens og give mulighed for fortsat vækst i et begrænset fysiske univers. Arcturians menes at komme fra en kredsende himmellegeme, der ikke har været opdaget af jordiske astronomer. 

Kanaliseret aMarilyn Raffaele 

Dear readers, once again we come in love and with the very best of intentions for your spiritual advancement.

Although world evolution appears to be stalled, unchanging, and even regressing, know that the intense frequencies of Light flowing to Gaia at this time are serving to expose the long hidden creations of that un-illumined consensus consciousness based in duality and separation that has held and continues to hold mankind in bondage.

World chaos is serving to awaken many still living comfortably in the belief that anything they are told by governments, churches, and experts, must be true. They are beginning to reclaim their power, asking; "Is this really how I want my world to be? Is this really the way things are?"

It is a small element that continues to keep the dark machine running but energies of belief serve to feed fresh energy to their machinations and keep them alive. This is changing, this is the ascension process--as more and more awaken and refuse to play their games, world consciousness must and will reflect new and higher expressions.

There are no laws to support poverty, lack, or limitation in any form other than those formed by a belief in them. Lack is a part of universal consciousness (duality--haves and have-nots) until it is no longer one's state of consciousness. Divine law is a law of abundance and multiplication. Observe the blades of grass and the leaves on a tree for these reflect the Law of abundance in manifestation.

Where there is an attained consciousness (not intellectual knowledge) of oneness with Divine completeness, there is abundance, for the door has been opened. New and better ideas begin to flow effortlessly to all aspects of life, and those things necessary seem to somehow be there when needed. Most people still live under the thumb of duality which manifests as pairs of opposites and is considered normal by human standards.

Having lived under the domination of duality and separation consciousness lifetime after lifetime, the idea of completeness and wholeness sounds impractical and unattainable to many. Try not to resist the truth of abundance, declaring reasons why it cannot be. The energies of third dimensional experiences (experiences of lack and limitation) remain stored and active in cellular memory until cleared--the process you are in now.

Mankind is continually being bombarded with energies of fear, lack, and limitation which can make awakening difficult, especially for those new to truth. This is why we say that it is important that you limit you indulgence in the news, and things that continue to hold you in the old consciousness. Instead, when you become aware of issues, use them to trigger an awareness of truth; "Yes, I see this, I do not deny it, but the truth is..."

Messages from Ann & the Angels Newsletter - Excerpts only | May 6, 2017 | Channeling through Ann Albers |

I started channeling weekly messages from the angels after 9/11/2001, in an attempt to reach as many people as possible with the angels' words of hope and inspiration. I didn't realize at the time that we would become an international community of lightworkers dedicated to expanding our capacity to receive and share God's love in the world. 

Each week's newsletter contains an angel message, a message from me explaining how I put the angels' teachings to work in my life, and various other announcements about classes, events, and new products. I would love to help you experience the love, wisdom, and guidance that are available to us all.

Kanaliseret af Ann Albers
© 2017 angelmessages
My dear friends, we love you so very much

Life on earth is a mirror in which you look to see both your truth and your illusions. When you see beauty, goodness, grace, and inspiration you see truth. When you see violence, unkindness, untruths, etc. you see the illusions. If something is in front of you in the "outside world" and it creates an emotional charge, it is beckoning you to look within.

For example, say you see a beautiful sunrise and you feel yourself in awe. In truth you are in awe of the light within yourself. You are seeing the reflection of the beauty and light of the Divine! Suppose you see a beautiful flower. You admire its delicate strength. In that instant you are also connecting with your own delicate strength and admiring it within yourself.

Conversely suppose someone is unkind to you. That does not mean you are mean-spirited or unkind, but perhaps you would feel unkind walking away from them. Perhaps you energetically take in their unkindness because you feel it would be unkind to reject or abandon them... even with their unkind behaviors. You are being unkind to yourself by believing you must take this energy in, and they are your mirror.

Life is working on your behalf. Everything that presents itself to you is a vibrational mirror for an energy deep within that is seeking to grow into greater light. As you watch the sunrise or behold the flower, you take a moment also to acknowledge the beauty and strength within. You bring that light to the surface.

As you see the unkind individual in front of you, instead of getting upset with them, realize you are getting upset with yourself for being unkind to yourself... by taking in their energy. If you were 100% comfortable shutting out that energy or walking away, you would not be upset at all. They would appear to you as they truly are – a scared or angry child. You would feel only compassion. Again you are seeking to bring your light and truth to the surface.

Acknowledge and be grateful for the mirrors life offers. Each one is seeking only to bring your light to the surface, so you can see, and be, the love that you truly are.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

Message from Jesus | May 6, 2017 | Channeling through John Smallman | Fear is a Tiny and Unreal Space That You Have Set Aside Within Yourself | Blogger: Jesus, steadily discuss about our fears and how hard it is to accept LOVE, forgive ourselves and receiving the needed support from those in the spiritual realms who watch over us all, lovingly in every moment.. Destroying our illusions.. Many feel lost, unworthy, shame-filled, unacceptable and unlovable, as we continue clinging to the illusion in your belief that it is real and that we can find refuge there, but those feelings are aspects of the games and are themselves unreal... |

Sananda udsender ugentlige budskaber for tiden, for os som har fulgt Jesus Sananda i længere tid, har det altid været en fryd og opløftende oplevelse for vores forståelse, hvad der sker omkring os. Den Opstegne Mester Sananda / Jesus / Kristus / Jeshua tjener som en lærer af hele verden, og var en af de største Spirituelle healere, der gik på vores elskede planet Jorden/Nova/Gaia. Det er vigtigt at forstå, alle vores opstegne mestre og de galaktiske venner, så at sige, ikke har tilladelse til at bruge Deres beføjelser for at ændre forløbet af civilisationer, kun i yderst sjældne tilfælde. Universets lov. 

Kanaliseret af John Smallman
© 2017

Jesus Audio Blog for Saturday May 6th

There is only the One. All that exists is contained most lovingly within the One, eternally, and without break or interruption of any kind. There is no outside, both inside and outside are just imaginary concepts that were helpful within the illusion as you constructed it and set up the boundaries within which you chose to play your games. It has been a very effective place to play your games because it has seemed so real to you.

But that realism has come with a heavy price of pain and suffering that has lasted for eons, feeding on itself voraciously, and it is now time for you to release yourselves from the nightmare of chaos, confusion, and conflict that it has become. All games have to to have an end, otherwise they would not be games, and when they reach that moment you awaken by turning away from them and by focusing your attention on the Love that is the Home in which you have your eternal existence in constant joy.

While you are still asleep and dreaming, as you are presently, the illusion continues to appear very real and very threatening as all kinds of catastrophes line up to invade your personal space, the space that you spend so much time and energy defending against such terrifying possibilities. To awaken you just need to let go of those defenses, because they effectively hold within your space everything you fear, instead of keeping them out. They cannot keep them out because there is no outside. Fear is a tiny and unreal space that you have set aside within yourself where you have chosen to remain separate from Love, from God your eternal Home. But it is completely unreal and seems real only as long as you choose to believe it exists.

A Message from my Higher Self | May 5, 2017 | Channelled through Mike Quinsey | Blogger: Many of us who are already sensitive to emotional energies of ourselves and others need this kind of encouragement and as Mike Quinsey sufficiently emphasised how important it is to maintain a calm approach to earthly matters, that at times may be disturbing... |

Kanaliseret af Mike Quinsey
© 2017 treeofthegoldenlight

Each day you are getting closer to the point when the dark Ones will have been sufficiently subdued to allow welcome changes in your currencies. Currently much activity is taking place to remove those that hide within the Earth, who are being told to surrender or face annihilation. This leaves the changes to be taken to clear their weaponisation of Space, making it safe for welcome visiting craft to land on Earth.

All these are necessary to allow the New Age to be safely introduced and without delay. Be assured that preparations for this time have been going on for quite a long time, and as soon as the “obstructions” have been removed events will go speeding ahead. The changes are overdue and inevitable and within a few years will have already started to transform your society.

You are now in a time when you must keep control of your emotions and not allow negative thoughts to enter your mind. It cannot be sufficiently emphasised how important it is to maintain a calm approach to earthly matters, that at times may be disturbing. These will be the last signs of any significance in the reactions of those who do not understand that a cleansing has to take place before the new can be introduced.

The change in vibrations will unsettle those who cannot accept them as they will be unable to comprehend what is taking place. Until there is a free Press it is difficult to convey the truth to all people, as those still under the control of the Illuminati will continue to be confused.

In times when it is difficult to understand what is going on, be led by your intuition and when things do not seem clear or make sense, try to see the underlying reason and look for a positive outcome. Understand that you like everyone else can help to shape how the future works out, and it is freewill in action. You are in fact much more powerful than you realise and as your vibrations increase you will know that your thoughts are creative.

Prepare For Change | May 7, 2017 | The 12 Most Dangerous Cancer Causing Products In Your Home Today |

The fast progress in the field of technology and the changes that happened in the way people view the world and society had strong impact on our lifestyles. This ultimately means that we are more prone to reduce our well-being by getting exposed to many different toxins and chemicals. We eat GMO and chemical-packed foods; we breathe polluted air and get in touch with many harmful substances on a daily basis.
What is even worse is that most people are unaware of these risks, especially when it comes to foods because they think that the labels are a proof that everything is alright. That's why we have decided to create a list of 12 of the most harmful products associated with the formation of cancer. These products are found in almost every modern household.
12 Cancer Causing Products in Your House
1. Household Products – Ajax Cleanser (Colgate- Palmolive. Inc.)
Ajax Cleanser is one of the most popular cleansers in the world. However, the manufacturer (Colgate-Palmolive Inc.) didn't list a toxic ingredient found in this cleanser. This ingredient is called crystalline silica.
It has already been linked to cancer, skin, lung and eye irritation. Crystalline silica has been listed as carcinogenic more than 20 years ago by the MSDS (Material Safety and Data Sheet). The good news is that the number of products that use this toxic ingredient is reducing.
2. Whole Milk (Lucerne, Borden etc.)
Some people may find this odd, but whole milk also comes with toxic elements that can't be found on the label. Some of these toxins include:
·         DDT – a carcinogenic xenoestrogen.
·         Antibiotics – a certain number of antibiotics are carcinogenic and often lead to resistance and/or allergies.
·         Heptachlor – a neurotoxic carcinogenic xenoestrogen.
·         Hexachlorobenzene – a neurotoxic carcinogenic reproductive toxin.
·         Dieldrin – a carcinogenic xenoestrogen.
·         Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone plus IGF-1 – This combination can result in breast, prostate and colon cancer.

3. Alberto VO5 Conditioner (Basic Ingredient Of Neutral Henna).

NN | Apr 27, 2017 | Groundbreaking solar device pulls water from DRY air | ... Some say the device will be perfect for those who either wish to live off-grid, those who currently do – and those who, for some reason in the future, have no choice but to live off-grid and need clean water to drink... |

(Natural News) What if no matter where you lived, and under any circumstances, you would never be without life-sustaining water? That day has arrived, thanks to breakthrough technology.

As reported by Science Daily, researchers envision a future where every home, no matter where it is located, has the ability to simply pull water in from the air, even those homes located in dry, desert-like climates. Even more interesting, the sun powers the device.

The so-called “water harvester,” which is solar-powered, was showcased recently in the journal Science. A demonstration of the device in mid-April showed that with only ambient sunlight it can extract liters of water from the air, even in humidity as low as 20 percent.

Science Daily noted that the device was built by researchers and developers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It is constructed using a metal-organic framework (MOF), a special kind of material that was made at the University of California-Berkeley.

“This is a major breakthrough in the long-standing challenge of harvesting water from the air and low humidity,” said Omar Yaghi, a faculty scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, holder of the James and Neeltje Tretter chair in chemistry at UC-Berkeley, and a senior co-author of the paper.

“There is no other way to do that right now, except by using extra energy,” Yaghi continued. “Your electric dehumidifier at home ‘produces’ very expensive water.” (RELATED: The Best Ways To Filter Your Water So You Don’t Get Sick)..... [READ MORE]

The Reign Of The Heavens Society Post | May 6, 2017 | Introducing the newest version of the Continental Dollar as designed by the office of the Treasury for the Government of The United States of America! | Blogger: Enlarge these images at reignoftheheavens.. Continental Dollar Note portraits: John Hanson, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, Nikola Tesla, George Washington Carver etc... |

International Public Notice


MiniWikipedia - Finansielle akronymer 

The office of the Treasury for the Government of The United States of America hereby introduces the newest versions of the Continental Dollar based on this International Public Notice published on March 20th, 2017 LINK.


Anyone found printing fake news (not supported by facts) thereby printing wording for the purpose of inciting as it pertains to the Nations currency wherein the wording withholds or is intended to withhold a debt free, interest free National currency and as a consequence withholds a Nationality by way of fear, shall be prosecuted under the Law of Nations under the classification of inciting fear thereby causing rebellion against the country and further under Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Notice: The Continental Dollar is not connected to the U.S. Treasury nor the Bank of New York Mellon. The U.S. congress was without any authority to pledge the Treasury Seal of North America to the United Nations nor did the U.S. congress have any authority to use the Treasury Seal of North America under First in Time First in Right Doctrine: LINK

Further, the images below are not being interpreted correctly by the internet as far as the colors are concerned. Further, the Continental Dollar is not “Rainbow Currency” advertised by Vatican City. Neither Vatican City nor the three city-state empire is with any authority over the Continental Dollar, its value, its definitions, nor its legal tender and National currency standing. However, the empire is welcome to use the Continental Dollar, value its currency against it and use it in trade and commerce. The empires subjects are welcome to use the Continental Dollar in a lawful manner without recourse from any international person and or character.

Newest Versions of the Continental Dollar:








Kauilapele Blog | May 6, 2017 | “Trump Vindicated: NSA Ends Mass Surveillance Of Citizens” |

I personally do not know how we can “trust the NSA” to do what it says it will do. Perhaps they will. But at least this piece says something which looks positive (the Reuters article is the primary source).
Title and highlights of each below.
“The NSA has announced plans to stop all forms of surveillance on American citizens, vindicating President Trump who was victim of illegal wiretapping by the agency.
Reuters announced on Friday that the agency no longer have the ability to wiretap without a warrant the digital communications of Americans who mention a foreign intelligence target.”
” The U.S. National Security Agency said on Friday it had stopped a form of surveillance that allowed it to collect without a warrant the digital communications of Americans who mentioned a foreign intelligence target in their messages, marking an unexpected triumph for privacy advocates long critical of the practice.
“”NSA will no longer collect certain internet communications that merely mention a foreign intelligence target,” the agency said in a statement. “Instead, NSA will limit such collection to internet communications that are sent directly to or from a foreign target.” NSA also said it would delete the “vast majority” of internet data collected under the surveillance program “to further protect the privacy of U.S. person communications.”
“Democratic Senator Ron Wyden said in a statement he would introduce legislation “banning this kind of collection in the future.”
“Pieces of differing bits of digital traffic are often packaged together as they travel across the internet. Part of the issue with “about” collection stemmed from how an entire packet of information would be vacuumed up if one part of it contained information, such as an email address or phone number, connected to a foreign target.”


YouTube -- Jason A | May 7, 2017 | SHOCKING WORLDWIDE EVENTS...Current World Events | Blogger: I've been enjoying his channel, like so many others - it's a little bit end-of-time-pessimistic-religious in nature, but he is offering up some good and current footage from US news outlets and unexplained events... |

SHOCKING WORLDWIDE EVENTS...Current World Events from the Past Week jason a