Jun 14, 2017

Endnu en dag med Flid, Fedt & Snyd i centraladministrationen -- El-direktør fratræder efter sager om sponsorrejser | Berlingske | 13. Juni 2017 | .. Bestyrelsen for forsyningsselskabet Ewii og administrerende direktør Knud Steen Larsen er blevet enige om, at Knud Steen Larsen fratræder. Det sker i kølvandet på en række sager om sponsorbetalte rejser, dobbeltroller og kæmpe lønstigninger .. |


INFOWARS Update | June 12, 2017 | Shock: Hillary Clinton STILL Holds Top Secret State Dept Access | .. This explains why State Dept. undermines Trump .. | Blogger: There's lot of trolls out there on the internet. Alex Jones one of them, on TheDeepState's payroll? Maybe! Do i following him like a zombie all the time, NO! Don't have the answer, however continue to expose Bush/Clintons/Obama evil empire, is very important... SPOILER ALERT! It's like keeping Francis J. "Frank" Underwood's clearance after he lost the presidency and been kicked out of the White House, led him continues surveillance his Claire, trying to control and rule over her decisons and regain his power?. Anyways seen the whole season 5 in one scoop. Have you notice how many similarities there is in House Of Card's Seasion 5 and the real life regarding Trump impeachment and Comey's testifying? Sesaon 5 was finished by February 14, 2017. So, was it a pre-illuminati card that shows the future?. For now, Underwood is serving as a Democrat., but hear me out - it's just for fun!!.. Trump is ofc. Frank, Comey (Deputy FBI Director Green). Edward Snowden (NSA asset Aidan Macallan who they killed 'wishful thinking'). LeAnn (could be DNC, Seth Rich, who they also kill), Stamper (Special Counsel Mueller who gets fired?), Sean Spicer(Seth Grayson, who gets fired) etc. Then the grand finale - Claire Underwoord's last words "My turn." (Hillary Clintons' comeback?)... |

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her aides have still retained access to classified and top secret documents a year after the FBI concluded they were “extremely careless” in mishandling sensitive information, according to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa).....[READ MORE]

SITSSHOW | June 13, 2017 | ‘Aliens Are Robots, Who Have Overthrown Their Masters’ – Now Hints UK Queens Astronomer | .. It is interesting how the worlds leading scientists and Astronomers are now talking about Aliens, something which would have been mocked some 10, 20 years ago! Could it be that the elite know something that we dont and are trying to impregnate this thought into all of our heads? Perhaps they know what lies beyond and know of it’s origin!? Lets not forget that we have also been warned of alien-hybrid armies in space – it appears that the Elite like to encourage fear amongst us about what lies beyond. But lets not forget who the real possible enemy are on our very own planet Earth. Of course to travel the vastness of space would certainly be more convenient if you were a self sufficient being that does not age – perhaps this is what we are seeing in the clear starry nights above our homes? .. |

(MWV) This is not the first time that we have witnessed ‘hints’ that Alien Beings in space could actually be artificial intelligence who have overruled their superiors – now the British Queens top Astronomer believes that ALIENS are likely to be electronic beings which have overthrown their masters!

Related AI Human Rights or a Step Towards AI Enslavement? | Artificial intelligence should be protected by human rights, says Oxford mathematician

Source - UFO International Project

by MWV, June 9th, 2017

Lord Martin Rees, the leading British Astronomer Royal, has revealed what he believes aliens creatures will be like. He has envisioned a Terminator-esque world where “electronic beings” have replaced their organic masters.

Lord Rees said the alien beings will be nothing like humanity and will have taken over the world of their creators, just like you see in many science fiction films – science fiction becoming Science FACT??
ALIENS: Lord Martin Rees expects life from outer-space will be ‘electronic beings’

Susan Schneider, a professor of philosophy at the University of Connecticut, has ALSO confirmed the exact same thoughts recently as Lord Martin Rees. She joins a handful of astronomers, including Seth Shostak, director of NASA’s Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, or SETI, program, NASA Astrobiologist Paul Davies, and Library of Congress Chair in Astrobiology Stephen Dick in espousing the view that the dominant intelligence in the cosmos is probably artificial. In her paper “Alien Minds,” written for a forthcoming NASA publication, Schneider describes why alien life forms are likely to be synthetic, and how such creatures might think – please see below article on this below!

“Most people have an iconic idea of aliens as these biological creatures, but that doesn’t make any sense from a timescale argument,” “I’ve bet dozens of astronomers coffee that if we pick up an alien signal, it’ll be artificial life.” – Seth Shostak (NASA).

It would “extremely unlikely” to find alien beings who are similar to humans, the 74-year-old Lord Martin Rees said. He then described “organic intelligence” as a “thin sliver” between the primordial stages of life and the dominant era of machines.

Celebrity scientist Stephen Hawking previously warned we should hope aliens do not come to Earth, while also warning the development of AI could be the “worth thing” for humanity – strangely though, Stephen Hawking is now heading up a multi billion project involved in searching for ET lifeforms in space, called the ‘Breakthrough Listen’ – Please see our previous post on this!

Susan Schneider, a professor of philosophy at the University of Connecticut, has ALSO confirmed the exact same thoughts recently as Lord Martin Rees. She joins a handful of astronomers, including Seth Shostak, director of NASA’s Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, or SETI, program, NASA Astrobiologist Paul Davies, and Library of Congress Chair in Astrobiology Stephen Dick in espousing the view that the dominant intelligence in the cosmos is probably artificial. In her paper “Alien Minds,” written for a forthcoming NASA publication, Schneider describes why alien life forms are likely to be synthetic, and how such creatures might think – please see below article on this below!

Humans Are Free | June 13, 2017 | Here's How Our Minds Are Creating Reality |

Are we all creating our own reality? Do our internal beliefs create our outer world? Could we create a completely different world if we changed how we think?

Do we see what we want to see, does what we believe to be true, become true just because we believe it?

We are all supposed to be creating our own realities, if this is so with each passing thought we are changing our world.

If we see negativity around us, we get a negative world and if we see positivity in everything we get a positive world.

Read Entire Article »

Opdatering for Galaktiske Føderation af lys og åndelige hierarki | 13. Juni 2017 | Sheldan Nidle | Planetary Activation Organization |

Hvem er Sheldan Nidle: Sheldan Nidle er grundlægger af Planetary Activation Organization, en UFO religion. Han siger at han er i stand til former for telepatiske kommunikation, samt er i kontakt med rumvæsener. Han er tit kanal for budskaber og formidler af Det Galaktiske Føderation Af Lys.

Hjælp til NESARA etc: - Finansielle akronymer 

We are well aware of what you have been through. Rejoice therefore that soon all of this is to be completed and you can truly celebrate. Until then, be patient and know in your hearts that the wait was indeed worth it.

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation 
Symbol For The Sirian Star System

10 Cauac, 2 Kayab, 13 Caban

Dratzo! Just know deep in your hearts that you are divinely destined to ultimately receive the necessary funds that are to provide you with all the resources to succeed. In this success you are to show this reality your amazing potential. Always keep in your viewing screen the fundamental resolve needed to overcome all obstacles and to jointly manifest your magnificent dreams! We, like Heaven, are fully committed to this. Know as well that certain elements are coming together that are to isolate the dark’s minions from you and permit the new NESARA Republic to come into being.

The monetary resources you require are again moving forward at a truly divine speed. Momentum is building that is to permit those concerned with its delivery to now hasten the pace of this extremely important resource. Our pleading is being heeded and we expect some amazingly marvelous events to happen in the very near future. In addition, those who have so heinously delayed these actions are to be put out of their ever-growing misery. So remain confident that the best is yet to come.

The progress that is now being made is emblematic of the new attitude being shown by our allies. They fully realize just how important it is to assure all that the current progress is indeed unconditional. It is known that, in the past, the dark was able to manipulate this delivery process. We are confident that this is no longer to be the case. New security measures are in place to ensure that a constant, steady motion is to be the norm. With this procedure, this incredibly complex situation is to be completed on the original divine schedule. Hence, be prepared for the time when you will receive your promised prosperity and new governance.

PFC | June 13, 2017 | Tachyon Healing Powers, Global Leylines Tachyon Chamber Project & CRITICAL Mass Meditation announcement | Ground Crew Command Ground Crew Command Radio |

Tonight’s guest for healing … empowerment … & RE-ACTIVATION, Dr Joseph McNamara of Tachyon Counseling, will go over important details about the crucial role tachyon particles play for healing, clearing & re-activation of our powers, building upon what he explained previously on Ground Crew Command Radio.

You’ll find out about:

  • What tachyon particles do for your plasma, etheric, mental, emotional & physical bodies to bring you far closer to experiencing your real power.
  • Why the Global Leylines Tachyon Chamber Project is so important to win the war for Gaia’s grids
  • How a visit to a tachyon chamber can activate you to live your soul purpose.
  • Testimonials of people who have healed their physical bodies after a visit to a tachyon chamber.
  • … and much more
And then in the 2nd hour news analysis segment:
Chimera, Remaining Draco & Dark Fleet Endgame Exposed
 Two HUGE intel releases by Preston James & Cobra have caused quite a stir of mixed emotions throughout the Lightworker & awakened world. I’ve already said in past episodes that the Jesuits through Trump, are more than happy to jettison the Cabal & watch it go down in flames if it means their own survival … while playing the ‘good guys’; insisting on technology releases, mass arrests, etc.
The recent Preston James trilogy of articles has been traveling around causing unnecessary angst & even disillusion among us … the awakened & brave portion of the surface population.

BREAKING | Daily Mail | June 14, 2017 | Towering inferno: Screaming residents build ropes from sheets and lean out windows as huge fire at West London tower block engulfs the 27-storey building with 200 firefighters struggling to control the blaze | Blogger: Great Fire of London - Very, very sad tragedy. All our hearts, donations and prayes go out to victims and injured people.. HOWEVER, you might wanna listen to this... A very, frustrated reporter from Right Side Broadcasting Network LIVE has covered the Lonon fire all night long and I'd heard him yelled out loud this morning, at 7.00 AM CET; 6.00 London time. ".. WHY hasn't any mainstream news outlets told us about casualties, any confirmations on death toll, or interviewing witnesses, any words on cause and when do they go into the building and actually rescue people??? No smoke alarms has gone of from the building when it happens (reporter gets lots of feeds and news from people). Why didn't any ceiling sprinklers going off? Many people says fire caused by new outside paint coatings and started on lower floors (some blaim the owner - fire hazard), so nobody knew on top floors? Why is its only one corner that caught fire and other corner has no damage? No knocks on the residents doors, only Police yelling FIRE, FIRE on some floors. NOBODY says it's terror, but how come a new building in 2017 is caught on fire and NOBODY is accouting for, only latest news indicates that 44 people taken to hospitals (but was it bystanders, people watching or victims?). Why is it, that socalled 'victims' that came out from the building are so clean on their clothes? Somone has sent the reporter a file on a ISIS magazine that warned about a fire in London. Another has sent a video where a man are waving, but cannot confirms its form the london fire. The reporter continues; Only social media videos that indicates people are screaming from the building to get out... NEWS just came in to the reporter: 'This man managed to escape from the 17th floor with his 68-year-old aunt. He told me how he got out #LatimerRoad pic.twitter.com/d4miXigfN3.' (not confimred, is he trustworthy??). Otherwise TOTALLY blackout and informations VERY SLOW from outlets, since it's started 5 hours ago.." says the reporter. He also ask: Why are the fire PICKING up again this morning? A reporter gets information that fire picking up due to plastic and wind going through the building and the tower will collapse. The the fire brigade has already backed off at this time!! Ready for Collapse! Reporter VERY strange fire going on..(blogger: Lets hope they didnt use nanothermite since LOTS of burning debris falling off the tower NOW at 9.50 CET!!!!! ). Fire at Dubai skyscraper had no injuries reported. Tehran fire had 20 dead in Plasco building collapse. Will it be a collapse at London tower?... Check it out... 44 min ago - Fears burning London building could collapse with residents trapped inside (dunyanews.tv.) WHAT!!!! New 9/11? Todays date: 14/6 = 1+4+6=11 -- examples of Illuminati numerology... |

The entire block has been completely covered up by the massive flames on all sides with thick plumes of smoke filling the air
  • The blaze engulfed the 27-storey Grenfell Tower on Latimer Road in White City on Wednesday morning 
  • Horrifying pictures emerged on social media showing massive flames licking up the side of the block 
  • Desperate residents trapped high in the enormous residential tower were heard 'screaming' for help 
  • Police are evacuating panicked residents and two people are already being treated for smoke inhalation