Apr 14, 2020

🙏 ~ 💓 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 |

☀️ ~ Sæsonvariation, D-vitamin og Covid19 ~ | Blogger: Tak Dr. Manniche... Måske skulle du også til at snakke lidt om at kunne tilbyde C-vitamin til alle indlagte med coronavirus?. Et borgerforslag ligger og venter på Folketinget, men som nok aldrig, bliver kigget på eller stemt igennem (det ved vi jo godt)... Hvad med UV-lampen?, der skal være et våben mod vira som corona, og et supplement til den almindelige rengøring de steder, hvor mange mennesker bruger de samme ting. En opfindelse fra virksomheden Efsen UV & EB Technology i Holte.. Det er ej heller en skam, at kigge på alternative løsninger såsom, Magnesium, Kolloid Sølv, Jod og Selen... Kunne også være basisk kost i form af Natron. Det stopper såmænd også kræft, og candida svamp. Hvad med øko hvidløg og ingefær... Der findes så mange gode husmandsråd... PS: Check denne video fra Marie fra England, jeg fik opsnuset via Telegram... |

Kilde (vibekemanniche.dk)

At der er en sæsonvariation ved COVID19 har jeg forudsagt hele tiden. Nu begynder der at komme forskning som understøtter mig. Vores egne tal herhjemme peger heldigvis også samme retning og den retning jeg har forudsagt hele tiden.

Der er flere grunde til, at foråret er vores ven. Der er bl.a. typisk mere plads mellem os, virus overlever kortere tid udenfor end indenfor (i våde pletter, snask osv) og så er der solen og D-vitamin!

D-vitamin fra solen spiller nemlig også en væsentlig rolle. Et studie netop offentliggjort i Nutrients peger på sammenhængen mellem D-vitamin mangel og større risiko for død som følge af COVID19. Argumentet herfor er, at man i forvejen ved, at D-vitaminmangel er associeret med akut respirationsinusfficiens, som netop er grunden til at nogle med COVID19 skal have ilt eller i respirator. Vitamin D ses generelt at kunne mindst risikoen for infektioner.

Forskerne bag studiet efterlyser egentlig randomiserede undersøgelser, man anbefaler D-vitamintilskud til mennesker, som er i risiko for COVID19 og anbefaler endnu større mængder til patienter med D-vitamin. Der foreligger således endnu ikke randomiserede undersøgelser.

Netop D-vitamin er jo det som foråret og solen giver os i store mængder. Så før man overvejer D-vitamintilskud skal man gå efter de lavest hængende frugter – nemlig at gå udenfor og få D-vitamin fra den vidunderlige sol.

Så ud, ud og atter ud. Ud at nyde foråret, solen, motionen, bevægelsen, haven og livet. Hold selvfølgelig de officielle anbefalinger men ud med dig og få masser af D-vitamin.



❌ ~ Even media's loudest #MeToo champs are ignoring Biden sexual assault accuser Tara Reade (Sott.net) ~ | Blogger: CAN YOU BELIEVE IT-- (Crazy) Bernie Sanders officially endorsed (Creepy Uncle) Joe Biden for the presidency via live-stream video from their respective homes. And Then comes (Obommer) Obama in and saves the day (as we already expected would happen) .. HEAR THIS -- the former vice president's past is again coming back to bite him; in an interview with writer and podcast host Katie Halper, his former staff assistant Tara Reade accused the then-senator of sexually assaulting her in the Capitol Building in 1993. The allegations, if true, meet the legal definition of rape in the United States.... |

© AP/Matt RourkePresidential candidate, Former VP Joe Biden
Source (Sott.net)

Have you heard about the Joe Biden allegations? If you're relying on corporate media for your information, the answer is "probably not." As of April 8, there has been exactly zero coverage of the sexual assault allegations on CNBC, CNN, MSNBC, ABC or CBS News. Likewise, The New York Times and USA Today and have failed to discuss it. Meanwhile, the only mentions of Reade's name in The Washington Post appear as a paragraph buried thousands of words into a long news roundup and an unscripted question from a reader in a live Q&A session.

After Bernie Sanders pulled out of the race today, Joe Biden appears to be the Democrats' man for November. However, the former vice president's past is again coming back to bite him; in an interview with writer and podcast host Katie Halper, his former staff assistant Tara Reade accused the then-senator of sexually assaulting her in the Capitol Building in 1993. The allegations, if true, meet the legal definition of rape in the United States.
"It happened all at once. He just had me up against the wall.... His hands were on me and underneath my clothes. He went down my skirt and then up inside it and he penetrated me with his fingers.
"Everything shattered in that moment... I looked up to him... He was this champion of women's rights in my eyes. I couldn't believe it was happening. It seemed surreal."
As she forced him away, he said, "I thought you liked me," before adding, "you're nothing to me... You're nothing."

Halper contacted Reade's brother and friend, who both confirmed that Reade had told them about the event in 1993.

Biden's team categorically deny the accusations. "Women have a right to tell their story, and reporters have an obligation to rigorously vet those claims," said Kate Bedingfield, the former vice president's deputy campaign manager and communications director. "We encourage them to do so, because these accusations are false."

👤 ~ Hvem er COBRA: Stifter af bloggen 2012portal - denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen (Resistance Movement) | verdensalt arkiv | Blogger: Dette blogindlæg er også oprettet på FB-gruppen DK-SOTR (Sisterhood Of The Rose- Denmark)... Verdensalt er gået lidt ud af Cobra-supportgruppen, af personlige årsager, men det betyder ikke, at Cobra-organisations budskaber er dårlige eller mindre sandfærdige, af den årsag...Dog, skal alt hvad du læser på Verdensalt, tages med et gran salt... |

Hvem er COBRA: Stifter af bloggen http://2012portal.blogspot.com - Denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen (Resistance Movement).... Cobra er en talsmand for et kæmpemæssigt netværk af lysarbejdere. Han er ikke din nye Tony Robbins og en Guru. Han er virkelig, mange os har mødt ham, og de budskaber han formidler, kommer ikke fra hvem som helst... De stammer fra tidligere topmilitærfolk, Galaktiske Føderation af lys og åndelige hierarkier, nedstegne mestre, præster og præstinder, civilisationer fra andre planeter og indre jord...

🔩COBRA er et kodenavn for 'Compression Breakthrough'🍔 kodenavn Cobra er afledt af de to ord "kompression" og "gennembrud"...

Navnet COBRA, skal ikke sammenligning med Sylvester Stallone og hans film, 'Cobra - lovens stærke arm' eller En kobra (portugisisk cobra) der er en giftslange (som eksempel)...

Forsøg at forestille dig, at vor Moder Jords overflade er komprimeret / trykket sammen som en sandwich og vi mennesker, ligger imellem, lag på lag. Gennembruddet består i at lyskræfter (lysstyrkerne) fra Den Galaktiske Føderation, kæmper stødt fremad fra himmeriget nedad mod planetens overflade. Motstandsbevægelsens lyskræftere, arbejder stødt fremad, opad fra den indre jord's huler af civilisationer (Inner Earth, The Hollow Earth) til planets overflade....

Eftersom jeg for længst har givet efter på disse højst usædvanlige fænomener og trosretninger fra den virkelige modstandsbevægelse, vores Nordiske aner, Plejaderne og forhistoriske kulturer samt galaktiske venners færden, er det en god ide som newbie begynder, at læse eller slå tingene op PFC (Prepare For Change - amerikansk søsterkanel til Cobra's mange supportgrupper). Der er udarbejdet en Lazy Dog's Guide eller en hurtig reference til nogle Cobra-definitioner....


Eller hjørnestenen af Cobra's mange artikler:


💡⚠️THE EVENT - En unik begivenhed som skaber en dynamisk situation, en fælles skabelse af lys og kærlighed, fra os alle lysarbejdere af de 144.000, en beslutning på et kollektivt niveau..... Cobra har sagt, at 'Du skal forstå, at hvis du ønsker at gøre dit liv bedre, skal du selv udføre 80% af arbejdet, så lysstyrkerne kan hjælpe dig med de resterende 20%'...

💡⚠️ DEN GALAKTISKE FØDERATION, også kaldet Lysets Galaktiske Føderation, Konføderationen (af Planeter), Interstellar Alliance eller den Galaktiske Føderation af Verdener, er et samarbejde af rumrejsende civilisationer i vores mælkevejs galakse. Føderationen består af hundredtusindvis (millioner) af medlemmer og blev grundlagt for millioner af år siden efter en række krige i Lyra konstellationen. Ødelæggelsen, der indtraf ved den lejlighed, førte til, at de overlevende fra da af forsøger at løse galaktiske konflikter på en fredelig måde. Hver beboet galakse i vores univers har en føderation, men vores er en af ​​de ældste...

💥 ~ Astronomers detect supernova so powerful it was previously thought IMPOSSIBLE ~ | Blogger: [👉Will the Extremely Bright and Massive Supernova SN2016aps, 50 to 100 times Greater than the Sun and 8 to 15 times Greater Supernova booming with new Star formations be enough to kickstart The Event, and make ways to put even Bigger Cracks in the 3-D Matrix of Simulation?👈] ... According to now older COBRA SCHOOL Lazy Dog material - what is the Matrix:". Etheric Archon Grid (the matrix): The archons have been sustaining their control with a special technology that is called the Veil. It is an electromagnetic frequency fence on the lower astral and especially on the etheric plane, extending maximally 8.6 miles upwards and downwards from the surface ground level of our planet, that to a great extent prevents the Light from coming into the quarantine Earth. The Veil is being operated by the non-physical archons. This technology could be best described as etheric HAARP. This technology distorts the time/space structure on quantum level and thus creates big difficulties for UFO propulsion systems of the positive ET forces. In the past, this has hindered the progress of the positive ET races towards this planet significantly. Apart from keeping the good ET’s at bay, the Veil has a function of programming/reprogramming the human population and keeping it in the reincarnation/cycling process.. (..)"... |


🦠😷🧼 ~ Beyond The Point Of No Return? COVID-1984 And The One World Government (NWO) ~ |

Source (Humans Are Free)

Scott C. Tips, president of the National Health Federation, writes:

In February 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) — never known for its accuracy or consistency — declared a “Pandemic” for the coronavirus and claimed that the mortality rate for the novel coronavirus disease now designated as COVID-19 was 3.4%, while that for the seasonal flu was 0.1%.

Of course, the news media ran with those numbers and splashed scary headlines across the World stating how much more deadly this new virus was than the seasonal flu. The problem with WHO’s statement, however, was that they applied two different formulas for the two viruses.

For the COVID-19 disease, for example, they simply didn’t count any of the mild cases of COVID-19 that resolved themselves; yet, they did with the seasonal flu. If WHO were to apply the same formula to seasonal flu cases as it did with COVID-19 cases, then the seasonal flu is revealed more truthfully as being twice as deadly as the COVID-19 virus.

In other words, the globalist WHO — essentially a PR group for transnational Big Pharma and what should be considered the health-industrial complex — is engaged in massive fraud.

The COVID-19 aggrandizement and propaganda campaign is not simply a public relations scheme for Big Pharma and its highly dubious — and often deadly — vaccines.
It also serves as a cover for authoritarian measures the ruling elite have schemed to put in place for decades, measures designed to monitor and control everything you do. Orwell’s helicopters peering in bedroom windows in search of sex offenders — or drones in search of the infected and suspected vaccine scofflaws — are now a stark reality.

🥳👵😂 ~ Zulu Comedy Galla 2015 - Den Korte Radioavis ~ | Blogger: [👉Mens vi venter på Den Korte CoronAvis på Radio Jazz København👈] ... Søren Gade tester "The Perfect Pants" - Hvad i alverden foregår der her? Skal Søren Gade uddele kommunale støttekroner til en buksesnedker i Aalborg og promoverer sit falske overjeg? - man kan vel ikke sælge skindet før bjørnen er skudt?... {😙'Uskyldighedens Gade' forlader dansk politik. Eller gør han? Venstre sluger halvdelen af stemmerne i Søren Gades hjemby😇}... Lad os parkere Bertel Haarder, der engang gik amok på en DR-journalist, mens risengrøden, blev kold. Per Stig Møller og hans glasøje, som er lige så betændt som The “eye of Sauron” og Poul Nyrup trak Danmark ind i Kosovo-krigen på baggrund af 'strammede oplysninger'. For ikke at snakke om Anders 'Fog of War' Rasmussen, der har erklæret hellig krig mod Rusland og betragtes som den mest korrupte politiker og mistænktes, som krigsforbryder. Lars Løkke, du har ædt, drukket og røget, alle skatteydere og Venstre's partiforeningspengetank op, du har skjult, et hemmeligt notat og siden hen, brændt det på bålet, af Fogh, bebudede Irak-støtte til USA ét år før... Hvorfor sminker Søren Gade sig med en ny politisk promo-video, for at sælge flere billetter til sjove trylletricks og store illusionsnumre, når han stiller op i Aalborg, til Europa-Parlamentet???... 💬 BT den 1. Dec 2017 -- Søren Gades bryllupsfidus: Nægter at betale 'latterlig regning' - men sender alligevel en check .. »Men beløbet bliver sendt til arbejdet med syge og og sårede veteraner. Jeg betaler ikke en latterlig regning, som BT mener, at jeg skal betale,« siger Søren Gade til Dagbladet Holstebro Struer... [LÆS VIDERE]... |


Avis: Nyrup strammede oplysninger om Kosovo-krig
Venstre sluger halvdelen af stemmerne i Søren Gades hjemby
Blogger: 💭 Hvad i hede hule🤨.. kan danske politikere fortsætte i Folketinget, (EP) totalt diplomatisk immunitet, selv når de nærmest begår 'krigsforbrydelser' overfor borgerne i dette forjættede land??

Endnu en dag med Flid, Fedt & Snyd i centraladministrationen - manden de andre engang kaldte for en »politisk klyngebombe«, der kunne eksplodere i hænderne på regeringen.. 2015 - Netop som den nye regering bekvemt har nedlagt Irak-kommissionen, føjer flere skandaløse oplysninger sig til den række af fortielser og vildledninger, der har omgærdet dansk krigsdeltagelse under VK-regeringen i nullerne, og som kommissionen kunne have bragt os nærmere opklaringen af..

Det store spørgsmål er, om Søren Gade kendte til omkring Bush, Blair og Foghs hemmelige notat?

🔥 ~ Fears of new radiation contamination as wildfires edge closer to Chernobyl nuclear plant ~ | Blogger: SoTW is NOT jumping to any conclusions or crazy conspiracies, all i'm saying is, that this fire, "might" have been intentionally started to create a massive plume of radioactive fallout high into the air and across swaths of Europe, like in 1986... Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the once-mainstream environmental activist turned persistent anti-vaccine campaigner against Bill Gates and the "sudden" death of Kennedy child and mother, who accidentally drowned, according Maryland medical examiner says. It's just hard for me to swallow after been redpilled... Sorry this is my assemement, please look into the case yourself and research... Another thing, that I have said (many) times on Verdensalt, is about Fox News who has ADMITTED to the government having Laser Technology or Directed Energy Weapons On September 28, 2017, about 10 days before the Northern California Fires in Wine Country began, ATHENA, (Advanced Test High Energy Asset), is one of the most exciting of these new American laser weapons ~ from the VIDEO... 🤔Why is this important? Going north from LA towards Mt Shasta in 2015, back in my mind got some newsflashes that wildfire jumps highway in California and vehicles catch fire. My companion and I went by fields (interstate highways) that still smelled burned, watching black clouds and white clouds of smoke.. Again I were in California in 2017 and 2018, and saw the wildfires, which was enormous, from the airplane and on the ground... I have talked to americans, who TRULY believe that many of the wildfires in California, is because "The Shadow Govt" wanted to deprive the landlords of their land, after they have destroyed it and something about who controls the water supply and California, that has desperately tried to declared themselves independent from the regime in Washington DC... You be the judge... |

An aerial view shows a forest fire in the 30 km exclusion zone around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Ukraine, April 12, 2020, in this still picture taken from video. Video taken April 12, 2020. Reuters TV/via REUTERS
Source (mindfood)

Wildfires raging in Ukraine are edging dangerously close to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Blogger: You might also ask SoTW if I think that WTC 9/11, BP oil spill and Fukushima nuclear disaster was no accident either.

Well, of course it was no freak accident or muslims killing us all... I'm sorry - there is no such thing as coincidence in the way that people think of it.

Nothing just comes out of the blue with no reason when we talk about COVID 19 or some of the biggest disasters on the scope devastating Earth or to install FEAR...

 If events like Roswell hadn’t happened, we may not have developed computer technology at all. Thankfully, we now have the full power of the Internet, highly advanced technologies, some of it reverse engineer the technology in the alien craft for use in U.S. military vehicles and power production. SSP - Secret Space Programs, that are so advanced that everything we see in Star Trek, Stargate and just about any other sci-fi movie you can think of is available now - ready to give to Humanity - but has been STOPPED from happening.

Many insiders have confirmed this. You can see them, hear them and meet them at conferences. People like Dr. Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project,  Kerry Cassidy, Bill Ryan’s Project Camelot, David Wilock and Cosmic Disclosure team, James Gilliland, Alex Collier, SSP Whistleblower William Tompkins, T. L. Keller, Rob Potter, Dr. Michael Salla, R. Scott Lemriel, Tolec of the Andromeda Council, Ted Mahr, EG&G Janet (airline) Area 51 etc. etc...

Some of these guys, SoTW has meet in person and i trust (some) of the stuff I hear... We're not allowed to gain Full Consciousness, Ascension or Spiritual Awakening, God / Source has desired for Mother GAIA and 5D to expand into the DNA-core of Humanity... |

🔐🏆🔓~ No lockdown here: Sweden defends its more relaxed coronavirus strategy ~ | Blogger: [👉Coronavirus: 'Deadly resurgence' if curbs lifted too early, the World Health Organization chief, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warns. Who cares? Sweden has NO LOCKDOWN. Perhaps you are beginning to realise which countries are in Cahoots with The Shadow Government or Dark Alliance for Global control of Humanity👈] ... Swedish state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell was on CNN on Tuesday, in defense of the Swedes' strategy, Expressen writes... The Swedish no lockdown strategy has become a topic of conversation throughout the world. Anders Tegnell says; - It is very durable... |


🔴 ~ MUST WATCH DOCUMENTARY - "OUT OF SHADOWS" - MK ULTRA, PizzaGate, Government Corruption, Media Cover-ups, Hollywood Corruption ~ | Blogger: [👉"Forget for a moment your obsession with all the Hollyweird movies, fiction than documentary on Netflix or Fake LSM media Crap that CIA and Bloodlines of Illuminati has been manipulated and controlled like movie streamers from Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Disney+ and HBO etc. This DOCX-movie must be one of the MOST viewed right now on YouTube. Speakers are best American stunt performer, stunt coordinator, actors and director like Mike Gunther(?), Brad Martin and CIA whistleblower, Kevin Shipp and seeing Light in God's Light (I guess). 4,5 million views in less than 4 days - humanity is waking up." ~ SoTW👈] ... |

Source (Ascension with Mother Earth and Current State of Affairs)

"Out of Shadows is going viral, over 3 million views in a couple of days.

This should be documentary of the year! A brilliant documentary that introduces topics such as Mind Control, MK ULTRA, PizzaGate, Pedophile Networks, Satanic Cults, Government Corruption, Media Coverups, Hollywood and Pop culture Corruption, and more. This documentary does not get divisively political and its a great way to introduce the un-awakened to these topics." ~ enerchi

The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda.
This project is the result of two years of blood, sweat, and tears by a team of woke professionals. It’s been independently produced and funded and is available on many different platforms for free for anyone to watch.
Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there. If you like the documentary, please share this video.
You can support our team and future projects making a donation at outofshadows.org