Feb 10, 2021
🔴🎭🤦 ~ (4 min nonstop live comedy) Trump Lawyer Flips Script, Plays Video of Dems While They Sit In Shameful Silence (BlazeTV) ~ | Blogger: OUTSTANDING! This is awesome!... Not to mention that impeaching a president after he has left office is unconstitutional. How can you remove from office someone who is no longer in office? Or is Trump still in power? Some argue that the language of Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution specifies impeachment is for office holders. “The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office [emphasis added] on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors... The debate can, and will, go on and on, but here is an important point to keep in mind: Impeachment is not a criminal or civil process; it is political. The House and Senate devise their own rules and the courts are reluctant to get involved... Soon, Denmark’s ex-immigration minister, Inger Støjberg, set to face impeachment trial.. It's legal and a fact, Jack!... Inger Støjberg served as Denmark's immigration minister from 2015 to 2019. In 2016, she issued an order to separate asylum-seeking couples where one of the pair was under the age of 18. The order separated 23 married couples, some of whom had one or more children together, before being halted. The Danish Parliamentary Ombudsman later found the order was illegal as it did not allow authorities to individually assess or consult those affected... But actually it's not about all that - it's about all the LIES- that's why she is impeached - all true-true... You might even say, it's also a smokescreen to keep our present PM in power for killing 14 million mink. In the process, the order to cull the entire Danish mink herd including healthy animals was recognized as unconstitutional, a circumstance that continues to be met with massive criticism from the opposition, commentators and constitutional experts in Denmark... |
🙏 ~ 💝 (2012 video made a huge impression on SoTW) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟The Pleiadian Message - A Wake Up Call For the Family of Light ~ FreedomAndTruth4All🌟] ... This video is a reblog share on SoTW in the right sidebar... And with 2.613.108 million views think and feel the same as my Presence of the I AM THAT I AM... The control grid is coming down but what part will you play it's downfall?... Lia Shapiro channels the (pleiadians), bringing New Messages of Hope, Light and Spiritual Growth. Accelerate Your Evolution now by opening yourself up to ... Nordics - (pleiadians) The (pleiadians) are a collective of extraterrestrials from the star system Pleiades. ... The (pleiadians) reside on the planet Erra, which is almost as large as Earth, ... (pleiadians). The (pleiadians) are alien beings from the star cluster in the constellation Taurus known as the Pleiades. Barbara Marciniak claims The (pleiadians) are said to resemble humans in form. (pleiadians) are extraterrestrials whom originate from the planet Erra. Pleiadian Aliens have a unique... |
🙏 ~ 💝 ('Kisser' is back!) Dagens Spirituelle Motivationscitater eller Livets Sandheder (SoTW DK) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🎙️Teaser: Skal det være den nye eller gamle mikrofon?👵] ... Den berømte, berygtede og den fandenivoldske Seniorkorrespondent Kirsten Birgit genopstår på Den Korte CoronaVis... Det er sagt susende også på tide, Rasmus og Kirsten Birgit, kommer ind i Corona-kampen om den røde Che GuMette-mus... Det var lidt skuffende Fru Kirsten Birgit Schiøtz Kretz Hørsholm, tjente sine sure skillinger på det magtfulde censurapparatur TV 2 PLAY. Hvorfor vagte De en platform, som ikke var 'gratis' at benytte, og vi ved, er et politisk organ med hjernedøde reality-kendisser og spækket med ligegyldige lingvistiske meddelelser i reklamerne?... Nå, men hun er hermed, tilgivet!... Nu kan vi alle endelig få nogle "sandheder" frem på bordet igen, drevet af pauseklovnen Rasmus (hjernen bag) og af den hæderkronede Dronning og Journalist-Kisser-brochen (eller Privat-Kisser)... Dem begge, længe leve · hurra · hurra · hurra · og så det lange… |
🛒👊💘 ~ (ET OPRØR DER ULMER) National genåbning 15 Februar 2021 (FB-gruppe) ~ | Blogger: Polen og tror det er et andet østeuropæisk land, har erhversdrivende åbnet op for Deres butikker, selvom de risikere skyhøje bøder... På ultrakort tid har 1,100 medlemmer vist deres sympati for selv samme ide og som E.B. skriver henvender gruppen sig til ' selvstændige (der) har fået nok, af denne 'falske' pandemi' og planen er som navnet antyder, at genåbne Danmark på mandag... |
💉🏭💀 ~ (No Shit, Sherlock!) RFK, Jr. Interviews Vandana Shiva: The Gates Empire ‘Will Own Everything’ (HAF) ~ |
by Children’s Health Defense Team
In an interview with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Vandana Shiva discusses how Bill Gates, along with Big Ag, Big Chemical, Big Food, Big Tech and Big Pharma are destroying Earth’s ecosystem and with it, our health.
Shiva, who has a Ph.D. in quantum physics, is founder of Navdanya International, an organization dedicated to protecting seed and food sovereignty, and small farmers around the world.
Kennedy, chairman and chief legal counsel for Children’s Health Defense, and Shiva discuss how the Gates empire aims to control the food system, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s quest to make this the Decade of Vaccines.
In an interview with CHD Chairman RFK, Jr., Vandana Shiva warns listeners that if we don’t fight back against Gates and his empire, “They will own everything. You will own nothing … no commons, no public good, no shared values.”
by Children’s Health Defense Team
In an interview with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Vandana Shiva discusses how Bill Gates, along with Big Ag, Big Chemical, Big Food, Big Tech and Big Pharma are destroying Earth’s ecosystem and with it, our health.
Shiva, who has a Ph.D. in quantum physics, is founder of Navdanya International, an organization dedicated to protecting seed and food sovereignty, and small farmers around the world.
Kennedy, chairman and chief legal counsel for Children’s Health Defense, and Shiva discuss how the Gates empire aims to control the food system, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s quest to make this the Decade of Vaccines.
Watch the interview here:
👮✊🏿🤘 ~ (Direkte kobling mellem terror, MIB, bander og ekstremisme?) Politiet sendt ud til dronning Margrethe. Mystisk aktion i Holbæk: Politiet vil intet sige. Forældrepar har nægtet at navngive deres datter overfor den almægtige Folkekirke og Staten, idømt en betinget fængselsstraf (B.T. + S&H + E.B. + B) ~ | Blogger: [👉FANTASTISKE tider for os som tør, spirituel opvågning. Resten går en MEGA-svær tid i møde👈] ... 😮HVAD SKER DER???😮 ... 🤔Er 'Men in black', mændene bag, samt helt almindelige demonstranter, som du og jeg, der (bare) viser deres utilfredshed over regeringens håndtering af coronakrisen, så "farlige", at en Aarhus' politigård skal mandsopdækkes og 3 af politiets mandskabsvogne fyldt med betjente kørte til Amalienborg, for at beskytte, hele landets majestæt???... 🤔Har det kommunistiske regime, CCP og Kina overtaget EU, USA og verden og er, WEF/DK-aftalens kemi- medico og teknokratiet, så enormt magtfuld, at Mette-mus og Co. er "urørelige" under CV-19[84] Plan[Demic] Konge-Korona-Kooperativet???... 🤔Og hvad sker der i Holbæk?. En ny terror-celle, som PET, FE og Rigspolitiet, har optravlet? Eller er det bare, sensationsjournalistik, af værste skuffe, fordi, DDFO og frimurernes hemmelige aktiviteter, (skal) vise (Dark Nobility), at (Falske Flag) stadigvæk kan udføres, i Dannevang. Frimureriet har eksisteret i mere end 300 år i Danmark og er IKKE en "åndelig fitnessklub". Lidt ligesom man beordrede 14 millioner mink slået ihjel, mens Halloween og 2020 oktoberfestivas var bandlyst under okkultismen!!!... 🤔Hvorfor har Sabina Pultz og Ronnie Hansen, fået en betinget fængselsdom og bøder på fire tusinde kroner hver måned, indtil de giver deres treårige et navn???... [LÆS VIDERE]... |
https://www.bt.dk/royale/politiet-sendt-ud-til-dronning-margrethe |
https://ekstrabladet.dk/nyheder/samfund/hemmeligt-broderskab-afsloeret/7842631 |
.... De er nemlig, principielt imod, at folkekirken står for personregistrering!!!...
Jooo fordi, man må IKKE føde børn, i Dannevang, uden man har et CPR-nummer og "registreret" i den okkulte kirkelige digitalisering og forretningsprocesser. Alt hører under den okkulte numerologi navnegivning og her beregner man også, hvad et "menneske" er "værd" overfor samfundet og hvor meget "gæld" man har og kan “kumulere", i sin livstid.
Set ud fra bopæl, forældres økonomi og jobs, familiens stamtavle, størrelse af gæld, status i samfundet m.m.
Det er også ulovligt ikke at have en folkeregisteradresse = fængselsstraf
🗽⏰⚔️ ~ ('The time to awaken what is true and not true') CHARLIE WARD, SIMON PARKES AND TOM NUMBERS ~ | Blogger: [🤜Dr. Charlie Ward at one time talks about the 'Venetian banking mafia' or Venetian Banking Clans (the Giustiniani family and Warburg and Del Banco family etc), were a powerful black nobility of Venice and Genoa involved in the Roman Catholic Church. Well, Charlie says, their networth is "34 quadrillion" - that's enough to give every single person on this planet - 1 million and have a tons, left over🤛] ... Anywho, it's very HARD to find something on the 'english' guy called "Tom Sidney Bushnell aka NUMBERS" talking numerology and trying to calculate numbers. He has a YouTube channel, "PSYCH CLUB", but no info who he is, and recently visited to Dr. Charlie Ward videocasts, but his twitter is not working and I cannot find any 'business' associations or intel on him, but seems to be a 'specialist' on numerology... 🙏Btw, I have been so incredibly lucky and thankful visiting all the mentioned places in Phoenix, Arizona (Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale) and visited all the Phoenix mountains and neighboring ranges. My Soul-mate-buddy, Jay.. [READ MORE] ... |
In reference what Dr. Charlie Ward talks about at the 40 minute marker... https://threader.app/thread/1336752637220286466 |
Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams...
During the Great Plandemic of 2020, a new voice arrived on YouTube that was searching for "The Truth" and because of his endearing personality, inside information and fascinating guests, the phenomenon that is Charlie Ward was born. But, before Charlie became an online sensation, he had a whirlwind 60 years on the planet that saw him go from being a humble English kid brought up in bizarre religious cult in the 1960s to being an international financier and mover of money for the World's governments.
Jay standing on a rock higher than me in the back in Phoenix, Arizona (only picture you ever gonna get of me at SoTW) |
... used to live there in Chandler and Scottsdale Mountain is breathtaking.
If SP or 'Trump' would give me a greencard and citizenship inviting me to Arizona - Scottsdale - is 'THE' place to live (nicknames are Snotsdale or Snobsdale - a bit Snobby)...
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