Mar 7, 2022

🥳👵😂 ~ (Satudarah sender én hashrygende halvukrainsk førtidspensionist prospekter til Ukraine for at skyde vildt omkring sig!) Smuglytter #8: Rockerne rykker ind mod russerne (Den Korte Podcast) ~ | Blogger: Sidste nyt fra Kirsten Birgit på Bremen Teater!... Masser af små nyhedsindslag fra Den Korte Live On Stage om Dannevang, Mørke-Mette og globalisternes ”den nye verdensorden - den politiske udfordring” og hvad der sker ”inden i” Kirsten Birgit. Her revser den fiktive garvede journalist og tidligere udenrigskorrespondent, KBSH, og nyhedsredaktøren, Rasmus Bruun, de etablerede medier og deres lemfældige tilgang til politisk journalistik... |

🕳️PS: VIDSTE DU, ifølge Beredskabsstyrelsen, er der plads til cirka 4,7 millioner personer i de danske beskyttelses- og sikringsrum, som kan bruges i tilfælde af eksempelvis eksplosioner, en giftsky eller krig!?! Der florerer mange forskellige tal for, antal af bunkere, som findes i Danmark. Men, højt skudt, findes der 7.000 af slagsen. Mange stammer fra 2. verdenskrig. 

Har selv været nede i den engang, aktive, Vedbækbunkeren. Den var en del af NATOs integrerede kontrol- og varslingssystem (NADGE-systemet) og mest tophemmelige, af slagsen. Dermed bevogtede jeg både Flyverkommandoen samt Forsvarskommandoen (FKO) i begyndelsen af 90'erne. Mig, min schæferhund, Schiffer, min Neuhausen og tussegamle maskingevær, under militærpolitiet (bevogtning eller pluto-pilot). Uhh nej, det må du ikke sige, det er KUN hæren, som må kalde sig militærpoliti, og Politihjemmeværnet. Hold dog kaje, havde mere at sige, end en general, når jeg havde vagt (hehe)...  

I alt siges der bygget omkring 1.400 koldkrigsanlæg i Danmark fra 1950'erne og fremefter, nogle er nedlagt, men, var alle, klar til at huse regeringsledere, Dronningen, borgmestre, politimestre, militærfolk, klar til at sørge for, at Danmark i tilfælde af krig kunne fungere. 

Ville jeg gå i krig mod Rusland i Ukraine, eller anden krig for det danske fædreland? Det kan jeg love dig for, jeg ikke ville. Men er også blevet klogere på 30 år. Spørg du mine jævnaldrende prinser Gø og Gokke (Frede og Jokke) om de ville udsætte liv og lemmer, for at gå i front som enevældige konge(r), der red på hest i krige, før i tiden. 

Nej, du! De ville lade deres "undersåtter" ligesom Mæætterne på Christiansborg, overbevise tinsoldater, at det er smukt og passende at dø for fædrelandet og for Deres politik!. Deres forfinede ordener og militæruddannelser, er KUN for show - tro mig! Den russo-ukrainske krig har ikke en skid at gøre med Kongedømmet Dannevang, men fordi, vi er med USA, hele vejen og krigsliderligere partisoldater, elsker krig, død og ødelæggelse. SANDHEDEN kommer frem, på et eller andet tidspunkt, og lige så hurtigt, får ben, at gå på! Det, den 1 million store centraladministration og medierne, har forfalskede, pludseligt, kommer de til, at trække i land. En sand ven kommer ind, når andre går ud.. |

🙏 ~ 💝 (Next Stage is the Revolution of Love) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: On a side note, have you heard? NASA has reported the finding of the first planet that is truly Earth-like made possible by the Kepler Space Telescope. They call it; "Earth 2.0". “It is the first terrestrial planet in the habitable zone around a star very similar to the Sun,” said Douglas Caldwell, an astronomer at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California, at the moment of the discovery. Sooo, that keep me wonderin - what if - Earth 2.0 is the new perfect heaven, for all the "fastest sleepers" who refuse to wake up and the Cabal with their demonic horrifies! Perhaps we could also send Bill Cosby after Supreme Court declines to revive prosecution. That also goes for Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod who are provoking a full-scale war against Russia right now reported to police for rape in 2008. The 14 year and 368 day's old girl, was drunk at that time and part of the Social Democrats in Denmark party’s youth movement when he had a forced intercourse with the girl. If I caught them red-handed and it was my little girl, Isabella, I would have (censored). The next stage of Revolution of Love, wouldn't have stopped me or maybe it would. I don't know... |

👼 ~ 💓 (Matthew’s Message, 9D Arcturian Council, Archangel Michael, Mike Quinsey, Adama of Telos) Channeled Sources on the War in the Ukraine (GAOG) 💕 ~ | Blogger: SoTW would also encourage you to watch the latest message from Blossom Goodchild, called "Me, White Cloud and a surprize visit from The Federation Of Light!". Blossom got 5.000 new subscribers after Tarot by Janine discovered her, not long ago. SoTW have followed Blossom a long time ago, since GAOG website was created, I think. Janine, is the new (spiritual) gold, some might say... |

Channeled Sources on the War in the Ukraine

March 7, 2022 by Steve Beckow

Let me combine what channeled sources are saying about the war in the Ukraine. Not all of them agree.


As mentioned in a previous message, the person seen as Vladimir Putin is the look-alike double who replaced the Russian president about two years ago when the Illuminati finally were able to assassinate Putin because he consistently refused to cooperate with them.

They portrayed him in mainstream media as a murderous dictator because he eliminated their operatives in Russia and they accused him of horrible things they themselves did. What is important in this moment is that the double, initially one of the Rothschild puppets, now is working with and protected by the light forces.

Russians are not wantonly bombing cities as reported by mainstream media and often depicted by old or photo-shopped photos and film clips. They are destroying laboratories that produce and store bioweaponry and other Illuminati entrenchments, but, like most of the rest of the world’s people, the Ukrainians don’t know that and they are frightened, anxious and sad. Even if they knew about the strategic targets, explosions and foreign troops still would be traumatizing.

Later on they will know the truth about what is happening, and some among the hundreds of thousands who are leaving the country already do—they have been working with the Illuminati. In time, all peoples will know that what some say is “an unprovoked war” or “a dangerous invasion” has another purpose, too. It will reunify a population that was separated when new borders were established to put regions with abundant natural resources under the control of Illuminati-installed “democratic” governance.

“The 9D Arcturian Council: Russia/Ukraine Conflict & the Galactic Community” through Daniel Scranton, February 28, 2022, at

As we said, we do feel happy and encouraged by what we are seeing right now. The amount of people who are having the realization that they need to stop fighting is enormous, and it will continue to rise as the collective desire for peace on Earth also increases exponentially.

👩‍🚀🚀🌌 ~ (Semper Supra: 2 minute Teaser from Alex Collier) Space Arks, ET fleets, Ukraine & Human Liberation: An Interview with Alex Collier & Elena Danaan (Michael Salla) ~ | Blogger: 6 hours to go!.. Yeah, I've heard Alex talk about the video he recorded last Fridays webinar with Salla and Danaan... |

(SoTW) Ponder this... 📑"There' a group that is out there in our solar system, right now, which is colonizing space. And this group is run by people on Earth. This group has already done what seems impossible, like in movies such as Star Trek and Star Wars. Portal travel, faster than light travel, is all possible and a well-established reality, that has been kept hidden"📑 (David Wilcock and Corey Goode Consciousness Life Expo 2016)... 🙏 



🚚⛔💉💨✨💖🙏 ~ (Biden's #Trudeau Emergency Powers can't stop thousands of truckers!) US Capitol Police issue emergency declaration over arrival of the ‘People’s Convoy’ of truckers in Washington, DC (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉General Flynn ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mar 7, 2022 at 04:42 - This is inspiring and makes me proud to be an American. Thank you Truckers for all you have shown our nation. God bless you all👈] ... THIS 'Freedom Convoy' goes way beyond any protesting of Covid-19 mandates and restrictions... The US Truckers for Feedom Convoy was composed of at least 70 miles of thousands of truckers and Patriots making trips around the Washington DC Beltway - a DC where the White House was fenced in and DC essentially abandoned with no federal offices open... The pontiff says Ukraine crisis ‘a war, not a military operation’, to his 1.34 billion Catholic followers, but some of us, knows better!... Puppet Biden and his hidden-hand regime do not exist, after April of 2022, says my Higher-Self. Soon I'm going to my holistic ND in March, to get some new intel... World is a crazy place right now, depending on where you live. Outside Western Hemisphere, has perhaps a 100% different truth narrative, than the ruling Cabal, but we truthers, need to hold the line... |

HONK HOOOOOOOOOOONK HONK HONK HONK HOOOOONK ... America is famous for its epic shows. The American version of Freedom Convoy is already looking pretty epic...