Aug 21, 2019

🙏~ 💓 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (verdensalt) ~ 💕 |

😘 ~ EL: Samtykke før sex kan ske ved kys, berøring eller et nik ( ~ | Blogger: [👯#Bryd-et-tabu og Amalie Have modefænomenet: "Se-Mig-egoismen", krænk- elsesparatheden og krænkelsesdiktaturet🕺] ... {NOW THE PLOT THICKENS - Man skal ikke kaste med sten, når man selv bor i et glashus} ... April 2019 - EL i valgkamp... Ahhh... nu faldt tiøren!... August 2019 (derfor 'skjulte' EL, Ninna Hedeager Olsen, som har 'søgt tilflugt' på Tunø. Det hele var spin, hun blev gemt væk fordi den ene skandale i Teknik- og Miljøforvaltningen, har afløst den anden gennem det seneste halvandet år og verdensalt er ikke alene, journalist Ditte Okman, fra Det, vi taler om, har tvunget historien, i knæ) ... (Arkiv) -- Mens Enhedslisten udpeger vikar for sygemeldt borgmester, fører de valgkamp på, at det, den nu sygemeldte Ninna Hedeager Olsen fra Enhedslisten, har oplevede og mistænkt som en voldtægts-episode i hendes hjem, var allerede et valgkamps-slogan og skal stemmes igennem, som værende den mest latterlige LOV, i Danmarkshistorien (og den svenske)... 'Meget tyder på, at Folketinget i den næste samling skal stemme om en ny voldtægtslovgivning. Ændringen skal føre til, at der skal være samtykke før sex. Det er en absolut nødvendighed. Det mener Enhedslistens politiske ordfører, Pernille Skipper.'... VIDSTE DU, at Pernille Skipper, kunne have heddet 'von Platen-Hallermund'? Hendes morfar var nemlig Greve og Enhedslistens nye 8 takkede tatoverede (røde) stjerne ⭐, har haft en privilegeret opvækst, selvom hun er skilsmissebarn... Enhedslistens mangeårige, karismatiske frontfigur Johanne Schmidt-Nielsen nåede knap nok at underskrive købsaftalen og betale 6.415.000 kroner for en stor villa i Valby, mens Skipper lige har købt bolig på Nørrebro i København til i alt 8,5 millioner kroner.... Tale om dobbeltmoralskhed og Skipper Skræk vil være statsminister... Enhedslisten ønsker både at nedbryde EU og gøre det klimagrønt, haft et overforbug af ekstremt Folkemøde-frås, forbyder mænd på partiets talerstol – og angriber Trump: "Han tramper på kvinders rettigheder og ligestilling" og desuden ønsker Pernille Skipper at de skulle have væltet Thornings regering... Så mens Enhedslisten politianmelder Venstre-folk i donationssag, Venstres Britt Bager og Marcus Knuth, så agere de brodne kar, som alle andre på Borgen... PS: Desuden er Johanne Schmidt-Nielsen ny general- sekretær for Red Barnet og får samme millionhyre som den kvinde, Thorning og Socialdemokratiet, Skipper, ønsker hen, hvor peberet gror. Hold da k*ft hvor er de alle hykleriske. Hvis du sætter dig ind i hvor korrupt denne hjælpeorganisationen Red Barnet er, ville du får mavekramper... |

Skipper nægter at tale om sygemeldt borgmesterBorgmesteren er sygemeldt i nu over fire måneder med en månedsløn på knap 90.000 kroner. Men under sit sygefravær har hun serveret på sin venindes kro på Tunø. Det skriver både Ekstra Bladet og Jyllands-Posten. - Den helt konkrete sag vil jeg ikke kommentere på, siger Skipper i forbindelse med Enhedslistens sommergruppemøde. Skipper bekræfter, at Enhedslisten får ekstra penge ind i partiskat, fordi både Nina Hedeager Olsen og hendes afløser bliver aflønnet og betaler partiskat til Enhedslisten. Borgmesteren blev sygemeldt, efter at det kom frem, at en mand var mistænkt for voldtægt af en kvindelig gæst til en fest i borgmesterens lejlighed.

Ninna Hedeager Olsen er sygemeldt uden en lægeerklæring.

Enhedslisten har tjent 91.944 kroner ekstra på dobbelt borgmesterløn (Berlingske)

I dag er det ifølge Skipper op til ofret at sige tilstrækkeligt fra. Og det er det, som retssagerne ofte drejer sig om, mener Skipper. Altså har ofret sagt nok fra. Arkivfoto: Jens Dresling/Polfoto

🛩️~ Roskilde Airshow 2019 ~ | Blogger: [👪18,000 Spectators, Aviation Enthusiasts & Very, Very Proud (Foreign) Danish Armed Forces, Showing Off🎖️] ... Protected by The (Flyving) Danish Home Guard (HJV, FHV)... I'm so sorry, not laughing (smiling), but just been observing or watched these FHV ground crew, who think there so (important) in their 'military like' uniforms, showing off, but in time of a real security threat, well (no comment)... At my side I've had my ex-prof soldier buddy (sister & her boyfriend), watching and if you're a newbie to this kind a airshow, you will be stunned. It's amazing.. HOWEVER, I was part of Air Force Security Forces (Military Police) at The Royal Danish Air Force (RDAF) in Værløse, so i have seen most planes.. I was incredible lucky, to have been (close) at the Nellis AFB Complex (Nevada) in 2017, and from the highway I could (see) more incoming B-1b bombers (at least i think it was) with many F-16 fighter jets in their weekly thursday routine exercises (no F-35 - they were grounded) while doing loops in the air, we were on our way on a guided MUFON tour bus (with 20 years plus experienced German and US guides) towards back door Area 51 (Groom Lake) where we meet the infamous Area 51 camo dudes - lethal force authorized... If you have seen other military air shows outside Denmark, like me, it's okay to be even more amazed... |

Roskilde Airshow 2019 is well over. Despite a somewhat mixed weather forecast, 18,000 spectators had a wonderful experience at Roskilde Airport. Roskilde Airshow thanks all those who came and saw our Airshow as well as all the participants and volunteers who helped making Roskilde Airshow a success. See you at our next Airshow in 2021

(below - private pics & videos)

🗳️ ~ Voter Manipulation, Message Sent & Received, Why Greenland? (X22Report) ~ | Episode 1948b - Greenland starts at 21 minute marker. CIA Spyhub, Black Prison Site & Active Project Iceworm Nuclear Missile Launch Site | Blogger: 🛎️ PS: (directly from the lion's den) -- Former Danish PM Lars Løkke (Probably the most corrupt prime minister - ever), reacts with flippant comment : "It is no shame to stay away when you're not invited ... But when you have invited yourself!! Huge transatlantic recovery work. Great we have The unity of the Realm" (Rigsfællesskabet or rigsenheden)... "Is that a kind of joke", writes ex-PM Helle Thorning (globalist) .... (war criminal claimed) Anders 'Fog-Of-War' Rasmussen, on Trump's postponement - "a setback."... |

JS reports that the FBI [knowingly] misled the FISA court when submitting the FISA applications.More information comes to light in regard to SR. Trump continually talks about Greenland and tweets, the question is why? Photo of Maxwell was staged by her attorney. PP defunded itself, the [DS] and [D] party are trapped, source cutoff. Morrison of Australia says he will drain the swamp. Trump peace deal in Afghanistan almost ready. The [DS] has lost, the swamp is being drained.


Greenland granted investigation into CIA flights
US base in Greenland part of spy programme
Project Iceworm

🌌 ~ Andromedan Contactee - Welcome to Alex's 87th Webinar (Wolf Spirit & Alex Collier) ~ | Aired Aug 16th, 2019 | Blogger: [🔺TOPICS: Current situations globally regarding solar minimum, mini ice age, change to earth's orbit around the sun and the game of disclosure. It's about to get very, very serious...🔻]... PS: (verdensalt) ONLY listen and support Alex Collier, who claims to be a 'contactee' with a race of Nordic looking humans from the constellation of Andromeda and meet AC in person, 2015... In regards to the breakup with JP & Simon Parkes (which verdensalt understood at that time, pls look into the case yourself) ... The extremely popular spiritual radio show with Connecting Consciousness and Wolf Spirit Radio, had terminated their cooperation in April of 2018 😞 ... To sum- marize: A woman or certain nasty individual, has been attacking and harassing Simon Parkes, Ben Emlyn Jones, Miles Johnson, Kerry Cassidy and many others, for a longer period of time. This particular nasty 'woman' has been in contact with Jay Pee (JP) assistant or admin staff to pressure to cancel last show on Apr 1, 2018 and unfortunately she has succeeded. Simon Parkes feel left behind, treated the audience and Simon himself in a rather poor way by JP's action... From SP "I will take this opportunity to thank JP and his radio show for the years we have worked together. I wish him well."... |

bibliotecapleyades: Alex Collier claims to be a 'contactee' with a race of Nordic looking humans from the constellation of Andromeda. He has had a number of contact experiences since his childhood and this developed over the years as he was given more and more information by his Andromedan contacts. I have analyzed Alex Collier's information, had phone interviews with him, and also interverviewed him over a four day period in September 2005. I have witnessed some physical evidence he has provided to support his testimony. I have also spoken with a direct witness verifying various aspects of Alex's contact experiences. Alex has also revealed that he was the recipient of threats from shadow government agencies and abruptly chose to stop disseminating his information in 2000. Furthermore, Alex has give face to face interviews with veteran UFO researcher Paola Harris who has had the opportunity to examine the evidence supporting his testimony and concludes he is credible. My conclusion from my investigation so far of Alex is that he is very credible and very likely a genuine contactee with a 'friendly' extraterrestrial race. I therefore recommend taking the information he has to reveal very seriously. All those interested in galactic diplomacy and understanding a variety of extraterrestrial races interacting with humanity, will find Alex's work to be very helpful.

Jay PeeAlex CollierJames Harkin
Alex Collier Andromedan Contactee Webinar - Aug 16, 2019!
2pm Eastern. 1pm Central. 12pm Mountain. 11am Pacific.

Alex is hosting his EIGHTY-SEVENTH 90-minute LIVE webinar including Questions and Answers. Friday, August 16, 2019

A replay will be available for those who cannot attend live.

Current situations globally regarding solar minimum, mini ice age, change to earth's orbit around the sun and the game of disclosure. It's about to get very, very serious

Exclusively live and hosted by in conjunction with a subsidiary of

👼 ~ 💗 3 Tips to Connect to Your Body Deva for More Body Wisdom (Stacy Vajta) 💕 ~ | .. The way that I see the body deva is this: it’s the consciousness or spirit of the physical form we hold. This energy, or consciousness, is indeed connected to our spirit; but our body deva has a clear vibrational frequency all its own. It informs the physical at all levels, and runs the body’s mechanics .. |


The concept of the body deva isn’t really all that familiar. People ask me all the time what it’s about when I invite that energy into their session work. But once a connection is made to this energetic intelligence, which forms and informs us, a deep wisdom can be accessed for healing.

I was introduced to the term “body deva” many years ago by a sound healer named Aleya Doa, along with the Nature Intelligence teachings of Machaelle Wright. And, by calling in my own body deva in my healing work, I began a rich — and complex — relationship with a new level of consciousness I had not yet experienced. And over the years in my work with others, I’m finding that more and more people can now access this with an astounding opportunity for insight.

The way that I see the body deva is this: it’s the consciousness or spirit of the physical form we hold. This energy, or consciousness, is indeed connected to our spirit; but our body deva has a clear vibrational frequency all its own. It informs the physical at all levels, and runs the body’s mechanics.

The devic realm is what supports bringing consciousness into form. And the body is the “denser” vibrational representation of the devic consciousness of the human form.

The body deva knows the mechanics of the body. It knows how to heal. And, as a partner with you, it can open the door to a whole new level of collaboration for healing.

As we raise our own vibration, we recognize that we are ready for this new level of awareness and partnership. When we bring the body deva into the energetic conversations we hold — no matter what the topic is — we find a level of information available to us that can profoundly alter our spiritual and physical awareness.

Our body devas are as unique in vibration as our own divine line; yet our spirit — or essence — and our body deva are related in the most intricate of ways.

Very often there’s a split or chasm between what we know as our spirit and/or our core energy and that of the body deva, which needs to be reconciled to fully embody what we are bringing into our experience here on earth. When viewed as a unique vibration in and of itself, we can begin to work with our body deva and recognize where it is not in resonance with the other energies we hold.

So how can you access your body deva?

♻️ ~ 💗 Turning Plastic Waste into Jet Fuel! (ColdFusion) 💕 ~ |

⚰️ ~ Epstein Created $577 Million Trust Days Before His Death (ZeroHedge) ~ | Blogger: We can all agree, besides Trump cancelation, all attention is on JE and it seems that every alternative medium, MSM media or truth seeking news outlets, has an opinion, what happened to Mr. Epstein. But something that 'they' can't sweep under the carpet is the British royal family, Prince Andrew, with 300 name dropping involved in JE's pervert’s ‘little black book’... |

Two days before his untimely death in a Manhattan jail, Jeffrey Epstein signed a will listing over $577 million in assets - around $18 million more than stated weeks ago in court filings


👶 ~ (DK) Lars Seier forstår Trumps afbud: »Vores politikere opfører sig som en flok provinsielle klaphatte« ( ~ | (ENG) The Danish businessman, billion- aire & biggest contributor to danish party, Liberal Alliance (LA), Lars Christensen, understand Trump's cancellation: "Our politicians behave like a bunch of provincial flap hats" ... | Blogger: [😁What a Ride. Let The Blame Game begin. This Charade Is Formed By Our Cabal To Convince The Public That We Need Another President in USA🎢] ... It's gonna be the Most funny storyline, years ahead... Well, verdensalt has no fear inside my spiritual truth seeking heart, so I can say without remorse, i do (really) agree 100% with Lars Seier analysis. And that's not all, the (overpaid controlled) royal house experts says, "it's a directly disrespectful to Queen Margrethe II of Denmark. The only legitimate reason for canceling a state visit is illness", so they claim. Danish police (who created false flags) are out furious saying, "that planning the presidential visit has cost the police great resources", and the list goes on and on (and on)... Kristian Mouritzen backed political correspondent for Berlingske Media and I Quote "- It shows that if you do not dance 100 percent by Donald Trump pipe, you can take a running jump. And I can promise you that in Berlin and in Paris - with Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron - it will be here studied quite intensely", he said to TV2 News media... (Macron - an undercover agent of the Rothschilds, a henchman of big business & Merkel is Hitler's daughter. One of Dr. Karl Clauberg’s experiments) ... PS: The Trump cancellation, will spin crazier than anything else in the smallest lego golf putt-putt country of the world of Rothschilds... The Danish Prime Minister, Mette Frederiksen, will hold a so-called "doorstep" - i.e. a press meeting - at 15 CET of today, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs... |


🚀 ~ The U.S. Military Has A “Space Aggressor Squadron” Trained for Off-World Warfare (Futurism) ~ | .. They’re ready to handle everything from satellite defense to extraterrestrial attacks .. |

Extraterrestrial Conflict

Right now, somewhere in the Rocky Mountains of the American West, there are two teams of Air Force specialists preparing to defend America’s interests — in space. They are the 26th Space Aggressor Squadron(26th SAS) and the 527th Space Aggressor Squadron (527th SAS), and their job consists of training the rest of the military for any possible contingency involving extraterrestrial combat and creating strategies to defend the security of any U.S. interests in space.

In other words, they play the role of the bad guys on a potentially intergalactic scale, “attacking” and provoking U.S. troops in mock space battles — as foreign countries and any other hostile power looking to threaten America in space. Space Aggressors train troops to make strategic use of space resources, for example by engaging in “brute force jamming,” which uses satellite networks to transmit signals to make any original message unintelligible to outsiders. However, they also train U.S. forces to fight without space resources, such as GPS and satellite communications, to ensure that they can competently fight using inertial navigation systems, compasses, and maps.

“We study threats to the space realm, either coming from space or based on land,” 26th SAS chief of training Captain Christopher Barnes told Seeker. “If we can’t directly replicate them with hardware, then we figure out if there’s a software solution or some way we can train people to the point where they can fight through them, if they have to, in a conflict.”

Security In Space

👾 ~ Disclosure: David Wilcock On The Alien Agenda ~ | .. Host Tim Ray and David Wilcock discuss the Alien Agenda in the Deep State.The Good Intentions Show .. | Blogger: [🦸Ancient Civilizations : David Wilcock’s Apology Letter to Gaia Inc. (Spiritual) Awake - The Million Dollar Game Show?🤩] ... PS: Verdensalt do apologies in advance, but it's getting old, Divine Cosmos, has become a Netflix show (Awake: The Million Dollar Game - Don't Sleep)... ON the positive side, David Wilcock, and his bestest buddies, are doing their best, to be 'a representation' of a spiritual partner of 'Disclosure' or 'Awakener', and verdensalt respect what he / they do, but like so many other "shows", there's no NEW revelations in today's, 'The Good Intention Show". In fact, Wilcock and Ray, is repeating, for me, a very negative patten about Cabals mind-control, ancients reptilian & satanic (adrenochrome harvesting) luciferian agenda and what have you. It's getting a little tiresome, listening to this repeating (negative) information, without new real spiritual positive content... Verdensalt attended 2018 Conscious Life Expo Los Angeles (ECETI recruiting session & The International UFO Congress etc.) and it was in fact, great, because of the many american gifted spiritual teachers, intuitive healers etc. etc. But, i'm not spending any more money on 'Full Disclosure Projects' like 'Dimensions of Disclosure 2019', that has already sold out of the $777 all access passes. Who has this kind of money in their pockets? Spiritual (pretending) millionaires?... These gigantic conferences, like International UFO Congress, just an example, seems to be more like (controlled disclosure) gigantic cash-cows, rather than (positive) "Full Disclosure" intended... Don't' get me wrong, we all take good intended bits and pieces from anything we see, hear and learn from others, but i think i have outgrown these MAJOR U.S. EVENTS, that of course, also has positive outcomes from 'people' getting enlightened, expanding their spiritual awareness with personal and spiritual growth of themselves, their families and communities, but at the same time, WHY does it have to cost thousands of petrodollars to educate ourselves, sold to large multinational corporations, who makes sure, that we stay informed, but in a "controlled manner"?. Area 51 'Alienstock' Festival doesn't cost ANYTHING!... Don't tell me, that David Wilcock inc. or personalities like Dr. Greer, has been allowed to stay on open air, for that long, by avoiding naming names or revealed the (real) truth about what's going on, behind the scene. Please remember, we're still being monitored 24/7 by 3-letter agencies who again works for the higher hierarchy of aggressive aliens. The 3-D Matrix of illusion is still intact, until our galactic benevolent friends in the skies, give us the go-ahead coming from Cosmic Pleroma/Galactic Central Sun and the (real) EVENT comes true inside our own I AM Presence... It's just an opinion.. PEACE☮️... |

Who is David Wilcock: David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, film director and researcher of ancient civilizations, awareness science, and new paradigms of substance and energy. His Hollywood movie "CONVERGENCE" reveals evidence that all life on Earth is united in a field of consciousness that affects our minds in fascinating ways. Another new release is "Above Majestic" is a shocking and provocative look at what it would take to hide a multi-trillion-dollar Secret Space Program (a clandestine group of elite military and corporate figureheads charged with reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology also known as “Majestic 12”) from the public and the implications this would have for humanity... Divine Cosmos is the official Internet site, containing thousands of free pages of scientific and spiritual information about spiritual growth, ascension and the development of consciousness. David always comment on what Benjamin Fulford publishes because much makes sense.

By David Wilcock

📛 ~ Trump CALLS OFF his trip to Denmark after the prime minister rejects the 'absurd' idea to sell Greenland to the United States - just two days after the president DENIED he was serious about an offer (Daily Mail) ~ | Blogger: [🔥THE BURNING TOUCH - DENMARK, GREENLAND AND NORDICS F-35 DEFENSE MODERNIZATION EFFORTS🛦] ... {"Trump's cancellation is 'absurd' - he's like a child, Rufus Gifford thoughts"} ... The unity of the Realm : Became "infamous" after burning witches when celebrating Sankt Hans, burning the Quran in public places & ten years of the Muhammad cartoon crisis, burning Danish flag at demonst- rations ... (DOBBELT STANDARD???💂) -- "Greenland belongs to Greenland’: Denmark says selling world’s largest island to US is absurd, but our PM, Mette Frederiksen, also "CONFIRMED" when she was on an official trip to Greenland, 2 days ago, that it was “UNAVOIDABLE” that the US would have a "Greater Military Presence" in Greenland in the future. THEREFORE, Denmark open to "increased" US military presence in Greenland... (TRUMP-BASHING???)... SO WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? This means, that in secret, Trump administration and Denmark / Greenland has made a military DEAL, for good or worse, but in the (CIA's) Operation Mockingbird, NSA, Lame Stream Media Wolf's of Hoaxes, we are NOT allowed to know the TRUTH... NEVERTHELESS, USA is in panic mode to boost economic growth for the U.S. with $22,5 trillion dollars in debt and will solve the matter elsewhere, like when it approves the sale of 66 fighter jets to Taiwan, against China's will... (War Profiteering and the Concentration of Income and Wealth in America)... YOU, be "Judge Dredd" - SOMETHING FISHY is going on... |
  • Donald Trump has cancelled his upcoming meeting with Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen scheduled for early September 
  • Trump was invited by Denmark's Queen Margrethe II for a state visit on September 2 and 3 and initially claimed he wouldn't discuss Greenland 
  • He blamed cancellation on Frederiksen's refusal to talk about selling the island
  • 'I will be postponing our meeting for another time,' Trump tweeted Tuesday 
  • 'The Prime Minister was able to save a great deal of expense and effort for both the United States and Denmark by being so direct,' he added, digging at the PM
  • Frederiksen slammed Trump's interest in Greenland as 'absurd' saying 'Greenland is not for sale' on Sunday
  • White House Deputy Press Secretary Judd Deere confirmed Tuesday that the entire trip was cancelled 
  • Trip to Denmark would have been the final leg of his Europe trip, which includes a stop in Poland, in remembrance of the 80th anniversary of the start of WWII

👼 💗 ~ WATCH: Hero Strangers Save Woman Whose Wheelchair Rolled Off Cruise Ship (breaking911) 💕 ~ |

VIDEO: Randolph Donovan and Kashief Hamilton are being hailed as heroes for helping to keep the woman from going underwater off the coast of St. Thomas.

🧟 ~ Topjobs på DR besættes stadig uden opslag : Nu må du heller ikke vide hvem der ansætter studieværterne (cand. jur. & markedsøkonom Lars Bjørknæs) ~ | Blogger : Uddrag: "Når Danmarks Radios journalister arbejder på en historie, kræver de altid fuldstændig åbenhed hos dem, der undersøges. Men når det handler om DRs egne ansættelser, er der lukket ned hos det statslige mediehus. Hvordan, Iben Maria Zeuthen, skiftet fra Radio 24syv, skaffede sig sit nye job, synes dog at være et meget åbent spørgsmål. For som det fremgår af aktindsigter opnået af hos Danmarks Radio, er det langt fra noget, man fra mediefolkenes side ønsker at oplyse om. Det på trods af, at public service-mediet ellers er underlagt Kulturministeriet, og dermed reelt er en del af den offentlige forvaltning. Ligesom det også fremgår af udmeldinger fra DR, at man heller ikke ønsker at oplyse nærmere om ansættelsen af en af Iben Maria Zeuthens kollegaer" .. |


Jobnyt: Jeg har fået det, man kalder et tilbud man ikke kan modstå. P1 har stillet med en pakke og et engagement der gør mig glad helt ned i mavsi. Men hvor er det dog følsomt at stoppe på 24syv. Billedet er fra da vi startede kanalen. Jeg var helt bange og spændt. Jeg behøver ikke at sige at jeg ikke et eneste sekund har følt mig overflødig eller kedet mig i løbet af de seneste otte år på 24syv. Jeg har været så opslugt. Og ikke mindst har jeg haft et meget nært samarbejde med mine redaktører Mikael og Mads. De har hele tiden haft en langsigtet plan med mig, Mikael udtrykte det således da jeg startede: ‘du har lavet din bachelor, nu skal du skrive din kandidat.’ Det tog så otte år. Godt jeg ikke var på SU. For at sige det kort lærte de mig at slippe kontrollen i studiet, at arbejde bæredygtigt, at udvikle ideer, at rumme mig selv som sensitiv person og at sætte egne grænser. Jeg vil gå så langt som til at sige at det er Mikael og Mads der har udlært mig og jeg er stolt af at mærke at jeg bærer små gnister af deres flammer videre i alt jeg gør. Nu flytter jeg til P1. En af grundene er selvfølgelig at 24syv går en usikker fremtid i møde. Den anden grund er at P1 de seneste år har oprustet med det sygeste hold og de flotteste produktioner for ikke at tale om at jeg får en af DRs mest kreative, inspirerende og vidende redaktører som bliver knyttet helt tæt på mine programmer. Én, jeg ser op til. Et langsomt mord, det perfekte offer, P1 debat, selvmordstanker og dronekrigeren er aktuelle programeksempler der allesammen har bidraget til at jeg over tid er gået og blevet varm på kanalen og til sidst var jeg åbenbart klar til at tage skridtet og sige ja. Hvad vi dog ikke kan skabe sammen! Tænker jeg. Jeg håber ikke at I flytter kanal for 24syv fortjener hver en lytter, men jeg håber at i sætter jeres lyttetid op så der også er plads til P1 😆 hvis ikke du var der i forvejen. Nu ferie og kærlighed og som altid: lytte lytte lytte. Tak fordi du læste med ❤️❤️❤️ @mettemayli @vithner @emileusebius @mikkelfrey @t_kingo @mandensdatter @louisewitthansen @mikael_bertelsen @madsbrugger @24syv
Et opslag delt af Iben Maria Zeuthen (@ibenmgz) den

🙅‍♀️ ~ Ledende fagforeningsboss tiltalt for overgreb på barnebarn ( ~ | Blogger: [😖Seksuelle overgreb mod børn er en af de mest modbydelige forbryd- elser🚨] ... (NWO) Weinstein-Epstein GlobalPedoGate-epidemi trækker nu tråde, helt ind i det danske Elitenetværk... Hvor der altid plejer at være, når man er højt nok på strå, navneforbud eller lignende. Hvad vil Kongehuset gøre, når denne (ukendte person) bliver fængslet, med mindre, Stagetorn Advokaterne, eller en god ven af Retsstaten, hjælper vedkommende?. Hvis det er en "Ledende fagforenings- boss" med hang til Venstresocialistisk Partier, så kommer det nok aldrig frem. Vi har set, at stort set alle Ungdomspartier i Dannevang, fra tidligere og nuværende ledelse, har efterladt sig sager omkring sexovergreb, men, alle samfundslag, er der desværre, også overgreb på børn og unge mennesker, som er "utilgiveligt"... VIDSTE DU, at den svindel-sigtede Britta Nielsen fik dronningens fortjenstmedalje i 2017, hvor hun beskrives som 'vellidt' og altid klar til at gøre en ekstra indsats?. Har Droningen, taget det fra Britta Nielsen og døterne, som sjæler og svindler, med arme og ben?... Næææ, ikke hvad jeg har hørt af!. Britta Nielsen havde overført mindst 5.835.147,04 millioner kroner til sine døtres privatkonti og hvor er de henne??... Christian Kjær, som er skidesur og rejser ud af landet, tidligere bestyrelsesmedlem i blandt andet FLSmidth, har i mange år været ven af kongehuset, men nu er han ikke længere kammerherre, hofjægermester eller ridder af første grad af Dannebrog... VIDSTE DU, at offentligt ansatte kan få Dronningens fortjenstmedalje efter 40 års ansættelse. Men privatansatte kan først hædres efter pensionen?... |

I slutningen af august skal manden, der bestrider en ledende post i en dansk fagforening, for en domsmandsret. Han har tidligere modtaget Dronningens fortjenstmedalje

Et ledende medlem af en dansk fagforening er blevet tiltalt for adskillige overgreb på sit sted-barnebarn.

Det skriver BT.

Barnebarnet, der er født i 2009 og dermed er omkring 10 år, skulle ifølge anklageskriftet som avisen har fået agtindsigt i, otte gange fra 2013 til 2017 have været udsat for voldtægt “ved andet seksuelt forhold end samleje”.

Avisen skriver at der i anklageskriftet står, at manden blandt andet har gnedet sit lem mod den lille piges kønsdele, ligesom han også udførte oralsex på pigen.

De mange seksuelle overgreb har angiveligt fundet sted i situationer, hvor manden skulle passe pigen.

Den anklagede, der er beskyttet af navneforbud, har ifølge BTs oplysninger modtaget en fortjenestemedalje af Dronningen.
