Nov 23, 2021

🙏 ~ 💝 ('All I Want For Christmas is 'FREEDOM' For the Whole WW and U & Me') Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Thanks to Simon Parkes and Billy Falcon... Right now I'm siting with my "Keep America Great" MAGA-cap on and my Trump coin in the pocket... It has nothing to do with Trump, everything to do with the Great Awakening, Getting our Freedom back and Planetary Liberation... How the heck did you get those Trump Commemorative Coins from USofA to Denmark, SoTW? That is my secret... Call me crazy one more time😉... 2nd video is aa-muh-ZEENG and has it all... Including November 22 JFK tribute, Trump and U.S. Space Force. I feel like dancing... |

📰🍿❌ ~ ('Team of 1,000 lawyers & 10,000 medical experts started Nuremberg 2 Trial against World Leaders for Crimes Against Humanity.') Restored Republic via a GCR as of November 23, 2021 (DC) ~ | Blogger: [👄RUMORS AND GOSSIP REPEATERS👂] ... Make it so and so be it and so it is... PS: Fear of corona on Tuesday gave the Danish C25 index the biggest drop since the first shutdown of Denmark in 2020. Expected interest rate rises also threaten the stock market... |




A. This Week

Zero Day = Mass Cyber Attacks to shut everything down before DECLAS. US govt warns of increased chance of Ransomware attacks during holiday season. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure agency and the FBI warned public and private sector organizations not to let their guard down to Ransomware attacks during the holiday season. Whiplash347

All over the news now to prepare for Cyber attacks across this week.

Election Day + 1

Eyes on Evergrande

Stock Market

China 3gd etc

Look here not there. 

Judy Note: Tues. 23 Nov. was the Supreme Court date to hear 2020 Election Fraud. By then we should be well into the Illuminati campaign to decrease the world population. Meanwhile the Alliance was fighting back with Nuremburg 2.0 trials that have already been initiated:

A team of 1,000 lawyers and 10,000 medical experts have started the Nuremberg 2 Trial against World Leaders for Crimes Against Humanity – including their mandates of deadly Covid vaccines.

Plus, the Ghislaine Maxwell Case – with connections to major global, Hollywood and political elite blackmail, Child Sex Trafficking using the Satanic Child Sacrifice Epstein Island frequented by global and political elites – was set to start on Mon. 29 Nov.

The Nuremberg 2 Trial and Maxwell Case were expected to have zero coverage by the Mass Media, and the news had long been blocking any mention of vaccine dangers, let alone vaccination consequences for innocent children.

Wed. 24 Nov. was also the date Biden’s CV-19 dangerous blood-clotting vaccination mandate for children aged 5-11 was set to begin. There was certainly terrorists threats all around, a need to protect the children from the blood clotting and heart problem vaccine, Vaccine Mandate Protests across the globe, and all with little mention in the Media about the International Child Sex Trafficking Maxwell Case that involved blackmail of global and political elites. There was little hope the Mass Media would cover the huge Nuremberg 2 Trial against World Leaders for Crimes Against Humanity.

🎅📺⛔ ~ (DDR voksen juleaflysninger: En farlig vej at gå! Det hele er politisk!) Fra DR2 julekalenderen H*A*S*H "- to fight the åltimate war!" Til P1 »Jul i Republikken« nedlagt frygt for stormvejr over røde lejesvende & knus-elskende kongehusroyalister (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Nu er også "Orkestret", DDR komedieserie baseret på en idé af Adam Price og er instrueret og hovedforfattet af Mikkel Munch-Fals, udskudt til 2022... Endnu er mange julefrokoster aflyst som i 2020. Coronapas samt vaksiner hos alle store virksomheder er kommet for at blive og komedieserien »Orkestret« er udskudt grundet aktuelle krænkelsessager i DDRs pigekor... Kun ’Tidsrejsen’, ’Klassens Jul’, ’Nissebanden i Grønland’ og ’Ramajetternes jul’ åbnes op og overlevet DDR's massecensureringen 1. december 2021. Hele 2 af disse, er udenlandske, og hvor er vi alle sindssygt trætte af ’Nissebanden i Grønland’ fra 1989, men DDR er jo genudsendelsernes holdeplads. Snart, begynder man at genudsende nyhederne, men som alle ved, er flow-tv, optaget i forvejen og massepropaganda. Mediestøtten er på 5.000 millioner fra staten i år, hovedparten til DDR og tvungen licenspenge. Man kan jo se YouSee Original '2 Døgn: Et juleeventyr' eller 'Nisser' - en ny dansk juleserie med et twist af gys, på Netflix og både DR, TV 2, Netflix, Viaplay og Xee smider deres lodder i puljen i kampen om seernes guns. Glæder mig personligt til 'Borgen -sæson 4', som sikkert og vist, kommer så tæt på sandheden, som overhoved muligt. VI VED, at DNC-frimurer "Thorning" har lukrerede på "Borgen" og Birgitte Nyborgs sejrsgang og nu storhitter med "Blondinens Betragtninger" og selfie med Obama, der gik verden rundt, er ikke tilfældigt. Mørke-Mink-Mætte, HAR, været populær som en i fanden, men det tror jeg er slut nu, bortset fra alle S-troldehærens medlemmer... 'Kisser' wannabe groupie illuminati-værten for, Hvem holder MASKEN, er RASENDE!. Rasmus Bruun, ligeså. Hos DDR må man nemlig IKKE snakke om pedovirkelighedens overgreb... ('Der blev kysset på børn og rørt ved bryster' sagde, Susanne Elmark, der oplevede psykisk terror i DR's pigekor, fra hun var ti år gammel)... Der er ingen sammenhæng,« siger Frederik Cilius, der medgiver, at serien, hvor han spiller 2. klarinettisten Bo, som vil til tops, også indeholder emner, der relaterer sig til #metoo.... PS: Der findes desværre ikke en trailer-udgave af "Orkestret", det er der blevet sørget for... |



🦠🍬👻 ~ (Virussens Stærke Powermagneter) Rasende Danske Nutty Professors & Nyhedsmediers Corona-Corporations clickbait sensationshistorier (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉’Riget’: Hemmelige ritualer, gale overlæger og et afhugget hoved - Andrea - fik udskudt livsvigtige operationer på 'ubestemt tid' som konsekvens af corona-travlhed siger Rigshospitalet👈] ... ALTSÅ, hvis man tror på Lars von Trier's ’Riget’ som sprængte rammerne for tv-dramatik, ændrede dansk film og medierne som fjerde statsmagt, der ALTID er på jagt efter medieforbrugeres opmærksomhed gennem clickbait, sensationshistorier og spredning af falske nyheder. Den 23-årige Andrea Skaksen, kan du læse om i dagens tophistorie på B.T. som har overtaget tronen på nettet fra Ekstra Bladet med over 500 millioner visninger per måned. Har de fået penge af frimureriet?... The Mad Professors, opstår, når disse såkaldte "eksperter", eks. vis. Allan Rand-mig-et-vis-sted Thomsen (nu fået "corona"), Lone’n Simonsen, som mener, vi burde fejrer den danske coronasucces som EM. Begge, sidder i den særlige 'faglige referencegruppe', sammen med Novo Nordisk og andre private aktører, i regeringens øverste lovgivende Coronaudvalg, der 'rådgiver' regeringen i forbindelse med covid-19 siden Marts 2020. Jo, så har vi Epidemiolog Vikingernes-Viggo Andreasen, han er knastør og ku(g)leskør, som Christian Visse-Vasse-Wejse, lektor ved Institut for Folkesundhed jeg overhørte i radioen til morgen på P4 København regionale nyheder 8.30, der er EDDERRASENDE over, blot 19% har taget imod "Influenza-vaksinen", mod 95'% som er påkrævet af hospitals- og plejepersonalet, og hvis man er rigtigt konspiratorisk, er “flu shots” = “CV shots”?. Som min egen mor har fortalt mig utallige gange, dengang for 25 år tilbage da hun var leder på NJ-sygehus, og skulle bestille Influenza-vax, var der umådeligt lidt tilslutning af personalet, også dengang .. [LÆS VIDERE]... |

Ritzau: Ni ud af ti inviterede nordjyder -  Region Nord -og Midtjylland, har allerede nået vaksinemilepæl på 90% af borgerne over 12 år mod coronavirus. SST forventer en tilslutning på 90 % på nationalt plan i december... (Er de alle sammen bims og crazy i Jydelandet???)

..Altså - SOTW - pas nu på med at generalisere, vær varsom med kritik, vis din patriotisme, vis nåde med politikere som bare meler deres egen kage, stol blot på de officielle nyhedsmedier og eksperter, uanset om de omfatter global censur - vær nænsomt med tabloid pressen, hold igen med at fordømme, bliv i stedet observerende, kærlig og overbærende... Det virker alt sammen rigtigt og forkert på samme tid!?...

Stor tak til vores sponsorer...

PS: Vidste Du, at BBB, havde politieskorte samt PET-beskyttelse, da hun ankom til afhøring i Granskningskommissionen i Retten på Frederiksberg, havde hun alle svar klar og fik central advarsel slettet i hovednotat til minkmøde? Minkkommissionens udspørger Jakob Lund Poulsen var så bange for BBB, at han ikke spurgte ind til, hvorfor hun fortsatte sletningen af sms’er, efter Minkkommissionen i april i år henvendte sig direkte til Statsministeriet med en umisforståelig melding om, at sms’er skulle gemmes til brug for kommissionens arbejde... | 

Habilitet - øhh, hvad er det?... 

Tidligere Sundhedsminister Ellen Trane Nørby, investerede privat formue i (Coronaudvalgets) Novo Nordisk. Dengang, skulle hun udarbejde nye handlingsplaner for diabetes - og havde samtidig aktier i Novo Nordisk. Er det et problem?... 

ENESTE læge i uvildig ekspertgruppe lægefaglige, Lars Østergaard??? - Han har lige sagt, at vi bør overveje nyt våben mod corona - "hjemmetests"!?!... 

Har "eksperterne" Randrup, Simonsen og Co., m.fl samt Magnus LØGNICKE og Statsministeren, aktier i medicinalgiganten Pfizer og tyske, Biontech?. Efter den positive vaccinenyhed i November 2020, steg Pfizer-aktien 15 procent og samme dag, solgte Pfizer-topchefen ud af sine og tjente en formue.? Er det et problem? 

※🔴🔺~ ('mass demonstrations, military moves and criminal prosecutions.') Fulford's *Partial Full* Report & weekly geo-political news and analysis ~ | Blogger: BESIDES the overwhelming confusion regarding the new subscriptions and Ben’s new weekly Friday interview series, SoTW will not add any nasty stuff, like extremely graphic and disturbing video, that Ben has posted into his full report. It also look like fake or CGI, but it could be real... |

... Excerpts from the full report: The extremely graphic and disturbing video below was found during the raid on Jeffrey Epstein’s Island. It shows a naked girl being burned with a blow torch, apparently to harvest adrenochrome: 'This is not a random crime, but part of a systematic harvest of children. To join the rich and famous in the West participation in child sacrifice and the resultant blackmail is necessary. FBI statistics show that more than 40,000 children vanish each year in the US, never to be seen again. That is a rate that is over 20 times higher than in countries like those in Africa that do not have a Satanic ruling class'...


Who is this Benjamin Fulford? BF (born 1961) is a 
journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.

Western world revolts against Satanic ruling class

Blogger: A far-fetched story!?... Yes I agree... Verdensalt has been following Fulford’s reports for some years, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment. BF seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface, but underneath in the intelligence services apparatus or underworld, more likely. It would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time.. With that said, the world is unbelievable corrupted and nasty, it's sometimes hard after a man swallowed The Red Pill...

Published by Benjamin on Nov, 22, 2021

There is a massive attack taking place against the Satanic ruling cabal in most Western countries. This is being seen in mass demonstrations, military moves and criminal prosecutions.

Take a look at these huge demonstrations in Italy, Australia, Austria, Switzerland, Brussels, etc. It looks a lot like what happened just before the fall of the Berlin Wall in Eastern Europe.


The pattern is the same, the ruling class -facing bankruptcy and popular revolt- increases repression of the population. This creates a negative feedback loop by causing ever more popular discontent until the military and police join the people and overthrow the ruling class.

After Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg decided to confine unvaccinated people, the police and the military announced they would refuse to control the “health passes” in the name of “freedom and human dignity.”

“Europe has fallen. Austria was lost and the rest will all collapse by year end,” says MI6.

In North America as well, a major military campaign against the cabal has begun. This is being seen in the media as large floods that have cut off Vancouver, Canada, from the rest of the country.