Blogger: ... Planet Earth appears to be going through hell. War, destruction, poverty, starvation, terrorist attacks - these only begin the list of horrors.
PLEASE remember, our 'CONTROLLERS SURVIVAL' depends on draining and feeding off of your negative energy, so don't let them pull you into their 3D Matrix of Illusion.
The Earth is a living being. It’s starting to vibrate at a frequency we haven’t witnessed before. The frequency of the planet has been increasing very quickly throughout the last 10 years, and has almost doubled. The planet’s energy is expanding. The Earth is basically talking to us through her vibration, from 3D into 5D. Earth and Her beings rises in vibration to begin experiencing a far higher reality than you have seen in eons of your time.
"One of the reasons you are experiencing the dissatisfaction you feel with how Earth is functioning now, is that you are aware of your own ever-increasing vibration. Because of this, you have an increasing awareness of how beautiful Earth life could be, if the majority held a higher consciousness. This extends beyond the current challenges of dealing with extreme weather and climate change, armed conflict, violence on the streets or in the home, and illnesses and disorders that you know intuitively have been cured, though the cure is kept hidden from the public. This issue extends into the entire realm of each person’s soul purpose, and why you are here. When you move into that issue, as you lift above the chaos that is Earth’s current frequency, you enter a completely different realm."(Caroline Oceana Ryan - excerpts from 'A Message to Lightworkers')Lightworkers & Lightwarrios are exhausted and extremely low, feeding negativity from the collective consciousness... It's the FINAL battle in the Astral, we all feel it... Solar and Lunar Eclipses Worldwide in 2018, 11:11, 12:12, 12:21, 12:27 are extreme important dates.
How do I serve humanity’s and my own higher good? How do I naturally live in the energies of Joy, Peace, and Divine Love, so that others pick up on the beauty of that, and aspire to live there also?... Surrender to Circumstances.Listen to your HEART and not your HEAD (David Icke)...
You might call upon every heavenly help you could conceivably imagine, as well as your intergalactic brothers and sisters, and require their assistance at levels unknown and unheard of since the Fall of Earth into the third dimension... |