May 26, 2019

Verdensalt | 💓 ~ Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🎞️Instantly watch : Over 86 million views! Available in 27 languages. Soon: THRIVE II: This is What it Takes!🍿] ... PS: Verdensalt's point of reference is the movie "Thrive 2011" which really is inspiring in many ways, believe it's the best eye-opener that is made to date... If you're amongst the increasingly population of CIA Psyops 'flaterthers', you'd be stunned... |

TV2 FNYS NEWS | ~ Tidligere kræftpatient blev nægtet kontrolscanning: - Det er et spørgsmål om liv eller død ~ | Blogger: [🤔Mammografi eller ej? SELVFØLGELIG NEJ!🙅‍♀️] ... {Brug i stedet Thermo-mammografi, eller ultralyd scanning, termografi og MR-scanning, da INGEN af disse metoder er farlige} ... Hold nu kaje med alt det ævl fra FRYGT-baseret propaganda, udsendt af Sundhedsstyrelsen... (verdensalt) og min holistiske læge spørger til, HVORFOR, læger skal i fængsel, og dermed "straffes", som FAKTISK forsøger, at skåne kvinder for angst for brystkræft - du skaber, hvad DU fokuserer på (husk det)... I england er man stoppet for længst med screeningsundersøgelser (Mammografi), fordi der kom væsentlig færre brystcancer, efter ophør... Hvad var det ulven (cancerindustrien) iklædte sig? INGEN, må blive arbejdsløse i dette land. Det ville være et tilbageslag for den store indsats man gør for at få alle i arbejde - ergo - Arbeit macht frei... (HVIS du stadigvæk er i tvivl - læs lidt op på hvad du skal gøre på - FANTASTISK hjemmeside... |

Lene Schnoor-Jørgensen fik brystkræft som 34-årig. I 2016 kunne hun, på grund af ressourcemangel, ikke få en ultralydscanning ved sin kontrolundersøgelse, som de nationale retningslinjer ellers tilsiger. Foto: Privatfoto
Mammografi eller ej?
Sygehusansatte risikerer fængsel i sag om brystkræft-undersøgelser

Democracy Now! | ~ Exclusive: Julian Assange’s Attorney Decries Espionage Charges as “Grave Threat to Press Freedom” ~ | Blogger: Julian Assange and lawyer fears he could 'face 170 years in US jail' or death penalty... |

In an unprecedented move, the Justice Department has indicted WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on 17 charges of violating the Espionage Act for his role in publishing U.S. classified military and diplomatic documents exposing U.S. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. The documents were leaked by U.S. Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning. The Espionage Act of 1917 has never been used to prosecute a journalist or media outlet. The new charges come just over a month after British police forcibly removed Assange from the Ecuadorean Embassy in London, where he took asylum in 2012. Initially the Trump administration indicted Assange on a single count of helping Manning hack a government computer, but Assange faces up to 170 additional years in prison under the new charges—10 years for each count of violating the Espionage Act. We speak with Jennifer Robinson, an attorney for Julian Assange. “It is a grave threat to press freedom and should be cause for concern for journalists and publishers everywhere,” Robinson says. | ~ Terrortrussel får regeringen til at forlænge grænsekontrol ~ | .. Terrortruslen mod Danmark er fortsat til stede, lyder det fra udlændinge- og integrationsminister Inger Støjberg (V) .. | Blogger: [🏴‍☠️TERROR er ikke TERROR. Alle spor fører "ikke" til Islamisk Terror. Politisk & efterretningsvæsens bekvemhedsord, der snarere er en iscenesættelse, der leder til Falske Flag begivenheder👻] ... {1 Milliard kroner, tømt ud i lokummet} ... HVOR er det nemt for #Stoejberggaten og Co. til at bruge centraladministrationens magtmidler af talknusere, for at fremme og provokere en bestemt målgruppe, så de bider til bolden, ikke sandt!?... "- Fra den blev indført den 4. januar 2016, er 7687 udlændinge blevet afvist ved grænsen, og 866 våben er blevet beslaglagt, så politi og hjemmeværnet har udført et stort stykke arbejde, skriver Støjberg på Facebook."... HA!... Politikerne snyder og bedrager borgerne med tal (som ikke eksisterer eller er manipuleret med) -- smarte gimmick, et tilstrækkeligt højt Lix-tal, pakket ind i fine glosser og 'korrekt' sprogbrug, figurere Staten som de 'maskeret' Robin Hood reddere af vor alles velfærdsstat, men er blot simple TYVEKNÆGTE... |


Intellihub | ~ ‘We can’t trust the permafrost anymore’: Doomsday vault at risk in Norway ~ | Blogger: [📰More Norwegian / Danish / Scandinavian News Feed📰]... ahh.. not to worry! - Trump has already issued a Presidential Memorandum to declassify over 1000 patents from a pool of over 5000. Most of the 1000 patents deal with anti-aging and health technologies, yet some deal with material science and biochemistry and a few involve free energy inventions. These technologies are widely used in a number of secret space programs, and the patents dealing with these have been repressed under national security orders. The USPTO has issued Federal Regulations that govern when patents are classified on the grounds of national security, and subsequently withheld from the general public:.."."... Trump said: We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow..."... Unfortunately it seem unbendable clear that these so-called secret 1000 patents has gone to big tech-companies and alike and they will NEVER in a million years, share anything for the better good of humanity, so it seems... |

Just over a decade after it first opened, the world’s “doomsday vault” of seeds is imperiled by climate change as the polar region where it’s located warms faster than any other area on the planet.

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault, which opened in late February 2008, was built by the organization Crop Trust and the Norwegian government on the island of Svalbard next to the northernmost town in the world with more than 1,000 residents, Longyearbyen.

“Svalbard is the ultimate failsafe for biodiversity of crops,” said Crop Trust executive director Marie Haga.

Northern temperatures and environment on the island were a major reason for the construction. According to in-depth reporting from CNN, the project planners hoped that the permafrost around the construction of the underground vault would, in time, refreeze. But the planet has other plans.

Longyearbyen and, by extension, the vault, is warming more rapidly than the rest of the planet. That’s because the polar regions of Earth—the coldest areas on the planet—are less able to reflect sunlight away from the polar seas due to disappearing ice and snow cover.
— John Raymond Hanger (@johnrhanger) March 27, 2019

READ MORE>> | ~ Alarmen har for alvor gått på Slottet ~ | (Eng) Tuesday, Crown Prince Haakon, to speak up, about his sister's & the raged debat of issued a royal edict which removed Princess Märtha Louise's style of Royal Highness. It all comes after Norway's Princess Martha Louise is dating an American Shaman ~ | Blogger: [👸Ragnarok, Chaos and Insanity😱] ... CHRIST, just leave them ALONE!... Just because the Norway's Princess Martha Louise & Shaman boyfriend are trying to cure cancer, lead a spiritual workshop - tackling 'unwanted energies' and 'quantum expansion', doesn't mean they're a DANGER to Cabal's Bilderberg'ers & THE Davos World Economic Forum - alleged sinister Illuminati global elite, like Norwegian PM and Crown Prince are and has been prominent guests... Verdensalt truly think this is awesome, REALLY!. 💕Have not seen anything like it... But the medical–industrial complex and establishment, wil go abeshit (Pardon my French)... The couple will soon be on tour together, where they will take the audience "on a journey in the mysteries of life". Just think about the disaster consequences it would be, if The Monarchy of Denmark (the world's oldest monarchy), Danish overseas colonies and pre Dano-Norwegian colonies, would have a similar situation. Or for that matter, The British Monarchy, with the Reptilian DNA ruler, Elizabeth II, the most powerful dark alien in the universe. NO WAY! But in Norway, YES, properly because they have NOK 6000 billions in their money bin... YOU KNOW: He who holds the key to the finances or oil, rules the world... |


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There is a grace and beauty about life when you fall in love. Something softens in you that's unspeakable, however felt in the very depth of your soul. Then your eyes see more clearly yourself and everyone else with the same reflection the heart feels. To be loved or not to be loved for I'd rather be loved unconditionally then not to be loved at all. This is what I feel from @princessmarthalouise, pure acceptance of my multidimensional self. Not just the Shaman, however the woman in me, the strong man in me, the little boy, ET, the jaguar, the scientist and the angel and more. All loved by this Goddess, who I honor and worship. Where I can cry in her arms when I'm sad or hurt and laugh about life and its many complexities. A strong woman who lets me be me without judgement or confinement. I'm free when I'm with her, free to be me and love a women who is a bright light of wisdom and profound grace and immense beauty. Happy Mothers Day powerful women of the world. I honor you and your devotion to life. Thank you @dhendersonphoto
Et opslag delt af Shaman Durek (@shamandurek) den

Joni Patry Vedic Astrological | ~ Predictions and Spiritual Insights ~ | ~ 🌟 Spiritual Insights and Predictions June 2019 💜 ~ | Blogger: [🖤The Dark Side of Being Light : Through Darkness Comes Light, Through Fear Comes Love and Through Pain Comes Triumph💖] ... NORMALLY Galactic Center inspires me, but oh boy, how dark it seems to be for next month / quarter events. Vedic astrological predictions is based on the 9 planets in Astrology and of course should be taken with a large grain of salt (like everything else)... "It seems, the opposition between Mars and Saturn creates oppression and anger that strikes out as major problems with travel, Mars is conjunct Rahu causing extremes and upsets in communications and June 17-18 a full Moon will further activate more problems related to the angry disruptions occurring now.. Attacks and anger will strike different areas all around the world. The U.S. is a big target for terrorism. One of the positive outcomes will be a dissolving of religious condemnation from extremes of religious fanaticism. The ultimate realization of this time on earth will be a global understanding the Universal law of unconditional acceptance and love. Events during this time will bring people together. Everything occurring now will begin to dissolve any extremist views even in the current political parties".. READ MORE ... |

Joni Patry lives in Dallas, Texas and is one of the most recognized teachers and Vedic astrologers in the world. She was a faculty member for ACVA, CVA and Instructor for online certification programs, published many books, journals and appeared on national and international television shows. As the keynote speaker for international conferences, she has a Japanese website, and teaches in Turkey and India. She has been awarded the 2015 Jyotish Star of the year and Dr B. V. Raman's Janma Shatamanothsava Award Jyotisha Choodamani. She publishes an online astrological magazine, Astrologic Magazine and has an online University for certification, the University of Vedic Astrology.

Spiritual Insights June 2019 

The opposition between Mars and Saturn creates oppression and anger that strikes out as major problems with travel since these planets are in Gemini and Sagittarius, the signs of travel, trade and information. Mars is conjunct Rahu causing extremes and upsets in communications. This indicates problems with air travel and operations such as computer glitches with air traffic control and strikes in the transportation industry. Mars is close to Mercury interfering with transportation, subways, trains, buses and airlines. Restrictions, delays and cancellations concerning trade wars cause economic issues.

Mars is in a precarious position now opposed Saturn and around June 12-14 it will conjunct Rahu and oppose Saturn. June 17-18 a full Moon will further activate more problems related to the angry disruptions occurring now. The opposition of the signs Gemini and Sagittarius concerns beliefs. There is an extreme righteous condemnation prevalent around the world. The extremes in behavior cause great discord globally and personally.

Mars is in the sign Ardra, the nakshatra of tragedy. This area of the zodiac was activated by Jupiter and Rahu in 2001. There are similar events brewing globally in the world. The most significant feeling is fear. The world is consumed with fear, which will affect the economy.

Attacks and anger will strike different areas all around the world. The U.S. is a big target for terrorism. One of the positive outcomes will be a dissolving of religious condemnation from extremes of religious fanaticism. The ultimate realization of this time on earth will be a global understanding the Universal law of unconditional acceptance and love. Events during this time will bring people together. Everything occurring now will begin to dissolve any extremist views even in the current political parties.

What is actually occurring is the destruction of the extremist parties around the world. For example, this includes the far right and far left in the political realm in the U. S. What is occurring is their war will exterminate each other with a new party emerging that will be neutral to the extremes. These extremes are revealing the issues with morality and righteousness. Both sides feel justified in the beliefs. The political parties are a perfect mirror of this righteousness and condemnation which is polarizing, separating and tearing people apart. What needs to be recognized is that humanity at the core wants the same thing regardless of what political leaders represent to us. The lesson that will come out of this polarizing time is Unity. There is a Divine force that brings to our awareness what we need to learn, and many times the lessons culminate in destruction. The Universal law always brings balance. We do not understand what we are here to learn when consumed with anger, righteousness and our sense of justice. If we would resolve ourselves to the understanding that we are all one and want togetherness and unity regardless of our political or religious views, then the world would come together with an appreciation of one another instead of anger and separation. There is a Divine purpose for everything and we are all moving towards a new world reality. This may not occur overnight but it is being born at this time.

TheLightinTheDarkPlace | ~ Madonna Publicizes, “Not Everyone is Coming to the Future. Not Everyone That’s Here is Gonna Last.” – America to Be Destroyed – Banned Worldwide (Video) ~ | Blogger: PS: 3 hour analysis and long storyline, verdensalt has NOT gone through it to the end, it's too dark. ONLY intention is to show you guys, that not many understand or have no idea, how deep the rabbit hole goes (satanic ritual to destroy the universe)... |


Spiritual Dynamics Academy | ~ 💗 The Lightworker Imperative 💕 ~ | .. There is an imperative to being a lightworker today, an urgent need that we fill the roles we planned before we ever entered this life. We are here to, not just raise our frequency of consciousness like everyone else, but to be a vanguard for the emerging New Reality, to be trendsetters pioneering the journey into a whole new way of seeing things .. |

by Owen K Waters

The underlying purpose of life is to raise one's frequency of consciousness by learning through experience.

Sometimes, it takes an individual many incarnations of exploring avenues of self-centered action to discover that what goes around also comes around. Such people may live in a world where they believe in doing unto others before they get a chance to do it to you!

The resulting karma serves as an education into what it is like to be the victim as well as the self-serving aggressor. Both roles, played throughout the multiple varieties offered in life, serve as learning experiences and eventually we begin to see and understand the actual nature of reality and how it works.

All of us, at some point, having tried all the alternatives for finding happiness at the solar plexus level of consciousness, discover that there is an escape from the endless loop of self-imposed limitation.

By opening the heart center, we discover a new and expanded viewpoint of reality. Before, living in a world filled with competitors, we may have even considered noble feelings to be the domain of the weak. Now, we realize that the frequency of heart consciousness includes all that we have mastered before and, in addition, introduces an appreciation of the beauty of life.

By helping others, especially those suffering from self-imposed, solar plexus-inspired catastrophes, we finally discover the sense of joy that eluded us in all our previous pursuits of material happiness.

Aljazeera | ~ World's first electric-powered air taxi to launch 'by 2025' ~ | .. Emissions-free craft unveiled by German company Lilium aims to hit the skies in five years .. |


RT | ~ Thousands of Israelis protest immunity bill that would shield Netanyahu from indictment ~ | Blogger: SOME is asking if John Bolton is the most dangerous man in the world? Others, that Steve Bannon - Donald Trump’s erstwhile campaign manager, former White House chief strategist, and self-styled populist-whisperer to the world - trying to grab some credit for nationalist, populist, far-right parties success in Europe.. I (verdensalt) says, that Benjamin Netanyahu, IS the most dangerous man in the Vampire Underworld, and all western leaders are protecting him, like he's rotting Christ - the new Messiah... |


TV2 FNYS NEWS | ~ Det skal du vide om EP-valget 2019 ~ | Blogger: [🇪🇺Kofoed: EU skal være en klima-union. Auken: EU skal sikre biodiversitet ved lov og blah blah blah. Er Messerschmidt en Helt, Fakir eller Lystløgner?💶] ... NÅ, skal jeg vide hvad EP-valget går ud det?? ... Sct. Peter, står og tager imod ved døren til himlen og bladre ivrigt efter de forbigåede EU-politikere, som ikke kunne få job andersteds, et sandt synderegister, mens de kigger ned og tror de kommer i helvede? Regner det altid i Helvede? Er der andre mennesker? Gør det ondt at være der? Er man der for evigt, eller kan man slippe ud derfra?.. VIDSTE DU, at der sidder 751 medlemmer i parlamentet? OG, at alle medlemmerne af Europa-Parlamentet er som udgangspunkt beskyttet af såkaldt parlamentarisk immunitet og kan IKKE fyres? Samtidigt, får hvert medlem af Europa-Parlamentet, 8611 euro om måneden, svarende til cirka 64.162 kroner og et forsvindende lille særlig EU-skat. DERTIL kommer Dagpenge, 306 euro eller 2284 kroner per dag. Fast tillæg til generelle udgifter, månedlig godtgørelse på maksimalt 4416 euro eller 32.971 kroner. Godtgørelse af rejse- og opholdsudgifter: årligt beløb på 4264 euro eller 31.837 kroner... ÉN af de væreste, der har suget på fars pengepipe i 15 år, er den 74-årige Margrete Auken, samt røde feminister, der KUN ser deres eget spejlbillede og pipper igen og igen, når hun/de bliver fornærmet over et eller andet, 1000 km væk fra Dannevang. Normalt bliver jeg ALDRIG personlig på bloggen, men man behøver næsten ikke sige mere for at enten dø af grin eller omvendt som jeg at få det skidt ved navnet Auken (med al medmenneskelig respekt for nu afdøde Svend, ham undlader jeg da han ikke kan forsvare sig). Man skal da vist være SF elsker, for overhovedet at vide hvad Magrethe har udrettet i EU parlamentet... Der kunne skrives krimiromaner om politikerne, kan blot erindre Jeppe Kofod som var det en bog om 'Gamle mænd og skolepiger'. Tiden er perfekt for psykopater - populistiske politikere er vor tids psykopater. Jeg ved alene 'psykopat' kan associeres med et meget negativ fortegn, men kalder nu altid en spade, for en spade. Psykopater er egoistiske, manipulerende, dominerende og mangler evnen til at føle og udvise empati. Når magten så stiger til hoved som hos mange af vores øverste folketingsmedlemmer samt EU-fanatister, kan det udvikle storhedsvanvid, manglende dømmekraft og forvrænget selvbillede som verdensmand.. Se bare på Mogens Lykketoft som er kaldt 'et totalitært fjols med storhedsvanvid'. Sikkert ganske rammende. Løkke flyder ovenpå som en korkprop, selvom tingene ser sortest ud og bliver aggressivt når nogle siger ham imod... Branchen, med de mange bund brodne kar, der sidder og fiser husleje af, på bekostning af skatteyderes surt tjente penge og så siger man, at danskere er ENESTE i EU, som elsker, selv samme organisation af bedrag... |


🔴Matrix Wisdom | ~ The Australian Outback Has A Huge Secret, This Will Blow Your Mind! ~ | .. How much do we really know about this? .. | Blogger: [🌌 Mind The Gap… Pine Gap : USAF Edwards Air Force Base (Area 51/S4). Rudloe Manor Yorkshire - UK's Area 51. CFB Suffield Experimental Research/Canada's Area 51. Pine Gap - Australia's Area 51 - The ANZUS Treaty - New Zealand Discloses UFOs as U.S. Hides Possible ET/UFO Base at Pine Gap, Australia (SAS - Scandinavian Airlines)🛸] ... {O-M-G! Pine Gap, one of the most significant underground facilities on the planet} ... The United States has been carrying out continuous research into electromagnetic propulsion (EMP for short) at Pine Gap since it was established in 1966. Richard Nixon (former U.S. President ) announced in 1975 as a target date for the completion of the project. At that time it was to relieve the petrol crisis... Pine Gap, (the Director of DARPA was Stephen J. Lukasik), has what is believed to be the deepest and straightest 'water bore' in Australia drilled beneath it. The bore is at least 28,000 feet deep (5.3 miles). This bore can also be used as an underground "antenna" for very low frequency electricity broadcasts. As Pine Gap is supposed to be involved in both upper atmospheric and sub-surface research, it is quite feasible, if for no other reason, that the 'bore antenna' could be used to tune a gigantic 'standing wave' field around the entire planet!. It is also rumoured that Pine Gap has a very large nuclear facility used to power its enormous 'transceiver.' Other rumoured projects include high-voltage, high-energy plasma accelerators (possibly for use in new methods of power generation), a 'death ray' or plasma cannon, and even specialized power broadcasts to partially fuel 'electric submarines' as far away as the Indian Ocean. It is almost certain that the earlier version of Pine Gap's VLF (very-low-frequency) transceiver which was located at the North West Cape near Exmouth Bay in Australia was used to transmit very powerful undersea electric currents to U.S. submarines which trailed long antennae behind them. It is also known that electricity transmitted in this way can be 'strong' enough to recharge on-board 'high-voltage batteries' known as 'plasma-dynamic storage cells.' (there's much, much, much more like Alien research facilities, Alien R&R, teleport bases to go between U.S. Area 51 & Pine Gap, Jump rooms to Mars, etc. etc.) ... 👽PS: TALKING about Area 51 - 💥DID YOU KNOW 💥, that a UFO researcher has discovered that Area 51 employees are using (in secret a subcontractor) 🛫SCANDINAVIAN AIRLINES🛬 to/from The Tonopah Test Range (TTR) - a restricted military installation located about 30 miles (48 km) southeast of Tonopah, Nevada. It is part of the northern fringe of the Nellis Range, dangerously close to Area 51!?... 💧 THE heavy interest of this subject, finally took off when was contacted by a VERY shy and mysterious guest (IT specialist) from Janet Airline (EG&G - Area 51 - Dreamland Resort) at MUFON, Vegas (ONLY 1 time contact, due to his security clearance). I did in person visited the Nellis AFB Complex (Nevada) in 2017, and from the highway I could (see) more incoming B-1 bombers with F-16 fighter jets in their weekly routine exercises (no F-35 - they were grounded) while we were on our way on a guided MUFON tour bus (with 20 years plus experienced German and US guides) towards back door Area 51 (Groom Lake) where we meet the infamous Area 51 camo dudes - lethal force authorized... ⚠️DID YOU KNOW, we have a Swedish UFO-researcher Håkan Blomqvist & a city of Norrköping, that contains more than 20.000 books, many thousands of documents from around the world and is considered the world's biggest UFO archive?... | - verdensalt - search after Tonopah [XSD]

check out these links to go even deeper: 👉