May 2, 2020

🔴 ~ WHY THE INTERNET DESTROYS FREEDOM OF SPEECH: David Icke On London Real | ~ | Blogger: ⚠️ PS: David Icke has been kicked from Facebook for peddling misinformation... |

Source (London Real)

👑 ~ 💗 Do This to End Coronavirus! Just Stay Calm as the Chaos Seems to Grow (SoTW Archive) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Szent Korona ☨ The Crown Of Saint Stephen. Spanish Corona = Crown Feminine Noun👈] ... Having said that, my heart goes to Mr. C's conference in 2018, one of the best EVER. 2nd conference since last meet-up in 2015 with Isis Astara (may God bless her soul). The information, guided ceremony and initializations was soooooo powerful - i've never felt and seen anything like It... A dozen of the participants left in the city where the conference had taken place, was incredible lucky to be part of Mr. C's inner circle a few hours going on a secret mission (Szent Korona) ... Victory of the Light!... ... {⚠️Disclaimer: (The Salt Of The Earth & Cosmos) is a portal to the alternative world and communities - building bridges between our divisions - to encourage discouraged people, that are looking for the light at the end of the tunnel. do not follow ONE guru / ONE belief, but many spiritual awakening souls that are leading us towards the EVENT. Awakening is a destructive process of the mind - the Red pill Blue pill battle. Once we have said our goodbyes and parted ways to the Archons & the Reptilian agenda (the MATRIX), you will begin to realize, that your inner guidance is real and trustworthy and that's what matter.. Namaste!🙏}... |

Do This to End Coronavirus!

Szent Korona ☨ The Crown Of Saint Stephen


💗 Isis Astara & Cobra 💗 ~ Just Stay Calm as the Chaos Seems to Grow

TZ here:
I was checking something out on You tube and discovered this video which I would like to share with you (with well known German musicians). Its a tribute to the Love between two souls like Cobra and Isis. On Jan 27th this year Cobra asked us to send our loving thoughts and prayers to Isis who was critically ill in hospital after a scalar attack by the cabal. (no names or groups mentioned ) from what I can see this recording was posted on January 28th and on January 29th Cobra sadly informed us of Isis passing over to the Light. The text is so beautiful – see english translation below video. Let us all strive to see the Light inside those we love and to cherish them even if they have not yet learned how to be in loving harmonious communication beyond ego – I have a ways to go myself I might add.

💗 Isis Astara & Cobra 💗

Let me just remind everyone that might not be aware of it that, without the dedicated amazing work of these two souls, I for one cannot see how we would ever have reached the place that we now find ourselves in. When things started really really getting out of hand for the dark ones, they attacked their favourite enemy of truth Cobra by attacking and murdering the woman that supported, worked with and loved him.

You may or may not be aware that there is a beautiful gift for free on youtube ~ a gift from Isis and Cobra namely the Goddess Spiral Mediation CD in its entirety with three beautiful meditations and music. In these days of the final madness – the final rattling of swords – I suggest that you just watch – quietly knowing that it is the final end game attempt at war by the cabal who are in great panic. Russia has been receiving strategic advice from the Pleiadians and RM for quite some time now as to how to avoid all out war. Even Trump has two voices telling him what to do. The Cabal in one ear – that would be the one demanding the attack last night in Syria and then he is also receiving strategic advice from the Allied Light Forces. We were informed about this by Cobra in November 2017. The Galactic Confederation, the Resistance Movement, indeed all of the Allied Light Forces including of course the Positive Military will NOT allow a fullscale war to take place on this planet. They have absolutley no problem in stopping any such attempt immediately.

🌈 ~ 💗 And Now for Something Completely Different 💕 ~ | Blogger: Thanks to GalacticConnection1 and the many others for sharing... |

👸💉👗 ~ Det danske kongehus ~ | Blogger: [👉Hvis alle piger var prinsesser, HPV-vaccineret, superrige og havde immunitet, ville samfundet gå i stå, halvdelen døde af vaccineforgiftning og feminisme med #MeToo-bevægelsen, fængsle alle mænd👈] ... Tænk hvis, alle pir' bliver indoktrineret - via forældre, wellnæss, smuk-to-go samfundsorden - fra fødsel til grav, at de skal være prinsesser og reddes af prinsen på den hvide hest. Når det ikke går i opfyldelse, indtager de slukøret kvinder, som nu er teenagere og voksne, offerrollen og projicere "drømmen" videre over på Kongehuset, som et liv fyldt af penge, eventyr, glimmer og glans. Når så det heller ikke går i opfyldelse, fordi, kongehuset agere nikkedukker for Big Pharma, Statsministeriets rådgivere, taleskrivere og master i retorik og formidling, digter "drømme" til Dronningens og alle ministerens taler, så er Fanden først, løs i Laksegade... ⚖️ PS: Personligt er jeg VILD med Mary! Hun er charmerende, smuk, stærk, intellektuelt og holder styr på Frede og børnene i hjemmet, (sammen med de mange Au pairs og tjenestefolk!) Hvis vi ikke skal afskaffe monarkiet; der strider mod demokrati og menneskerettigheder, så skal vi have elimineret de hemmelige pengegaver til Kongehuset og Hofnaren (Kongehusets kommunikationsafdeling) som LYVER eller FORTIER! Vi kan konstatere, at 'magteliten' har særdeles gode forbindelser igennem Kongehuset og Kongehuset har særdeles gode forbindelser til politik og som tilnærmelsesvis truer hele den selviscenesættelse af magtvælden.... |

🦠⚠️✋ ~ (STOP #CV19 DAY) Korona-virus, et epidemisk brekkjern? (nyhetsspeilet) ~ |

Source ( er et Norsk online magasin skrevet af folket til folket. De offentliggøre oplysninger om nye paradigmer og rapportere om aktuelle emner fra nye vinkler, samt om emner som andre populariseret. Desuden sætter aktuelle emner i et bredere perspektiv end normalt. Tidsskriftsartikler beskæftiger sig med fem væsentlige hovedemner: Samfundet, Bevidsthed, Kosmos, Sundhed og Økonomi -

🦠⚠️✋ ~ (STOP #CV19 DAY) Restaurant owner has had enough - he's reopening in the face of state (one-woman) tyranny and urges everyone else to do the same ~ |

🦠⚠️✋ ~ (STOP #CV19 DAY) Anders Fogh Rasmussen is applying for almost DKK 100,000 in Corona aid for his own company, Rasmussen Global Consulting with a combined 2019 profit of almost DKK 3 million ~ | Blogger: [🤦‍♂️O-M-G! Former Danish PM, CIA- and NATO-linked secret army code-named Gladio x-NATO Sec. Gen. Consultant to vampire squid GoLDMaN SLaCKS. Helped Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko war criminal. Supported Boston Consulting Group with defense ministries and weapons manufacturers, on the customer list. Anders 'Fog of War' Rasmussen, also lied about Iraq war plans, but Danish court rejects 26 danes Iraq war case against him in 2007. New accounts from his two companies Rasmussen Global Consulting ApS and Rasmussen Equity Partners ApS show a combined profit of almost DKK 3 million. This is the first time that the two companies have published financial statements.😔]... God help us all... |

Tidligere statsminster Anders Fogh Rasmussen har søgt om lønkompensation for 95.351 kroner til sit firma Rasmussen Global Consulting. Det viser en aktindsigt som Ekstra Bladet har fået fra Erhvervstyrelsen.

Fogh stiftede Rasmussen Global, kort efter at han i 2014 stoppede som Natos generalsekretær.

Anders Fogh Rasmussen skriver i en mail til Ekstra Bladet, at virksomheden har oplevet en nedgang i indtægterne og valgt at benytte ordningen fremfor at fyre medarbejdere.

Han understreger samtidig, at hans virksomhed opfylder betingelserne for at modtage lønkompensation.

🦠⚠️✋ ~ (STOP #CV19 DAY) RED ALERT: President Trump “pivots to mandatory vaccinations,” jumps in with Big Pharma’s diabolical “warp speed” mass medical experiment on the American people ~ | Blogger: I'm not sure what's going on with Trump approving FDA & Fauci's Remdesivir drug to treat Covid-19 and I don't trust Mike Adams, who went Rogue after entering InfoWars fake news center. However, something is wrong, if Americans and Denmark with other EU countries thinks, that they can be saved by malaria medicine, Remdesivir or Chloroquine (whatever). Something that Swedish and Governmental Sahlgrenska University Hospital has STOPPED, because, is can cause severe side effects... |

Mike Adams
We are now getting multiple confirmations that President Trump appears to have gone all-in with Big Pharma's diabolical "warp speed" project which would roll out untested, dangerous, mandatory vaccines to the entire nation, turning America into a giant "killing field" of medical experiments and mass death.

It appears Big Pharma has completed its coup and taken over the White House, with Dr. Fauci running the show, even after he funneled government money to communist China's Wuhan virology lab to build the coronavirus bioweapon in the first place.

This is a red alert moment for America: Will be we destroyed by Big Pharma's evil depopulation plot? And will Trump be the political puppet who carries it out?

🦠⚠️✋ ~ (STOP #CV19 DAY) "Moms - Get out of the House! March! Do Something!!" Lockdown Protest Leader Susan Standfield Spooner ~ |

Screen Shot 2020-05-01 at 14.27.06

🦠⚠️✋ ~ (STOP #CV19 DAY) From hours to minutes: Genmab gets approved new cancer treatment (globaldomainsnews) ~ | Blogger: Let me get this straight; while 190 countries having themselves a Global CV19 Disaster and Financial meltdown, the Danish biotech company Genmab has on Friday been given the green light to a new and much faster treatment option with the company’s big millardsællert, kræftmidlet Darzalex... Check out the Darzalex Side Effects and you will begin, to bleed from the ear and eyes... |

Darzalex Vial Side Effects by Likelihood and Severity

COMMON side effects

If experienced, these tend to have a Severe expression
  • A Decreased Number Of Lymphocytes In The Blood
  • A Feeling Of Throat Tightness
  • A Hypersensitivity Reaction To A Drug
  • An Infection
  • Anemia
  • Decreased Blood Platelets
  • Fluid In The Lungs
  • Low Blood Pressure
  • Low Levels Of A Type Of White Blood Cell Called Neutrophils
  • Vocal Cord Swelling
If experienced, these tend to have a Less Severe expression
  • A Common Cold
  • Backache
  • Bronchitis
  • Constipation
  • Cough
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Fluid Retention In The Legs, Feet, Arms Or Hands
  • Headache
  • Inflammation Of The Nose Due To An Allergy
  • Low Energy
  • Muscle Spasm
  • Nausea
  • Peripheral Sensory Nerve Disorder
  • Stuffy Nose
  • Trouble Breathing
  • Wheezing

INFREQUENT side effects

🦠⚠️✋ ~ (STOP #CV19 DAY) ‘Freedom Is Essential’: Protest Against Coronavirus Stay-at-Home Orders in L.A. ~ |

🦠⚠️✋ ~ (STOP #CV19 DAY) DARPA research lab designing ‘game changer’ rapid coronavirus blood test repurposed from BIOWEAPONS detection project (RT) ~ | Blogger: Thanks to for sharing... And something he commented by saying; "Here you go everyone, indirect admission that CV19 is truly a bio-weapon!... |

🦠⚠️✋ ~ (STOP #CV19 DAY) EXCLUSIVE: Drs. Buttar, Shiva & Mikovits BLAST Gates, Call to ARREST Fauci as Crisis CRUSHES Economy ~ | Blogger: ONE of the few videos right now that is important to watch! Thanks to ECETI Ranch and James Gilliland for sharing... |
Source (The Next News Network)