Oct 18, 2019

👼 ~ 💗 Awakening and Illumination : October 2019 to January 2020 (Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn) 💕 ~ | Blogger: May you be illuminated on your next birthday... so be it and so it is...💙 |

Beloved Family of Light, we have reached a moment that many of you have waited for, and asked for, for many lifetimes. There is a wave of Cosmic Light approaching your Planet that will activate a "Great Awakening" on the Earth. Even now, many of you have felt that wave as it began to approach at the September Equinox. This energy is so intense that it causes physical symptoms in many as your body seeks to integrate and balance.

This rising energy will be felt at the 10:10 Portal on the 10th of October, and it will continue to intensify at the Major 11:11 Star Gate on the 11th of November. Then it will continue on to the 12:12 on the 12th of December and the 21:12 on the 21st December (Solstice) and will culminate on the 12th of January (1:12:2020), when Saturn and Pluto move into conjunction in the sign of Capricorn.

At each of these important nexus points, more of the New Divine Masculine will be revealed on the Earth. It will be the Divine Masculine that will lead the way in creating new structures for the New Earth. This is the role of the Divine Masculine, to create structure for the flow of the Divine Wisdom of Sophia, the Divine Feminine Essence of Wisdom and Light. It will indeed be a powerful, intense and awe-inspiring shift on many levels.

10:10 : Initiation into the "Great Awakening Time Line/Time Spiral"

The great disturbance that so many of you have already begun to feel, is the establishing and energizing of the "Great Awakening Time Line" for October 2019 to January 2020. When a powerful new time line is energized, other alternate time lines collapse and fall away.

On the 10th of October, the 10:10, this Wave of Awakening will be initiated and will begin the process of bringing forth a new group of souls to join the Planetary Awakening process and accelerate the manifestation of the New Earth.

This may create "shock waves"in the fabric of TimeSpace that can cause physical symptoms. But know, Beloved Ones, that closing time lines and activating new time lines (time spirals) is an activity that is undertaken with spiritual and collective consensus, as being for the highest good of the Earth at this time.

As the next segment of the Time Line is energized, these "shock waves" may intensify. It will be these intense waves of Diamond Light Codes, Golden Christ Consciousness Codes and Divine Heart Frequencies from the Angelic and Star Nations that will begin to initiate this "Great Awakening" on Earth.

The First Stirrings of the "Great Awakening"

👼 ~ 💕 Everyone wants only to be seen, honored, respected, and loved. (Message from Saul) 💕 ~ | .. As I said in my previous message: "No one has the right to override your own sovereign authority". And humanity is now demonstrating that it is no longer willing to allow this to happen .. |

Saul is an ascended Master just like Jesus, Buddha, Mary and many many more. BTW you are all on your ways to becoming ascended masters so stand up and celebrate your greatness.

channeled by John Smallman 
© 2019 johnsmallman

Saul Audio Blog for Thursday October 17th.

Humanity’s awakening process is accelerating very rapidly now, and signs of this are plainly evident on the mainstream news media channels. People have chosen no longer to accept the rhetoric and promises made by politicians and other well known figures who express their views and opinions publicly, because it has become utterly apparent that they are meaningless. Those in positions of authority or in high office are, for the most part – there are a few exceptions – solely interested in maintaining or strengthening their positions, because they are addicted to power, particularly to power over others. However, the majority of the world’s population are no longer prepared to give their power away, to empower others to rule their lives. As I said in my previous message: No one has the right to override your own sovereign authority. And humanity is now demonstrating that it is no longer willing to allow this to happen.

Changes that are inevitable and essential aspects of humanity’s awakening, of humanity’s ongoing spiritual evolution, are occurring at an ever faster rate everywhere on your beautiful planet, as more and more of you decide to wake up, to become aware that, as humans in form, each of your individual lives has a divine purpose that can only be brought to fruition by the individual living and experiencing that individual life.

A life lived in fear and that is driven solely by the need to survive is meaningless, and yet for a long time the majority of humans have believed that survival was the sole purpose of life, consequently that became the waythat the majority have attempted to live it. But that way of life has not been satisfying; it could not be because you are so much more than the human forms with which you mostly identify – forms that age, decay, and die. You have just forgotten that divine Truth, by your own choice, because you wanted to experience separation from Source. You wanted to experience independence, a state of self reliance and freedom that you momentarily thought you did not have – rather like the New Testament parable of the prodigal son. As in that parable, an extremely happy ending awaits your awakening into the realization that you are, always have been, and always will be, One with Source in the eternal moment of Now, where you reside in infinite joy.

🙋‍♂️ 🤗 ~ To Reduce Plastic Waste Bars In Italy Are Switching To Pasta Straws (Galactic Connection) ~ | .. Italy has been the inventor of many things, one of them being sunglasses. But in the current world, where the plastic menace is eating up the planet, newer inventions should be more on thesustainable side. Well, Italy is adding another interesting invention to its roster. Since the world is facing environmental troubles, Italy has gone for developing ‘pasta straws’ .. |


📶 ~ 5G Cell Phone Radiation: How the Telecom Companies Are Losing the Battle to Impose 5G Against the Will of the People (PFC) ~ | .. The telecommunications companies and the mainstream media would have you believe that the race to roll out 5G is unstoppable. That you are nothing and no one in the face of a lethal multi-trillion-dollar agenda imposed by some of the most powerful entities on the planet .. |


👽 ~ Project Serpo: A Top-Secret Human Exchange Program and Interplanetary Travel (nemesis maturity) ~ | Blogger: Woooow! What was that!. A must-see...👍 |

In 2005, an anonymous source sent a series of emails to a UFO Discussion Group led by former U.S. Government Employee Victor Martinez. 
These emails detailed the existence of an Exchange Program between the U.S. Government and the Ebens – alien beings from Serpo, a planet from the Zeta Reticuli Star System. The program was thus called Project Serpo. 

The source identified himself as a retired employee of the government, claiming he had participated in a special program. 

The program’s origins lay with the two UFO crashes in New Mexico in 1947, the famous Roswell incident and another one in Corona.

👧 ~ Statsminister lover folkeafstemning før indtræden i europæisk bankunion (FinansWatch) ~ | Blogger: 😀😂👌❤️😍 .. Den er GOD med dig Fru. (stats)minister... God dag mand økseskaft... Det var dengang, Nordea's tidligere GoLDMaN SLaCKS Koskull-general RÅBTE; Vi kommer ind i EU's bankunion og så flyttede Nordea sgu moderselskab til bankunionen... Det hele er planlagt og har været det i årtier... Det kæmpe-scam som Mr. Draghi, IMF, FED og Rothschild familien er involveret i, gør Danske Banks svindelnummer, til en fnug i vinden. Du skal nok se, den snart kollapsende ECB banken, laver samme stunt som altid, laver et nyt QE stimulus eller fastholder rekordlav rente (negativ rente)... Det handler ikke om at få flere penge i omløb, det handler om få mere gæld. Det, der bliver spændende at se er, siden Rothschild har trukket sig ud af dollarmarkerne og køber guld i stor stil, verdens rige lande henter tonsvis af guld hjem fra New York og Paris(Tyskland, Holland osv). Hvornår springer den ENORME gældsbyrde-boble på $700 trillioner?... Martin Rossen har talt.. øh, jeg mener Mette F.... hmmm, måske er det Finansministeriet og embedsværket... |


✋ ~ Spain seeks to extradite Carles Puigdemont as Catalonia braces for general strike (irishtimes) ~ | Blogger: [🛡️<<<<<< ENOUGH >>>>>> Victory of the Light!!!!✌️] ... Can you feel the distress call? We the people are sick and tiresome of Cabal's Earthly prison and totalitarian control... ENOUGH is ENOUGH... |



  • I call upon the Highest Aspect of my I AM Presence to send a Heart-felt Clarion Call to Source and the Pleroma/Galactic Central Sun! 
  • As part of the Collective of the 144,000 Starseeds on Liberation-Earth Mission I command and decree action to be taken to speed up the Phase Transition Event and trigger it as soon as possible. 
  • As a Starseed on Earth, I now decree from my Heart-Center my readiness to graduate to a Higher Dimension of LOVE, JOY, PEACE and ABUNDANCE, ON THE MOST POSITIVE TIMELINE FOR ALL BEINGS IN THE MULTIVERSE. 
  • Collectively, we ask Source to speed up the Activation of Operation Phoenix by the Light Forces and to assist in removing all negative energies, entities, exotic weaponry, and dark beings from all planes of existence, thus ending the planetary occupation of Earth by dark forces forever! 
  • I ask for this transition to happen as swiftly and peacefully as possible, freeing ALL beings and Shifting us unto the Golden Age of the new Atlantis I ask to manifest a world with Abundance of FREEDOM, JOY, FOOD, WATER, HEALTH, WEALTH OF ALL KINDS For EVERYONE.
  • I ask to manifest the release of free energy devices, medical devices, and all suppressed technologies to assist humankind. 
  • I ask to manifest First Contact, to become part of the Galactic Confederation and take our rightful place as a Spacefaring Race. 
  • I ask to be reunited with my Soul Family and Brothers and Sisters, Ancestors of the Light
  • With Deep Gratitude, I ask that ALL requests be answered swiftly. 
  • So BE it, and so it IS, I AM!

💣 BREAKING ~ 20 børn dræbt: Seksårigs far får kæmpe erstatning (E.B.) ~ | Blogger: [💭Sandy Hook Elementary School (Hoax) ⇒ The children that died and lived again? ⇒ The second-most deadly school shooting in U.S. history ⇒ How Obama's gun laws changed after Sandy Hook ⇒ Mr. Fetzer's book; 'Nobody Died at Sandy Hook,' removed ⇒ The publisher, Moon Rock Books, has apologized to the Pozner family ⇒ Judge order Mr. Fetzer to pay $450.000 (3 mio. kr.), guilty of defamation ⇒ Adam Lanza killed himself (dead men don't talk) ⇒ Was Leonard Pozner an actor and his son has never existed?🤔] ... {Copycat tabloid Ekstra Bladet, owner, JP/Politikens Hus A/S (House of JP/Politiken) is a Danish media company. Who again copy news feed from English and American (approved) newspapers. The Danish Ritzau and Associated Press, AP, owned by a number of American newspapers. The real owners are 6 corporations that control 90% of the media in America (and the World)} ... Did you get that!???...🙃 PS: Sandy Hook has become colloquially known as the Sandy Hook Hoax or Sandy Hoax, the first false flag in recent history to be exposed as an entirely fabricated event, replete with a fake setting (a fake school) and fake victims. It marks the first in a series of false flag hoaxes where fake victims and fake victims’ families (crisis actors) have been used. Since the majority of people still cannot fathom that Sandy Hook was a staged event, the template of using crisis actors has been used again and again (and again)... 🕵️‍♂️Verdensalt signs off his newspaper columns with "off the record, on the QT and very hush-hush... 🤐 |


💸 ~ Estland vil have milliarder af Danske Bank (TV2 FNYS NEWS) ~ | Blogger: 🕴️Thomas Borgen er sigtet for hvidvask (siger man) og bagmandspolitiet har ransaget den tidligere Danske Banks-topchefs private hjem (påstår man)... DOG, nåede han at få yderligere 15 mio. kr. incl. hans løn på 17 mio. kr. i 2017 (ukendt beløb i 2018) og bonusser, pension og aktieroptioner o.s.v., men frasagde sig Danske Banks incitamentsprogrammer på 7,2 mio. kr... MEN, men, men nu står Villaen i Charlottenlund nord for København til salg for 18,5 mio. kr., som han kan tjene 10 millioner kroner på, altså har manden med den gyldne pistol, MINDST 40 mio. kr, i hånden. Mon ikke han kan købe sig til de bedste forsvarsadvokater som kan ejes, nemlig, hos Kromann Reumert eller Plesner, hvis det overhoved, kommer så langt, at Thomas Borgen kommer for retten, og finde sig et TOPJOB via GoLDMaN SLaCKS, den globale konsulentvirksomhed McKinsey eller konsulent hos Rasmussen Global... Lidt ligesom alle de andre, af afdanket og brugte lobbyist-kondomer af ex-politikere, (undskyld udtrykket), som går gennem den gyldne svingdør til private topjob.. Thomas Borgen, blev højst sandsynligt også smidt under bussen af Danske, af andre som sidder længere oppe i elitenetværket... 🤑Eksempler på grådighed, uden moral etik og lobbyisme : MEP SF'er, Emilie Turunen, vader direkte over som cheflobbyist, i Nykredit... 🤑Lamborghini-Brian Mikkelsen, administrerende direktør for Djøfmafiaen, Dansk Erhverv... 🤑Gucci-Helle, blev medlem af vindmølleproducentens bestyrelse og globale (bank) tænketanke... 🤑Maria Reumert Gjerding, Præsident Danmarks Naturfrednings- forening (som stadigvæk ikke har fået sprøjtegiftene væk fra grundvandet. Seneste, Odsherred Kommune = coliforme bakterier)... 🤑Bjarne Cory'don'(g) aka Vito Corleone, global direktør i konsulentfirmaet McKinsey... 🤑MEP Connie (Bilderberger) Hedegaard, formand for miljøfonden KR Foundation og tænketanken Concito... 🤑Karen Hækkerup, direktør i Landbrug og Fødevarer (Codex Alimentarius + Svinepesten + forgiftning af danskere)... 🤑Lars Barfoed, kommunikationsbureauet Primetime... 🤑Tidl forsvarsm., Gitte Lillelund Bech, job i kommunikationsvirksomheden Advice (vidste hun om det hemmelige notat, hvor krigsforbyderen, Fogh bebudede Irak-støtte til USA et år før krig?)... 🤑Vildledning om civile fanger, tilbageholdt viden om tortur og spektakulære lækager, Søren Gade,(vidste han om det hemmelige notat, hvor krigsforbyderen, Fogh bebudede Irak-støtte til USA et år før krig?)... 🤑Anders Fogh Rasmussen, hovedmanden med den gyldne pistol, krigsforbryderen, seniorkonsulent hos Boston Consulting Group og via sit eget konsulentfirma Rasmussen Global hyret af investeringsbanken Goldman Sachs... ☝️PS: Med 30 år bag mig i en storbank, du kan jo selv stille dig det spm. om hvorfor, ALLE får enorme summer med sig i bagagen, når de smutter eller bliver smidt på porten, så som Nordea-chefer, Christian Clausen og koncernchef i Nordea, Thorleif Krarup som fik henholdsvis 140 millioner og 110 millioner danske kroner i hånden. Simpelthen for, at holde kaje om hvordan banksystemet, fungere og hvor korrupt, det er. Det behøves du ikke en Mads Palsvig, for at forklare, den almene mand... |


👁️ ~ ‘Biggest fan’: Bill Clinton trolled for ‘ogling’ pop star Ariana Grande at funeral & Bishop Charles H. Ellis III, for groping on her. Beta Sex Kitten - Monarch Mind Control Programming (Verdensalt Archive) ~ | Blogger: [🤘Sorry, we need to talk about PedoGate STARS & Illuminati PEDOPHILE Agenda.They call it; Hillary's #Pay-to-Play, Podesta's #Pizzagate, #Spirit-cooking of secretly shady occult sexual acting. The taboo that continues to grow and cannot be silenced. The pictures bel- ow, speaks for itself 👌] ... (We've all seen them at John Mccain's funeral - the fake and phoney Deep State assets, Bush, Clintons, Obama, DNC trolls, Al Gore, Joe Biden, Bob Dole, Mitt Romney and Henry Kissinger, all together at John McCain's Funeral. Trump were NOT invited, but Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner (WAS) ... 🚩FACT CHECK: The feminist agenda of Misandry, the #MeToo shockwave and #TimesUp movements (and other George Soros' #LivesMatter campaigns) might've found their start in Hollywood (but is in fact a Deep State misleading agenda to keep Clintons out of jail). A MUST to stop men's sexual lust (YES), but they certainly didn't end there. #Metoo is ONLY the outer skin of the black chocolate-covered confectionary bar, while the hidden soft part of the nougat core, is the monolithic pedophile order, that includes terrible and far more destructive crimes against children and adolescents ... 🚩 FACT CHECK: Their Own Little Beta Sex Kittens of Pop Culture (Ariana Grande) - The Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin's Funeral, Manchester Fake Terror Attack & other events in fact rallying the youth around the occult elite ... 🚩 FACT CHECK: Bill Clinton jumped aboard disgraced sex offender Jeffrey Epstein's 'Lolita Express' plane for junkets 25 TIMES in just five years ... 🚩 FACT CHECK: Growing story involving 1400 underage children, some died under these paedophile orgies. All shared among VIP's, some of the most powerful people in the world, like Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Jeffrey Epstein, presenters with the BBC, members of parliament and many, many others . Newly released flight logs and sex slave books, show former US president Bill Clinton were frequent flyer on convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s infamous “Lolita Express” jet, without Secret Service Detail ... 🚩FACT CHECK: Texe Marrs - John McCain, Rothschild Puppet, Zionist Warmonger."John McCain is a vile, wicked, deceitful man, a warmonger and a sexual deviant. Make no mistake about it. If this man wins the presidency, America is finished as a nation. Forever. In a 60-minute investigative report, I detail the awful truth about this inept, savage-hearted, lying travesty of a politician, and I document what I say with irrefutable evidence." ... 🚩FACT CHECK: CROCODILE TEARS - Meghan McCain, Obama knock Trump at John McCain's funeral service: 'America was always great' - Meghan, a conservative pundit and co-host of ABC's "The View," delivered a fiery eulogy that did not name, but seemed to take aim at Trump and his past hits at her father's sacrifice in service to the US Navy ... |

Grande is often dressed innocently in accessories that could be used in the elite’s “Eyes Wide Shut” parties where Beta Kittens are involved.


🤢 ~ Commuters who attacked Extinction Rebellion Tube protesters could face police investigation (telegraph.co.uk) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Extinction Rebellion (XR) : New (Provocative) Famous US immigrant, Hungarian-American Multi-Billionaire Financier Soros Backed #LivesMatter & Greta Campaign?🤛] ... {To create fear, violence, separation game and conflicts among people?} ... "George Soros was spotted among Extinction Rebellion funder" ~ freerepublic .. (READ MORE) ... |

Multi-Billionaire Financier Soros Spotted Among Extinction Rebellion Funders -

22:25 03.08.2019

Tim Korso

Extinction Rebellion is known for its awareness-raising protest events and for making demands aimed at mitigating the effects of climate change, although some fellow green organisations see their methodology as unrealistic. An anonymous person has allegedly acquired Extinction Rebellion (XR) working files that, among other things, contain information on the organisation's donors, Wordpress blogger Paul Homewood reported. The person who uploaded these files claims that they were not obtained via hacking, but due to poor privacy settings set on shared documents.

According to the purported Extinction Rebellion files, one of the over $1 million donations to the group's cause was made by famous US immigrant and financier George Soros. The sum provided by Soros was concealed even within the alleged XR working documents.