Source (Joni Patry)
Feb 28, 2020
♆ ~ Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein: Trouble ♂️ ~ | Blogger: [🔮"Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself - it's completely Hoax and Scandalous. It goes along with the connection of the eighth and twelfth house and the corruption and addiction with underage girls. Prince Andrew is going to be in "very serious" problems with Mars and Neptune in his natal chart of Mercury. But he is Royal, so perhaps no retribution or punishment, but the next 2 years, Queen Elizabeth, it is going to really wear on her, severely. Neptune reveals the darkest secrets of all! Especially in June for a lot of people." ~ Joni Patry💫] ... |
Joni Patry lives in Dallas, Texas and is one of the most recognized teachers and Vedic astrologers in the world. She was a faculty member for ACVA, CVA and Instructor for online certification programs, published many books, journals and appeared on national and international television shows. As the keynote speaker for international conferences, she has a Japanese website, and teaches in Turkey and India. She has been awarded the 2015 Jyotish Star of the year and Dr B. V. Raman's Janma Shatamanothsava Award Jyotisha Choodamani. She publishes an online astrological magazine, Astrologic Magazine and has an online University for certification, the University of Vedic Astrology.
👼 ~ 💗 Pleiadian Message for 2020-2021 (Bracha Goldsmith) 💕~ | Blogger: [🌟 Summarize: "Ice is going to appear on new places. New discovery of Fish and Animal species. New places to live on Earth and new planets will be discovered. Healers like Doctors are fighting back and should be Trusted as Healers. New languages and a big focus on our Words and it's Powers. E.T's will appear, time to Trust the Inner Guidance. More channelings. Letting Go. Earth will assist and Activations from other Starsystems and Galaxies. New solution to difficult problems. New and easier transportation methods. Very big upheavals in Economics and humans need to Disconnect Emotionally of the Financially System and Money. Keep open the doors and more doors. Activation of the brain now, since humans only use 5% of its capacity. Make yourself into new ways, paths. New zone with no time (and more)" ~ The Pleiadians🌟]... |
Source (Bracha Goldsmith)
Enjoy the unique perspective of the Pleiadians for this coming year, 2020-2021!
👼 ~ 💗 March 2020 Energy Update: Birthing a New Identity + Love is a Superpower (LeeHarrisEnergy) 💕| Blogger: "As the March Energy Update came through me, these themes emerged: + Birthing a New Identity + Momentum Energy for Building for the New (and Getting Things Done!) + Love is a Superpower + Transumuting our Shadows + The Power and Healing Found in Silence"... |
Lee Harris has monthly forecasts via 15-25 minute intensive videos and he works with energies that are truly rewarding and very real bids on how we are influenced by the energy fields and energy streams that exist everywhere in nature and around us. Lee Harris describes the current situations that all people and children should relate to and how we restore the balance.
Personally i think his mindfulness of things is a uplifting experience and actually, very appealing. Will also say, Lee Harris, is at an awareness level I also share, many things he tells us are pretty much many of the topics I describe on my blog...
🧟 ~ Umbrella Corp Zombie Manic Panic 'Ghost Towns' World Order: Amid Coronavirus, the World Closes Its Doors to China & Govt's Closes Its Doors To Its Citizens ~ | Blogger: [⚠️Coronavirus Global Threat Upgraded To ‘Very High’ By W.H.O.⚠️]... Tons of Conferences Canceled. Cruise Ships under Quarantine. Tokyo Disneyland & Schools closes down; Iranian Schools & Parliament. Russian Gymnasts & Airplanes. Liverpool from winning the Premier League title. UK Buxton school closure. U.S. Bothell High School. Samsung shuts down a factory in South Korea. Indonesia shuts down embassy in S.Korea. California monitoring 8,400 people, stocks continue free fall. Danish Doctors to patients: GO HOME! Many under Mandatory and Voluntary Quarantine. Nearly 2 in 5 Americans won’t buy Corona BEER over virus concerns... |
🦠 ~ 💗 Current Viral Pandemic (Same Name as Popular Beer) - Origins and Antidotes 💕 ~ | Blogger: [⏩"The MAJOR Black Box technology construct intentions of "Coronavirus" military bio-weapon was NOT meant for human, but animals and battlegrounds. It was then hijacked and mutated, and one aspect was to created Panic, Fear and Chaos, in order to prevent Carbon to Crystalline transformation within humanity memory recall and thus, Ascension. Another aspect was to 'CONTROL' humanity through the "Problem, Reaction, Solution" pathway of chemical "False" Antidote as Vaccine! This is the utmost import: The Crystalline aspect, CANNOT be hijacked and knowing of this is your Antidote" ~ Magenta Pixie⏪]... {And there's much more in this key code video transmission} ... Waaaaaaauv!🙏... And the TRUTH will set you free... |
Source (Magenta Pixie)
⛔ ~ Folkets: Nej, vi har ikke en vaccine om få uger ~ | Blogger: [💉‘LOOKING FOR A MAGIC BULLET’: OG HVIS nu det viser sig, at eksempelvis, Israel eller andet land, så som det britiske medicinalflagskib GlaxoSmithKline, der påstår hårdnakket de har en effektivt Coronadræber, så TÆNK DIG RIGTIGT GODT OM!🤔] ... En gruppe israelske forskere ved Galilee Research Institute (MIGAL) er tæt på at udvikle en coronavirus-vaccine, der kunne være klar om tre uger og tilgængelig inden for 90 dage, ifølge den israelske videnskabs- og teknologi- minister Ofir Akunis. Det samme påstår, Thomas Breuer, medicinsk chef for GlaxoSmithKline's vaccine (GSK.L) enhed. GSK samarbejder med udviklere ved at levere en teknologi, der kan gøre deres vacciner mere potent... |
Kilde (
Faktatjek af Jyllands-Posten
På facebook deler mange et indlæg med overskriften:
Forskere: Vi har en vaccine mod coronavirus om få ugerArtiklen er fra Jyllands-Posten, en del af JP/Pol som beskyldte mig for at lave junk news.
Jeg ved snart ikke hvad jeg skal kalde den journalistik JP/Pol selv leverer her i disse uger og måneder. Jeg tror jeg vil nøjes med at analysere lidt på den og undgå mærkater.
Men altså: "Forskere: Vi har en vaccine mod coronavirus om få uger"
Ifølge Jyllands-Posten.
Nu ved jeg selvfølgelig ikke helt hvad der ligger i året "få" i denne sammenhæng.
Men det er desværre ikke realistisk at nogen vaccine mod den nye coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 - som giver infektionssygdommen covid-19, vil ligge klar om få uger.
🚨 ~ 60 Minutes Australia: EXCLUSIVE: Inside the Harvey Weinstein trial and his guilty verdict ~ | Blogger: [📑"WOMAN are attracted to older powerful men! They don't care how they look like, how big they are! They are attracted to the lifestyle and the benefits of the lifestyle! Woman was throwing themselves for Harvey Weinstein." ~ Donna Rotunno📋] ... |
Source (60 Minutes Australia)
Once upon a time in Hollywood, Harvey Weinstein was an icon. But no more. On 60 Minutes, Tom Steinfort travels to New York to report on Weinstein’s trial and the claims and counter-claims making daily headlines around the world. His story includes interviews with alleged victims Ambra Battilana and Rose McGowan, the controversial lawyer in his corner Donna Rotunno, and the spy hired to dig up dirt on his victims, Seth Freedman.
👯♀️ ~ Michael Bloomberg Was In Jeffrey Epstein’s Little Black Book ~ | Blogger: [🤜FACTS: The convicted and now dead pedophile's infamous contact book contained the names of approximately 1,000 people, many of whom were well-known public officials🤛] ... Most disturbing it is, that while Poland has declared a third of it's country as “LGBTQ-free zones,” sexual offenders and teenage predators are still on the loose... Disgusted with the continued spread of gross perversions like “Drag Queen Story Hour” coming out of the West, Poland is being forced to either accept or reject it – and the consensus seems to be to reject it. At the same time, America and other countries "surrenders" its children to mentally ill perverts and pedophiles? Why is that? How do we stops those people on Earth? Even Denmark, our new Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofoed’s sex scandal with a just 15year old girl, is haunting him. In Denmark the minimum sexual age is 15 years, thus Jeppe Kofod did not commit any crime according to danish law.... |
Source (
Where Is Ghislaine Maxwell?
Democrat presidential candidate and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg appears in the late pedophile and accused child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s little black book of contacts.
Bloomberg appears on page six of the address book maintained by Epstein’s late former butler (READ THE REDACTED LITTLE BLACK BOOK HERE).
🧑⚕️ ~ 💗 Gaia TV: Naturlig Behandlingsformer - METAsundhed med Lars Mygind 💕 ~ |
TFT & EFT, METAsundhed & Metamedicin (SoTW Arkiv)
Udgivet første gang den 30. Oktober 2014 af Verdensalt
Var på et inspirerende foredrag med Lars Mygind som foredragsholder i Nordsjælland, et par dage siden. ( Lars Mygind er faktisk søn til Jytte Abildstrøm og alle kender jo Peter Mygind)
Inspirerende, ikke alene fordi Lars Mygind er en fantastisk dynamisk formidler, men i særdeleshed, også fordi han praktisere METAsundhed, tankefeltterapi, EFT og PeakStates terapi, hvilket sikkert i "bedste" grad har skabt en vis berøringsangst indenfor den almene lægevidenskab tidligere, tror jeg. Dog mener jeg, at Mygind berettede for os, at han selv sparrer med læger i hans daglig virke og i dag bliver METAsundhed videreudviklet af læger, terapeuter og forskere fra hele verden gennem IMMA ( The international meta-medicineassociation).
Mygind ser sig selv som ekspert i det transpersonelle og urbiologiske felt, kombineret med en stærk åndelig kontakt, som ofte skinner i hans arbejde med mennesker. I kan læse mere om Lars Mygind her
b. bevægelse
c. bearbejdning af tanker og følelser
d. fysisk miljø
e. sociale relationer
f. spirituel praksis
Jeg overbeviser mig selv om, jeg forstod budskabet, derfor skal jeg ikke gøre mig klog her, vil blot sige, at jeg begynder at forståsammenhængen med det Mygind praktisere og det som Louise L. Hay (Helbred Dit Liv) beskriver i sin bog, nemlig hvor klart man ved nye tankemønstre kan ændre sit liv til en positiv forandring, hvor man genvinder styrke og sundhed via kærlighed til os selv og andre. Fik ikke spurgt Mygind om METAsundhed og Metafysiske årsagsforhold (som udspinder fra Louise L. Hay) har en vis bindeled til hinanden. Jeg praktisere det selv, og har i en del år nu også brugt Affirmations
Det var spændende at høre om, hvordan forskellige sygdomme så som psoriasis, blærebetændelse, kronisk rygsmerter (nedre), hæmorider, hedeture, prostata, havde sammenhæng med ens selvværd, Fornægtelse af de kvindelige processer, undertrykt vrede, frygt for tidspres, vrede over fortiden, mandelig princip og så fremdeles. Meget indlæring kommer af, hvordan man visuelt formidler et budskab og det gjorde Lars Mygind, rigtigt godt. Han fortæller os hvor meget betydning at binyrer har på vores krop, forbindelse til den gamle og nye hjerne.
Var på et inspirerende foredrag med Lars Mygind som foredragsholder i Nordsjælland, et par dage siden. ( Lars Mygind er faktisk søn til Jytte Abildstrøm og alle kender jo Peter Mygind)
Inspirerende, ikke alene fordi Lars Mygind er en fantastisk dynamisk formidler, men i særdeleshed, også fordi han praktisere METAsundhed, tankefeltterapi, EFT og PeakStates terapi, hvilket sikkert i "bedste" grad har skabt en vis berøringsangst indenfor den almene lægevidenskab tidligere, tror jeg. Dog mener jeg, at Mygind berettede for os, at han selv sparrer med læger i hans daglig virke og i dag bliver METAsundhed videreudviklet af læger, terapeuter og forskere fra hele verden gennem IMMA ( The international meta-medicineassociation).
Mygind ser sig selv som ekspert i det transpersonelle og urbiologiske felt, kombineret med en stærk åndelig kontakt, som ofte skinner i hans arbejde med mennesker. I kan læse mere om Lars Mygind her
- Tager mig den frihed og udtrykker mig således, hvis man har en naturlig nysgerrighed for alternative behandlingsformer, kombinere det med lægevidenskaben, almen lægepraksis, en nuanceret forestilling, at medicin og prognoser ikke kan stå alene og retfærdiggøre og opløse kroniske sygdomme, fysiske skavanger- og smerte, angst, en fobi, et traume, savn, sorg eller følelser som vrede eller depression, så kan det være, at en Exam. Psykoterapeut, METAsundhedsbehandler, er lige for dig.
- En afklaring af hvilken biologisk fase du er i - konflikt/stress eller regeneration
- En forståelse af din krops aktuelle, naturlige biologiske proces
- En terapiplan som tilrettelægges i et samarbejde med dig, indeholdende:
b. bevægelse
c. bearbejdning af tanker og følelser
d. fysisk miljø
e. sociale relationer
f. spirituel praksis
Jeg overbeviser mig selv om, jeg forstod budskabet, derfor skal jeg ikke gøre mig klog her, vil blot sige, at jeg begynder at forståsammenhængen med det Mygind praktisere og det som Louise L. Hay (Helbred Dit Liv) beskriver i sin bog, nemlig hvor klart man ved nye tankemønstre kan ændre sit liv til en positiv forandring, hvor man genvinder styrke og sundhed via kærlighed til os selv og andre. Fik ikke spurgt Mygind om METAsundhed og Metafysiske årsagsforhold (som udspinder fra Louise L. Hay) har en vis bindeled til hinanden. Jeg praktisere det selv, og har i en del år nu også brugt Affirmations
Det var spændende at høre om, hvordan forskellige sygdomme så som psoriasis, blærebetændelse, kronisk rygsmerter (nedre), hæmorider, hedeture, prostata, havde sammenhæng med ens selvværd, Fornægtelse af de kvindelige processer, undertrykt vrede, frygt for tidspres, vrede over fortiden, mandelig princip og så fremdeles. Meget indlæring kommer af, hvordan man visuelt formidler et budskab og det gjorde Lars Mygind, rigtigt godt. Han fortæller os hvor meget betydning at binyrer har på vores krop, forbindelse til den gamle og nye hjerne.
✖️22 Report: Future Topic Coming Into Focus, Wait For It, Timing Is Everything ~ | Episode 2108b |
Source (X22Report)
The [DS] is fighting for their lives, this is their main event, they need to push this to the extreme because they know what comes next. This event was planned from the start, [GS] announced in Davos. The patriots are prepared, Trump not worried, the market needed an adjustment, timing is everything. The future topic is now coming into focus.
🤯 ~ (Apocalypse?) It Begins: Hawaii Stores Empty Out On Coronavirus 'Panic Buying'' | Blogger: [👉About 90% of generics made in the U.S. require components from China👈] ... The essentials toilet paper, paper towels, bottles of water, soap, a lot of Clorox stuff, cleaning supplies' as the same fear that is seen in Italy and Asia has now spread to Hawaii... |
Source (Zero Hedge)
Although there are no confirmed virus cases in Hawaii (the state Health Department says 80 people are self-monitoring for the coronavirus in Hawaii after recent travel to China), the CDC's warning sparked a buying frenzy among residents this week as they emptied store shelves of food and supplies.(READ MORE)
🎈 ~ Jimmy Church: The only official Roswell Crash Site photo... does this look like a weather balloon to you??? ~ | Blogger: PS: SoTW meet and talked briefly with radiohost, FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church, in 2018 at The Conscious Life Expo. Lucky to have got a 'signed' Fade to Black t-shirt back home to Denmark... |
The only official Roswell Crash Site photo... does this look like a weather balloon to you??? Asking for a friend...#f2b #kgra #media #ufo #disclosure #conspiracy #radio— Jimmy Church (@JChurchRadio) February 27, 2020
🛸 ~ Dr. Michael: Evidence Grows that Tic Tac UFOs are Secret Air Force Spacecraft ~ |
Source (Dr. Michael Salla
After the November 4, 2019 emergence of a former USAF Intelligence Specialist, Mike Turber, claiming that the 2004 Tic Tac sightings recorded by Navy pilots were antigravity spacecraft belonging to the USAF, three Navy witnesses have come forward confirming key parts of Turber’s ground-breaking testimony. Turber and the Navy witnesses testimonies are important since the US Navy has confirmed the authenticity of the video showing the Tic Tac incident, and given an official briefing to Congress and President Trump about what transpired.
Turber says the fleets of Tic Tac shaped craft recorded by ships and aircraft belonging to the Nimitz Aircraft Carrier group between November 10 to 14, 2004, were being flight-tested by the USAF against the Navy’s best radar recording technologies and intercept aircraft. Turber asserted that Air Force personnel boarded different Navy ships to confiscate the flight recordings of the UFOs that attained speeds of 24,000 mph in the air and over 500 mph under the water.(READ MORE)
💧 ~ 💙 GAIAM TV: The Secret of Water 💜 ~ | Blogger: Thanks to PAO/Galactic Heart for sharing... |
Source: Trailer for the movie ~ The Secret of Water (2015)
Note: I have not see the entire movie. I loved the trailer so I'm sharing it with you.
From the moment life first came into existence upon our planet, it was dependent upon the vitality of water. Over the years, our use and misuse of this precious resource has altered the vital information it carries in unexpected ways. As we consult with prominent scientists, including Konstatin Korotkov and Masaru Emoto, we gain insights into unlocking the secret of water so we can begin restoring vitality and vibrancy to all life on Earth. —Anonymous
Water - a living substance, the most common and least understood. It defies the basic laws of physics, yet holds the keys to life. Known to ancients as a transmitter to and from the higher realms, water retains memory and conveys information to DNA. However, water can die if treated poorly. Water's arrangement of molecules can be influenced by such factors as sound, thoughts, intention, and prayer, as well as by such toxins as chlorine, affecting all that comes in contact with it. In this documentary, prominent scientists help reveal the secret of water, allowing us to use this amazing element to heal ourselves and our planet.
😷 ~ COVID-19 Live Updates: 2 California Community College Students Exposed To Mystery Coronavirus Patient; S.Korea Nears 1,000 New Cases In 48 Hours (ZH) ~ | Blogger: [🧑⚕️New infections and deaths reported around the world, with Brazil confirming its first case in Latin America🤒] ... Coronavirus Live Updates: W.H.O. Warns Outbreak Has ‘Pandemic Potential’... Global stock markets have been sent to the bottom in response to the fact that the coronavirus has now spread to 50 countries, and things will get worse ... Mongolian President Reportedly Placed Under Quarantine After Returning From China ... Worst week since ‘08 crisis: Indian stocks tumble as coronavirus fears grip global markets, plunging Sensex by nearly 1,300 points ... | |
Summary: (Zero Hedge)
- Nigeria confirms first case
- South Korea reports 256 new cases
- WHO says outbreak in Iran likely worse than official numbers suggest; outbreak could go in "any direction"
- Cali monitoring 8400, 28 cases in the state
- China reports 327 new cases and 44 new deaths on Thursday
- Dozens of hospital staffers who treated US coronavirus patient with 'unknown' origin being 'monitored'
- Facebook cancels annual 'F8' developers' conference
- 700 in New York asked to 'self-isolate'
- Iran confirms 26 deaths, vice president for women and family affairs infected
- The Netherlands has confirmed its first case
- Northern Ireland confirms first case
- Norway confirms three new cases
- Germany confirms 14 new cases
- Lagarde: Not yet time for ECB to intervene to fight economic backlash of outbreak
- HHS says risk to public remains "low"
- Italy reports 3 more deaths, bringing total to 17; total cases hit 650
- Pence, Azar appoint Mnuchin, Kudlow & Surgeon General Adams to Coronavirus Task Force
- Starbucks says it has reopened 85% of Chinese restaurants
- Azar: Sonoma case might be 'community transmission'
- Salvini meets with Italian president amid national unity government speculation
- South Korean new cases surpass China's new cases as SK confirms 505 new cases
- China, Japan close school nationwide
- CDC fears 'community outbreak' in Sonoma County after discovering first US case of "unknown origin"
- CDC says patient from Solano county
- Saudi Arabia suspends pilgrimages to Holy Sites
- Hawaiian Airlines suspends service to South Korea
- Brazil's neighbors take steps to keep virus out
* * *
Update (2008): South Korea reported 256 newly confirmed cases in its first update of the day on Friday (this week, health officials have been updating the count every 12 hours or so). The new batch brings the small East Asian country's total to 2,022, and also puts South Korea on track to confirm more than 1,000 new cases in 48 hours.
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