Mar 30, 2018 | Mar 30. 2018 | ~ Stansted Airport fire: Passengers evacuated and plumes of black smoke billow into air after shuttle bus sets ablaze ~ |


TV2 FNYS | 30. Marts 2018 | ~ Børneægteskaber i Sverige - Svensk pjece om børneægteskaber får høvl ~ | Blogger: Han hun og hen: Ord uden køn tilføjes den svenske ordbog. Den svenske 'Gud' er blevet mere kønsneutral.. Er pædofili, noget 'Svenskeren', også acceptere? ... |

Den svenske pjece er ikke faldet i god jord. Foto: 10500 Socialstyrelsen / Ritzau Scanpix
Voksne må ikke være gift med børn, og sådan er det. Alligevel har svenske myndigheder denne uge udgivet en pjece med titlen "Information til dig som er gift med et barn", hvor der blandt andet står, at hvis man alligevel er gift med et, så er det "upassende at man bor sammen, hvis barnet var under 15 år."

Pjecen er blevet køligt modtaget, blandt andet af den svenske børneminister, som siger, at hun "savner ord." Efter kritikken har Socialstyrelsen og migrationsverket, som står bag, nu trukket pjecen tilbage.

RT - Russia Today | Mar 30, 2018 | ~ British authorities searching Russian plane in London without giving reason is provocation - Moscow ~ | .. Russia’s Foreign Ministry has condemned the search of a Russian airliner in a London airport, calling it another provocation by the British authorities against Moscow. .. | Blogger: [It's the Final Countdown!] ... There's absolutely no doubt in my mind that UK and the 'hidden hand' (DeepState & The military–industrial complex) require a WAR with Russia (China) in order to overtake the world's population with Control and Fear, suppress the spiritual evolution and awakening process. The NEW 9/11 was in fact, the 'Skripal Case'. ... |




The Anti Media | Mar 30, 2018 | ~ Israeli Troops Kill 9 Palestinian Protesters Along Gaza Border, Hundreds Injured ~ | .. (CD) — With worries that numbers will continue to rise, Israeli forces reportedly killed at least nine Palestinians and injured hundreds more as an estimated 20,000 gathered along the Gaza-Israel border for the launch of the six-week “March of Great Return” on Friday. .. | Blogger: [USofA - To Protect & Serve 'Bibi' and Obama/Clinton/DNC cartels - WHY???] .. PS: Hvorfor er det lige, at bliver ved med, at hænge sig i det amerikanske og vestlige powerplay af high-politics (kritisk-geopolitiske projekter)? Fordi, en majoritet af borgere har så svært ved at acceptere, der findes højt udviklede psykopater derude, der lever af at planlægge en tæt smokescreen af uærlige, forplumrede og egocentriske agendaer, som især er gældende fra den lovgivende myndighed hos politikere via embedsværket i Danmark, den amerikanske Kongres og de Senatorer, som udøver den magt de har og beskytter andre verdensledere. Jeg tror på, politikere i samspillet med Wall Street banker, den såkaldte jødiske mafia (Rothschilds underafdelinger som GoLDMaN SLaCKS, og alle deres medsammensvorne, ECB, FED, IMF, BIS, Verdensbanken m.v.) og den lovgivende myndighed i USA, VIL gøre ALT i sin magt, for at fastholde Deres livsstil og trække de globale "positive" kræfter væk fra scenen, som os, der tør at udtrykke vor ærlige mening, men bliver slagtet for at være "tin foil hats" (slagtet af den censurerende "Orwellian" state).. Der er kun en ting vi kan gøre, at fjerne og videredistribuere deres skjulte "pengestrømme" i skattely til de fattigste på denne planet og glæder sig til, at de massive arrestationer snarlig sker, rundt om verdens magtcentrum, især i England og USA (City of London, District of Columbia and the Vatican) og forhåbentligt Danmark.. Desværre, er der ikke meget modstand, fordi folk 'sover' og har nok i sig selv (den stilsigende jyske accept! Alle jyder stemmer Venstre og DF?).. Som en Pacman, ÆDER vores autoriteter fra centraladministration vores livsopsparende pengepuljer, via bankgebyrer, pensionsadmin, renter, skatter, penge til krige, korruption, kommuners pengegriskhed, EU's budgetter o.s.v... Selv en lille miniputstat som Danmark, viser en god soliditetsgrad, der er forenelig med, hvor meget vi sælger ud af arvegodset til korrupte diktaturstater, amerikanske militær og investerings- og kapitalfonde, som snart har overtaget hele virksomhedskulturen i landet. Der er kun én, til at skabe revolutionen og det er DIG derude! Og hvis du stadigvæk tror på imperialisternes stortid hos Crooked Hillary, LøkkeSugarFonden, medierne som fjerde statsmagt og Den store Oktoberrevolution, som forsøges, at skubbes i gang med vestens tredje verdenskrig, så bliver du nok efterladt på perronen, når den nye medievirkelighed og spirituelle paradigmeskift vil revolutionere, DSB og statsbanerne ... 'Verdensaltet' dækker over alt eksisterende. Skulle der være paralleluniverser e.lign., så er de alle en del af det som Martinus kalder verdensaltet. Da verdensaltet er det hele, så findes der kun et verdensalt ... |

READ MORE: | Mar 30, 2018 | ~ World’s CHRISTIANS in turmoil as Pope 'admits HELL DOES NOT EXIST' ~ | .. MILLIONS of Christians across the world had their faith shaken to its foundations after reports the Pope admitted HELL DOES NOT EXIST and that bad people simply cease to be .. | Blogger: Soooo....The Pope, is a figurehead for the NWO which has plans to kill 90% of the world's population, according to Simon Parkes. He might be right - maybe he belongs on Titan?? (Spoiler Alert:) ... If you have seen the new Netflix release The Titan, were a USAF pilot, Rick Janssen (Sam Worthington), is chosen for a military experiment that will create a human being capable of surviving the harsh environments of Saturn's moon, TITAN. But, to become an super-human, also creates deadly side-effects which threatens the life become. He becomes a draco-reptilian race of some kind ... |

READ MORE: | Mar 30, 2018 | ~ Harry and Meghan’s Royal Wedding is Expected to Cost £32million ~ | Blogger: [World's most expensive wedding paid by UK taxpayers??] ... """Total – £31,969,873""" (DKK 272 millions) ... What can you get for 300 Million DKK? 121.000 picks from the menu card of Noma ( two-Michelin-star restaurant) .. 12 Lamborghini Veneno .. 7.800.000 cases of Harboe Pilsner beers .. 180,000 months of training at .. Denmark's most expensive house. The Rosenlund villa was put up for sale in 2014 for 120 million kroner ... PS: Some 300 million children go to bed hungry every day. Of these only eight per cent are victims of famine or other emergency situations. More than 90 per cent are suffering long-term malnourishment and micronutrient deficiency. The best start in life is critical in a child’s first few years, not only to survival but to her or his physical, intellectual and emotional development. So these deprivations greatly hamper children’s ability to achieve their full potential, contributing to a society’s cycle of endless poverty and hunger ( ... |


Arcturian Group Message | Mar 25, 2018 | Channelled through Marilyn Raffael | 
Arcturians er en race, der kommer fra den blå planet, der kredser den røde kæmpestjerne Arcturus i Bootes konstellation. Arcturus kredser cirka 36 lysår fra vores solsystem. Arcturians er den mest avancerede civilisation i galaksen, transcendere ind i 4. og 5. dimension. Mange kender Arcturians, som velvillige væsener. Men hvad kun nogle ved, er læren som Arcturians følger. Indhyllet i mystik, og tabt i de åndelige oversættelser gennem kommunikation og kanaliseringer af Arcturians til mennesker, en race af væsener synes at eksistere og kommunikere fundamentale love, der styrer eksistensen af ​​fred, kærlighed og glæde. Denne grundlæggende lovgivning tillader Arcturians at skubbe i retning af højere planer af eksistens og give mulighed for fortsat vækst i et begrænset fysiske univers. Arcturians menes at komme fra en kredsende himmellegeme, der ikke har været opdaget af jordiske astronomer.

Kanaliseret aMarilyn Raffaele 

Greetings, dear ones. Once again we lovingly offer guidance in order to assist your evolutionary journey at this time of so much chaos and change. The evolutionary journey has no ending but simply continues to unfold into other dimensions as new levels of awareness are attained. Because every individual is an expression of an Infinite Reality, unfolding consciousness never reaches a completion point but rather will continue to express infinitely.

Divine Ideas simply are--they have no beginning and no ending and constitute the substance from which all things are formed because you cannot make something out of nothing. These Divine ideas (creator substance energy), are understood according to the attained level of consciousness of the observer.

Some religious traditions teach that the world is an illusion, but the world is not an illusion, Gaia is a pure spiritual universe peopled with sons of God. Rather, it is the un-awakened interpretations and creations of the human conditioned mind that constitute illusion.

Everything within the dense three dimensional belief system, much that you have come to know and believe as reality, represents only the very tiniest tip of a vast reality iceberg awaiting recognition. There will always be more, new, and exciting realities to explore. Allowing yourself to evolve beyond the third dimensional belief system is an exciting and never ending journey, one that you are only now beginning to understand as such.

Life is an ongoing adventure throughout all dimensions but those not yet able to comprehend this, continue holding to the illusions of material sense in the belief that spirituality is not real, irrelevant, boring, impractical, and not worth pursuing. | 29. Marts 2018 | ~ Direktør for biogas brancheforening: - Det er kørt helt ud af proportioner ~ | .. Direktør for Foreningen Biogasbranchen mener, at debatten om nedskæringer i støtten til biogas er kørt af sporet.. Når regeringen synes, støttekronerne til biogasanlæg er for mange og produktionsformen for dyr i forhold til grønne energikilder som sol og vind, så er sammenligningen ikke fair. - Det er kørt helt ud af proportioner. Det er som at sammenligne kiloprisen på kød og kartofler, og det gør jo ikke, at man kun spiser kartofler. Man bliver nødt til at kigge nuanceret på det og se på, hvad man får for pengene. Du kan ikke bare kigge på priserne alene. - """Vind får du kun, når vinden blæser""". Biogas har du hele tiden. Derudover får man genbrugt affald på biogasanlæggene, og det er en del, man, efter min mening, ikke kan se bort fra. Derfor mener jeg ikke bare, man kan sige, det er for dyrt. Man er nødt til at se på, hvad man får for pengene, lyder det .. | Blogger: [🎐Vindkraft bliver billigere end kulbaseret el og andre energikilder - spørgsmålet er dog, om det er danske forbrugere der tjener styrtende på vindstrøm - eller Staten 💨] ... PS: En lille detalje er også, at STØJENDE VINDMØLLER, hører kun til på havet og Støj - er ikke bare støj (Klager over lavfrekvent støj kommer fra alle ender af landet). Det gælder også støj fra vindmøller. Støj er lydbølger, der har større eller mindre styrke, som måles i decibel (dB). Lydbølgerne kan have færre eller flere svingninger pr. sekund, som benævnes frekvens og måles i hertz. Ud fra frekvens inddeles støj i tre forskellige kategorier, nemlig almindelig støj, lavfrekvent støj og infralyd. Dertil kommer grænseværdier for lavfrekvent støj, infralyd og vibrationer som kan påvirke menneskers hjerte/vibration/frekvens i mindre eller STÆRK grad (Det fortæller regeringen og vind energiselskaberne, dig IKKE omkring) ... |

Arkivfoto: Der er 175 biogasanlæg i Danmark. Foto: Henning Bagger / Ritzau Scanpix

GAOG \\ Collective Evolution | Mar 29, 2018 | ~ Tesla Wasn’t the Only One: U.S. Places ‘Secrecy Orders’ on Thousands of Inventions ~ |

Nikola Tesla Wasn’t The Only One: U.S. Places ‘Secrecy Orders’ On Thousands of Inventions

Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution, March 11, 2018

Government secrecy is running rampant in an age where more and more people are demanding transparency. Did you know that the U.S. Government classifies over 500 million pages of documents each year? Justification for the mass classification of information is (apparently) done for the sake of “national security,” but as we know:

“The dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts, far outweigh the dangers that are cited to justify them. There is a very grave danger that an announced need for an increased level of security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of censorship and concealment. That I do not tend to permit, so long as it’s in my control.” – JFK (source)

If a scholar wanted to research political, historical, scientific, or any other type of archival work, it would prove difficult and limiting seeing that most of their government’s activities are kept a secret. It is truly impossible to access the factual history of their country. The declassification of classified documents (a small portion) does not occur until decades after that information has been concealed, one great example of that is the UFO phenomenon, once believed to be a “conspiracy theory” by the masses before the substantial release of government documents showing otherwise. You can read more about that and access some of those documents here. Evidence is now pointing to the fact that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is no different.

The office is supposed to legally protect the inventions of entrepreneurs and companies, some of whom have developed ground breaking technology. Unfortunately, that’s not the case as new documents obtained via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) reveal how the Patent Office has been using a secret system to withhold the approval of some applications.

This 50-page document was obtained by Kilpatrick Towsend & Stockton, LLP, who commonly represent major tech companies that include Apple, Google and Twitter (to name a few). You can view that entire document HERE. (1)

The program delaying patent applications is called the Sensitive Application Warning System (SWAS). Usually, when an application is submitted for a patent approval it requires a couple of examiners who work with the Patent office to go through their process of approval. This process usually takes approximately 1 to 2 years, but applications that are filed in SWAS must be approved from several people, and can be delayed for a number of years.


PFC \\ veritasgalacticsweden | Mar 29, 2018 | ~ Power of Pictures to Show the Truth ~ |

I saw this a moment ago on a readers page and felt that the message given here could not be made stronger by a million words. The saying that we have ‘a picture speaks louder than words’ is truly applicable here: Congratulations to the artist who created these powerful pictures. Thanks Sanela for sharing. Namaste TZ

Here the explanatory text in English

Cuban Artist Erik Ravelo referred to violence against children.
  • The first picture symbolizes pedophilia in the Catholic Church.
  • Second-sexual exploitation of minors in Thailand.
  • Third-child war victims in Syria.
  • Fourth-illegal trade in child organs in poor African countries.
  • Fifth-victims among children during attacks with firearms in the United States.
  • Sixth-in my opinion, the most dangerous – represents the role of fast food in youth obesity and their subsequent (premature) death.

Therese Zumi

Verdensalt | Arkivskabet | 4. Marts 2017 - 30. Marts 2018 | | ~ James DiEugenio - Consortium News ~ | Full HD Movie DOX -- Ukraine on Fire ~ | .. En Oliver Stone dokumentarfilm som det amerikanske imperium ikke ønsker at du ser. 5 fakta som beviser at Lavrov har ret når han siger, at Ukraine 'danser til neo-nazisternes melodi' .. | Blogger: [🤪 Ja, den er god nok. Roterende fis i kasketten.. Tiltrækkes du af mennesker med psykopatiske træk? 😜] ... tænker, at Rasmus Jarlov's slettede propaganda-kommentar, overgår selv min egen vildeste 'forstand'. Måske hjælper denne video dig lidt videre, for at se med nye friske øjne og ikke Rasmus Jarlov's #Russia-bashing og hans tidligere kæreste, Mascha Vang, som nu kysser med Anders Samuelsen (verdens mindste med'lem'). Hvis du spørger mig, så er alle de forvirrede danske folkevalgte og deres kæresterier med penge-magt-liderligere kvinder, en slags 'Comic Relief ', for at skelne skidt fra kanel (you be the judge) ... PS: Denne video er senere blevet censureret af Youtube og GoogleGestapo, men fandt den på Vimeo. Mener også DR har sendt denne video ... |


man, 13 feb 2017 16:37 UTC

Ukraine on Fire, en ny dokumentarfilm om den ukrainske krise, kunne ændre hvordan folk i Vesten opfatter konflikten, men det er usandsynligt at den vil blive meget distribueret, siden den går imod den almindelige fortælling [om konflikten], skriver James DiEugenio.

Det er ikke særlig tit, at en dokumentarfilm kan opstille et nyt paradigme om en begivenhed i tiden, og slet ikke en som stadig er under udvikling. Men den nye film Ukraine on Fire har potentialet til at gøre det - hvis mange mennesker vel at mærke vil få mulighed for at se den.

Normalt, så genpakker dokumentarfilm - selv de gode - almindelig kendt information på en anderledes æstetisk måde. Hvis den form er talentfuldt lavet, så kan den information bevæge os på en anden måde end at hvis vi blot læste om det.

Et godt eksempel af dette ville være Peter Davis's slagkraftige dokumentarfilm om USAs involvering i Vietnam, Hearts and Minds. Ved året 1974, forstod de fleste amerikanere hvor slem Vietnamkrigen rent faktisk var, men gennem en kombination af lyd og billeder, som kun kunne være blevet gjort gennem film, så skabte den dokumentarfilm en sensation, som fjernede de sidste hindringer for at Amerika kunne forlade Indokina.  

UKRAINE ON FIRE - The Real Story. Full Documentary by Oliver Stone (Original English version) from Robin Westenra on Vimeo.

Kommentar: Denne artikel er blot delvis oversat til dansk af fra: Ukraine on Fire: The Oliver Stone documentary the US Empire doesn't want you to see

Joni Patry Vedic Astrological | Monthly Newsletter of The Galactic Center | News from the Stars | ~ Spiritual Insights April 2018 ~ |

Spiritual Insights April 2018

This is an amazing year for breakthroughs in consciousness. Many issues that temper our society with darkness are surfacing to change the future. Issues concerning sexuality and abuse have been the focus of the news. The abuse of women and children globally is surfacing for a healing. Even the problems in Hollywood concerning control and power with women are revealed.

Historically issues of sexual control and manipulation were never to be discussed but it is a plague in our world and society. These dark secrets destroy lives.

Hidden secrets that formally could not be revealed are the most destructive emotional issues of our psyche. Some are so painful people would rather die than face them. These are the issues that we are here to heal. The truth really does set us free. The process of denial and repression takes the life force out of the soul and kills the spirit. This is at the core of healing the family affecting society. Many extremely angry people have deep seated issues related to denial and repression of family secrets. These secrets may have been passed down from generations controlling the emotional body of the family. It affects the ability to love.

Astrologically the Moon in a chart represents emotions and the mind. Those who have not felt security through family or mother will not be able to express love properly in their own lives. This may be seen in a chart where the Moon is isolated from all the other planets or close to Rahu or Ketu. This gives a sense of no support or security. Since the Moon represents the mother as well, it indicates a mother that has had problems in their own family of origin and indicates problems of the past generations. Those who don’t feel loved cannot give love. In essence they have not learned what it is.

The 4th house is relative to the Moon since it is the house of the mother and family. The Moon rules the 4th sign Cancer and the Moon is karaka of the 4th house. The Moon is the reflective receptive force and represents feelings. Interestingly the 4th house rules the heart. But it is known that the 5th house and the Sun also rule the heart. The 5th house is relative to the sign Leo since it is the 5th sign. Since the Sun is the giver of the life force, this can be symbolically understood it rules blood flow. So if the Sun puts forth energy and the Moon receives and reflects back the light of the Sun then the 4th and 5th houses as they rule the heart indicate that they must rule the different chambers of the heart. The 4th house rules the chamber of the heart that receives the blood and the 5th house rules the chamber that puts out the blood to the body. Symbolically this means the 4th house rules the ability to receive love and the 5th house rules the ability to give love. Interestingly our world and society is built around male and female and the family based on the love of our mother and father.

NN | Mar 29, 2018 | ~ Evil Google pushing “final solution” to eradicate independent news from the web… FOREVER ~ | Blogger: “Hope Will Never Be Silent”... |

Google is rolling out a plan to exterminate all independent media
Mike Adams
The evil search engine giant, Google, is rolling out a "final solution" to exterminate all independent media. YouTube has already begun the process of terminating indy media accounts, and it's accelerating by the day...

Now, more than ever, it's crucial to support Natural News as we go to battle with Google in a David vs. Goliath epic fight for freedom.

NESARANEWS \\ Paul Craig Roberts | Feb 26, 2018 | ~ The Shooting At Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School In Parkland Florida ~ | Blogger: ONE WORD - DRILLS ...I REPEAT - STAGED DRILLS!!! 🏴‍☠️... |

List of ""known"" terrorist attacks where terrorist Emergency Drills/Exercises, was held at the same day:
  • 1994 - The Estonia disaster 
  • 1995 - Oklahoma City Bombing
  • 2001 - 9/11 (**)
  • 2004 - Madrid train bombings
  • 2005 - London bombings (7/7)
  • 2011 - Norway attacks
  • 2012 - Aurora shooting (Cinema shooting in Aurora USA)
  • 2012 - The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting
  • 2012 - Boston Marathon bombing
  • 2014 - Shootings at Parliament Hill, Ottawa
  • 2015 - Copenhagen shootings (***)
  • 2015 - Charleston church shooting
  • 2015 - November Paris attacks
  • 2016 - Brussels, Nice, Syria, and Orlando (cannot be sure)
  • 2017 - Stockholm attack
  • 2017 - MGM Las Vegas massacre
  • etc.
READ MORE: | Indland/Fyn | 20. Marts 2018 | ~ Politiet på hemmelig aktion: - Vi øver os på angreb, der kan ske i virkeligheden ~ | (In English:) -- Danish Secret Service in Action: DENMARK


Paul Craig Roberts

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts' latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West and How America Was Lost

Readers have inquired about my silence about the Florida shooting on Valentine’s Day. The answer is that school shootings are not my expertise. Moreover, a country, such as the US, which no longer has an independent TV and print national media, is unable to find out and is dependent on the story told by authorities.

Although it is probably impossible to find out what happened, independent Internet media makes it possible for a person willing to invest the time and effort, to arrive at a conclusion on their own. Here are some of the things to think about.

A Parkland FL Stoneman Douglas high school teacher says the school had been told there would be a code red drill. When he heard shooting, he assumed it was the drill. 

A woman, Debbie, provides videos of reporters interviewing students who say they were told there would be a drill with police firing blanks with people screaming, the purpose of which was to prepare the students in the event a real shooting occurred.

.... They told all the kids to go outside so they could START SHOOTING UP.... (the 'military people'?)

At about the 28 minute mark in the video Parkland FL high school students tell news reporters interviewing them that they were told there would be a realistic drill at the school that would simulate a real attack.

I do not know anything about Debbie. It is important to note that it is not Debbie who is making the claims. The interviews with the students are interviews broadcast by news organizations.

SPACE | Mar 29, 2018 | ~ Image of the Day - Great Pyramids Seen From Space ~ | Blogger: Have you ever been wondering why (NASA = Never A Straight Answer!!) takes the most beautiful pictures of Giza pyramid complex on Earth, or detailed pictures ever taken of Saturn's rings etc. but NEVER shows you pictures of the pyramids in Turkey, Ukraine and Antarctica (wherever) of other hidden places, where ley lines, ancient aliens civilizations or military DUMBS has a meaning? We KNOW for a FACT, that 'pyramid and dome structures' built on Mars and Earth's Moon. And when 'some' pictures finally appear from leaked intel, it's always blurred images, hard to enlarged and make out.. PS: Ley Lines are the meridian axiatonal lines or grid system that conducts and transmits frequencies throughout our bodies and the planet. They are an exact mirror as they exist in our personal holographic template and are reflected from within the larger mirror of the planet’s own meridian and template system. Ley lines are as much important as the Etheric Archon Grid or NASA images of North Poles Hollow Earth (Inner Earth) ... |

Thursday, March 29, 2018: Egypt's famous Giza pyramid complex towers over the Western Desert in this view from the European Space Agency's Proba-1 minisatellite. The largest of the three pyramids (bottom left) is the Great Pyramid of Giza. To its right is the slightly smaller Pyramid of Khafre, and the smallest of the three is the Pyramid of Menkaure. — Hanneke Weitering

Destroying the Illusion 2.0 | Mar 29, 2018 | by Jordan Sather | ~ OIG&FISA/New Pizzagate Instagram Pics/NXIVM/Solar Shift & UFO Sightings ~ |

Jordan Sather (born 1990) in Bremerton, WA, is committed to empowering individuals through sharing knowledge of self and the cosmos. He is passionate about health, and coaches clients who want to become stronger individuals. He also writes for alternative blogs and news sites about new discoveries in regards to science, history, and geopolitics.

Today's Links:
Q Site - COLLUSION DELUSION: New Documents Show OBAMA Officials, FBI COORDINATED in Anti-Trump Probe - DOJ OIG Announces Initiation of Review - New James Alefantis #PizzaGate Instagram Images and Comments Part 1 - Steemit Exclusive - The Sun Is Spitting Out Strange Patterns of Gamma Rays—and No One Knows Why - Clinton-Linked Cult Leader Who Hot-Branded Women Arrested For Sex Trafficking - | 22. Marts 2018 | ~ Hvorfor Boris Johnson lyver i Skripal sagen ~ | (In English:) Murray: ‘Boris Johnson A Categorical Liar’ |

Craig Murray
tor, 22 mar 2018 21:27 UTC

Vidnesbyrd indgivet til domstolen i dag af den britiske regering viser uden for enhver tvivl, at Boris Johnson slet og ret har løjet om den grad af sikkerhed hvormed Porton Down vidensksfolkene har udtalt sig om hvorvidt Skripal er blevet forgiftet af et russisk "novichok" middel.

I går i et et interview med Deutsche Welle påstod Boris Johnson direkte, at Porton Down havde fortalt ham, at de med sikkerhed havde identificeret nervemidlet som russisk:
Du siger, at kilden til dette nervemiddel, Novichok, er russisk. Hvordan fandt du ud af det så hurtigt? Besidder Storbritannien prøver af det?

Lad mig være tydelig over for dig ... Når jeg ser på beviserne, jeg mener folkene fra Porton down, laboratoriet ...

Så de har prøver ...
Det har de. Og de er fuldstændigt kategoriske, og jeg spurgte selv fyren, jeg sagde: "Er du sikker?" Og han sagde, der er ingen tvivl.
Jeg har skrevet og offentliggjordt fra mine egne whistleblowers, at dette er løgn. Indtil nu kunne jeg ikke bevise det. Men i dag kan jeg fuldstændig bevise det, på grund af højesterettens kendelse som gav tilladelse til at nye prøver kan tages fra Skripal til brug i OPCW.

Kommentar: Delvist oversat af fra Why Boris Johnson is Lying in Skripal Case
Ville det være uden for sammenhængen at fremdrage eksempler på at Boris Johnson også før er faldet på at fordreje sandheden, når det tjente hans hensigter:
Fra Wikipedia biografien. "He began his career in journalism at The Times but was sacked for falsifying a quotation"
Fra BBC den 17. juli 2007 er der detaljer om den episode: Boris Johnson's media scrapes
Fra Huffington Post 24. marts 2013: Boris Johnson Challenged By Eddie Mair On Lying Over Affairs, False Quotes And Wanting To Be PM
Fra Daily Mail 25. marts 2013: So, Boris, what IS the truth behind the accusations made in that bruising BBC encounter?
Fra Pink News 26. marts 2013: Boris Johnson: I was wrong to make up a quote about King Edward II and his gay lover Piers Gaveston
Fra Indy 100: 17 juni 2016: A journalist has shared a story about Boris Johnson that completely undermines his authority on the EU
Fra Independent: 27. juni 2016: Why are we so surprised that Boris Johnson lied when he's been sacked for lying twice before?
Fra New Statesman 1. juli 2016: Boris Johnson peddled absurd EU myths - and our disgraceful press followed his lead



Skripal case: How UK ‘explains’ why Russia is to blame in 1-minute VIDEO | Mar 29, 2018 | ~ Rusland varsler missiløvelser i tre dage nær Bornholm - 'jeg har aldrig tidligere oplevet dette' ~ | (In English:) Like in the 'Joint Sea 2017', Russia to conduct a 3-days missile naval simulation exercise in the Baltic Sea, next week, which makes Sweden and Denmark, on the edge | Blogger: #Putin&TheRussians- AreComing #TheSwedishNavyHuntForRedOctober - We Are The Knights Who Say "Ni!" - Oh Noooo. Run Away... 😀 - Dudes, take a chill pill! 👎 |

På billedet: Ruslands præsident Vladimir Putin (i midten) under en inspektion. Den 22. januar. Foto: MIKHAIL KLIMENTYEV
Ruslands flåde afvikler i næste uge tre dages øvelse med fokus på missiløvelser i det sydlige Østersøen, skriver Sveriges Radio.


The Daily Caller | Mar 29, 2018 | ~ Judge Denies Stormy Daniels’ Request To Depose Trump – Avenatti Explains Next Steps ~ | Blogger: [💓maybe there's a light at the end of the tunnel after all 💜] ... Monica Lewinsky has called out Clinton's abuse of power, but apparently, the Obama/Clinton/DNC Cartel had no luck this time pushing out a 'Stormy Daniels' (if you believe in that kind of thing).. In the meanwhile, Mr. Trump says US troops to get out of Syria 'very soon' (VERY positive - america's addiction to mercenaries).. Margrethe Vestager, Europe’s competition boss, kicks off new chapter in Google shopping probe (Yeah, baby, yeah!) and Trump, attacks Amazon for paying 'little or no taxes' (Facebook, Google, Twitter, eBay, YouTube, Wikipedia and Amazon censoring money monsters) .. Starbucks coffee in California must have cancer warning, judge says (eek - what about my beloved Hot Chai Latte??) ... |

A California judge ruled Thursday that Stormy Daniels’ request to depose President Donald Trump was “premature,” but that isn’t stopping the former adult actress and her attorney Michael Avenatti from going after POTUS.

Avenatti joined CNN’s Wolf Blitzer shortly after the decision to explain his client’s plan of attack.


WeAreChange | Mar 28, 2018 | ~ You Won't Believe What We Saw In Mogadishu, Somalia ~ | Blogger: [The Pirates of Somalia - are Banksters from the Khazarian Mafia (and UN) trying to overtake Somalia, who are these scammers?] ... WeAreChange talks about the unseen military tight security, United Nations Operations, Turkey and The United Arab Emirates has huge military presence here, China trying to steal the fish market and polluting waters, secret U.S. random drone bombings of civilians up to 70 pct (Trumps creating fear and terror), Sharia law in Somalia is not what you think it is, the World Bank Group to enforce taxation (Rothschild banksters). New VAT tax laws on goods, stores and local restaurants owners, which the locals refuse to pay ... PS: 💭 Please use your own spiritual discernment watching and listen to this video (Luke Rudkowski & Jeff Berwick are both anarchists and know for their exaggeration) ... |

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange travels with Jeff Berwick the Dollar Vigilante to Mogadishu, Somalia to take you inside an extremely underreported story of global significance. 

Department of Justice | Mar 30, 2018 CET | ~ Barclays Agrees to Pay $2 Billion in Civil Penalties to Resolve Claims for Fraud in the Sale of Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities ~ | .. Two Former Barclays Executives Agree to Pay $2 Million to Resolve Claims Brought Against Them Individually .. | Blogger: ["Yippee-kai-yay, motherf****r] ... Yet another turncoat ex-Special Forces group protecting Esperanza Banksters, from the Rothschild's Zionist Khazarian Cabal, who pay 'HUGE' penalties due to fraud and stealing taxpayers money (Borrow, steal, kill) ... Barclays posted a significant loss on its full-year 2017 profits, hit in part by the U.S. tax overhaul. The U.K. bank's net loss was £1.92 billion ($2.67 billion), part of which was a one-off £901 million charge on U.S. deferred tax assets. The group's pre-tax profit, however, rose by 10 percent to £3.54 billion in 2017... |

Department of Justice
Office of Public Affairs

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Barclays Agrees to Pay $2 Billion in Civil Penalties to Resolve Claims for Fraud in the Sale of Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities

Two Former Barclays Executives Agree to Pay $2 Million to Resolve Claims Brought Against Them Individually

The United States has reached agreement with Barclays Capital, Inc. and several of its affiliates (together, Barclays) to settle a civil action filed in December 2016 in which the United States sought civil penalties for alleged conduct related to Barclays’ underwriting and issuance of residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) between 2005 and 2007.  Barclays will pay the United States two billion dollars ($2,000,000,000) in civil penalties in exchange for dismissal of the Amended Complaint.
Following a three-year investigation, the complaint in the action, United States v. Barclays Capital, Inc., alleged that Barclays caused billions of dollars in losses to investors by engaging in a fraudulent scheme to sell 36 RMBS deals, and that it misled investors about the quality of the mortgage loans backing those deals.  It alleged violations of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA), based on mail fraud, wire fraud, bank fraud, and other misconduct. 
Agreement has also been reached with the two former Barclays executives who were named as defendants in the suit:  Paul K. Menefee, of Austin, Texas, who served as Barclays’ head banker on its subprime RMBS securitizations, and John T. Carroll, of Port Washington, New York, who served as Barclays’ head trader for subprime loan acquisitions.  In exchange for dismissal of the claims against them, Menefee and Carroll agree to pay the United States the combined sum of two million dollars ($2,000,000) in civil penalties.
The settlement was announced by Richard P. Donoghue, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, and Laura S. Wertheimer, Inspector General, of the Federal Housing Finance Agency Office of the Inspector General (FHFA-OIG).