Nov 27, 2017

Sputniknews | Nov 24, 2017 | Norway Nervous Its Cherished F-35 Fighter Jets Share National Secrets With US | .. Due to national considerations, there is a need for a filter where the user nations can exclude sensitive data from the data stream that is shared by the system with the manufacturer Lockheed Martin," Defense Ministry senior consultant Lars Gjemble told the ABC Nyheter news portal .. | Blogger: BOOOM!!! I just solved the puzzle.. Just spitballing here!!! The Deep State of Denmark, VEEEERY quite now, since they also bought $66 billion of metal junk ($100 billions in total incl maintenance of a number of years) from ""danish taxpayers money"", and have a hard time convincing the danish Parliament of their scam, before final approval. Furthermore, unknown (not confirmed) sources says, that Public Relations and Communications, LEAD Agency A/S, together with Goldman Sachs (Rothschild) puppy, private capitalists' stronghold and consulting company, McKinsey & Company, has been involved in the danish State's procurement processes of shopping spree, from F-35 fighter jets to know-how at Lockheed Martin HQ (Defense & Space). Executive Directors or Partner VP,(LEAD Agency), Torsten Jansen and Michael Christiansen, chairman of DR, officially Danish Broadcasting Corporation, acting as consultancy house for Lockheed Martin and the State. Both of these Top brass guys, has many titles, many board memberships, heavily connected. Torsten Jansen, former famous danish TV news anchor in DR, worked at the Danish Embassy in Washington, Danish School of Media and Journalism (Broadcasting),Senior Adviser at IO Sustainability, LLC, member of advisory board of media relations for VESTAS, board member of "The physical meeting - in a digital future" is a knowledge organization or a think-tank and board member in Dansk Aktionærforening (Danish Shareholders Association), is a Danish consumer political interest organization, among other things.. HOW THE HELL, can DR (broadcaster), a Danish government-owned radio and television public broadcasting company, have VIP key players dealing as strategic advisor & consulting for Danish Government & Lockheed Martin, as the largest arms-producing and military services company in the world??? It took me 1 second to look them up on 'linkedin'. Check it out... In the meantime, yes, in the meantime, The Minister of Defence of the Kingdom of Denmark (Danish: Forsvarsminister), Claus Hjort Frederiksen has frequently briefings with Terma A/S (Terma A/S is a Danish defense and aerospace manufacturer).. In early June of 2017, Claus Hjort Frederiksen visited Terma’s U.S. headquarters in Washington DC, and at this year's People’s Political Festival on Bornholm, he attended the debate arranged by Terma under the heading " Alliances in Change – Opportunities and Challenges for Denmark”.." .. How much cool petrodollars do you think he has cashed in on that little gig on Bornholm, Denmark to ""seduce"" the political parties buying F-35 & secretive protecting of so-called ""terrorism"" in the United States and Denmark? (black pool of money).. Terma has stated: 'Our primary goal is the international markets and 90% of our revenue is generated 'OUTSIDE Denmark'. Terma A/S biggest partners, DING DING DING - Lockheed Martin -- There's no coincidences... |

Norway's defense officials are concerned that their new fleet of F-35 warplanes is equipped with sensors that automatically send critical information to their US manufacturer Lockheed Martin.



Will US partners still buy F-35 jets despite ‘phenomenal upkeep cost’ and snooping?

FILE PHOTO One of three F-35 fighter jets ordered by Norway's Air Force is seen at Oerland Main Air Station, near Trondheim, Norway © Ned Alley / Reuters
Claims by Norway that its F-35 fighter jets might be sending sensitive data to their American manufacturer may prompt US partners to take a second look at the idea of using these jets, says Binoy Kampmark, a senior lecturer at RMIT University, Melbourne.

The Norwegian military claims that the planes send sensitive data to their manufacturer in the US, Lockheed Martin, after every flight. Earlier in November, Norway received the first three of its 40 F-35 fighter jets it ordered in an effort to beef up its air force.

“Due to national considerations, there is a need for a filter where the user nations can exclude sensitive data from the data stream that is shared by the system with the manufacturer Lockheed Martin,” said Defense Ministry senior consultant Lars Gjemble, as cited by Norway’s ABC Nyheter.

RT - Russia Today | Nov 27, 2017 | If Clinton had won we'd be at war – Susan Sarandon | .. Actress and activist Susan Sarandon believes that had Hillary Clinton won the election, “we would be at war.” “I did think she was very dangerous,” Sarandon said in an interview with The Guardian, as she continues to attract criticism from Clinton loyalists over her support for Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and her subsequent vote for Green Party candidate Jill Stein during the 2016 election. “I got from Hillary people, ‘I hope your crotch is grabbed’, ‘I hope you’re raped.’ Misogynistic attacks," she said .. |


Benjamin Fulford Partial Report | Nov 27, 2017 | Huge actionable intelligence haul from Marine raid on CIA HQ | ※Weekly geo-political news and analysis | Excerpts from the Full Report:... Masayoshi Son of Softbank and many other oligarchs who have been used as funnels to launder privately-owned central-bank fiat money into the real economy. Japanese right-wing sources say that Son has “already been dealt with.”. Meanwhile, a source within U.S. Marine headquarters also provided sordid detail of other Khazarian crimes that were uncovered in the raid. This was received via e-mail from a CIA white-hat: From a Marine at CIA headquarters Sent from my iPhone The U.S. Marines raided the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Langley, Virginia this past weekend. The Marines retrieved a lot of evidence implicating well-known politicians of embezzlement, election rigging, identity fraud, assassination plots, murders, domestic terrorism, and pedophilia. I’ve listed the following 23 ITEMS to pique your interest and summarize what’s happening: ITEM 1: CIA headquarters has been raided, the FBI has been neutralized, and $35 trillion of U.S. Treasury embezzled funds have been recovered. About $100 trillion has been embezzled by the Bushs and the Clintons. ITEM 2: President Donald Trump reopened the President John F. Kennedy assassination files and George H.W. Bush was behind it. JFK autopsy photographs were falsified. ITEM 3: The sexual harassment outings of all these members of Congress is a mainstream media distraction for what’s really going on (U.S. Marines raid CIA Headquarters and President Trump imposes military martial law) behind the scene. ITEM 4: Alex Jones of Infowars is a traitor and national security threat who is connected with a division of the Mossad, the State of Israel’s Secret Intelligence Service. ITEM 5: Hillary Rodham Clinton had ordered the murders, through domestic assassination squads, of ....[READ MORE] |

Hvem er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler 4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent for Knight Ridder, Den Internationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine, hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i 2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007.

Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier. 

Huge actionable intelligence haul from Marine raid on CIA HQ

Udgivet af Benjamin den 27. November 2017 

The good guys are winning, folks, and it will not be long before the last brainwashed slaves are freed from the Khazarian debt-slavery mind-control matrix and the criminals rounded up.

The Marine raid last week on CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia has yielded a huge haul of actionable intelligence, say Pentagon and other sources. “[U.S. President Donald] Trump is winning BIG, with Clinton-linked pedo rings busted in China as well as the Philippines, Africa, and Germany. Military tribunals and sealed indictments across the USA are approaching 4,000,” according to Pentagon sources.

This raid was made possible because Trump signed an executive order on October 20th to recall retired military to active duty in order to “take down the Bush-Clinton cabal, the Jewish mafia, and purge the CIA and FBI of traitors,” the sources say.

The sources say that during the November 18th raid on CIA headquarters, computers and documents were seized and as a result, “some 400 drug facilities were located and the U.S. military began bombing them in Afghanistan on November 19th.” They added that the bombed locations were labelled as the Taliban’s in order “to be politically correct.” In other words, they do not want the world to think there is a civil war going on inside the military-industrial complex.

In any case, “The Marines have proven once again that they are semper fidelis (always faithful), as this was not just a military operation but an intelligence operation, a psychological warfare operation, and the largest anti-drug operation in history,” the sources continue.

In addition to cutting off heroin money from Afghanistan, the cutting off of air flights and land connections to North Korea has stopped the flow of amphetamine money to the Khazarian cabal as well, according to Asian secret society sources.

The mass arrests and deportation of the MS-13 El Salvadorian gang who are hired killers for drug kingpin El Chapo, as well as a new attack on the Mexican and Columbian drug cartels, means cocaine money from South America is also being cut off. The ongoing legalization of marijuana worldwide has also cut off that source of Khazarian black money.

With CIA drug money influence drying up, the International Criminal Court is poised to prosecute the CIA and the Bush cabal for torture and other war crimes in Afghanistan as well as elsewhere, the Pentagon and other sources say.

Also, one of the largest corruption cases in U.S. military history has led to the investigation of 440 people, including 60 admirals—one third of the Navy’s top brass. The removal of these corrupt officers, mostly stationed in Asia, means the 7th Fleet is soon going to stop protecting the corrupt politicians in Japan, South Korea, and the secret Khazarian colony of North Korea. This will mean that U.S. arrests will be followed by similar arrests in Asia.
ONE-THIRD of all Navy brass caught in huge foreign bribery scandal
 The Japanese criminals involved in the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear mass-murder attack on Japan, fearing for their lives, have detained whistleblower and Gnostic Illuminati Grandmaster “Alexander Romanov,” aka Slasha Zaric, and confined him in inhuman conditions at the Hasegawa Hospital in Fuchu, Tokyo. The hospital phone number is 81-422-31-8600. Former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori, the mayor of Koganei City, the Police Chief of Koganei City, and all other criminals involved in the Fukushima crime against humanity will be jailed and eventually executed unless they release Zaric and immediately hold press conferences to confess their sins. Their assets will be impounded and Zaric will be compensated for the harm that has been done to him, say White Dragon Society (WDS) sources. Of course, senior masterminds in the U.S., Italy, and Switzerland will also be brought to justice for these crimes.

Many top Khazarian mobsters like Bill Gates and George Soros have already been “taken out of commission,” WDS sources say. Next among the most prominent people expected to be taken down are Eric Schmidt of Google, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, as well as..........

( Below this line, is paid members only - please respect the author)

FOX NEWS - just in | Nov 27, 2017 | FCC chairman blasts net neutrality activists 'harassing us' at home | .. The protests followed Pai saying last week that he would follow through on his pledge to repeal Obama-era Internet regulations .. | Blogger: Go back to Pres. Clinton/Obama's internet framework which existed from 1996-2015!! No way - never gonna happen. It's all about censoring, micro-management and regulations, how ISPs favoring their own digital services and up/down speed on specific internet sites.. People are to awake now, not saying pres. Trump will save us all, but a friend in need is a friend indeed... |


BT | 27. Nov 2017 | Meteorolog har gjort foruroligende opdagelse: Det er kun et spørgsmål om tid - ødelæggelsen vil være 'ustoppelig'. Klimaforsker Tamsin Edwards siger i The Guardian, at hun er glad for, at Eric Holthaus skriver om et tema, der både er rigtigt og vigtigt..(..).. | Blogger: “gudfaderbevares” -- ulven kommer, ulven kommer!, ups mener, fremtiden kommer, fremtiden kommer - nej, den er her! Svindel og humbugjournalistik -- Først en knivspids kendsgerninger. Husk, helst den rene vare, for så glider resten lettere ned. Derefter et skvæt fordrejede fakta. Gerne i skandaløs vinkel. Mens blandingen svitser, tilsættes lidt friskplukkede vildskud efterfulgt af en ordentlig spandfuld løgn og latin. Til slut koges hele falbeladen sammen i et væltet lokum og krydres inden servering med et par duske velduftende sprogblomster.. NASA = Need Another Seven Astronauts!?. Spøg til side, vi sidder alle sammen som en flok clickbait trykkende dopamin-aber og henter inspiration gennem danmarks hæderkronede konservative avisforlag, Berlingske Media. De kunne dog aldrig kunne finde på, at plastre pladderballe historier som denne, ud i Berlingske, dog via, BT/MX. Her, skal mediehuset's behagesyge, copy-cat sensationsjournalister (analfabetisme) lokke unge uvidende mennesker, i fordærv. Jamen, du kan bare lade være med at læse BT. Det kan jeg, men synes det er brandærgerligt, at andre TROR på denne slags konspiration, som er decideret latterligt. lider stensikkert at samme symptom som BT, men vildleder ikke sine læsere med religiøs fanatisme og indoktrinering og dommedagsfascisme... |

Det er kun et spørgsmål om tid, før to store gletschere 600 kilometer syd for Sydamerika smelter. Det mener den amerikanske meterolog Eric Holthaus.



global warming

Climate Change/global warming is a Hoax

The idea and creation of the climate change/global warming hoax has been the product of powerful families with evil aims of controlling the world through domination of finance and food production.
They made a simple mistake within the climate model architecture and this mistake changed the results obtained from the models completely. The heat trapped by the increasing levels of carbon dioxide just reroutes to space via water vapour. This whole category of feedbacks was omitted, which greatly exaggerated the calculated sensitivity to carbon dioxide. This one miscalculated fact was enough to skew the results so that they could be used to support the lie of climate change.
The big scare over carbon dioxide and global warming was due to a simple modelling error.
Dr David Evans checked the mapping of the architecture being used by the current climate models and discovered that while the underlying physics was correct, the climate scientists applied it wrongly. Two serious architectural errors were discovered in the basic climate model.
These 2 errors in the architecture were then fixed. The original model was run again and future warming due to carbon dioxide was found to be only 10 or 20% of official estimates. The conventional climate models had been set up to work in a way that amplified the surface warming effect of CO2.
The actual recorded temperatures agree with the new results from the model fixed by Dr. Evans. So we can now be sure that the new model architecture is correct. There is no global warming due to CO2.
The NOAA  study (June 2014) suggests that global warming is still going on because they massaged their data too. NOAA are claiming that their data needed to be corrected in light of the fact that the "Ships collecting temperatures did so first by gathering water either in wooden buckets, in canvas buckets, by thermometers positioned near engine intake valves, and later buoys—resulting in temperature measurements that varied slightly by collection method and requiring correction."
This is obviously a flawed approach to understanding and working with the figures collected because the problem NOAA have highlighted in the methodology would have actually resulted in the recorded temperatures being higher than reality and not lower as they are suggesting.
Obviously, NOAA have corrected the figures in the wrong direction. Multiplying the mistake instead of rectifying it. Temperature figures subjected to arbitrary corrections can never be trusted as showing reality in any way.

Benjamin Fulford Partial Report | Nov 27, 2017 | Huge actionable intelligence haul from Marine raid on CIA HQ | ※Weekly geo-political news and analysis | Excerpts from the Full Report (NONE SO FAR).. .PS: ""It ain't no thing but a chicken wing"" -- It can now be reported that "something" DID happen in regards to the badass U.S. Marine Corps raided CIA Langley... PSS: (Disclaimer:) - This intel/rumor report is fiction until proven otherwise! Entertainment or Facts? Please use your own SPIRITUAL discernment! Posting for your AWARENESS only, nothing else! - Babylonian Talmudics RKM Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (TPTB) are masters of deception, 70% is true story, 30% is deception. Where attention goes, energy flows, please remember that... |

Hvem er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler 4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent for Knight Ridder, Den Internationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine, hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i 2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007.

Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier. 

Huge actionable intelligence haul from Marine raid on CIA HQ

Udgivet af Benjamin den 27. November 2017 

The good guys are winning, folks, and it will not be long before the last brainwashed slaves are freed from the Khazarian debt-slavery mind-control matrix and the criminals rounded up.

The Marine raid last week on CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia has yielded a huge haul of actionable intelligence, say Pentagon and other sources. “[U.S. President Donald] Trump is winning BIG, with Clinton-linked pedo rings busted in China as well as the Philippines, Africa, and Germany. Military tribunals and sealed indictments across the USA are approaching 4,000,” according to Pentagon sources.

This raid was made possible because Trump signed an executive order on October 20th to recall retired military to active duty in order to “take down the Bush-Clinton cabal, the Jewish mafia, and purge the CIA and FBI of traitors,” the sources say.

The sources say that during the November 18th raid on CIA headquarters, computers and documents were seized and as a result, “some 400 drug facilities were located and the U.S. military began bombing them in Afghanistan on November 19th.” They added that the bombed locations were labelled as the Taliban’s in order “to be politically correct.” In other words, they do not want the world to think there is a civil war going on inside the military-industrial complex.

In any case, “The Marines have proven once again that they are semper fidelis (always faithful), as this was not just a military operation but an intelligence operation, a psychological warfare operation, and the largest anti-drug operation in history,” the sources continue.

In addition to cutting off heroin money from Afghanistan, the cutting off of air flights and land connections to North Korea has stopped the flow of amphetamine money to the Khazarian cabal as well, according to Asian secret society sources.

The mass arrests and deportation of the MS-13 El Salvadorian gang who are hired killers for drug kingpin El Chapo, as well as a new attack on the Mexican and Columbian drug cartels, means cocaine money from South America is also being cut off. The ongoing legalization of marijuana worldwide has also cut off that source of Khazarian black money.

With CIA drug money influence drying up, the International Criminal Court is poised to prosecute the CIA and the Bush cabal for torture and other war crimes in Afghanistan as well as elsewhere, the Pentagon and other sources say.

Also, one of the largest corruption cases in U.S. military history has led to the investigation of 440 people, including 60 admirals—one third of the Navy’s top brass. The removal of these corrupt officers, mostly stationed in Asia, means the 7th Fleet is soon going to stop protecting the corrupt politicians in Japan, South Korea, and the secret Khazarian colony of North Korea. This will mean that U.S. arrests will be followed by similar arrests in Asia.
ONE-THIRD of all Navy brass caught in huge foreign bribery scandal
The Japanese criminals involved in the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear mass-murder attack on Japan, fearing for their lives, have detained whistleblower and Gnostic Illuminati Grandmaster “Alexander Romanov,” aka Slasha Zaric, and confined him in inhuman conditions at the Hasegawa Hospital in Fuchu, Tokyo. The hospital phone number is 81-422-31-8600. Former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori, the mayor of Koganei City, the Police Chief of Koganei City, and all other criminals involved in the Fukushima crime against humanity will be jailed and eventually executed unless they release Zaric and immediately hold press conferences to confess their sins. Their assets will be impounded and Zaric will be compensated for the harm that has been done to him, say White Dragon Society (WDS) sources. Of course, senior masterminds in the U.S., Italy, and Switzerland will also be brought to justice for these crimes.

Many top Khazarian mobsters like Bill Gates and George Soros have already been “taken out of commission,” WDS sources say. Next among the most prominent people expected to be taken down are Eric Schmidt of Google, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, as well as..........

( Below this line, is paid members only - please respect the author)

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room | Nov 27, 2017 | Mr. Ed's Intel INTEL Update (Real News) | "DIRECT MARINE CONTACT @ LANGLEY" |

Received via email from Mr. Ed...... 

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
INTEL Update (Real News) via email - "DIRECT MARINE CONTACT @ LANGLEY" 11/27/17
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 27-Nov-2017 04:17:20

INTEL Update (Real News) via email - "DIRECT MARINE CONTACT @ LANGLEY" 11/27/17


U.S. Marines raided the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Langley, Virginia last weekend and removed computers...recovered pre 9/11 terrorist attack financial documents...a lot of evidence implicating well known politicians of embezzlement...election rigging...identity fraud...assassination plots...murders...domestic terrorism and pedophilia.

All these documents are now in possession of U.S. Marine intelligence.

CIA headquarters has been raided...the FBI has been neutralized and $35 trillion of U.S. Treasury embezzled funds have been recovered.

About $100 trillion has been embezzled by the Bush’s and Clinton’s.

Trump reopened the JFK assassination files and Daddy Bush was behind it.

JFK autopsy photographs were falsified.

The sexual harassment outings of all these members of Congress is a 'mainstream media distraction' for what’s really going on behind the scenes. (U.S. Marines raid CIA Headquarters and Trump imposes military martial law)

Hillary Clinton has ordered the murders (through domestic assassination squads) of Ron Brown (Commerce Secretary)...William Colby (Director of Central Intelligence)...Vince Foster (Deputy White House Counsel) and John F. Kennedy Jr. (son of assassinated President John F. Kennedy)...and others.

Trump was right that Sen. Ted Cruz’s father was implicated with Lee Harvey Oswald.

Sen. Cruz is a Canadian citizen who faked his birth certificate to become U.S. Senator and should be arrested for identity fraud.

California Rep. Adam Schiff, (Ranking Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence) and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel (former White House Chief of Staff for Obama) are connected with the Mossad.

Both Schiff and Emmanuel are pedophiles.

Barack Obama (Barry Soetoro) was born in Kenya and should be arrested for identity fraud. | 23. Nov 2017 | En slange i jakkesæt: Fem af Obamas største og vildeste løgne (VIDEO) | .. Barack Obama var formodenligt den mest uærlige præsident i USAs historie .. |

Jim Hoft
The Gateway Pundit
tor, 23 nov 2017 15:07 UTC
© Reuters
Barack Obama var formodenligt den mest uærlige præsident i USAs historie.

Efter otte år med Obama sætter vi en liste sammen med fem af hans største og vildeste løgne.

1.) Hvis du kan lide din forsikringsplan, så kan du beholde din forsikringsplan

Antal gange nævnt: 37 gange

Kommentar: Denne artikel er delvis oversat til dansk af fra: Snake in a Suit: Five of Obama's biggest & most outlandish lies (VIDEO)
As Obama was pushing the tremendously unpopular legislation now known as 'Obamacare', at least 37 different times he promised that - If you like your insurance plan you can keep your insurance plan. Even the liberal media could not ignore it. This was lie of the year in 2013. After cancellation letters were sent to 4 million Americans, the public finally realized his breezy assurances were wrong. 

2.) With Obamacare we will reduce your insurance premiums by $2,500, per family per year

Number of mentions: At least 22 times

PFC \\ Greenmedinfo | Nov 27, 2017 | Dramatic Recovery In Parkinson’s Patient with Gluten Free Diet | .. Could gluten's toxicity extend to the nervous system, producing symptoms identical to classical Parkinson's disease? A remarkable case study adds to a growing body of research indicating that wheat's neurotoxicity is greatly underestimated .. |

A remarkable case report describing the dramatic recovery of a 75-year-old Parkinson’s disease patient after following a 3-month long gluten free diet reveals the need to explore whether there is an increased prevalence of silent or symptomatic celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity both in those afflicted with Parkinson’s disease and the related multi-factorial neurodegenerative condition known as Parkinsonism.

Published in the Journal of Neurology,[i] the report notes that celiac disease often manifests with only neurological symptoms, even in advanced age. This may strike the reader as surprising, considering gastrointestinal complaints are the most commonly noticeable symptom; and yet, when the voluminous published literature on gluten related adverse health effects is taken into account, so-called ‘out of intestine’ expressions of intolerance to gluten-containing grains are far more common than gut-related ones, with no less than 200 distinct adverse health effects implicated. You can read our summary of the biological carnage exacted by this ‘king of grains’ here: Wheat: 200 Clinically Confirmed Reasons Not To Eat It. You will notice that harm to the brain figures high on the list. From schizophrenia to mania, autism to peripheral neuropathy, the central nervous system is particularly sensitive to its adverse effects.

There are a wide range of mechanisms driving gluten associated neurotoxicity, such as:

You can also read Dr. Kelly Brogan’s article “This Is Your Body (and Brain) on Gluten” to get greater perspective on the topic.

wakeup-world | Nov 27, 2017 | Reversing Type 2 Diabetes Through Fasting | .. Type 2 diabetes, sometimes referred to as adult-onset diabetes, doesn’t have to be permanent. Fasting and calorie restriction can help you get control of your blood sugar, lower your blood pressure, and even help reverse type 2 diabetes. But, before we get into how fasting can undo the damage of type 2 diabetes, we first need to understand how type 2 diabetes affects the body.. Insulin injections help in the short-term, but also increase fat formation throughout the body, including the liver and pancreas, which leads to other health issues. For almost 150 years, we’ve known that fasting has serious benefits for those with diabetes. In the 1870’s, Dr. Appollinaire Bouchardet, an expert on diabetes during his time, noticed that fasting produced positive results for his diabetic patients. Over 100 years ago, Dr. Elliott Joslin published research suggesting that fasting could reverse diabetes. They were among the first to realize that fasting detoxes your tissues and organs of fatty deposits.. The last few years, researchers have found that reversing pancreatic damage is possible. Once you clean out the fat, the insulin-producing cells start pumping out insulin again .. |

About the author:

Dr. Edward F. Group III (DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM) founded Global Healing Center in 1998 and is currently the Chief Executive Officer. Heading up the research and development team, Dr. Group assumes a hands-on approach in producing new and advanced degenerative disease products and information.

Dr. Group has studied natural healing methods for over 20 years and now teaches individuals and practitioners all around the world. He no longer sees patients but solely concentrates on spreading the word of health and wellness to the global community. Under his leadership, Global Healing Center, Inc. has earned recognition as one of the largest alternative, natural and organic health resources on the internet.

For more information, please visit Global Healing Center.


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November 27th, 2017

By Dr. Edward Group

Guest writer for Wake Up World

Type 2 diabetes, sometimes referred to as adult-onset diabetes, doesn’t have to be permanent. Fasting and calorie restriction can help you get control of your blood sugar, lower your blood pressure, and even help reverse type 2 diabetes. But, before we get into how fasting can undo the damage of type 2 diabetes, we first need to understand how type 2 diabetes affects the body.

How Does Type 2 Diabetes Develop?

Diabetes develops when fat accumulates in areas of the body that shouldn’t accumulate fat. It all starts with an abundance of fat in your muscle tissue. Typically this is caused by a family history, poor diet, or sedentary lifestyle. This fat is called intramuscular fat. It’s like the marbling on a steak, only it’s inside your muscles, and it causes insulin resistance — the characteristic that distinguishes type 1 diabetes from type 2.[1, 2] Even worse, intramuscular fat causes muscles to produce toxic fat metabolites like ceramide and diacylglycerol (DAG). These toxins also contribute to insulin resistance.[3]

High Insulin Levels Lead to a Fatty Liver

When blood sugar is high, the pancreas produces insulin to lower blood sugar. However, insulin resistance causes the liver to stop responding to insulin.[4, 5] In fact, the liver keeps producing sugar despite a high level of sugar in the blood. Consuming food that’s high in sugar is like throwing gas on the fire, and the abundance of sugar is converted to fat and stored in the liver.[4]

When the liver accumulates fat, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) can develop. When non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is present, the liver releases fat into the bloodstream where it’s distributed to other organs and they, just like the liver, stop responding to insulin. Especially affected is the pancreas.[5]

Fat Cripples Pancreatic Function

Verdensalt | Arkivskabet | 26. Okt - 27. Nov 2017 | HURRAAAA. 😕😟 Børs-Guld på OMXC20 & Nasdaq-børsen for Novo, har kronede dage 😕😟 -- ”den farmaceutiske mafia” bedste trick er at overbevise os om, at den ikke eksisterer - "Feel the Bern" er gået i glemmekassen, globalisterne, vinder stort | Blogger: ".. Novo/CEO/DR/Børsen/Reuters: 'Et ekspertpanel under den amerikanske lægemiddelstyrelse, FDA, har anbefalet, at Novo Nordisk-lægemidlet 'Semaglutid' godkendes til diabetesbehandling. FDA, har godkendt Fiasp (hurtigtvirkende insulin aspart). Hæmofilimiddel Rebinyn i USA, også godkendt. Blødermiddel Novoseven, forventes lidt tilbagegang efter at den schweiziske rival Roche har fået godkendelse, til gengæld, vokser det lukrative marked for GLP-1-behandling til type 2-diabetes, Novos supersællert Victoza, med tocifrede vækstrater, mens salget af det konkurrerende middel Trulicity fra Eli Lilly vokser endnu hurtigere .."... 24syv Nyheder fortsætter: Senioranalytiker - Søren Løntoft Hansen, udtaler, at det kommer til at betyde alverden for Novo, kæmpe potentiale, og kommer til at udgøre rygraden og indtjening hos Novo Nordisk, når vi kigger 5-10 år ud i fremtiden (Søren hansen, oversolgte også Tresiba i sin tid)... 💥Har forsøgt at "RÅBE VAGT I GEVÆR" et par år nu 💥 Den medicinske og farmaceutiske industri som Novo er en del af, er ikke så STUEREN som mange tror. Vi så Turing Pharmaceuticals var tvungen til at fyrer den adm. direktør Martin Shkreli for at hæve lægemidlet Daraprim med 5000 procent prisstigning, som anvendes til behandling af toxoplasmose. Bernie Sanders gik hårdt til stålet sidste års i Nov 2016, et faktisk temmeligt hårdt angreb på Novo Nordisks priser i en hans kampagne. Sanders anfægtede Novo i videoen, at priserne på nogle insuliner var steget med 450 procent mere end inflationen de sidste 20 år.. Præsident Trump strøg ind på det Ovale kontor og truede med at bruge hammeren over for de høje medicinpriser og beskyldte lægemiddelvirksomhederne for, at "slippe for mord." (Desværre har lobbyisterne overbevist Trump om noget andet)... Med andre ord, sætter man det hårdt mod hårdt, folk under fattigdomsgrænsen i USA, DØR simpelthen, fordi de ikke har råd til Novo's diabetesmedicin.... Meeeen, alt pejler af på Novo, som TEFLONBELÆGNINGEN skyer olier... Det handler om Petrodollars, Bestikkelse og Magt i det amerikanske system underlagt den gensplejsede indspiste politiske Washington og den almægtige medicinalindustri.. Lad os tage et eksempel ud af mange forskellige af Novo's diabetesmedicin - hvis man har læst om VICTOZA® for type 2 diabetes som sælges på det danske og amerikanske marked, der tilhører en klasse af lægemidler kaldet GLP-1 mimetics (analog). Studier forbinder Victoza, ud af mange andre alvorlige bivirkninger, såsom ""pankreatitis, skjoldbruskkræft og kræft i bugspytkirtlen"" (Novo Nordisk har netop indvilliget i at betale $58 millioner (370M kr.) for manglende overholdelse af FDA-mandatet i et risikoprogram)... BLOT EN TANKE:.. Novo Nordisk image er fantastisk og alle danskerne er så stolte...Må jeg gøre opmærksom på at Novo kan sammenlignes med kemikoncernen ""MONSANTO"" (De er blevet karakteriseret skiftevis som kyniske, onde og en corporate bøller). Undersøgelser viser de rangerer blandt de mest forhadte virksomheder i US Inc. Nu har Nazi-grundlagt Bayer AG købt Monsanto, som også indgik partnerskab med Novozymes(Novo A/S, som ejer ca. 40% af B-aktier) for at kunne drage fordel af virksomhedens erfaring inden for mikrobiel, i 2013. Novozymes har en af verdens største og mest avancerede enzymfabrikker. Dominerende på markedet var vaskemiddel- og fødevareindustrien, som for Novozymes' vedkommende udgjorde over 70% af salget. Med andre ord, kunstige kemiske fremstillet enzymer, ligesom "Nagalese"...Novo, Novozymes, Monsanto er bl.a. også, kemikoncerner, som fremstiller kunstige enzymer til alt det du drikker og spiser... TÆNK LIGE OVER DET ... Novo Nordisk A/S, uformelt blot Novo, er Danmarks største medicinalvirksomhed, der fremstiller insuliner, GLP-1-analog, glucagon, blødermedicin, væksthormon, kønshormoner og meget andet.. Med al den forskning i diabetes og fremskridt inden for diabetes behandlinger, er det fristende at tænke - nogle må sgu da ha' fundet en diabeteskur uden bivirkninger og toksisk begrænsninger? Men virkeligheden er, at der ikke er nogen kur mod diabetes - hverken type 1-diabetes eller type 2-diabetes. Hvad ville der ske, hvis det kom frem i lyset (ligesom det faktum, at bl.a. Cannabis kurer kræftceller), at vores hæderkronede firma - Novo Nordisk, (Novo som dækker verdens insulinmarked med 1,1 billion kroner) blev præsenteret for en 'naturlig' enzym som kurer 'diabetes' på celleniveau eller Holistisk metode? Ved Novo Nordisk, at den farmaceutiske industri hæmmer enzymet GcMAF (enzymet "NAGALASE", hæmmer GcMAF's potens til at bekæmpe kræft og autisme i kroppen) for ""MAGT OG PROFIT""? (Holistiske læger verden over er decideret slået ihjel, indtil nu 67 læger, fordi de opdagede det kunstigt fremstillet enzym "Nagalase"). Ville det stoppe Novo som koncern, med at fremstille 'human insulin'(syntetisk insulin) og gå tilbage til 1920'ernes behandlingsform for ’animalsk insulin’(insulin fra bugspytkirtlen hos køer eller svin)? Er 'human insulin' (genmodificerede gærceller eller E. coli-bakterier) 100 pct uden bivirkninger? NEEEEEJ. Vi kan vel være enige om, at det er et lægemiddel som er syntetisk fremstillet? Vi kan vel også sige, at diabetes tilfælde er eksploderet som en spirende epidemi de sidste 50 år, men et faktum er, for 50 år siden, fik børn og voksne, slet ikke konstateret type 2-diabetes eller kroniske sygdomme, hvorfor?? (En god artikel til at detox og drosle ned på dit insulinforbrug, kommer fra ( -- Alt det jeg skriver om, kan dokumenteres, søg selv viden herom.. |

Kilder: 👉

Har masser af artikler om ""nagalase"" - søg og du skal finde:


United States Department of Justice | Tuesday, September 5, 2017 | FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | Novo Nordisk Agrees to Pay $58 Million for Failure to Comply with FDA-Mandated Risk Program | Blogger: Holding Big Pharma accountable!!. That's a joke, right!! 💨 Sometimes pharma companies bend the rules. And increasingly, they're getting caught. How do they solve it? By settlement with the U.S. Attorney's office. A slap on the wrist💥Novo Nordisk increased reported operating profit by 8% in the first six months of 2017💥Sales increased by 4% in Danish kroner and by 3% in local currencies to DKK 57.1 billion.  Sales of Tresiba® increased by 155% to DKK 3.7 billion (149% in local currencies)  Sales of Victoza® increased by 21% to DKK 11.5 billion (18% in local currencies)  Sales of Saxenda® increased by 98% to DKK 1.2 billion (90% in local currencies)  Sales in North America Operations increased by 5% (2% in local currencies)  Sales in International Operations increased by 4% (5% in local currencies).. In short, Novo Nordisk U.S. Holdings Inc., which is a subsidiary of Novo Nordisk A/S of Denmark, the world's largest producer of insulin, trying to sell Victoza in America, ignoring high risk factors and symptoms, linked to dangerous side effects, including pancreatitis and thyroid cancer 💣 BLACK BOX WARNINGS: Risk of thyroid C-cell tumors 💣In detail, the injectable Type 2 diabetes drug Victoza works by stimulating insulin production. It belongs to a class of drugs called GLP-1 mimetics. Studies link Victoza to pancreatitis, thyroid cancer and pancreatic cancer... |



The injectable Type 2 diabetes drug Victoza works by stimulating insulin production. It belongs to a class of drugs called GLP-1 mimetics. Studies link Victoza to pancreatitis, thyroid cancer and pancreatic cancer.

*Please seek the advice of a medical professional before discontinuing the use of this drug.



RT - Russia Today | Nov 26, 2017 | Muslims are ‘not completely human,’ Swedish politician claims, causing uproar | Blogger: ""Muslimer"" er "ikke helt menneskelige", hævder en svensk politiker, Martin Strid, og har skabt stor tumult på de sociale medier. Strid, siger ifølge forskellige lokale kilder, at han måler det på en skala om hvorvidt man er mennesker eller ej, 0 til 100, muslimer er åbenbart placeret på skalaen som ikke værende 100 procent mennesker (må være lige efter #Stoejberggates målestok)... |

Martin Strid, of the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats (SD), made the comments while addressing party faithful gathered for the SD’s national conference. Other members have distanced themselves from Strid who now faces expulsion.