UPDATES TODAY BY SHARIRAYE OCTOBER 3, 2022!!!!!!!!!!! (bitchute.com) |
(20+) Facebook |
2022 Nord Stream gas leaks - Wikipedia |
“Experimentation was conducted off the coast of Bornholm, Denmark, with participants from Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific, Naval Undersea Warfare Center Newport, and Mine Warfare Readiness and Effectiveness Measuring all under the direction of U.S. 6th Fleet Task Force 68,” Sea Power reports.
BALTOPS 22 exercises – in the area of Bornholm Island, the Danish island where the explosions were reported to have occurred.
Should Europeans ‘Thank’ the Americans for Destroying Nord Stream? - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization |
Danish police alerted to drone activity over gas field — RT World News |
😁😁😁he said it...they couldn't shut him up https://t.co/yPhff6voGi
— june slater (Chief Gammon) (@juneslater17) October 3, 2022
Live: Berlingske følger udviklingen i dansk politik |
Pia Olsen Dyhr: 'Jeg tror, der bliver udskrevet valg i morgen' | BT Politik - www.bt.dk |
Written by Reverend Dennis Shipman - Revised September 1, 2020
Introduction: It's a fact of life: We live in a quantum world. Everything in our lives is moving deeper into the quantum level because it already exists in nature – as well as in us – and more importantly, I suggest to you that this is what Ascension or The Great Shift in Consciousness (aka The Great Awakening into Unity Consciousness) is all about: To become one with the quantum level.
Today, quantum physicists know that nothing is solid, and everything is energy. Below the sub-atomic level there is pure intelligent energy. Physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating, each one radiating its own unique energy signature. Atoms are made of energy that are invisible to the human eye, and are not made of tangible matter.
Physical things (including the human body) are composed of invisible forces that manifests in what appears to be a solid, physical structure. We are more than we perceive ourselves to be, yet our senses tell us that matter is solid. Or, is it solid because we have been taught to believe that matter is solid? Metaphysics tells us that our invisible beliefs create our reality through perception. Quantum physics tells us everything in the universe has its own vibrational frequency. And, vibration creates matter. The invisible creates the visible.
We Are All Connected at the Quantum Level
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) said: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Tesla is credited with discovering the first alternating current (AC) motor and developed AC generation and transmission technology. He obtained around 300 patents worldwide for his inventions. Tesla is considered the foremost electrical engineer genius of the twentieth century, and possibly the greatest inventor the world has seen.
The spirit guide Abraham, channeled by Esther Hicks, has said: “Everything in the universe is vibrationally-based. We could use the word “energy,” and there are many words in your language that accurately apply. Your air, dirt, water, cars, physical matter, and your bodies are vibration in motion. You are living in a pulsating, vibrational universe of advanced harmonics. And, all of it is managed by the powerful Law of Attraction.” Source: The Universal Energy of Frequency and Vibration / YouTube Video
The spirit guide Kryon, channeled by Lee Carroll, has been telling us for years that humans are quantum, multi-dimensional beings of pure consciousness in human form. Kryon: “The first civilization on the planet was called Lemuria . . . Existing from 35,000 years to 15,000 years ago . . . Their quantum DNA was at 90 percent, compared to 30 percent that yours is today . . . Lemurians had a quantum understanding of life . . . A quantum DNA, working at 90 percent, creates a consciousness that is one with the universe . . . Quantum DNA produces quality intuitive information . . . Lemurians knew all about the solar system, about the galaxy in general, about the stars . . . This created a seemingly advanced society, but without any technical advancement as you now have . . . They never saw war . . . One of the most ancient of your spiritual beliefs on the planet asks you to be one with everything. It’s not an accident.” Source: Kryon: The Gaia Effect by Monika Muranyi, pages 23-26.
Editor's Note: A dialogue with my Higher Self. What does my Higher Self (H-S) tell me about 2022, predictions that affect us globally. As you know, the negative collective energy by almighty powerful reptilian Queen is dead and that alone, could alter the "positive" timelines and create a ripple effect. I.e., accelerate the timeline collapse towards Freedom, liberty, and sovereignty - Planetary Liberation... |
English translate from Danish from my higher self and my 50 years experienced holistic ND, healer and kinesiology and much more. We ask very specific questions like tarot cards or pendulums, do yes-no type of questions. We also ask per months or years and sometimes, actual key dates. Btw, like tarot, is a way to bring the heart, body and mind together in a sacred conversation. Could my own subconscious or holistic ND take over or be jinxed? Yes, in theory or hypothetically; as a possibility. But, take everything with a grain of salt” as a skeptical attitude and positive note. One reading one day and same reading next day - the timelines could be altered. SoTW is a free channel - you do not have to pay for anything - like when we reach the final stages of New Golden Age and New Mother GAIA wishes. Money doesn't exist in the "Star Trek" universe. Donations to SoTW is always appreciated with much love and light...
🙋 1. Vietnamese Dong & Iraqi Dinar Revaluation - after RV/GCR-reset will these 2 currencies increase it's value? YES! When will revaluation take place? Within 2 years aka 2024, according to my H-S.
P.S. I have one spiritual grassroot humanitarian project in mind, if I get millions on my accounts after the "reset"...
🙋 2. Ismael Perez: In what percentage of "truthfulness" should we read into everything that he says in public? 40% is truth out of 100% - rest 60% - take it with a grain of salt. Hence, what IP is delivering to the public is only partly truth - rest is ego or sells tool - take a pick - i don't know (will upset many)
🙋 3. All general popular fortune tellers or tarot card readers (like Tarot by Janine). The accuracy or correctness of truth of them all in percentage what they say. Close to 60% truth.
- Who 'controls' their intuitions? Who are behind or has invented the "tarot system"? Ego, haughtiness, high-mindedness, higher-self, Jinn (jynx), demons, ghosts - spirits - alien energies? What is it? When a tarot reader picks it cards, is it by ones own H-S? NO!
- A Jinn or Djinn - good or teasing "trickser" spirits? YES!
🙋 - Once again, we're asking; Does any of the "famous" tarot readers that are using their own H-S? NO! (will upset many and think Janine will not agree)
P.S. Louis talks about his knowledge of Ouija board, Spirit of the glass
🙋 4. C.O.B.R.A. R.M. We asked a lot of questions and below is the end result;
Monthly Predictions & Spiritual Insights: October 2022 |
October will be the most astrologically eventful month of the year, marking both a solar eclipse and Mars going retrograde. In my previous newsletters, I’ve been predicting and writing about this period for a while, trying to prepare you for what’s to come. Now it’s time to heed warnings and use caution. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Where the eclipse is occurring - i.e., the Swati Nakshatra - also has some interesting implications. Swati is the Nakshatra for business and particularly artful communications in business dealings. Symbolized by a blade of grass swaying in the wind, the Swati Nakshatra means communications that can sway whichever is needed to make a deal. |