Nov 26, 2015

Et ja på torsdag binder Danmark til langt flere end 22 EU-love (Danmark bliver bundet til at følge over 100 EU-love i et overstatsligt samarbejde, hvis vi stemmer ja den 3. december)

Løkke opfordrer tvivlere til at stemme ja 3. december

Mens danskerne fortsat er i tvivl om, hvad de skal stemme 3. december, kaster statsminister Lars Løkke Rasmussen al sin energi ind i kampen for et ja til, at retsforbeholdet erstattes af en tilvalgsordning. 

David Wilcock Update - "DISCLOSURE SHOWDOWN: The War For The Truth" - Nov 26, 2015 CET

Hvem er David Wilcock: David Wilcock er en professionel foredragsholder, filminstruktør og forsker af gamle civilisationer, bevidsthed videnskab, og nye paradigmer af stof og energi. Hans kommende Hollywood-film CONVERGENCE afslører bevis for, at alt liv på Jorden er forenet i et felt af bevidsthed, som påvirker vores sind på fascinerende måder. Divine Cosmos er den officielle Internet side, hvor derfindes tusindvis af gratis sider af videnskabelig og spirituel information om åndelig vækst, Ascension og udviklingen af bevidsthed. David kommentere til tider hvad Benjamin Fulford udgiver, fordi meget giver mening.

Get ready for the wave! The "crown jewel" of our scientific research into Ascension has come in for a landing, quite unexpectedly, since we got to Canada on a writers' retreat for the month of September.

The downing of a Russian airliner, the "heart attack" of the founder of Russia Today in DC, the stunning UFO-like missile test over LA, the Paris shootings and the Turkish attack on a Russian warplane may all be signs that the war for Disclosure is reaching its climax.

At least six different insider sources are telling us the Alliance has reached a huge decision: They have finally agreed to move forward with Disclosure.

Disclosure involves a tremendous release of classified information that will utterly change everything we thought we knew about the world today.

This may include some sort of official announcement, in the not-too-distant future, that non-terrestrial intelligent civilizations are visiting Earth.

A short-term initiative is already being implemented now -- while the longer-term initiatives of how much to tell us, and when, are still being negotiated.

All five of these highly unusual and violent events occurred AFTER the majority of our insiders leaked this new intel to us... independently of each other.

For hole story or enclosed Scridb :

BREAKING: Turkish newspaper editor in court for 'espionage' after revealing weapon convoy to Syrian militants (“We came here to defend the right of the public to obtain the news and their right to know if their government is feeding them lies. We came here to show and to prove that governments cannot engage in illegal activity and defend this,” Dündar was cited by Today’s Zaman)

Major Wall Street banks accused of collusion (Rigging - It’s not the first time financial institutions have been accused of colluding in other areas of trading such as interbank rates, currencies and credit default swaps)

Ten of the biggest Wall Street banks and two trading platforms face a US class action suit accusing them of conspiring to limit competition in the $320 trillion market for interest rate swaps.

Læs også: De amerikanske medier er nu begyndt at rapporterer, alle verdens finansmarkeder er manipuleret via computere og klart baseret på calculus, financial market strategy - Sept 21, 2015

The Globalist Plan to Take-Down the Whole World (You May Ask Yourself: - Why Are Cold War Rhetoric in Danish Foreign Policy Still Very Much Alive against Russia? Fear of US-led coalition or years and years of lobbying for Bush with our front Ex-NATO boss and Ex-Danish PM, Anders Fogh?)

by Preston James, PhD

A sinister Globalist plan to generate Worldwide Chaos and Destruction is now being rolled out by the World's largest Organized Crime Cabal. It is time to fully expose its top leaders and its actual agenda so that it can be stopped. 

Right now one man, President Putin has the ability to stop them cold by releasing all the Intel he has on who really attacked America on 9-11-01 and who creates, supports and deploys terror in the World through mercenaries.

The core Globalist leaders (you can count on two hands) have been rolling out an occult inter-generational age-old plan to take complete control over the whole World.

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David Icke describing current Middle East events in June 2014 (Ideas from 90's to involve China and Russia in a WWIII... One part is demonization of Russia, Ukraine opening up another front against Russia, Middle East conflict by destroying Syria and Iran is part of America, NATO's agenda which is: World Army, World Government, World Currency... centralized control of the planet)