Nov 8, 2017

RT - Russia Today | Nov 8, 2017 | Hollywood pedophile ring allegations probed by LAPD | Blogger: Let the cleansing begin!! -- Maybe, The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, are able to cover-up the False Flag Vegas shooting, but putting #PedoGate to bed, is no longer possible... |

© Jonathan Alcorn / Reuters
The Los Angeles Police Department confirmed it’s investigating claims of a Hollywood pedophile ring, following actor Corey Feldman’s formal police report.

Feldman has long said he was the victim of sex abuse when working as a child actor in Hollywood and finally named two of his abusers. Feldman said he had filed a formal police report on Monday.

Finans | Nov 8, 2017 | Politiets hemmelige telefonaflytninger fra Atea-sagen afspillet i retten | .. Bagmandspolitiet afspillede onsdag hemmelige telefonaflytninger af de tiltalte i Atea-sagen .. | Blogger: “Danmark er en bananrepublik,” -- det lyder måske meget bombastisk, men ser vi på digitaliseringsprocessen og robot-fascismens hule ansigt, så er hele vores lovgivning, tænkt og udviklet i en analog tidslomme, hvor centraladministrationen samt Statsadelen, lever side om side med hulefolket og stammefolket (borgerne), ikke aner hvordan man skal gribe sagen an. Vi skal bare vade over i Skat og alle de IT skandaleprojekter som er styrtet sammen under de analoge murbrokker (der findes eksempler i hundredvis) - det digitale inddrivelsessystem EFI, KMD, IBM, CSC og andre snyltere (Baby-Lars og Kristian ""Brubaker"" Jensen - en bombe under systemet). To dage før Folketinget står til at godkende regeringens nye og strammere kurs overfor salg af leasingbiler, skrider den lagte tidsplan for stramningerne ikke holder helt i mål (måske Skat's systemer ikke fungere?) og, Rigsrevisionen starter fuld undersøgelse af Sundheds-platformen.. Det er ikke engang pinligt, det er SKANDALØST!!! Dog, findes der et sted, hvor tingene bobler af digital iver og forventningsglæde, hvis man altså er PET eller efterretningsagent i Danmark. Her, kan man i samarbejde med artikeldatabaser Polinfo, Interpol Europol TISPOL - the European Traffic Police Network, Det nordiske politi- og toldsamarbejde (PTN), Task Force on Organised Crime in the Baltic Sea Region, CIA og NSA og så fremdeles, bestemme dagsorden. Med alle borgers ""digitale"" synderegister, pornografiske tendenser, nummerpladescanning, DNA register, blodprøveopbevaring, ansigtsgengendelse og CCTV, fingeraftryksdatabaser osv. går det legene let for politiet og tro mig, de har bagdøre til din konto i banken, dine fodspor på de sociale medier, smartphone og samtlige ""devices"" som er på nettet. Jeg har levet og åndet i IT branchen, ved godt hvad de er i stand til... |

It-leverandøren Atea er tiltalt som selskab for bestikkelse af en række tidligere it-chefer i Region Sjælland. Også fire tidligere Atea-chefer er tiltalt. Foto: Niels Hougaard

En stribe SMS-beskeder, emails og hemmelige telefonaflytninger blev onsdag fremlagt i retten i Glostrup i sagen om påstået bestikkelse i Atea af tre tidligere it-chefer fra Region Sjælland og Rigspolitiet. (..)...


Arcturian Group Message | Nov 7, 2017 | Channelled through Marilyn Raffael | 
Arcturians er en race, der kommer fra den blå planet, der kredser den røde kæmpestjerne Arcturus i Bootes konstellation. Arcturus kredser cirka 36 lysår fra vores solsystem. Arcturians er den mest avancerede civilisation i galaksen, transcendere ind i 4. og 5. dimension. Mange kender Arcturians, som velvillige væsener. Men hvad kun nogle ved, er læren som Arcturians følger. Indhyllet i mystik, og tabt i de åndelige oversættelser gennem kommunikation og kanaliseringer af Arcturians til mennesker, en race af væsener synes at eksistere og kommunikere fundamentale love, der styrer eksistensen af ​​fred, kærlighed og glæde. Denne grundlæggende lovgivning tillader Arcturians at skubbe i retning af højere planer af eksistens og give mulighed for fortsat vækst i et begrænset fysiske univers. Arcturians menes at komme fra en kredsende himmellegeme, der ikke har været opdaget af jordiske astronomer.

Kanaliseret aMarilyn Raffaele 

Dear ones, we greet you with love and respect as we witness so many of you bravely working your way through the layers of dense debris now surfacing as you expand yourselves and Gaia into higher frequencies of Light.

You are doing a fine job, never doubt it based on outer appearances which easily deceive even the most evolved when they forget to stay centered and alert. This does not mean you will never react negatively or find yourself experiencing resistance to appearances.

But as you learn to quickly translate them through the realization that there is no Divine law to support or hold them in place you will find that they no longer hold the power they once did and do not affect you in the same way. This is Lightwork.

This does not mean you must never become involved or assist a situation if you are guided to, but does mean that with whatever you are guided to do, you do it from a level of awakened awareness, one more evolved than when asleep in the dream of illusion.

We wish to speak of the changes now taking place within and without so many of you. Change always represents an energy shift within personal or global consciousness. The outer scene is always a mind interpretation of the spiritual reality expressing in accordance with the attained state of consciousness of some individual, group, or even [the globe]. (A consciousness filled with beliefs of duality and separation expresses as exactly that–experiences of duality and separation.) You are creators.

As a person’s consciousness evolves, his mind interprets as higher and better form. (Mind is the cake pan, state of consciousness is the batter) Those of you experiencing troubling issues on all levels at this point are not spiritually failing or going backward, but rather are now ready to experience, examine and clear any remaining layers of old cellular memory in order to make room for the higher frequencies of Light you are now ready to integrate. Obsolete energy cannot be carried into the new and higher.

Many of you are experiencing emotional sadness as people, places, and things seem to be disappearing out of your life but change is often simply the change of something as you have heretofore known it. Many things will quickly reappear in some new and better form while other people, places, things, etc., will simply fade out of your life if you are no longer in alignment with them. Allow and trust the process dear ones, and remember that only the illusory concept of something dissolves.

Markforged - TRUSTED BY INDUSTRY LEADERS | Nov 8, 2017 | The Metal X - The Complete Metal Solution |

The Metal X is up to 10x less expensive than alternative metal additive manufacturing technologies — and up to a 100x less than traditional fabrication technologies like machining or casting.

Based on our 4th generation composite 3D printing technology, the Metal X is a brand new kind of 3D printer. By printing metal powder bound in a plastic matrix, we've eliminated the safety risks associated with traditional metal 3D printing while enabling new features like closed-cell infill for reduced part weight and cost.... [READ MORE]

OOM2 \\ Ancient-code | Nov 8, 2017 | The Atacama desert of Chile hides a MASSIVE hand protruding from the ground |

It’s as if a giant was buried beneath the Atacama Desert, reaching for the sky asking for help.

It’s called the hand of the desert or ‘la mano del Desierto’, and it’s a massive statue found in the Atacama Desert of Chile, at an altitude of 1,100 meters above sea level.

Located in the Atacama Desert in Chile, some 75 kilometers south of the city of Antofagasta, there is a massive hand protruding from the ground.

Its existence has created confusion among many who traveled the Panamerican Highway, seeing a massive hand reaching from the sky, half buried under the thick layers of the Atacama Desert.

So, what’s up with the hand? Is there like a giant statue buried beneath it?

No, not really, although it would be pretty cool, right?

Anyway, the hand of the desert is a steel sculpture built with reinforced concrete and has a height of 11 m. It was inaugurated on March 28, 1992, and its construction was financed thanks to contributions from the Corporación Pro Antofagasta, a local booster organization.

Its maintenance is carried out by the same corporation, who perform cleaning operations since the sculpture is a constant target of graffiti.

According to its author, Chilean sculptor Mario Irarrázabal, each visitor to the Hand of the Desert can give their own interpretation of the meaning of this sculpture.

Some say it is the city saying goodbye to the traveler.

According to others, it represents the victims of injustice and torture during the military dictatorship of 1973-1990. May agree it was built to portray the vulnerability and helplessness, especially the miners of the city of Antofagasta, the remote center of Chile’s copper mining industry.

Check out a set of incredible images of the Hand of the desert here.

And if you want to visit the statue yourself, its located about 75km south of the town of Antofagasta marked 1309 on the Pan-American Highway.

COBRA Update | Nov 6, 2017 | ~ Physical Intervention ~ | Blogger: Unmistakable signs and symptoms of spiritual awakening -- it's like eating 'MADÉCASSE' (fair-trade and organic chocolate) reading about COBRA's intel received and achieved by his associates from galactic Light Forces/The Resistance. Whether you like or not, the ""EVENT"" is coming to a store near you, perhaps it's closer than you think.. When going through the processs of spiritual awakening, sooner or later we are confronted with the fact, that there seem to be more dimensions than the one reality we are living in and that we know so well. We start questioning our life and what used to be true for us all of a sudden starts crumbling. We are not so sure anymore if we are indeed living in a reality or if it is not so real after all. The higher dimensional energies are calling us. We start resonating with them and go on our quest to find out more about who we truly are. We learn about universal energies and different frequencies and what ascension truly means... |

Hvem er Cobra: Stifter af bloggen ; Denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen.

Eftersom jeg for længst har givet efter på disse højst usædvanlige fænomener og trosberetninger for vores forfædre samt galaktiske venners færden, er det en god ide som nybegynder, at læse eller slå tingene op via (google søgeord og vælge dette site) eller ( for at forstå hele sammenhængen.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

The clearing of plasma toplet bombs has progressed to the point where we will see more positive physical action towards the planetary liberation, but not yet the Event. I have received very interesting intel about the Event and hopefully I will be able to release it in early December. I can only release hints until then. Let me just say that 2-4 weeks before the Event, situations will drastically accelerate.

The following intel drops are partially correct in describing the situation, some of them being overly optimistic about how fast the changes will happen:

Recently, Dragon sources have communicated that “between November 2017 and February 2018, somebody will finally have enough and will trigger Full Disclosure.” It is interesting to note that this time frame coincides with a major operation of the Light Forces.

The Daily Caller | Nov 8, 2017 | Military’s Known About Crime Reporting Lapses To FBI For Two Decades |

The Pentagon is seen from the air over Washington, DC on August 25, 2013. The 6.5 million sq ft (600,000 sq meter) building serves as the headquarters of the US Department of Defense and was built from 1941 to 1943. Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images.
Saagar Enjeti - Reporter

The Pentagon has known for nearly twenty years about major reporting lapses to the FBI of criminals within the U.S. military, The Associated Press reports.

The AP discovered a 1997 report that detailed massive fingerprint reporting lapses of military criminals with the U.S. Navy and the Navy failed to report 94 percent of cases. “The lack of reporting to the FBI criminal history files prevents civilian law enforcement agencies from having significant information on military offenders,” the report warned 20 years ago.

Military criminal reporting to the FBI has come under renewed scrutiny after former U.S. Air Force enlisted criminal Devin Kelley killed 26 people in a Sutherland Springs, Texas, church Sunday. Kelley, 26, was convicted of misdemeanor domestic assault under court martial in 2012, under U.S. law this should have barred him from ever purchasing a firearm.

The U.S. Air Force, however, admitted error in failing to report Kelley’s conviction to the FBI’s background check system that allowed him to legally purchase firearms on four different occasions, including the murder weapon. “Initial information indicates that Kelley’s domestic violence offense was not entered into the National Criminal Information Center database by the Holloman Air Force Base Office of Special Investigations,” Air Force Spokesman Ann Stefanek noted in a Monday evening statement.

The problem may be just as widespread today as it was in 1997. The U.S. military has reported only one misdemeanor domestic violence case to the FBI’s background check system widely used by sellers of firearms, a previous Daily Caller News Foundation review revealed. The absolute vast majority of cases reported to the system by the U.S. military have been dishonorable discharges, numbering approximately 11,000 as of Dec 31, 2016.

BT | 8. Nov 2017 | Stor politiaktion i København - adskillige betjente med trukne pistoler | Blogger: (In English) : According to BT's on-site employee, 12 combat-clad danish police officers were in action in mid Copenhagen, but nobody got arrested or happened. FEAR, FEAR, FEAR... ONE THING -- Take a look at that Black Knights police undercover uniform. Who or What is the Black Knight (symbolism), here's some examples: (wikipedia:)".. Black knights are usually portrayed as villainous figures who use this anonymity for misdeeds. They are often contrasted with the knight-errant. Black Knight (Arthurian legend), any of several knights clad in black armor in Arthurian legend ..".".. The knight (♘ ♞ /ˈnaɪt/) is a piece in the game of chess, representing a knight (armored cavalry). It is normally represented by a horse's head and neck..".(exposingthematrix blog) ".. Exposing the Matrix "We’re living in an era of artificial, fully staged, media-generated events." It's time to open your eyes and understand what's going on behind the scenes, and I hope to help with that. I'm simply presenting some evidence, it's your decision what you do afterwards. Don't take my word for it, do some research! All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. The Masonic Checkerboard is one of the most important symbols to the Illuminati, for it is used in ritualistic ceremonies. This is used because black and white is a symbol for duality, or the base of consciousness. Base consciousness is important, because it is where all other states of mind arise. Personally, I like to think that checkerboards are also symbols for the celebrities being pawns. Duality patterns, such as checkerboards, stripes or zebras, are also commonly used as triggers for mind control slaves in order to reach specific alters. I didn't add too much stripes symbolism-wise in this post because I was overwhelmed with checkerboards alone ..". ".. Breivik Manifesto 2083 (excerpts) -- 3.67 Knights Templar uniform -- The general public is used to seeing police or military personnel in uniform. There are sports uniforms, religious robes, academic gowns, and once there were formal black jackets and striped trousers for stockbrokers and members of the financial community. The original Knights Templar also had its modes of attire, though rarely paraded in public but donned at Lodge meetings to the extent that one of the military officers had the duty "to see the brethren properly clothed". A uniform is a set of standard clothing usually worn by members of an organisation while participating in that organisation's activity. Modern uniforms are worn by armed forces and paramilitary organisations such as police, emergency services, security guards, in some workplaces and schools and by inmates in prisons.."." .. ILLUMINATI COLOR CODES & RIBBONS ( YELLOW. These are the strong Christian alters of which there will only be a few in the System. They help serve as a balancing point to control the System as well as to hide what the System is all about.. RED. These altars see themselves as witches. They were born out of witchcraft ritual, believe they have great spiritual power, and tend to deny that they have been abused .. BLACK. These alters were born out of Satanic ritual, and are Moon children. The Delta and Beta alters are black coded. They do the dirty work for the cult, such as blackmail and assassination.. WHITE. ‘These are Atlantean alters who have been given Aryan type racial nonsense to think they are superior. They believe in genetic engineering, and a master race.. BLUE ALTERS. Clones, armies and the ribbons appear to have blue coding. These alters will go so far as to hurt the body to protect it from leaking information or deprogramming .. "... |

Københavns Politi var onsdag formiddag massivt til stede med kampklædte betjente og trukne pistoler i Københavns nordvestkvarter. Foto: Steven Knap /

Vagthavende ved Københavns Politi Henrik Svejstrup bekræfter, at politiet er massivt til stede i området, men vil på nuværende tidspunkt ikke udtale sig yderligere om aktionen.

BT's medarbejder på stedet fortæller, at omkring 12 kampklædte betjente med trukne pistoler pludselig gående op ad gaden og pegede på en lejlighed på Frederiksborgvej, som de efterfølgende trængte ind i. Der var også bevæbnede civilbetjente og hunde på bagsiden af lejligheden, mens politiet befandt sig i lejligheden.

NN | Nov 7, 2017 | The Science Agenda to Exterminate Blacks… Bombshell Health Ranger lecture documents race-based crimes against humanity |

(Natural News) As promised, I’ve now released a one-hour science lecture video that documents the multiple vectors through which people of African descent are being targeted for depopulation, covert infertility and extermination by “science” and “medicine.” (Watch the full video lecture below.)

This video lecture documents the pattern of heavy metals poisoning, medical experimentation, organ harvesting, covert fertility task forces and other tactics that seek to eliminate blacks from our planet. It uses, with credit, video footage from the shocking documentary film Maafa21, available at[READ MORE]

24Syv - DKR | 8. Nov 2017 | NYHED - OnlinePosten - Et rigtigt nyhedsmedie, er i luften | Blogger: Stort tillykke til de 6.000 trolde, Den Korte Troldehær (General Birgit, oberst Viking og Troldehæren), som er samtidens mest effektive værn mod den politiske virkelighed, der hersker i landet. OnlinePosten publicere saftige bøffer i form af "fake news", der anses for lige så sansfærdig og byende nødvendigt som anti-feministisk - objektificering og Facebook's nye anti-hævnporno system eller som Satiremagasinet Format... |


Efter​ ​en​ ​stresset​ ​periode​ ​er​ ​tidligere​ ​politiker​ ​og​ ​borgmester​ ​Anna​ ​Mee​ ​Allerslev​ ​nu tilbage​ ​i​ ​gymnastik​ ​og​ ​vil​ ​opnå​ ​sin​ ​drøm​ ​om​ ​at​ ​vinde​ ​guld​ ​til​ ​OL​ ​i​ ​Tokyo​ ​i​ ​2020. Tidligere​ ​Beskæftigelses-​ ​og​ ​Integrationsborgmester​ ​Anna​ ​Mee​ ​Allerslev​ ​er​ ​i​ ​dag​ ​blevet optaget​ ​på​ ​det​ ​Danske​ ​Kvindelandshold​ ​i​ ​gymnastik,​ ​det​ ​oplyser​ ​Dansk​ ​Gymnastik​ ​Forbund. -”Vi​ […]

M2Voice | Nov 8, 2017 | Michelle Obama’s Doctor Goes On Record: ‘I Know What I Saw’ | Blogger: LOL! 😀 I told you so... It might get weird y'all, even ludicrous! However, rumor spinning like crazy, that Obama is gay, a radical Muslim and as Alex Jones claims, 'he has 'proof' Michelle Obama is a man'. Most people have also heard about the Clintons body count conspiracy.. Take off your tin-foil hats for a second, because sometimes an insane-sounding conspiracy theory actually turns out to be true. From the government making up an enemy attack to justify war to “mind control” experiments, some stories are hard to believe until declassified documents or investigations prove they actually happened.. |

Dr. Rafael Espinanzo, who was entrusted with former First Lady Michelle Obama’s care during the 2008 presidential election, is speaking out about something he feels the public needs a definitive answer on. With all the talk about Mrs. Obama once being a man, Espinanzo felt he couldn’t keep his mouth shut any longer:

“I Know what I saw. Michelle Obama is not a woman who used to be a man. Michelle Obama is just a man with breast implants and a huge shaving bill. On the campaign trail, no medical staff were allowed to go near her other than to take vitals if she got sick, which she never did.

I know what I know because I walked in on her…err…him…while he was taking a leak standing up in a bathroom in Trenton. They paid me millions for my silence but after seeing what they did to this country I just can’t keep quiet. Let them sue me.”

Sue them they will, says Obama spokesman Art Trubolls:

“Whatever information the doctor has is privileged. Should he decide to trade his license and every dime he’s ever made for a few minutes of fame, so be it.”
There was no direct denial of Dr. Espinanzo’s accusations.


FOX News | Nov 8, 2017 | Saudi government to confiscate $800 billion from alleged corrupt individuals | Blogger: Lying Crooked Hillary & P2 Masonic Papa Bush money tree (Pojken med guldbyxorna) is no more -- perhaps that's' why the Illuminati families controlling the Cabal is on the run and starting a WWIII with Russia, North Korea peninsula and sending troops to Afghanistan to boost their opium and heroin production... |

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.  (AP)
READ MORE: | 10. Feb 2010 | ~ NASA søger liv derude, når beviset allerede findes her ~ | (In English:) NASA is looking for life out there when the evidence is found here.. There are three genes among our 30,000 that are not found in any other living organisms on earth. The remaining ones are found in everything from animals to plants.. Darwin was attended by demons. There were different Luciferian sects that flourished in Gothic Europe in the 17th century, and Charles was the son of a Grandmaster Freemason.. ""God is extraterrestrial"" .. | Blogger: Superb, balanced and well-articulated article, in which, we've forced once again, to re-think if the ""indoctrinated"" evolution theory & Darwinism is actually true. Perhaps a 'small' rebellion against the church that was staged with the Jesuit order and Freemasonry in cooperation for world domination, could wake up the dormant population... | er et Norsk online magasin skrevet af folket til folket. De offentliggøre oplysninger om nye paradigmer og rapportere om aktuelle emner fra nye vinkler, samt om emner som andre popularisere. Desuden sætter aktuelle emner i et bredere perspektiv end normalt. Tidsskriftsartikler beskæftiger sig med fem væsentlige hovedemner: Samfundet, Bevidsthed, Kosmos, Sundhed og Økonomi -

******Following article is in Norwegian - use google translate on the top of my blog entry*****


Det finnes tre gener blant våre 30.000 som ikke finnes i noen andre levende organismer på jorden. De resterende finner du igjen i alt fra dyr til planter.

Hva legger du i ordet alien? En hollywood-skapning med store øyne og slimete munn? Er vi genetisk manipulert av «de som kom fra himmelen»? Evolusjonsteorien vil ha oss til å tro at vi er en biologisk tilfeldighet – milliarder av års utvikling fra bakterier til; men det er fortsatt en teori?
Er Gud en alien? Er vi et eksperiment fra høyerestående raser? Hvem er denne skaperen av det vi kaller bevissthet? Og hvem er gud over denne verden av materialisme som jeg opplever som en fengselsplanet? Er Gud død eller har han bare forsovet seg?

Darwin var oppsøkt av demoner. Det var forskjellige luciferianske sekter som florerte i det gotiske europa på 1600-tallet, og Charles var sønn av en stormester-frimurer.

De fleste kan være enige om at han ikke er her på jorden i dag. Hvis han var det, ville han ikke stått
Darwin var oppsøkt av demoner. Det var forskjellige
 luciferianske sekter som florerte i det gotiske europa
 på 1600-tallet, og Charles var sønn av en
og sett på Israel bruke fosforbomber mot FN-skoler på Gazastripen i 2009, eller stått og sett på at Irak blir en radioaktiv søppeldynge som følge av USAs bruk av utarmet uran i sin krigføring. Hva med lille Noela som krysser gaten og blir påkjørt på sin nye sykkel? Har Gud samvittighet? Eller fraskrev han seg det ansvaret?

Noen sier Gud gav oss den største gaven på jorden, en fri vilje; og det vi ser idag er et resultat av flere onde mennesker med selviske og animalistiske instinkter, som utnytter sin frie vilje til å råde over andre mennesker.

Religion er roten til alt vondt i verden, er noe du ofte hører på nett-debatter; men er det virkelig sånn? De kristne misjonære dro ikke til Afrika eller Latin-amerika for å hilse fra gud og sivilisere de innfødte, de dro for å hente Gull, krydder, mineraler, og tok med seg slaver, koloniserte folkeslag, massakrerte millioner av sør-amerikanere, og plyndret deres verden og etterlot kirker i Guds navn.

Et opprør mot kirken var iscenesatt med jesuittorden og frimurerlosjene i samarbeid for verdensherredømme. Evolusjonsteorien og «artenes opprinnelse» var det moderne prosjektets gjennombrudd og starten på opplysningstiden. Den ble fort en fiende av kirken som mente vi var guds verk, slaver av Bibelen, og døden til den som ikke konverterer.

Charles Darwin mente vi kommer fra Apene, men som Anders Troseth på Nyhetsspeilet skriver: «Mennesket kommer nemlig ikke fra apene, men er på god vei til å bli nettopp aper; og derfor tror jeg at vi nå går en vanskelig tid i møte. Noen har forberedt seg og er klare, mens de fleste ennå famler i mørket – og begynner å få dårlig tid.»
Charles Darwin mente vi kommer fra Apene, men som Anders Troseth på Nyhetsspeilet skriver: «Mennesket kommer nemlig ikke fra apene, men er på god vei til å bli nettopp aper; og derfor tror jeg at vi nå går en vanskelig tid i møte. Noen har forberedt seg og er klare, mens de fleste ennå famler i mørket – og begynner å få dårlig tid.»
En ny tid var kommet hvor mennesket var i sentrum, og ikke gud, men tanken om naturalismen og tilfeldighetsteorien stammer fra de hedenske sekter og kulter i Egypt og det gamle Hellas og var en godt bevart underjordisk hemmelighet frem til frimurerne bestemte seg for at en eller annen må publisere den. Det var opprinnelig bestefaren til Charles Darwin som skrev teorien som satt det sammen, og han var en av de største stormesterne i Europa på den tiden og barnebarnet fikk oppdraget.

Charles Darwin var en frimurer, det samme gjelder Voltaire og forfedrene til opplysningstiden orkestrerte hele den franske revolusjonen.

Det alt-seende øyet er «brorskapets» symbol og pryder over den nye franske konstitusjonen som deres seier for kongemonarkiet mot kirkens makt. Voltaire var bl.a. en stor tilhenger av opplyst absolutisme, dvs absolutt kongemonarkisk makt på betingelser som at kongen må omringe seg med et råd av opplyste filosofer som tilhørte frimurerlosjen.

Idag lever kongemonarkiet (faraoenes blodlinjer) og Prince Bernhard av Nederland som styrte verden sammen med hans runde bord av opplyste tankesmier og hemmelige Bilderberg grupper....[LÆS VIDERE]

Humans Are Free | Nov 7, 2017 | The avalanche of revelations about the perverted and predatory sexual underbelly of Hollywood and the entertainment industry is long overdue -- Richard Dreyfuss' Son Sexually Abused by Kevin Spacey in Front of His Father |


Carles Crescenti Savall | Oct 28, 2017 | ~ Crida democràcia ~ | .. Hello world! A new European state is born: the Republic of Catalonia. Welcome this young nation and ask your country to recognize it by sharing this video! #WelcomeCatalonia .. | Blogger: This outcry and video is NOT only about 'MISSATGE DE CRIDA PER LA DEMOCRÀCIA'.. Voice of the woman:".. We also seek a law seeking gender equality like in Norway, Sweden and Denmark, but The Constitutional Court of Spain (Spanish: Tribunal Constitucional de España), at the request of the Mariano Rajoy's government, repealed that one too (as many as 25 essentials laws of the welfare of our people has been repealed). The response has always been the same ""NO""... |

PFC \\ Galactic Heart \\ SITSSHOW \\ ECETI \\ Meg Benedicte | Nov 8, 2017 CET | ~ POWERFUL 11:11 STARGATE GLOBAL ACTIVATIONS - MEDITATION CEREMONY - THE AWAKENING CODE ~ | .. It takes 2,000 years to pass through the band of gamma photons streaming out of the Galactic Equator. The solar system is now fully infused in the 'purification' that naturally occurs from the surge of brilliant gamma photon light. This is evident in increasing solar flares, earthquakes and volcanos, coastal flooding, wildfires, melting ice caps, intensifying storms and shifting magnetic poles, thinning of the ionosphere and the acceleration of time towards zero point. During this period of rapid change, we will enter an eternal space of NO TIME ....marking the emergence of 2000 years called the Golden Age of Unity Consciousness .. |

As we approach the final days of 2017, the solar system travels the gateway to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. This is the annual event when the Sun conjuncts the massive black hole of the Galactic Center, which lies at 26-27° Sagittarius. When we connect to the Great Central Sun at the Galactic Core it brings us closer to the emergence of our divine existence.

It takes 2,000 years to pass through the band of gamma photons streaming out of the Galactic Equator. The solar system is now fully infused in the 'purification' that naturally occurs from the surge of brilliant gamma photon light. This is evident in increasing solar flares, earthquakes and volcanos, coastal flooding, wildfires, melting ice caps, intensifying storms and shifting magnetic poles, thinning of the ionosphere and the acceleration of time towards zero point.

During this period of rapid change, we will enter an eternal space of NO TIME ....marking the emergence of 2000 years called the Golden Age of Unity Consciousness. Earth is moving into an eternal NOW with the collapse of 4th dimensional spacetime as we ascend higher in frequencies to the 5D earth plane. The Photon Belt not only impacts the solar system, but also the DNA 'transceivers' in your intra-cellular human 'radio'.

The Ascension process involves balancing opposites, as you transform your energy field from polarity to are shifting from living in separation to creating a Unified Field! The Wayshowers have traveled to Gaia to initiate the crystallization of the human genetics and ascend into the League of Light.
It only happens once a year, when the 11:11 Gateway opens to higher, ascended realms. On this special day, we will experience a rare moment of intense clarity and connection with of our own Divinity. 11:11 is a sacred Ascension code that activates the neural network in the brain and godseed codes in the DNA to access higher dimensions of Spirit.

Financial Service | Youtube channel | Nov 5, 2017 | ~ MUST LISTEN Steve Quayle Amerigeddon Economic collapse will be on December 31, 2017 ~ | Blogger: Sometimes Steve Quayle is a little bit extreme but has some surprising views and understands how the Cabal/Illuminati/NWO/TheDeepState works to some extend... |

Steve Quayle is an extreme right wing conspiracy theorist, pseudohistorian, religious fundamentalist, doomsday fearmonger, gold bug, and radio kookbabbler. (

X22 Report | YouTube Channel | Economic Collapse News | Nov 7, 2017 CET | Episode 1419b | ~ The Cabal Is Ready To Take Action, Something Big Might Happen Soon ~ | .. Obamacare is dead, more insurers back out. CNN pushing fake news while Trump is Japan. Trump does a 180 and asks NK to make a deal. It looks like the peace talks are going to work, unless the cabal does something to change this. Saudi takes control of news media, closes 1200 bank accounts. Israel along with other countries begin a massive drill. US and Russia and other nations are communicating in Syria. Assad says war will not be over after the IS is defeated, they will then after the SDF. The police did not stop the shooter in Texas, armed civilians did .. |

Obamacare is dead, more insurers back out. CNN pushing fake news while Trump is Japan. Trump does a 180 and asks NK to make a deal. It looks like the peace talks are going to work, unless the cabal does something to change this. Saudi takes control of news media, closes 1200 bank accounts. Israel along with other countries begin a massive drill. US and Russia and other nations are communicating in Syria. Assad says war will not be over after the IS is defeated, they will then after the SDF. The police did not stop the shooter in Texas, armed civilians did.

Destroying The Illusion | Nov 8, 2017 CET | Jordan Sather | ~ 11.7 - Storm is Getting Stormier/SKYKINGS/Help From Above? ~ | Blogger: Heads Up! Once again - an important video - close to the BIG EVENT?? Will everything finally explode and people begin to WAKE UP!!!... |

Jordan Sather (born 1990) in Bremerton, WA, is committed to empowering individuals through sharing knowledge of self and the cosmos. He is passionate about health, and coaches clients who want to become stronger individuals. He also writes for alternative blogs and news sites about new discoveries in regards to science, history, and geopolitics.

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RT - Russia Today \\ Bloomberg | Nov 8, 2017 | ~ NATO wants Europe’s civilian infrastructure ready for war ~ | Blogger: Busting Upward the Military Budget -- Denmark plans one of its biggest military-spending hikes since the Cold War to counter Russian assertiveness and future threats posed by climate change and instability in the Middle East. The center-right government of Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen is looking at an additional 4.8 billion kroner ($761 million) in defense spending by 2023 (Total of 12,3 billion kroner). That's a 20 percent increase. The money will be used to buy tanks and air and sea defense equipment and 900 millions of those to cyber security in 2017. That's not all - additional 66 billion kroner plus maintenance, a procurement of 27 F-35As (100 billion kroner in total).. So in other words, to help boost NATO/US/Israel defenses, TheDeepState' CIA and NSA's budget on so-called ""cybercrime"" and ""useless"" Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II fighter jet aircraft... On the list of international companies in Denmark with "surprising" geopolitical influence and overwhelming cynicism, we find the company Terma A / S - Aerospace and Defense Company. Headquarters in Lystrup, Aarhus, many branches within Europe and HQ in Washington, D.C., USA.. Among the customers are the Navy and Air Force in Denmark, the Dutch and American Air Force and the Northrop Grumman company. In other words, Terma's most important strategic partners are the European space agency ESA, NASA and not least US Lockheed Martin (the world's largest defense contractor). Deeply hidden in the Lockheed Martin bunker, we find a subdivision called Skunk Works®, an official pseudonym for Lockheed Martin Advanced Development Programs (ADP). It is apparent that Skunk Works, the main ingredient of SSP's existence, is the secret space programs in which the Pentagon's illegal Black Projects funds disappear into the money bin.. I have met some of the cool 'guys' in the United States, also one IT dude from EG&G (Edgerton, Germeshausen, and Grier, Inc.) among many secrets things, EG&G provides security protecting for Area 51, flights from and to this mysterious base of Area 51 - S4 (Janet Airline).. According to Terma's own website, ".. In early June, Claus Hjort Frederiksen visited Terma’s U.S. headquarters in Washington DC, and at this year's People’s Political Festival on Bornholm, he attended the debate arranged by Terma under the heading " Alliances in Change – Opportunities and Challenges for Denmark”.." .. How much cool petrodollars do you think he has cashed in on that little gig on Bornholm, Denmark to ""seduce"" the political parties buying F-35 & secretive protecting of so-called ""terrorism"" in the United States and Denmark? (black pool of money).. Terma has stated: 'Our primary goal is the international markets and 90% of our revenue is generated 'OUTSIDE Denmark'... |

President Dwight Eisenhower delivering his farewell address on Jan. 17, 1961, in which he warned about the growing influence of the Military-Industrial Complex.
NATO needs roads, bridges and other civilian infrastructure in Europe to meet its growing military requirements which needs coordination with national governments and the private sector, the alliance’s chief said ahead of a defense ministers meeting in Brussels. Defense ministers from the 29 NATO states arrived in Brussels to begin discussions on the “revision” of the NATO Command Structure which envisions a new Command to protect sea lines between North America and Europe, and another Command to “improve the movement of troops and equipment within Europe.”


Danish soldiers rest in the back of a vehicle as they accompany a group of British Challenger-2 tanks of the Queen's Royal Hussars as it rolls into Basra 24 August 2006. Photographer: Essam al-Sudani/AFP via Getty Images


Claus Hjort Frederiksen visited Terma in Herlev on 30 August 2017.
From left: Jørn Henrik Levy Rasmussen (Terma), Jens Maaløe (Terma), Danish Minister of Defence Claus Hjort Frederiksen, and Kristoffer Groth Jakobsen (Terma)