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Apr 26, 2023
🙏 ~ 💝 (NATO - Finished?) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Apr 26, 2023 ('Alt. media is reporting that an underground bunker in the Ukraine took a direct missile hit last month, and hundreds of upper echelon NATO members, and their high-ranking cronies were killed in the blast. The Universe was asked if this was devastating to NATO, and for insights and information about the situation in the Ukraine as well.' ~ Laura's View and Tarot, Too) ~ |
🤫卐✋ (Ukraine - Biolabs - Nazister - Satanisk symbolisme - CIA - Cabal HQ - D.U.M.B.s) Krigen før krigen: Stop hetzen mod den nye klonet Putin. Han er ikke Hitler. Arbejder for DeHvideHatte. Det er ifølge vedholdende rygter, fra ludfattig slagsbror til russisk enehersker, at den gamle Putin, er død og borte. Ruslands krig, om at ville "afnazificere" Ukraine, er rent faktisk, en 'special operation', som vil ændre verden, for altid. Det er en krig, før krigen og drømmen om den nye spirituelle verdensrevolutionen. Den rigtige krig, begynder først, når propaganda krigen fra PET / FE / DDR / DDFO / DDFL og lortespanden tipper over, og lugten af gylle og komøg er overalt, i Dannevang. Når hele sandheden om Corona-bedraget, dødssprøjterne og Ukrainekrigen, kommer frem i lyset og mørkets vogtere, visner hen, i skyld og skam. Når, man finder ud af, at den gamle Cabal-garde og Dronnings soldater, ønsker at opretholde Agenda 2030 om affolkning og verdensherrerdømme. Først der, begynder folket, at komme ud på gaderne med høtyve og hænge politikerne op i lygtepæle, som USA's tidligere præsident, George H.W. Bush, var så bange for, ville ske. Cabal ønsker, at bevare magten til pædofile satanister, kontrolleret opposition og gale globalister og det må aldrig ske igen, i dette allersidste 3-D Matrix af illusion/kulisse, af et shitshow ~ 26. April 2023 ~ |
'Når jeg snakker om CABAL, er det ikke DK deathcore Heavy Metal-band, og første single ”Innocent Blood”. Her rockede de på Copenhell, sammen med 6000 af andre dansende dødsdragoner, og Peter 'Racket' Madsen. Han byggede ildkanoner til festivalen, havde pentagram på raketværkstedes hustag, glubsk ulv med onde øjne og hjelm signeret "satan" / RS-20 (SS-18 Satan) m.m. Cabal kan også sammenlignes med dogmatiske Kabbala - Zionistiske jøder. Den Dybe Stat. Satanister. Globalister. StatsAdelen og Eliten. CCP-Commie-DNC. Nazi Khazarian-Mafia m.m. (Ukært barn har også mange navne)... ~ SoTW
💌🔁🤬 (You either love or hate his Moose and Turkey craziness, there is no in between ~ SoTW) David Wilcock LIVE: Archangel Michael on Negative Greeting -- and the Keys to Ascension ~ April 26, 2023 ~ |
🦹⬛🖤 ('BlackRock most powerful organizations in the world.') AOF: Everything You Need to Know About BlackRock, the Company that Owns the World By Andreas Wailzer ~ Apr 26, 2023 ~ |
BlackRock is one of the most powerful organizations in the world, and its nefarious role in global economics and politics is becoming more apparent.
The investment giant is pushing woke politics in the form of corporate social credit scores (ESG), which includes the dangerous “net zero” and LGBT agenda. BlackRock is also responsible for rigging the financial systems and has control over a significant portion of the world’s wealth.
In order to fight back, we need to know what we are dealing with. In this article, we take a deep dive into the history, current business practices, and plans of the globalist behemoth known as BlackRock.
The history of BlackRock and its founder
As of early 2022, BlackRock Inc. had around $10 trillion in assets under its management, making it the largest asset manager in the world. Blackrock holds a significant number of shares in most of the largest corporations in the world, including Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Google, Tesla, Coca-Cola, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, Exxon Mobil, Visa, Chevron, JPMorgan Chase, Walmart, and many more.
The company was founded 35 years ago, in 1988, by investment banker and current CEO Larry Fink as an affiliate organization of Blackstone Inc. It was originally named Blackstone Financial Management and grew rapidly within the first four years of its existence, reaching a portfolio of $17 billion by 1992, journalist James Corbett reported.
Since BlackRock had grown into a very respectable business, Fink and Stephen Schwarzman, the CEO of Blackstone, decided to separate BlackRock from Blackstone and make it into its own venture.
BlackRock went public in 1999 for $14 a share; the firm managed $165 billion in assets at this point. In the early 2000s, the company expanded its business to include analytics and risk management. It bought the investment management company State Street Research & Management in 2004, merged with the investment management firm Merrill Lynch in 2006, and acquired the Quellos Group’s key asset-management unit in 2007, bringing BlackRock’s total asset value under management to over $1 trillion.