Mar 12, 2021

🔴⚠️⏰ ~ (Pfizer, J&J and Moderna: 'Can you think of one single product, with 1,200 to 12,000 people being killed using it in the first 10 weeks of use'?) Shot in the Dark | Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (Daystar) ~ | Blogger: [👉'Transfection: ONCE you've been vaccinated - it is the MARK. You CANNOT be unvaccinated - a irreversible thing. You're exchanging a lifetime of probable illness, possible even death, so you can be (Convenienced) and get on a airplane and go to the store? '~ Dr. Sherri Tenpenny👈] ... Yes, we are so sick and tired hearing about vaccines, but this presentation video on YouTube published by Daystar Television Network, an American evangelical Christian-based religious television network owned by the Word of God Fellowship, reaching over 109 million households in the United States and over 5 billion people worldwide, is actually very, very important... You don't want to miss it - before youtube banning... |

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny reveals how the new COVID-19 vaccines work and what you're not being told. This clip was taken from "Ministry Now" with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. You can see the whole episode here:

🙏 ~ 💝 (Stay away from DRAMA harder than it sounds) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 |


👩‍🚀🚀🌌 ~ (SSP News: 'We have people born and lives on Mars, for decades') HIDDEN MILITARY INFO COMING IN THAT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND - EVERYTHING WE'VE BEEN TAUGHT IS A LIE (Wil Paranormal) ~ | Blogger: SoTW have personally meet (or went to conferences) with the now deceased whistleblowers within the U.S. Navy (William Tompkins and more), Dr. Michael Salla, Alex Collier, Corey Goode, David Wilcock, T.L. Keller, Guy from EG&G Janet Airlines... However, have not in person been privileged to deep talks, invited into the inner circle, or a public figure in the Ufology communities. Just, a hillbilly from Denmark, trying to figure out, what the hell is going on... One of the best experiences for me, was a guided MUFON tour bus (with 20 years plus experienced German Jürgen and his buddy, Tony, a very skilled US guide) towards back door Area 51 (Groom Lake) where we meet the infamous Area 51 camo dudes - lethal force authorized... I got a signed poster and talked briefly to NASA astronauts, L. Blaine Hammond and with Dr Ken Johnston at MUFON Symposium 2017... Been at a UFO International Congress and briefly had a 'fling', a few years ago with an American woman, (Parker) whose father was the Chief Master Sergeant (CMSgt) at Patrick Air Force Base's Eastern Test Area, during his time in the USAF. He later worked in the control tower, one of the high-level trusted military personnel responsible for the hand-held secret document briefcase and the finger of the Apollo mission send button, and knew all the famous astronauts... And of course, participated and part of Cobra (RM) School... |


Scott McKay and ex military Gene Decode discuss intelligence that's been hidden from us for generations with advanced technology that will literally blow your mind.

For instance, the airplane we all travel in has been obsolete for over a hundred years. Want to know more? Listen to what else is revealed.

🆔👨‍💻🤖 ~ (Could it really be true?) Digital Health Pass: IBM and Moderna Hook Up to Capitalize on COVID Reset (mintpressnews) ~ | Blogger: [👉“The Excelsior Pass will play a critical role in getting information to venues and sites in a secure and streamlined way,” said Cuomo (with sexual harassment allegations & Covid nursing home cover-up etc.)👈] ... I used to work for IBM at about 10 years time, and seen or heard a lot of sh*t what IBM, founded in 1898 by German inventor Herman Hollerith, as a census tabulating company, was capable of... Not to mention, IBM (and the Holocaust), is hardly unique in its relationship to Nazi Germany, and the 1940s are a small part of the long history of American corporations cooperating with state actors during wartime... Last year, IBM partnering with the White House, to make a vast amount of supercomputing power available; “These high-performance computing systems allow researchers to run very large numbers of calculations in epidemiology, bioinformatics, and molecular modeling,” according to Dario Gil, director of IBM Research. Making IBM, millions... So you see, COVID-19-pandemic, is no more, than a made-up Mathematical Modelling Scenario, a Digital GR Monster, to keep HU-manity in cheek, with a unseen new advanced Digital Scorecard & Microchipped Bio-Crypto-5G-Human Interface... As always, use your own Spiritual Discernment... |

Using what have already become clichéd industry buzzwords like “transparency,” “trust,” and even “privacy,” IBM’s Digital Health Pass marketing describes the mass tracking app as a “smart way to return to society” that allows people to “return to the activities and things they love.”

ARMONK, NEW YORK — IBM is partnering with Covid-19 mRNA vaccine maker Moderna to track vaccine administration in real time through its various blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, and hybrid cloud services. According to a company press release, the collaboration will “focus on exploring the utility of IBM capabilities in the U.S.,” such as a recently unveiled pilot program for a Covid-19 Digital Health Pass in the State of New York, which effectively deputizes private businesses to enforce government-imposed Covid-19 regulations.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the initiative, billed as the “Excelsior Pass,” during his 2021 State of the State Address in January and the program’s initial phase was tested at the Barclays Center during an NBA game, followed by another test at Madison Square Garden for an NHL game on March 2.

According to the state’s official website, the trial runs were designed to maximize “return on investment and saving development time” before submitting the “wallet app” to the Google and Apple app stores.

“The Excelsior Pass will play a critical role in getting information to venues and sites in a secure and streamlined way,” said Cuomo, who in February rolled out the state’s reopening guidelines for sports and entertainment venues, which would pave the way “to fast-track the reopening of these businesses and getting us one step closer to reaching a new normal (emphasis added).” [READ MORE] ... | 

🗣️🚨⚖️ ~ (#Corona-totalitarisme) En 30-årig kvinde med to små børn idømt 2 års dobbeltstraf efter den nye paragraf og covid-19-epidemiloven, under MIB-demo der opfordrede til at »smadre byen på en ikke-voldelig måde«. (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉"Der er folk, der har fået mindre for incest og vold imod børn. Danmark, jeg skammer mig,!" skriver @ammitzbollbille👈] ... Er det en retfærdig straf?... For at statuere et eksempel?, så andre ikke tør stille sig op mere og gå direkte, mod regeringen og coronarestriktionerne?... Vores regering sammen med Multinationale selskaber samt medico-virksomheder, må gerne ødelægge andres liv gennem en "agenda", men at stille sig op i det offentlige rum for at gå til modværge, så straffes man MEGA-HÅRDT - bare fordi man kan - med en ny lov, der er skabt til at "smadre" andre menneskers meninger, liv og vel?... |


🗝️🤻🥺 ~ (genåbningsplan, vaccinetoget og hykleriet) Bred enighed: Danmark kan åbne når alle over 50 år er vaccineret (WathMedier) ~ | Blogger: Kære Mette F., samt DDFO 33. grad "Konge Corona Kooperativet"... Jeg er næsten lige fyldt 50 år, samme alder som vores kommende konge, og Du, er blot 43, sjovt nok, går du selv fri... Med al respekt, Du / I skal bare notere jer, jeg ALDRIG, kommer til, at tage imod en vaccine i 2021 og i al nær fremtid... Hvis den dag skulle komme, Danmarks H.K.H. Kronprinsen, stiller sig åbent frem på live-tv med eller uden sine børn eller Statsministeren selv, og modtager 2-stik, med bevisførelse, om disse, faktisk, stammer fra Pfizer-BioNTech medico-virksomheden eller anden firma, uden, det er en placebo, saltvandsindsprøjtning eller CGI-illustration eller deepfake, så vil jeg igen, overveje.. Det skal så siges, offentligheden, skal isåfald, have fuld transparent adgang til testresultatet og eventuelle bivirkninger, der måtte komme... Ergo, skal jeg ikke vaccineres da, det aldrig, kommer til at ske... CV-vacciner er ikke, vacciner, men baseret på kompleks syntetisk digitale nanobaseret genterapi, som ændrer vores naturlige DNA-celler og koden til protein, for altid... 1) omprogrammer vores DNA og gør os til hybrider, der er lettere at kontrollere. 2) forbinde os med kunstig intelligens gennem et digitalt vaccine-ID, som også åbner et helt nyt kontrolområde... Det er bare et lille udvalg af de mange scenarier, som dækker over denne globale Agenda og danske model, WEF/DK-aftalen, som Lars Løkke regeringen (V, K, LA og DF og RV) grundlagde fra 2015-2018... Men Mette, du kunne have STOPPET det hele, da Magnus Heunicke kom hjem fra "Event 201" - en 3½ times simuleringsøvelse af et dramatisk scenario med en tænkt pandemi, tilbage i Oktober 2019... "Tilfældigvis" handlede det hele om en ny verdensomspændende virus, der ville være yderst farlig - 65 mio. døde var det scenarie, der blev arbejdet med. Heunicke fik scenariemodellen eller køreplanen med hjem til dig, Mette - og voila - den kom ganske som spået i simuleringen og Du, tog imod den, med kyshånd... |

🧨✔️🤟 ~ ('Jurassic Park of Unknowns & Golden Age of Vaccinations' - Andy) DISSECTING THE VACCINE WITH DR ANDY WAKEFIELD (Info that matters) ~ | Blogger: [💌"Every pro-vaxxer / anti-vaxxer aka A- and B citizen on Mother Gaia, needs a BIG LOVING physical "touch" with reassurance that everything will be okay - no strings attached." ~ SOTW🤗] ... I recommend that the following 3 videos be watched in the order that they appear... 💖(w/ Dr. Andy Wakefield) The first video explains, and you only has to watch the first 10 minutes, the COVID-19 vaccine, and what our future will look like in the coming years if this agenda is fully realized, and most importantly, what we can do to save humanity from a dystopian future... 💕 (w/ Spiro Skouras) The second video express in words and examples that the Covid test is not valid... 🥰 (w/ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich) The third video provides a legal remedy for the crimes against humanity caused by the fabricated Covid pandemic.... 🍿Enjoy... ✋Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, South Africa, partly Germany and Thailand, suspend AstraZeneca Covid vaccine after reports of potentially fatal blood clots. But, that doesn't STOP the "CV-Agenda" of rolling out other potentially "deadly" CV-vaccines... 🙅‍♂️"COVID DENIALISM" --- 'a broad term leveled at those who have seen through lies regarding the COVID scamdemic – has been enshrined in legal history and case law, at least in Canada. This is another horrendous yet sadly predictable step of the COVID agenda, which is none other than the agenda to steal your rights and freedom. MSM outlet CBC reported last week that a judge "STRIPPED A MAN" (who remains anonymous at this stage) of his "custody rights" in his divorce case with his ex-wife due to his belief that COVID was a hoax, and his subsequent decision to defy social distancing and mask wearing rules.'(thefreedomarticles) ... |

WoW! Just watch one of the Greatest Human Beings in history. Are the hairs on the back of your neck standing up when you hear the mantra "get the vaccine" - "it's a matter of life or death?" You hear it everywhere - radio, tv, doctors, politicians, mainstream media, Hollywood stars, liberal and conservative alike, are all saying "get the vaccine." - "It’s safe." Even your elevator music is saying you need to get the vaccine. All for what? a tough virus with the death rate of any seasonal flu. Is this adding up? When you put your critical thinking hat on, how can you not come to the conclusion there’s another agenda for the vaccines in the midst?

On Frequency Wars, we have one of the frontrunners fighting the tragedies and dangers of these vaccines; Dr. Andy Wakefield who is a physician, author, and award-winning filmmaker. We discuss The COVID-19 vaccine and what our future will look like in the coming years if this agenda is fully realized, and most importantly, what we can do to save humanity from a dystopian future.

Grab your hat and hold on tight we are about to uncover the truth of the vaccine agenda!