Jan 15, 2021

🙏 ~ 💝 (SSP News) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Britain's SAS & Global Special Operators trained to fight extraterrestrials ~ Michael Salla🌟]


🕉️ ~ 💗 (Anchor as much Light as possible) NEW COBRA UPDATE: A Short Message to the Surface Population 💕~ | Blogger: SoTW agree with the latest commentary note from Light777 on the chatboard: 📑"I hope there will be physical events soon that will finally give people hope again .. Many people are getting more and more depressed because they see nothing happening."📑...PS: Going through a spiritual awakening is one of the most confusing, lonely, alienating, but also supremely beautiful experiences in life... I have spent 20 years as awaken Soul, my danish Naturopathic/Holistic doctor, 50 years and others, 1 day... Without experiencing a spiritual awakening, we go throughout life pursuing the emptiness of money, fame, power, with our broken hearts or anguish - unresolved traumas, and respect in an attempt to find “happiness.”. Put simply, spiritual awakenings mark the beginning of your initiation on the spiritual path and there's no going back... |


Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog http://2012portal.blogspot.com; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

There will be an important timeline node from January 20th to 22nd that will to a significant degree influence the future course of events on the surface of this planet. During that time, it is very important to anchor as much Light as possible.

The Light Forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to do the Buddhic Column meditation for the continental United States every 4 hours starting from January 20th at noon EST and ending at noon EST on January 22nd.

📍📝🦸‍♂️ ~ (Expect The Unexpected!) Trump Declassifies 'Foot-High' Stack Of Russiagate, Obamagate Documents; Set For Release Within Days (Zero Hedge) ~ |



President Trump has declassified and authorized the release of "more than a foot-high stack of documents" related to the Obama administration's surveillance and espionage committed against the 2016 Trump campaign, as part of a larger campaign to discredit and undermine the incoming US president.

According to journalist and Trump insider John Solomon, the documents would be released as soon as Friday, but no later than Monday.

"He has delivered in a big way. More than a foot-high stack of documents he has authorized to be released by the FBI and the DOJ. These are the things that the FBI has tried to keep from the public for 4 years. They have amazing, big picture revelations," Solomon told Fox News' "Lou Dobbs Tonight."

According to Solomon's website, Just The News, the release will support claims that the entire Russia narrative was created and leaked to the news media to upstage concerns over Hillary Clinton's email scandal.

Watch (via Trending Politics):

😇 ~ 💗 (CCP SARS-CoV-2 Bioweapon) Trump To Present ‘Bombshell’ Evidence That COVID Came From Wuhan Lab (EOL) 💕 ~ | Bloger: [👉"A new era is now born on our beloved Earth. The era of light. Our sun is changing(a new higher light), and we are all changing with the Sun, the Earth and the rest of Creation" ~ EOL👈] ...Excerpts: 📑"On Monday, the White House issued a statement noting “The world cannot continue to pay heavy prices for its naiveté and complicity in Beijing’s irresponsible and harmful practices – whether it is ending the rule of law in Hong Kong or not cooperating with health officials on the pandemic.”📑... |


In one of his last acts as President, Donald Trump is set to declassify ‘bombshell’ evidence linking the Wuhan Institute of Virology to the outbreak of COVID-19, according to a report.

Trump’s outgoing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is planning to stage an ‘intervention’, outlining evidence that the coronavirus leaked from the Chinese lab, and is also expected to charge that the World Health Organisation aided China in covering up the catastrophe, the Daily Mail reports.

Senior officials in Washington are said to have claimed that Pompeo will present concrete evidence that the virus was not transmitted naturally from bats, pangolins or any other animal to humans, but came from inside the lab.

Pompeo will also disclose the ties between the lab and and the communist Chinese army, and claim that military experiments were being conducted there.

As regards the WHO, Pompeo is also expected to note that the organisation has consistently failed to get an investigation off the ground, and that its team, scheduled to arrive in China within days still has no plans to investigate the lab.

British government sources have also confirmed that chatter has increased over Pompeo and Trump planning the reveal.

💉🧬💫 ~ (The truth about the #COVID19 vaccine) "We Dont Need The CEO Of Big Companies Forcing Experimental Biological Agents On Anyone" (nyhetsspeilet.no) ~ |

Source (nyhetsspeilet)

 er et Norsk online magasin skrevet af folket til folket. De offentliggøre oplysninger om nye paradigmer og rapportere om aktuelle emner fra nye vinkler, samt om emner som andre populariseret. Desuden sætter Nyhetsspeilet.no aktuelle emner i et bredere perspektiv end normalt. Tidsskriftsartikler beskæftiger sig med fem væsentlige hovedemner: Samfundet, Bevidsthed, Kosmos, Sundhed og Økonomi -https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyhetsspeilet

******Following article is in Norwegian - use google translate on the top of my blog entry*****

52:23: «we dont need the CEO of big companies forcing experimental biological agents on anyone…»

Dr. Simone Gold, grunnlegger av America’s Frontline Doctors, her.

Fra hennes innledning: Vi kjenner sannheten i hjertet. Vi kan ikke akseptere så mye løgn. Det er sannheten som gjelder og vi må kjempe for å få den frem. En doktor ville ikke tvinge sine ansatte å bruke masker og myndighetene i Oregon tok fra han lisensen til å kunne praktisere. Vi skal kjempe for ham. Han sa at han var så glad for at han gjorde dette. For å leve i løgnen var ikke godt. Hydroxychloroquine er en medisin som må kunne selges fritt over disken. Det kjemper vi også for. Den store kampen er ikke mot viruset, men mot frykt. Folk flest vil ha sitt normale liv tilbake. Men det kommer ikke til å skje ved vaksinen. Derfor må vi ta tak i dette fra en helt annen kant. Se og hør hennes foredrag, lastet opp den 14. januar 2021 (her).

«Og vi trenger ikke direktører som vil tvinge på oss eksperimentelle vaksiner for at vi skal kunne fly til Washington for å demonstrere vår mening. Vi vil kjempe for at alle skal kunne fly uten bli påtvunget noen eksperimentell vaksine. Vi skal snakke med de største flyselskapene og ett av våre våpen skal være en liste med minst 1 mio underskrifter; vær snill å gå til nettstedet stopmedicaldiscrimination.org, og skriv under, her (også internasjonale underskrifter),» forteller Simone Gold.

Om Frontline doctors: «Mindre enn 24 timer etter at Frontline Doctors første pressekonferanse i Washington DC ble de sensurert og fjernet fra Facebook, YouTube og Twitter. Etter at deres egen nettside ble sensurert ut av nettet i et forsøk på å kvele dem, var legene tilbake foran trinnene av høyesterettsbygningen for deres andre pressekonferanse, og risikerte liv, familie og jobb, fordi de hadde bestemt seg for å bringe sannheten direkte til det amerikanske folk om at det finnes en kur mot COVID, og at publikum ikke lenger trengte å være redde (tekst oversatt herfra).»

🆔🧬🤖~ (Millenarisme) Pernille spurgte statsministeren om hjælp på live-tv: Hun snakkede bare udenom (Pernille Bjørn Frøsner) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Lamborghini-Brian har været ude og sige; "Vaccinepas er nøglen til genåbningen af Danmark". Bilderberger, Tommy Ahlers Politisk serieiværksætter, samt regeringen overhører iværksættermiljøet! Bill Gates briefede allerede DoD Pentagon, om at fjerne Guds-Genet i menneskehjernen, med "Funvax" i 2012! Forstil dig hvad de er i stand til i 2021 mht. nanotech og genterapi🤛] ... Kære læsere, COVID-19-pandemien(epidemien), er ikke en lokal Agenda, men, Global Event 201 (UN Agenda 21 - 2030/WEF/DK-aftalen)... Det handler ikke blot om en smitsom (dødbringende) Virus, Kontrol, Magt og Herredømme... Det handler om "Industri 4.0", der ofte refereres til, den fjerde industrielle revolution og er baseret på sammenlægning af små til store multiselskabers beslaglæggelse af Digitalisering, Robotisering samt Transhumanisme til fordel for Verdensbanken og de 13 mægtigste bankfamilier... Her, er ikke plads til små iværksættere, små forretninger eller selvstændige erhvervsdrivende... Politikere, medkombattanter, trolde og partisoldaterkorpset, har aflagt en ed, lidt ligesom, Frimurere, er forpligtet til at tie om udførelsen af ritualerne, for ikke-frimurere... Dvs. politikere og deslige, fremsætter disse hemmelighedsfulde (globalisters) reformer, tiltag som, vores lokale autoriteter, er underlagt... Snart INGEN handel uden banken og staten er klar over det... Det "startede allerede" med 9/11 2001 - eller, her, blev det (for de vågne) tydeliggjort, at noget var riv, rav, ruskende galt - "noget" hang ikke sammen! (Guldet blev tyvstjålet under WTC)... I tusinder af år troede mennesker at autoritet kom fra guderne. Derefter skiftede humanismen gradvis autoritet fra guddomme til mennesker i den moderne æra... Mesopotamiens oldtidshistorie og de selvbestaltede guders indflydelse på den globale samfundsorden og vores Bankkonsortium, har været nøglestenen, helt frem til i dag. De ældste historiske kilder fra Annunakierne - Faldne Engle - Guderne eller Præste-kongerne, introducerede begrebet PENGE, under Sumerernes kongedømme for 6.000 år, tilbage... Måske begynder man at forstå at, vi er alle slaver af "systemet", som blev skabt af mennesker og udenomjordiske entiteter, og stadigvæk operere, den dag i dag... |


Kære Mette

Endnu en gang fortæller Mette at jeg, sammen med alle mine kollegaer, skal lukke min forretning. 
Det jeg har kæmpet for i mange år, og som absolut ikke er en dans på roser. Og jeg kæmper videre. For det skal jeg.

Da nedlukningen ramte i marts, følte vi det virkelig herhjemme. Med en mand der arbejder i flybranchen, som også blev ramt. HÅRDT. Men så kom hjælpepakkerne, og jeg sad herhjemme med tårer i øjnene over al den hjælp vi kunne modtage. Det skulle nok gå. Regeringen holdt håndenunder de små virksomheder. Under mig.

Pengene kom, vi fik lov til at åbne. Og vi knoklede. Vi knoklede så meget at vi næsten ikke kunne stå på vores ben. Vi arbejdede fra morgen til aften, uden pauser, uden at se vores børn. Men på ingen måde, kunne vi indhente den tabte omsætning.

🔘⏰⚔️ ~ (Gods wingman Trump has a hand full of aces) Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes & Doug Billings (SP) ~ | Blogger: [👉I had to bite my tongue, but SoTW have to say this out loud - best one hour spent!👈] ... It's a none stop Q&A and it's going to be a CHOKER for newbies, listen in to what Dr. Ward and Mr. Parkes, has to say... Get your head out of your a*s watching the Tube or reading MSM Newspapers, this is the place to be... Some of the stuff they run by you might be familiar, and some it is new to me at SoTW e.g. The Oprah Winfrey Show endorsed SkinMedica’s TNS Recovery Complex, an anti-aging cream that contains cells derived from human foreskin (children) - disgusting... Other topics are; Takedown of the upper echelon of #GlobalPedoGate... The true purpose of FEMA-camps in America.. NESARA / GESARA and New Financial System... Trump and Sidney Powell knows what they are doing - been through it before... Linn Wood has gone back to the shop to get more firecrackers and doing a amazing job... [0-35 minute marker]... etc. etc... ⏭️Simon Parkes last words: "I don't believe, Biden will EVER be president"... ⏭️Charlie Ward:"We now have evidence, that Italy was involved altered the election results in 17 States, Spain, UK, the nazi state of Germany, Canada and China"... PS: Network is lacking trying to run the replays from Bitchute SP's channel... |