Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I am Sananda!
Once again, and I will never tire of saying it, it is with great joy and great gratitude that I come here once again. My heart is filled with much love, if that is possible, because the love I have for this planet and for each inhabitant that lives on it, is an infinite love; I would say impossible to grow more. But for God the Father/Mother and for each one of us, evolved beings, there is never a limit. So I can indeed affirm that this love grows every day.
Watching closely the consciousness and the minds of each one of you is a moment of great joy and pleasure for me. I would say that not only for me, but for all the Beings of Light who today place their eyes and attention on this planet, and its inhabitants. When we started this journey of enlightenment, of change, of battles to overcome the non-light, of course we knew the outcome of everything. We always knew we would be victorious. It was just building the middle of the story that would take a lot of planning and a lot of love for all of you. And so we have done.
Each planning carefully thought out, carefully tested, endless times; and we can say that almost 100% of the time, we had no surprises. Many times some small battles got out of hand, because they used, and use to this day, your consciousness. And this is for sure an extremely determining factor, for everything to work out or not. But even so, we lost the battles, and today we are here, at this point in the road, where the Central Sunlight has already dominated, implanted, enveloped, every… I would call it a thing, but it’s a very inexpressive term for the importance of this planet. So I would say that the Light of the Central Sun, has enveloped every little energy that exists on this planet; be it in the form of an atom, be it in the form of a cell, be it in the form of a human, an animal, a stone, a crystal, it doesn’t matter.