Mar 17, 2022
⚖️💱⛓️ ~ (Pantomime, PSYOP, Swift Justice, 3.6-4BN People will Receive G-NESARA! ) DO YOU KNOW WHO THE ENEMY IS? WITH MEL K, CHRIS KNOX & CHARLIE WARD (Dr Charlie Ward) ~ | Blogger: Another amazing "show". Do you know what "Zelensky" means in English (decoded)? "GREEN" which means "Green Light", says Dr Charlie Ward... (SoTW) As you know, many rumors of a Mr. T younger version stunt-double, who did a voice over recording at an Arizona Trump rally with no-red-tie show is signaling a "timing" so close to the "end"? Another thing is that Boris-The-Clown new haircut and new GREEN tie in 2022 has something to do with the GREEN LIGHT and the Chinese Year of the Tiger! (Simon Parkes discovered Boris with green tie)... |
🙏 ~ 💝 (Game Over: Stand Your Ground, They Are Counting On Us) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: It might not seem our world has reached a pivotal point as we hurtle towards a MAJOR spiritual paragimeshift in the collective-consciousness. In a few days, we are celebrating March equinox 2022, the cosmic moment when night and day are nearly the same length all over the world. It is a rare zero point moment of infinite possibilities, if we let it be. In almost every major country, on every continent, we are watching as a groundswell of people emerges from their slumber of corona-compliance (whatever-it-may-be) to tyrannical rules and begins to realize their own innate power. At last, that day has arrived, if we wish it to be so. We are teetering on the brink of a Great Awakening. The powers that be, cannot any longer stop or pause, Humanity grant wish to be led to powerful enlightenment and ascension process and the moloch bunch, they have tried, oh they have tried, so hard. Passionate love relationships intensify as Venus conjunct Mars move into a square with Uranus in Taurus on March 19th and we could all use a little of that. I could - deep compassion to our fellow man, the show of unconditional love energy, a burst of "hope", even hope is a negative word for our brain, we all know what it stands for. A new beginning, a better future, a new Golden Age (SoTW)... |
💣💥🙉 ~ (KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM) Award winning journalist Lara Logan, tells the TRUTH on America's Voice AM. I’m surprised they didn’t cut her off. Andrew Klavan and Honest Government Ad is also in the truth-movement (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: To reject it all and how-to get the lay of the land, listen to (sick puppies) like Russell Brand, paid by the Rothschilds, Arnold Schwarzenegger, paid by Deep State. Arnold, makes direct plea to Russian President to end his ‘illegal war’ in Ukraine and diretly speaks to the Russian people not to believe the Kremlin’s propaganda: ‘It is a humanitarian catastrophe’. You are being lied to about the war in Ukraine much as the Nazis lied to his father.... (SoTW) - guess, the choice is yours: Serve tyranny from fear or serve the awakening from your truth-telling heart...
👁️⃤ 🤔💡 ~ (Stof til eftertanke!) De folkevalgte udnytter medierne, og medierne udnytter politikerne. Same shit, different day! Det kæmpemæssige Statsapparat har gjort det igen og folk har overdraget deres frihed, økonomi og beslutninger, til gengæld for ikke at tænke selv. Husk glidecreme, næste gang de b*ller jer i r*ven (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Undskyld mit franske, men PLUD-SE-LIG ud af den blå luft, er udskamningen overstået. Der råbes ikke længere af de ikke-vaccineret. Ikke mere, Corona-er-farlig samt pas-på-du-kan-smitte-mig; testcentrene lukker, 81% af befolkningen er nu 'vaksineret' med ukendte følgesygdomme, og nogle, med døden, til følge. Frimureren, Jim Lyngvild, fik fyret alle der var imod ham, udstilling skal nu vises i hele Grønland. Lovable Dolly Parton trækker sig fra Rock & Roll Hall of Fame-nominering og Eriksen, er tilbage på landsholdet, efter han var erklæret død, genoplivet, efter stribevis at 'skud' med corona-vacciner. Sammen med 500 andre top idrætsfolk på verdensplan, man ej heller, må snakke om. Og lige nu, gennemgår verdens nr. 2 golfspiller Nelly Korda, en akut operation efter at have fået en blodprop, som mange siger, er grundet, vaksinen hun fik før og efter OL i 2020. Seneste, kan man kun finde 'vis samfundssind' sloganet bag på en offentlig toiletdør efter udvandringen hos S-taleskrivere. Nu er Ukraine og ukrainerne i fokus! PT, ligesom engang, at Trump var på nyhedernes clickbait loverboy, 24/7, er Putin, blevet, Vestens fjende nr 1. Medierne har fundet sig en nye bestseller, at kaste sig over. Krig sælger som en i helvede, godt!. Også når nyheden blot er - "Nye kampe nær Kiev". Så er vi fænglset og undfanget, i følelsernes vold. Uanset om nyheden ikke bringer noget nyt, bare en clickbait-undfanger. Billeder og videoer bliver CGI redigeret eller bare sjusket sat ind, fra tidligere krige og eller begivenheder for, at danne det politisk narrativ, som USA og de danske allierede, ønsker sig. Et nyt koldkrigs-dilemma, som det militære industrielle kompleks, har hulket efter og bedt til, i årtier. Den Store Depression, kommer så i kølvandet, den økonomiske krise, der ramte USA efter børskrakket i 1929. Energikrise, inflation og udsultningen, nu hvor 'EVENT 201', Den Medicinske Mafia og CCP-Corona-Corporation fejede, så fælt, men tjente, så stort! Og det eneste vi står tilbage med, er de samme berygtede banditter i habitter, der tyvstjæler vores sjælefred, indtil næste agenda, kommer på tapetet... GUD BEVARE KONGERIGET DANNEVANG... |
SoTW vil varmt anbefale, at læse de 10 sider af Soul, Motivational speakers, Stig Boye Petersen, har udarbejdet, nedenfor som hedder [Det okkulte rødder til “Den nye verdensorden” Konspiration, Hemmelige samfund & Politisk magt]. Jeg troede jeg vidste alt, men tog alvorlig fejl... PS: Hvad betales der for med 1 milliard kroner som danske virksomheder har samlet ind til Ukraine? Beskyttelsespenge, så Putin ikke kommer efter dem?
💖🛏️🌌 ~ (WTF! All a Bluff! A Scam! DS takeover!?!) No More Illusions (Skye Prince) ~ | Blogger: Before we start, sending compassion to Janine Morigeau for losing her mom and sending her loving greetings and ravens... There's a Danish saying: "father is not angry - father is disappointed"... I can also smell bullshit from a mile away but it's so much harder to detect when it's around you all day'... Skye has disabled for commenting on YT as she turns herself in for questioning by thousands upon thousands of supporters, when she claims she where sitting on BOMBSHELL knowledge since November 2021, that Med Beds will not and I repeat, will NOT, be part of HUmanity 3D timeline (not when the 3D and 5D timeline coexists with eachother). WHAAAAT!? Who is this person speaking? She's supposed to be a "active" nurse (Vibrational Healing Mentor in the SSP) called "Skye Prince" from a new telegram-channel called (Skye's Med Bed Room).... Now, one of my danish friends will go out and ask Simon Parkes and Michelle Fielding directly what the heck is going on... I perfectly understand, Skye (or SSP or galactic friends) is pissed about all the victimhood in her Social Media platform (Service to Self - instead of Service of Others), but why come out now 6 months later, with breaking news, that Med Beds is a no go, until the "EVENT" will take place?. Skye will not talk about Med Bed's and Healing Centers, anymore - why? Wasn't it the hole idea with Skye's knowledge coming forward?. Very disturbing video, indeed... But again, everyone is acting from their vibrational point of attraction and that prospective has no place for judgement. So please, always use your own spiritual discernment... |
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