Oct 3, 2016

Dialog med mit Højere Selv - Hvad fortæller mit Højere Selv om September 2016, om forudsigelser som påvirker os globalt, nu hvor en meget betydningsfuld fuldmåneaften samtidig med sommersolhverv har indtruffet og kommende September Equinox? (Blogger: Måske fik jeg den rigtige besked fra mit højere selv! Deutsche Bank-kollaps rygter startede før eller omkring den 28. September 2016. Af min natur digtede jeg videre omkring RV/GCR samt Frigivelse af humanitære støttefonde og NESARA, men det kommer sikkert i kølvandet i Oktober måned, hvis Benjamin Fulford og mange andre, får ret, når IMF lader den Kinesiske Yuan renminbi (RMB) blive inkorporeret i deres SDR basket. Dermed sker der samtidig en meget vigtigt ting, at (RMB) understøttes/opbakkes af til enhver tid gældende reservebeholdning af det enkelt lands Guld, Sølv (møntfoden), ædelsten, mineraler eller i form af råvare penge ( penge som er baseret på en værdifuld handelsvare). Yderligere bliver (RMB) gjort til en konverterbar international reservevaluta i det nye finansielle system (ja, du hørte rigtigt). Hvad sker der så med de enkelte landes/staters dækningsløse digitale/papir FIAT valutaer? I hvert fald kommer den nuværende amerikanske federal reserve US Petro Dollar til at lide voldsom meget. Dermed en mulig RV eller ny pengeseddel ( Currency Reset - det er ikke en svækkelse eller deprecieret eller nedskrivningen af et lands valuta. Det er en afvikling og revaluering af et 'lands' nuværende valuta værdi, for at gøre den mere attraktiv på det globale valutamarked) og senere GCR (global currency reset)... Notits fra Ritzau, viser med al tydelighed, endnu, at ganske få danske journalister samt deres mediehuse, har turde eller blot censureret, fra at skrive om mulig kollaps i den største europæiske bank. Er dog ikke helt enig med investeringsøkonom i Nordnet Per Hansen, da jeg tror, ligesom Benjamin Fulford, der er meget, meget større kræfter på banen, som styrer os slavisk efter en gameplan eller agenda, men også vi har nogle 'venner' blandt os, der vil os det godt og kommer menneskeheden til undsætning.. Der er meget, meget mere mellem himmel og jord, end øjet ser...Kollaps eller ej, Oktober måned bliver skelsættende for os alle...)

28-09-2016 07:29:24

Banker/Nordnet: Deutsche Bank-kollaps vil give genlyd og kursfald

Hvis den tyske storbank Deutsche Bank mere end blot skælver, vil det give genlyd og kursfald.

Det konstaterer investeringsøkonom i Nordnet Per Hansen i en kommentar.

Deutsche Bank er for øjeblikket ramt af forlydender om, at banken mangler kapital grundet store bøder og andre krav med banken. Aktiekursen på bankens aktier er i bundrekord og lavere, end da finanskrisen var på sit højeste.

- Et kollaps i Deutsche Bank vil ikke kun give meget store dønninger på aktiemarkederne, men ryste den finansielle sektor og bankerne generelt. Det vil også kunne mærkes i Danmark, skriver han.
Investorerne bør frygte for udviklingen i Deutsche Bank af flere grunde, påpeger investeringsøkonomen.

1) Udfordringerne med hensyn til Deutsche Bank har været et 5-6 års problematisk fænomen, konstaterer Per Hansen, og det er derfor ikke en nyhed.
- Men kommer den tyske storbank i "eksistentielle udfordringer", vil det alligevel have en effekt af overraskelse, da der er en betydelig forskel mellem "udfordret og faldende aktiekurs" og "eksistentiel udfordret", vurderer økonomen.

2) Deutsche Bank fået en bøde fra USA på 14 mia. dollar, som de ifølge Per Hansen ikke kan - eller agter - at betale. Han vurderer det realistisk, at der bliver indgået et forlig.

3) Hvis problemerne bliver endnu større og tydeligere, bliver Tyskland nødsaget til at finde en løsning, som også indbefatter staten, men det er muligt, at investorernes værdier bliver helt eller delvist udvandet.

4) Markedsværdien af Deutsche Banks aktier er aktuelt lige omkring 100 mia. kr. Det nærmer sig halvdelen af markedsværdien af Danske Bank og i overkanten af en tredjedel af Nordea.....

Læs videre: http://www.euroinvestor.dk/nyheder/2016/09/28/banker-nordnet-deutsche-bank-kollaps-vil-give-genlyd-og-kursfald/13456729 

Udgivet først gang den 9. Septermber 2016 af Verdensalt

Højere selv er et begreb forbundet med flere trossystemer, men dens grundlæggende forudsætning beskriver et evigt, almægtig, bevidst og intelligent væsen, der er ens virkelige selv. Blavatsky formelt definerede det højere selv som "Atma den uadskillelige stråle af universet og en selv.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higher_self
Dit Højere Selv er dig. Dit Højere Selv er den virkelige dig, din samlede sjæle-bevidsthed. Den del af DIG der lever her på Jorden er blot en projektion af bevidsthed i dit Højere Selv. Dit Højere Selv er den mere komplette del af dig, den ene, der ikke bliver frustreret over sløret, der trækkes ned over os, når vi inkarnerer, der får os til at glemme, hvor vi kom fra. Det højere selv er den ene del i din besiddelse af din åndelige kontrakt, den plan du har lavet for dig selv, før du inkarnerede. Dit Højere Selv besidder den guddommelige plan, selve brugsanvisningen over dit livs plan, i sin hule hånd.
Dit Højere Selv er som en tilbagetrukket bevidsthed, der tilbyder sin visdom og anvisninger om, hvor flasken peger hen. Sommetider kan disse retninger tage lang tid at komme igennem ind til dit underbevidsthed. Men der er måder at få adgang til visdom og dit Højere Selv direkte ved at omgå ens underbevidsthed.

Din Højere Selv er ikke "derude" i æteren omkring dig. Dit Højere Selv er dig, din bevidsthed, i din krop.

Det er kun dig, der sætter gang i hjulene og oplever, det du kom her for at lære, før du blev inkarneret, igen og igen. Det er dig, der har dine egne følelser, som reaktion på dine tanker, der skaber din virkelighed. Det er dig, der sætter det op som en mekanisme og kan bruge dem som en 
"spiritual" feedback om, hvor du er på vej hen, i dit liv.
Fik lidt hjælp fra min holistiske læge til, at spørge ind til større begivenheder som påvirker os globalt. Og nej, jeg er ikke Nostradamus, men lytter og stoler på mine intuitioner, hvad mine skytsengle og Højere Selv fortæller mig.  
  • September - Store økonomiske reformer. Mellem den 25. Sept og 30. Sept 2016 vil der ske to ting. (PS: Du skal ikke regne med nogen officielle udmeldinger af nogen slags)
    • Frigivelse af humanitære støttefonde (Nok de aller vigtigste historiske obligationer og værdipapirer som efter sigende har svimlende værdier når de bliver frigivet til de humanitære støttefonde. Med andre ord - Projekter/Ideer der delvis eller helt vil hjælpe menneskeheden)

    • RV/GCR - Global Currency Reset (nulstilling & afvikling af samtlige landes valutas værdi af den globale valuta ) 
      • RV - ( er ikke en svækkelse eller deprecieret eller nedskrivningen af et lands valuta. Det er en afvikling og revaluering af et 'lands' nuværende valuta værdi, for at gøre den mere attraktiv på det globale valutamarked, men samtidig understøttes/opbakkes af til enhver tid gældende reservebeholdning af det enkelt lands Guld, Sølv, ædelsten, mineraler m.m. Dermed får papirpenge sin rigtighed igen, i form af råvare penge ( penge som er baseret på en værdifuld handelsvare)   
Lad os antage, at DONG/VND bliver nustillet og afviklet. Se på den ophedet debat som netop sker mht. Nordkorea der på sin nationaldag fejrer med atomprøvesprængning og alle verdens ledere og danske fordømmer det. Ved vi, med sikkerhed, at der er sket en nuclear atomprøvesprængning? Vidste du, efter anden verdenskrig 1945 -1998 er der fortaget 2400 nuclear atmosfæriske bombe tests udført at vestens ledere og det militær-industrielle kompleks. Tror du lungekræft kommer af tobak... Tro om igen, det er plutonium-239. Risikoen for lungekræft stiger, når den samlede stråledosis svarende til en inhaleret mængde plutonium der overstiger 400 mSv. Det kommer blandt andet fra atomvåben og reaktorer rundt om i verden...



Læs mere af de seneste Nyheder omkring Red og Blue Dragon Familien her fra Cobra: http://www.verdensalt.dk/2015/02/kort-situationsopdatering-pa-kloden_20.html#more

Elders http://globalslaves.blogspot.dk/2012/01/trillion-dollar-lawsuit-against.html
Dragon Family - Kinetiske White Dragon Samfund,  allierede til at indlede den globale valutanulstilling
Asian Royal Elders = Del af Dragon Familierne, (Black, Red, Green, Blue, White Dragons)
The Ambassador: Skulle være officiel talsmand for Royal Dragon Familien, høj placeret familiemedlem.
Grandfather: (Elders #1-M1) Første kinetiske Jade Emperor i den Japanske eller Kinesiske aristokratiske familier, der styrrer hele operationen omkring frigivelse og forhandlingerne med Støttefondene og nye finansielle system m.m.
=M1 (the alleged appointed controller and signatory for the Global Collateral Accounts)

Læs videre på Finansielle Akronymer

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Benjamin Fulford partial update - Oct 3, 2016 CET (※Weekly geo-political news and analysis) (excerpts: ".... new financial system that is will replace the fraudulent and defunct Federal Reserve Board, possibly as early as this month. The voting rights in the new system will be allocated as follows: with China getting......20.09%, The Republic of the United States of America 17.89%, the EU 11.61%, Russia 7.53%, India 4.1% and Japan 3.79%. These are the same proportions as the carbon rights issued by the COP21 agreement which was more about a new financial system than it was about carbon. The agreement will become law when 55 countries accounting for at least 55% of global carbon emissions ratify. That threshold will be passed when the EU ratifies which their government promises to do by the end of this month. “The new October fiscal year coincides with the Jewish New Year, China’s national day, and the collapse of Deutschebank as the yuan becomes a gold-backed, convertible international reserve currency in the new financial system,” Pentagon sources say. This is what is really behind the official inclusion, starting.... [READ MORE])

Hvem er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler 4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent for Knight Ridder, Den Internationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine, hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i 2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007.

Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier. 

Document dump shows Federal Reserve Board based on outright fraud

Udgivet af Benjamin den 3. Oktober 2016 (This time, took the liberty to copy from sitsshow blog)

Documents leaked by US government personnel reveal in detail how the owners of Federal Reserve Board created the 2008 Lehman crisis as a way to steal vast sums from the people of the planet.

The documents show how an Indonesian by the name of Yohannes Riyadi used 700 tons of gold that originally belonged for former Indonesian President Soekarno to back a US$500 billion bond issue. This money was used to bribe senior Indonesian government officials, according to CIA officials based in Asia.

The 700 tons gold was then magically transformed by Khazarian mafia employed forgerer and fraudster Wilfredo Saurin into 750,000 tons of gold backed certificates, the sources say. J.P. Morgan Chase Bank then took the “750,000 metric tons” and sent the rights to the gold to the Royal Bank of Scotland, with payments going to HSBC holdings before the “gold” ended up at the Federal Reserve Board who then transformed the gold into dollars in a sort of reverse alchemy.

Related Fed Official Confesses Fed Rigged Stock Market - Crash Certain in 2016

The 23 trillion dollars thus magically created were used by the owners of the Federal Reserve Board to buy on the cheap assets around the world whose value had crashed because of the engineered Lehman shock crash, the sources say. “This has amounted to the largest criminal theft of global assets in history using digital money created on computers, backed by nonexistent Gold,” was how one CIA officer described the scam. This huge fraud vastly increased the concentration of the Khazarian mafia’s ownership of the world’s corporations and assets.

Various documents related to this fraud, including copies of the SWIFT transaction documents, can be seen below in the subscription portion of this blog and will be made available free of charge to the general public on Thursday, October 6th. 

[This article will be updated on that day with the documents just described.]

As this document release illustrates, action against the Khazarian mafia and their Federal Reserve Board based fraudulent financial system is escalating. That is probably why document shredding trucks were seen parked in front of the Fed’s New York headquarters last week.
Just Spotted In Front Of The New York Fed | Zero Hedge


Three months later, the shredders are back…


There can be no doubt about it, the New York Federal Reserve bank is a crime scene and evidence is being destroyed.

The Pentagon meanwhile, has released more details about the new financial system that is will replace the fraudulent and defunct Federal Reserve Board, possibly as early as this month. The voting rights in the new system will be allocated as follows: with China getting......

( Below this line, is paid members only - please respect the author) 

US, NATO Preparing Unmanned Sixth Generation Fighter Jet Armed With Lasers (Blogger: Danish Defence Industry will poop their pants when this news reaches their desk, because that will mean, Denmark's officially agreement to buy 27 F-35A joint strike fighters to replace its fleet of aging F-16s, will be outdated. Unmanned sixth generation fighter Jet armed with lasers, will simple be 'The New Black', F-35 will smells like hot garbage! Please remember, US are in a rush, due to Russia and China superiority. Denmarks choice on F-35, with maintenance it could run as high as 100 billion kroner ($15 billion) of taxpayers money, simple down the drain!!. Danish F-35 to be delivered between 2020-2024, however, the international capacity will be increased continuously until 2027 and not in use before that time, when the government expects full capacity to participate in international missions. We understand from Pentagon weapons tester, that F-35 fighter jet has 'significant' problems already...God Bless America and our danish competent politicians...)

21:14 02.10.2016(updated 04:30 03.10.2016)

The Western defense coalition is already planning on its sixth-generation fleet of fighter jets to counter the aviation advances made by Russia and China in recent years.

The United States and its NATO allies have begun the planning stage for its next generation fighter jets in a bid to ensure lasting air superiority over novel fifth-generation Russian and Chinese fighter jets with a view for producing the next generation combat aircraft in the early 2030s.

While the West has long held the mantle on stealth designed fighter jets starting with the F-22 Raptor and subsequently the F-35 Lightning, both China and Russia’s defense aviation industries have caught up to the United States in recent years with the unleashing of the Chengdu J-20 and the Russian T-50 (PAK-FA) which pose a significant threat to NATO’s longstanding aerial dominance.

The urgency in developing the latest generation in fighter jet technology comes at a time when the West finds its relations with both China and Russia deteriorating after a number of invasive steps by the United States including the so-called "Pivot to Asia" designed to encircle and isolate Beijing as well as the rampant build up in force along Russia’s border during the "summer of provocation."

Urgency is quickly turning into rampant panic as rhetoric between the United States and Russia has quickly escalated to levels never before seen even during the Cold War era sparked in large part to political campaign tactics in the US presidential election that has focused on maligning Moscow as the cause of any disruption and a tool to smear opponents through association with the anti-Russia grandstanding building to a crescendo in recent weeks over the crisis in Syria.

For now, the F-35 appears to be the only game in town for the United States and its allies in Europe and Asia with the much vaunted F-22 production cycle discontinued years ago with European powers increasingly looking for an unmanned fighter jet variant to replace such stalwarts of the sky as France’s Rafale and Germany’s Tornado IDS.

The final features that will define the sixth-generation fighter jet remain unknown to the public at the moment, but analysts believe that tomorrow’s fighter jets will be unmanned (and potentially autonomous) featuring laser weapons with "aircraft skins that act as sensors and antennas" as the defense aviation arms race looks to march on for at least the next two decades.




US, NATO means US, US

Endnu en bankskandale: Landets fem største banker har ikke styr på kreditgivningen til boligejere i storbyerne, fastslår Finanstilsynet i ny undersøgelse ("..Både Danske Bank, Nordea, Nykredit, Jyske Bank og Sydbank har »mange fejl eller mangler« i beslutningsgrundlaget, fastslår Finanstilsynet. Mest grelt er det i Jyske Bank og Sydbank, hvor der er væsentlige fejl i 28 pct. af bevillingerne..")

Der er kritik til alle de store banker i en ny undersøgelse fra Finanstilsynet, men specielt Sydbank og Jyske Bank, der har Anders Dam i spidsen, står for skud.

Finanstilsynet revser Jyske Bank og Sydbank: I har væsentlige fejl ved hvert fjerde boliglån

Privatøkonomi - 03.10.2016 kl. 13:50 ARTIKLEN OPDATERES
Landets fem største banker har ikke styr på kreditgivningen til boligejere i storbyerne, fastslår Finanstilsynet i ny undersøgelse.

Telegraph: Qatari funds nurse €1bn loss on Deutsche Bank stake - It’s not just Deutsche. European banking is utterly broken

It’s not just Deutsche. European banking is utterly broken

From telegraph.co.uk

A little while back I somewhat unwisely penned a column declaring the financial crisis essentially over. All I meant by this was that with the return of full employment and rising living standards, most of the economic wounds of the crisis had healed, at least in the US and the UK. Yet as is evident from the events of the last week, the banking crisis itself is far from over. Nine years after the initial eruption, it still rumbles on, with the epicentre now moved from the US to Europe. Only it’s not the same crisis; in large measure, it is completely different. Today’s mayhem is not so much the result of reckless bankers and people ... (full story

Qatari funds nurse €1bn loss on Deutsche Bank stake


From telegraph.co.uk

Qatari funds are nursing a €1bn loss on their investments in Deutsche Bank, after a 60pc rout in the troubled German lender’s stock price since they backed a massive fund-raising two years ago.
Paramount Services Holdings and Supreme Universal Holdings have owned a combined stake of 6pc of the bank since mid-2014, buying in when the shares cost just over €25. The Qataris were among a group of investors that Deutsche tapped for €8.5bn to bolster its balance sheet.
The funds added to their stake in July boosting their holding to almost 10pc, when the price stood at €13... (full story

Collapse of Dollar and Rise of Gold | Jim Willie

Published on Sep 30, 2016
Jim Willie’s forecasts currently playing out:
– NATO is fracturing ►1:34
– Russia and China are totally capturing Greece and Turkey ►6:07
– EU commission becomes ignored and are becoming irrelevant ►8:51
– RMB short term note will be launched with a gold backing that kills the US treasury bill ►13:17
– IMF to back the SDR with gold ►21:54
– Saudi oil sales and the death of the petrodollar ►30:03
Past forcastes that played out or are becoming true:
– Saudis to accept RMB currency from China (not quite yet, but OPEC nations in Nigeria & Algeria already) ►40:53
– The US goverment confiscation of pension funds (in steps) (seen with US goverment worker pensions, lately with money market funds)
– USTreasury Bond 10-yr yield decline to 1.5%, and later to 1.0% (first part done, second part in progress) ►53:38
– SUBSCRIBE (it’s FREE!) to “Finance and Liberty” for more interviews and financial insight ►http://bit.ly/Subscription-Link
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– Title and video graphics by Josiah Johnson Studios ►http://JosiahJohnsonStudios.com
– Sponsors: http://SilverDoctors.com & http://ReluctantPreppers.com

source: http://www.stage2omega.com/collapse-of-dollar-and-rise-of-gold-jim-willie/

BREAKING: US said to have paid $500m for fake al-Qaeda-style propaganda videos. Pentagon contracted controversial British PR agency to run ‘covert’ media campaign during Iraq war, new report says

In this June 18, 2003 file photo, US soldiers prevent former Iraqi soldiers from trying to enter the American headquarters during a deadly demonstration in Baghdad, Iraq. (AP Photo/Victor R. Caivano, File)

October 2, 2016, 11:36 pm

The United States reportedly shelled out over half a billion dollars to a controversial British PR firm to run a top secret propaganda campaign in Iraq after the 2003 invasion by US-led coalition forces. 

read more: http://www.timesofisrael.com/us-said-to-have-paid-500m-for-fake-al-qaeda-style-propaganda-videos/

Holistic Doctor Death Series (Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News peaking to thousands on Holistic Doctor Death Series - Give it a chance. Blogger: Remember the anonymous & well-known alternative medicine/holistic doctors that has been reported missing or dead due to a coincidental discovery of the enzyme "Nagalase" which Inhibits the Power of GcMAF to fight Cancer and Autism? dead doctors...Nagalase linked to newborn vaccines...destroying DNA - WARNING: The research is proving that hospitals are participating in an effort to destroy the DNA genetic structures in newborns by giving vaccines laced with Nagalase. The newborns are screaming for hours after their shots from swelling of the brain tissue. Nurses are the "idiots in charge" who do as they are told for a paycheck...Another thing is use of Cannabis ...You can research on my blog....)

Published on Oct 2, 2016

Alien hunters spot mysterious glowing orb on International Space Station livestream before NASA cuts the camera feed (VIDEO)


  • The tadpole-shaped illumination was caught on livestream before it cut off
  • Stills from the footage show a strange blue object hovering in atmosphere
  • UFO hunter who uploaded images insisted light was not a camera glitch

Konference om CETA og TTIP 2016: Videoer fra 7. sep. på Christiansborg

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards / Mit freundlichen Grüssen

Charlotte Ryø

‘October Surprise’? Wikileaks’ Assange Plans Tuesday Video Appearance After First Canceling Due to ‘Security Concerns’ (Blogger: Did infact Hillary “Rotten” Clinton threaten Assange and his team? New Intel tells us, Clinton campaign admits Hillary used same Tax Avoidance "Scheme" as Trump. How come Deutche Bank (German stock market closed monday) is now +8%, against minus 7% from morning (acc. to danish Ugebrev, everything is honky dory!)? But in real life, German DAX Index is bouncing between two important trendlines - German stocks are hanging by a Thread. What about Deutsche Bank clients unable to access cash due to "IT Outage" this morning or the fact, that Italy have sued executive management in Deutsche(THEY MUST STOP THE RUN ON CASH:THIS IS 'A BIG DEA'L AND WILL AFFECT THE US TOO BIG TO FAIL BANKS VERY SOON) We also see Saudi stocks crash near 7 year lows, but, Ruble at 11-mo high, and last and not least, danish foreign minister Kristian Jensen warns Russia & Putin arrests to be convicted by a war court... still nothing in the mass media outlets...We are being played, can't you see it?? CMON. Wake up!!!)

By Heat Street Staff | 12:56 pm, October 2, 2016

UPDATED: After canceling a planned announcement in London, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is now planning to appear via video link Tuesday morning at Wikileak’s tenth anniversary celebration in Berlin. He’s a last-minute addition to the roster of festivities taking place this week in Germany.
Wikileaks used its Facebook page to confirm that Assange would speak at the event, which takes place at 3am Eastern time.

Sources close to the event tell Heat Street that Assange may be planning to release some new information his organization has obtained about the U.S. Democratic Party. But Heat Street has yet to receive independent confirmation that Assange plans to dump information specifically on Hillary Clinton.

The news that Assange plans to appear (remotely) in Berlin comes after Wikileaks abruptly canceled a much-anticipated announcement in London that was to be made from the balcony of London’s

Ecuadorian Embassy, where Assange has sought sanctuary for years. The cancelation was first reported by NBC News. According to NBC’s Jesse Rodriguez, the announcement was canceled due to “security concerns”.

There had been widespread anticipating that Tuesday’s announcement might have been Assange’s long-promised document dump on Hillary Clinton.

Benjamin Fulford will be speaking at a live event in Montreal Canada on October 15-16. (Birth of a Republic Conference: Investing in our Future)

Birth of a Republic: Investing in our Future

October 15-16, 2016
Downtown Montréal
Exact venue to be confirmed on Oct. 1st

Special guests:
Benjamin Fulford – For the first time in North America!
Irene Maus-Gravenorst – Squamish Sovereign Government of Vancouver
And many other patriots from Canada and the United-States to be confirmed on Oct. 1st.

Download the Program here >>>

Absolut Most-See: GaiaTV: Open Mind Conference 2016 - watch or re-watch the lectures: Dana Durnford (CA) "FUKUSHIMA - The Biggest Betrayal Of Academics In History & Death of The Pacific (Blogger: Actually, i got sick hearing about this - really! Ofcourse i was uptodate on the matter in hand, however listen to Dana Durnford on Skype, sitting in the room at open mind conference while Dana was pouring his soul out, his life and blood by diving in oceans and the oceanic life - dead and gone -. He got ridiculed by his former teammates, treats to his life by all authorities, arrested many, many times for speaking the truth about FUKUSHIMA! He was seriously injured in 2001 after 128 days of open ocean diving. He has devoted all his time and all his money researching nuclear and depleted uranium in military conflicts. He was simple trying to explain, why, one of 'the most' devastating tsunamis caused Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear world wide catastrophic impact to every single species in Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and beyond. Also insects, birds, mammals and marine life has been affected. But, it was too much for me. I almost burst into tears... If You want to know the REAL truth, listen carefull to Dana Durnford testimony.. you will understand the importance to love nature, fight back and preserve life on this planet, for good...)


(Translated from Danish) Now you can watch or re-watch the lectures from Open mind Conference 2016 via our online archive. The address is - http://www.gaiatv.dk/da/omc - where you click on the "File" then click on "Open Mind Conference DK 2016" and then click on one of the lectures in the submenu:

It is important that you click fully into the submenu or you will not see a lecture. The summary page shows yet the lectures, so use the submenu.

We will send right now live from the conference's second day (Sunday) and you can follow here: https://omc.gaiatv.dk

We have much use for donations, if we continue to be able to offer live broadcasts and could put the programs into an online archive. We have many expenses at it and it could be really great if I wanted to make a donation :-) Donations received heart's like the MobilePay No. 29 16 44 55. In advance many thanks for your support :-)

Dana Durnford (CA) "FUKUSHIMA - The Biggest Betrayal Of Academics In History & Death of The Pacific Ocean"

Dana Durnford (CA) (Skype lecture)


Dana"Fukushima – The Biggest Betrayal of Academics in the History & Death of the Pacific Ocean" Directly from Canada on a 45 min. Skype lecture, activist and researcher Dana Durnford will explain how the Fukushima Nuclear accident has affected all life in the Pacific Ocean and how it continues to do so.
Dana Durnford currently lives in Canada and calls himself a Nuclear Proctologist. He has been studying the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans for over 25 years. He has been the skipper and lead diver on over a dozen commercial diving vessels and has done over 14,000 commercial deep-sea diving hours.
For the past 8 years, he has been researching nuclear and depleted uranium in military conflicts. Dana Durnford is an activist and researcher on the Fukushima impact on the Canadian pacific coastline.

From 2014 to 2015, he spent 260 days exploring and documenting the British Columbia tidal pools in Canada, covering over 15,000 miles boat. What he discovered was that insects, birds, mammals and marine life along the British Columbia Coast are being threatened with extinction.
Dana Durnford has a live show on YouTube 6 days a week, which aims to educate people worldwide and to use knowledge and compassion to empower them.


Fukushima Radiation Has Contaminated The Entire Pacific Ocean – And It’s Going To Get Worse

Credit – NOAA

Ouch!!!Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee: Putin suspends Russia-US deal on disposal of plutonium from decommissioned nuclear warheads over hostile US actions

CERN scientist “I can chart every emotional experience you’ve had (encoded in your DNA), and deactivate them."

Catherine Demetriades has four PhDs, speaks five languages and is a scientist at CERN (Photo: Screen grab Sigmalive)
 The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Posted By: AndiV
Date: Sunday, 2-Oct-2016 23:48:18
Faraag said they came up with AutiZmo while sharing ideas. “We were joking around and saying wouldn’t it be nice if there was a robot you could tell your problems to and find a solution and Cat said she could do that,” he told the Sunday Mail.

Demetriades had already invented a system that could run such scans, and the idea developed to put that ‘brain’ into an affordable robot that families with autistic children could acquire.

“We want it in homes. We don’t want it complicated… AutiZmo will be part of the family and we want him small enough so people can carry him,” said Demetriades.

The system it will run on is called SMART, which stands for ‘stored memory access retrieval technique’ and is based on DNA sequencing.

“I can chart and measure every emotional experience you’ve had in your life and the life stories that are encoded into your DNA, decode and deactivate them,” Demetriades said.

Insane Saudies: Cash-strapped Saudi Arabia switches to Gregorian calendar to pay civil servants less (Blogger: Cabal Western leaders most popular retreat »Saudi Arabia« - Greedy, oppression, rude, violent, brutal dictatorship that lashes-democracy activists, behead opponents of the government, leaving the country's princes throw millions by Islamic State and other extremists, as well as a large number of Saudis treat poor expatriate workers in Saudi Arabia as animals. Saudi "morality police" (mutawas) makes frequently woman arrests, rapes and innocent womans thrown into prisonon for smallest "crimes" on suspicion of prostitution etc. Washington let Saudi Arabia commit atrocities in Yemen, then strong-arm the UN into remaining silent. We also know they are accused, being the anonymous strawman/economic henchmen, behind 911. The cartel's shock agreement to limit production hasn't seen a big bounce on the market - recently trying to make a deal without the IEA, OPEC and OECD, to cut production, corner the market while Iran, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria and others all looking to increase production...I could go on and on and on..)

A Saudi man poses with Saudi riyal banknotes. © Faisal Al Nasser / Reuters
Saudi Arabian civil servants will lose 11 days of pay after the country switched to the Gregorian calendar, the predominant format for organizing time in the West. The switch is part of austerity measures meant to curb the budget deficit.

Previously, only the private sector of the Gulf monarchy used the Gregorian calendar of its oil customers to calculate salaries, while the public sector has used the Islamic lunar Hijri calendar since 1932. Under it, a year comprises of 12 months lasting 354 or 355 days, or 11 days shorter than the Gregorian calendar. The salaries are calculated on annual basis, so a longer year translates into less payment for the employees.

 Continue reading at.....https://www.rt.com/news/361408-saudi-arabia-austerity-calendar/

Endnu en bankskandale i Danmark: Landets fem største banker har ikke styr på kreditgivningen til boligejere i storbyerne, fastslår Finanstilsynet i ny undersøgelse ("..Både Danske Bank, Nordea, Nykredit, Jyske Bank og Sydbank har »mange fejl eller mangler« i beslutningsgrundlaget, fastslår Finanstilsynet. Mest grelt er det i Jyske Bank og Sydbank, hvor der er væsentlige fejl i 28 pct. af bevillingerne...")

Der er kritik til alle de store banker i en ny undersøgelse fra Finanstilsynet, men specielt Sydbank og Jyske Bank, der har Anders Dam i spidsen, står for skud.

Finanstilsynet revser Jyske Bank og Sydbank: I har væsentlige fejl ved hvert fjerde boliglån

Privatøkonomi -
Landets fem største banker har ikke styr på kreditgivningen til boligejere i storbyerne, fastslår Finanstilsynet i ny undersøgelse.

STOP OBLIGATORISK VACCINATION: HPV-vaccine i frit fald - stor sejr!! (Blogger: Både overlæge i Kræftens Bekæmpelse Ulla Axelsen samt Peder Jest, lægelig direktør på Odense Universitets Hospital advarer i kraftigste vendinger om bl.a. celleforandringer, forstadie til kræft og livsmoderhalskræft, hvis ikke man tager HPV-vaccinen (Det har et modsat fortegn). De glemmer blot, at snakke om bivirkningerne. STOP med at lytte til SSI, læger og Kræftens Bekæmpelse. De er udelukkende ansat til at sælge vacciner for det "medicinsk-industrielle kompleks" og tjener kassen på det... Vidste du, at HPV-vaccinen er udelukket baseret på nano-partikler/aluminium adjuvansen af metaller er så højt, det har en mulig livsvarig skadelig effekt på vores celler? Med andre ord, giftige toksiner som lægger sig til hvile i kroppen og kan forårsage store skader på unge teenagere som ikke har et fuldt udviklet immunforsvar? Andre bliver dødsyge mange, mange år efter som alle andre vacciner gør skade på os mennesker, tag bare influenzavaccination, som mange i USA er 'tvungen' til at tage imod. Vidste du, inden en baby er et par år gammel og bliver vaccineret(børnevaccinationsprogrammet), er alle vores børn ophobet med toksiner, nogle tungmetaller, mere end 38 forskellige slags, som langsom men sikkert forgifter og derfor kan vi blive syge 20-30 år efter. Har masser af artikler på min blog om emnet...Denne såkaldte possitive nyhed fra finansloven 2016, skal tages med et gram salt: Ifølge "Aftaler om finansloven for 2016" udarbejdet af Finansministeret anerkender staten nu åbenlyst, der kan være bivirkninger ved vaccinen. Derfor er satspuljepartierne enige om at afsætte midler i en pulje, der kan udmøntes til forskning for at opnå større viden om en eventuel årsagssammenhæng mellem HPV-vaccinen og alvorlige bivirkninger som f.eks. POTS, kronisk træthedssyndrom etc.. Homøopatiske vaccinationer er eneste alternativ eller opsøg nu en alternativ behandler og få behandlet dine traumer, fobier og chok fra din barndom...Detox, detox, detox)

Blandt kvinderne i årgang 2003 og frem er det kun 43 procent, der har takket ja til HPV-vaccinen. I tidligere årgange var det 90 procent. (Foto: Martin Ballund © Scanpix)

 HPV-vaccine i frit fald: Få piger lader sig stikkeUnder halvdelen af alle unge piger bliver i dag vaccineret med HPV-vaccinen. Det viser en ny opgørelse fra Statens Serums Institut



Lundbecks nye Guldæg hedder 'Cipralex'. Genmabs højtbesungne kræftmiddel "Daratumumab". Novozymes, samarbejdet med Monsanto om "landbrugsbakterier ". Novo's insulinmiddel 'Tresiba', biotek-selskabet Santaris Pharma 'LNA Platform'. I Cancerindustrien hedder det "Nagalase". Statens Guldæg er det "Statens Serum Institut (SSI)", en dansk ejet vaccinefabrik - lige nu 250 mio.kr. direkte i statskassen efter delsalg - Statens bedst bevarede indtægtskilde

Udgivet den 5. April 2016 af Verdensalt

Forord: Denne artikel tager som udgangspunkt i, at de fleste kendte former for medicin samt vacciner der fremstilles til mennesker har indlejret toksiner samt kemikalier der kan have en skadelig effekt og er et instrument for profit for en gigantisk international farmaceutisk industri som vil gøre alt i Deres magt, for at fastholde en konstant success rate, koste hvad det vil. Jeg vil forsøge at koble, en korrupt og bevidst, centralstyret, totalitære pengemaskine og hierarkisk opbygget vaccinesystem, hvor SSI og Sundhedsstyrelsen sidder øverst og forgrener sig til samtlige led i den danske sundhedssektor. Sundhedsstyrelsen er den øverste sundhedsfaglige myndighed i Danmark. Listen er anelang - Sundhedsstyrelsen hersker over - Regioner, kommuner, videnscentre, patientforeninger, brugerorganisationer, embedslæger, apoteker, sygeplejersker, tandlæger, praktiserende læger, psykiatere, journalister, lobbyister, fødevarestyrelsen, kræftens bekæmpelse , Miljøstyrelsen, Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut og Dansk Dermatologisk Selskab, trygfonden, Dansk Skoleidræt og bånd til den amerikanske sundhedsstyrelse(CDC) og jeg kunne blive ved... Som noget nyt, har lægemiddelstyrelsen/Sundhedsstyrelsen den 1. november 2014 ændret reglerne for sundhedspersoners samarbejde med lægemiddel- og medicovirksomheder - Uhhh - UG plus og hak opad.... Dog, viser det sig, gang på gang, at Sundhedsstyrelsen misinformere Folketinget og andre instanser og har tætte bånd til den nationale og den internationale farmaceutisk industri. Eksempler: her(EMF) her(Omniscan-skandalen), her(psykiatersagen), her(svinesmitte) og en bunke her.

Ifølge den globale rapport om korruption i 2016, topper Danmark listen som "MINDST korrupte land" foran Finland, Sverige og New Zealand

søgning GcMAF eller Nagalase
Det er meget, meget svært at få whistleblowere til at tale ud om det danske sundhedssystem, da risikoen for at miste sin levevej, sit omdømme og det er værre... Tænk på alle de holistiske læger som er slået ihjel i USA, samt forgiftet på en Tysk konference, og måske i Danmark også, fordi det er beviselig, at industrien har opfundet enzymet "Nagalase", der bevidst er syntetiseret i eller frigivet fra cancerceller eller en virus partikel. Sagt på en anden måde, enzymet 'Nagalase' undertrykker immunsystemet, ved at blokere syntesen af GcMAF(Som er et naturlig 'forsvar' i kroppen)

Den hidtil største 'scheme' i historiebøgerne, må være, at SSI/Sundhedsstyrelsen sammen med hele industrien i ryggen, nægter kategorisk, at der er sammenhængen mellem kviksølvholdige vacciner(thimerosal mfl.) og autisme.

Update: CDC is hiding a massive collection of damning scientific evidence proving vaccines are linked to autism... shocking details from the recorded phone calls of Dr. William Thompson

Læs videre: http://www.verdensalt.dk/2016/04/lundbecks-nye-guldg-hedder-cipralex.html


Why You Can’t Find Safe Vaccines

The very first vaccine was for smallpox. It turned out to be a disaster, increasing the death rates and incidence of smallpox, while causing numerous serious side effects.
Likewise, the polio vaccine is widely credited for eliminating polio in this country, while in reality, the polio vaccine caused an increase in polio rates, which was hidden from the public by a redefinition of the polio disease. [1]
The number of vaccines, with the health damage and deaths they cause, continues to grow.
Many of those opposed to vaccines are not opposed to the idea of preventing disease through vaccination, but want vaccines that are both safe and effective. The pharmaceutical companies have been unable to provide a single safe and effective vaccine.
Few people are aware of the fact that safe vaccines do exist. Homeopathic vaccinations have been proven to be safe, effective and inexpensive.
At first glance, a safe, cost-effective vaccination appear to be a good thing. Further investigation quickly uncovers that a low cost, effective homeopathic immunization threatens the huge profits of vaccine makers whose goals, like all corporations, are to profit as much as possible through selling their products, including vaccines, at the highest price possible.
Inexpensive, safe, effective alternative treatments in general are shunned and destroyed by our medical industry. This has been evident in the cancer industry and the widespread destruction of homeopathic practice in this country since the 1900s.

Continue reading at.....https://vactruth.com/2016/09/17/why-you-cant-find-safe-vaccines/

(E.T. Disclosure News) - Iraqi transport minister claims first airport was built 7,000 years ago in Iraq by ancient Sumerians

The Ziggurat of Ur, a Sumerian ruin in south Iraq Getty Images / iStock
An Iraqi minister has claimed that the ancient Sumerians traveled to Pluto in spaceships thousands of years ago.

Kazem Finjan, Iraq’s Transport Minister, told reporters in Dhi Qar, south Iraq, that the world’s first airport was built there in around 5,000 BC.

He said the ancient civilization of Sumer, one of the oldest known societies, used the airport for space exploration and even discovered Pluto, according to news website The New Arab.

Alongside a video of the news conference posted on Twitter, Hayder al-Khoei, a researcher at the Centre for Academic Shi’a Studies, wrote: “Awkward moment and I don't think anyone was brave enough to contradict him”.

It is believed that the Sumerians settled in the historical region of southern Mesopotamia, now south Iraq, in 5500 to 4000 BC, where they developed agriculture, trade and artisan skills such as weaving, metalwork and pottery.

The New Arab reported that Mr Finjan referred to the work of Russian professor and Sumerian expert Samuel Kramer, who studied the civilizations creation myths and wrote about their understanding of the solar system.
Many ancient ruins are found in Dhi Qar, such as the Sumerian cities of Eridu and Ur, home to ancient temple the Ziggurat of Ur, which was excavated in the 1930s and has since been partially restored.

“The first airport that was established on planet earth was in this place,” said Mr Finjan, according to the site Memo: Middle East Monitor.

Memo reported that the minister also claimed that the angels “were all Sumerian” and “Sumerian spaceships used to launch from here towards the other planets.”

It is commonly accepted that the first human in space was Russian Soviet pilot Yuri Gagarin, who made a 108-minute flight into the Earth’s orbit in 1961.

source: http://www.ascensionwithearth.com

Dansk Erhverv slår alarm. Skattetrykket når nye højder. Sådan bliver din familie ramt. Skattetrykket rammer det højeste niveau siden 2005 ("..Reformer har givet lavere skat på arbejde – men alligevel vokser skattetrykket igen og når op på 47,6 pct i år. Det svarer til en ekstraregning på 18.000 kr. for en familie på fire, viser beregninger fra Dansk Erhverv..Fra Dansk Industri, DI, kommer en melding, der ligger en del tættere på budskabet fra Dansk Erhverv. DI-vicedirektør Kent Damsgaard ­mener, at det er helt afgørende, at vi får sænket »de mest skadelige skatter- og afgifter, som i dag holder danske virksomheder og arbejdspladser tilbage«.")

Dansk Erhverv slår alarm over det stigende skattetryk, der ifølge interesseorganisationen stærker Danmarks vækstproblemer: »Når vi er helt derude, hvor vi har verdens største skattetryk, er skaden stor,« siger underdirektør Geert Laier Christensen, Dansk Erhverv. Arkivfoto: Flemming Krogh


Skattetrykket er spørgsmålet om, hvor mange penge regeringen får ind i skatter og afgifter sat i forhold til landets samlede produktion i form af BNP. Regeringen forudser i den seneste Økonomisk Redegørelse, at skattetrykket vil komme op på 47,6 pct. i 2016.

Dansk Erhverv har beregnet, at skattetrykket over de seneste årtier i gennemsnit har været 46,23 pct. Hvis regeringens forudsigelse om skattetrykket for i år holder stik, kommer skattetrykket i 2016 til at ligge en del over gennemsnittet.

[BREAKING NEWS: NOTHING in the mass media just yet!! Danish/Western controlled media outlets been muzzled - Deutsche Bank is toast!!, bankrott, finito, ruined, broke and finished] Some Deutsche Bank Clients Unable To Access Cash Due To "IT Outage" (Blogger: This could set off a sell off that sinks Hillary's campaign and the crumbling cabal Rothschild Empire.. Deutsche Bank affiliated financial institutions/European banks will be pulled down into the maelstrom across the globe..it's a simple matter of domino effect, one major player goes down, everybody follows. Germany will not help ailing lenders such as Deutsche Bank DB, That's a Fact!!.Commerzbank plans job cuts in biggest overhaul since bailout..)

Some Deutsche Bank Clients Unable To Access Cash Due To "IT Outage"

German Stocks Are Hanging By A Thread

The key German DAX Index is bouncing between two important trendlines.

All global equity eyes were on the stock of Deutsche Bank (DB) this week as folks opined on the company’s fate – and the effect therein on associated parties. We are bypassing the company as our Chart Of The Day as it has been sufficiently covered elsewhere (plus, we’ve been touching on the issue for months already). However, we are focusing on one byproduct (or victim) of DB’s roller coaster ride. The German stock market has been ebbing and flowing with each and every DB rumor this week. Interestingly, the German DAX has been doing so within the confines of 2 important trendlines, 1 long-term (Up) and 1 short-term (down).

Deutsche Bank suffered a further blow to its image over the weekend with a third alleged "IT outage" in the space of a few months on Saturday, that prevented some customers getting access to their money for a short time: "Customers can not access their cash because it is blocked", a customer complained to Germany's Handelsblatt.


[BREAKING NEWS: NOTHING in the mass media just yet!! Danish/Western controlled media outlets been muzzled] Deutsche Bank is toast!!, bankrott, finito, ruined, broke and finished. (Blogger: A judge in Milan has just scheduled a new trial on former managers of Deutsche Bank to begin in Milan on December 15, 2016 for colluding to falsify the accounts of Italy’s third-biggest bank, Monte Paschi. The fabricated report sourced by AFP which relied on Twitter as a source that the DOJ would reduce its RMBS settlement amount with Deutsche Bank from $14 billion(US fine, corresponds roughly to Deutsche Bank's market value) to below $6 billionhas backfired!!!(Cryan Hasn't Even Started Negotiations With The DOJ) [READ MORE]