Feb 25, 2022
⚠️⚔️👀 ~ (Dave's latest X22 Report very important says Dr. Charlie Ward) Ukraine Crisis - Gold Set To Soar? Goldbusters - 25th Feb 2022 (Simon Parkes) ~ | Blogger: NWO = Nazi World Order takedown in Ukraine DS stronghold, biolabs (hand-in-hand with China) and money-system. Russia (and Trump) eliminating Islamic state in middle east, (Atyrau / Kazakhstan) and the whole Deep State-Systems! Every truther has to watch this episode of X22... |
🙏 ~ 💝 (Guys, I need to get something off my chest!) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Pooh! Okay!. Touch times! I'm a very good, friendly polite person, but venting, is sometimes bad and bad energy is catching. Today, I've texted my sisters boyfriend about his Ukraine/Russian narrative. I tried to be funny and at least, not letting him know, I was a sneaky bastard, because they're so bloody "sensitive" (my sis and her 'soldier'). It didn't go as I hoped for but I learned like 99% of the rest of Danes, so so angry, that Putin, is considered the worst enemy in the world, killing innocents and filling coffins! I kinda knew the answer but in the beginning, we had the longest talks and mountain biking, I could (almost) talk about anything, including spiritually. In 2020, it all changed, after the Coronacrisis begun, he completely changed attitude and trusted every single rules and regulations, to the letter, no question asked. He wouldn't listen to anything, even if he's disgusted about our PM, because he's Nero-conservative. I'm talking about a man, who used to be a proff. soldier fighting for U.S. military. I'm not allowed to talk about it, because he thinks the state, comes after him, but he worked for beeep (something with Black in it and water) killing, everything that could crawl (he told me). A guy who has friends in high places, The Liberal Party of Denmark, Terma A/S, Danish Defence Intelligence Service, Police, Military and Freemasonry. Properly he knows exactly what happened to Mr. Findsen, but he's not talking to me at all. Anyways, sorry! I 'think' he respect me for being part my own sister and our family, but has no respect for me, not working, because he's obsessed, like so many others; No Jab No Play mentality. If you don't pay to society by having a 8-16 job, you are worthless to him and Denmark. I'm consider the little goat herder makes Darryl look like a welfare case - you understand? I try to explain to him, I still pay taxes, and what I do is for humanity and do not receive a dime, but he doesn't give a sh*t. I'm a nobody and even with 16 years of education and working since I was 15, with 20 years of spiritual work, i'm Cow POO - If you catch my drift! So, yes, being inside the so-called TRUTH-movement, can be extremely hard, but wait until, the world will explode after Putin (and Trump + off-worlders) is done! I still have some fight left in me and trust the path, but oh man - bite the bullet "fastest sleepers", the chickens will come home to roost! Making you and me feel shocked or appalled and sick, after it's discovered, we're all been lied to for a millennium... |
👫 ~ 💞 (Wauv! Makes me so excited for the future!) Twin Flame Ascension Report: Significance of 2.22.2022 Portal and 3.3.22 (Cosmic Gypsy + EOL) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉'This divine love template has always existed within humanity’s consciousness. We just had to reach vibrationally as a collective mass to align ourselves with this divine love template.' ~ Jenji and the White Wolf Tribe.👈] ... |
Dearest beautiful brothers and sisters,
Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time with much news to share with you ever-evolving humanity.
We have just collectively moved through the 22:2:2022 portal. I would like to now speak about the significance of this neurological portal.
The number two represents polarity, duality, and it also represents the coming together of polarity, particularly masculine and feminine.
This portal heralds the triumphant reunion of the divine love template back to humanity.
🔴🔮🧙♀️ ~ (White Hat Op! Option of Ten days of darkness! MSM is Dying a Slow dearth!) LIVESTREAM: WAR IN UKRAINE SPECIAL REPORT BY JANINE & JeanClaude@BeyondMystic ~ | Blogger: (SoTW outside this report) - just remember guys, Russia’s Foreign Ministry and Putin says it wants to end the 8-year bloodbath in Donbass that both Ukraine and the West turned a blind eye to. Putin has announced a ‘special military operation for de-militarization and de-nazification of ukraine’. Which basically means, destroying some Cabal hideouts and military's facilities. The world political leadership is struck dumb at the speed of the Ukrainian collapse, while world military leaders say 'I told you so' and media keeps the warhead intact of propaganda lies, one lie after another. The problem is, that most EU citizens are buying into the media, same people brainwashed by the Coronacrisis... Understandably, folks are very confused by the news they see out of Ukraine. The first thing we need to remember is that there are two versions of “the news”. There is the insider version for us, the awakened and those in the Q movement or Truth-movement, and there is the incredibly sensationalized, fear-inducing news from the lamestream because the cabal wants to start WWIII... |
😡🐦✨~ (Er du drevet af pligt, lyst eller vilje?) Ingen bør være alene, med at være alene: Kampen om at få frihed og retfærdighed for alle tilbage, demokrati og muligheder for, at kunne forbedre egne og ens børns levevilkår er drivkraftens magi (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Det er notorisk svært at foretage præcise beregninger af, hvor bred en støtte Sandhedsbevægelsen har i befolkningen. Det er en kendsgerning, at vi rummer så mange reinkarnationers følelsesmæssige og psykiske traumer og had, lige nu er det statsledere som Mørke-Mette eller Putin. I morgen nogle nye, og igen, frygter vi alle en verdensorden baseret på jungleloven. Sidder tit og tænker på verdensalt-bloggen, når man finder roen efter at have mistet de fleste venner, ens børn, kone og kærester, om det er det værd, at jage det enkle for mig, sandhedsbillede af en verden i fordærv uden vi kan ændre det? Vi kan ændre det, fordi, sandhed som begreb er noget vi alle intuitivt forstår, og vi bliver ikke klogere af at få det forklaret. Censurmedierne som fjerde statsmagts rolle, politiske organisationer og alle deres banditter i habitter, som enten ærkepatriotisk propagandistisk med en ukritisk holdning til amerikansk krigsførelse, eller nedladende menneskesyn til alle med anden køn, race, farve, sprog, religion, politisk eller anden overbevisning, national eller social oprindelse. Kan det være, vi bare ønsker os fremmedhadske som de perfekte med narcissistisk personlighedsforstyrrelse, uden empati og forståelse? Krig har altid præget menneskehedens historie, og krig er altid grusom, men hvorfor billigere vi mediernes forestilling om, at eks. vis. Putin "er Hitlers reinkarnation" (ukrainske landsholdsangriber Roman Zozulya fra tipsbladet). Du og jeg kan ikke sætter os ind i lande, som har følelser i glemme, når vi aldrig selv, har måtte kæmpe for noget som helst. Men måske har du og jeg ikke haft noget valg. Måske, skal man gemmeleve ulykkelig kærlighed, sorg og traumer i livet, for at nå til spirituel opvågning? Det er ikke længere et tabu at søge indsigt i spirituelle retninger. Det er næsten altid en krise, der får os til at skifte livsbane. Og hvis du er en af dem, som tror på, at Coronakrisen, er en stor fed løgn, fra ende til anden, hvorfor tror du så på, at Putin og russerne, og hvad danske medier fortæller, er rigtigt?... |
Glad og stolt at være spirituel opvågnen dansker uden spor af krigstraumer, eller propagandaopstød, for at sælge sin sjæl til frimurer medier som Dansk-ukrainske Irina influencer og realitystjerne Babushka-nikke-dukke og de andre Danske-Russere og Ukrainere som fremmer Putin-hadet (med al respekt).
De aner ikke hvad der er på spil under 8 års kamp, at slå mørke kræfter ned i Ukraine. Om hele menneskehedens "nye" spirituelle oplysningstid, den gamle 3D Moder Jords store sammenbrud, nedbryde de gamle systemer, for evigt...
https://www.tipsbladet.dk/nyhed/generelle/putin-er-hitlers-reinkarnation |
https://www.globalresearch.ca/putin-deftly-eludes-us-laid-war-trap/5771715 |
https://goldenageofgaia.com/2022/02/24/judith-kusel-the-great-collapse/ |
https://www.berlingske.dk/emne/ukraine |
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