Jul 2, 2020
🗞️🥳🧨 ~ SoTW's Special Teaser For Tomorrow! ~ | Blogger: To keep the number of articles or blog posts down to a minimum below 10 or so, here's what awaits you as of latest news and information: 👉How did the World go Crazy? Who Decided the Lockdown? Who Justified It? Who Thought It Up? Total Lockdown of the Population: History, Analysis and Prospects. "The Great Cancer Future"👉👉Lunar Eclipse Global Activations July 5th: Astronomers are predicting a unique celestial event on July 4th called a planet parade when planets line up in a row in the same area of the solar system. All the planets – Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will line up on one side of the Sun at the same time. The planets are arranging in a direct vector momentum into space that opens a gateway to a higher dimensional timeline👉👉👉Alert Tip #1 - My Daily Healthy Product Suggestions. Did you know that it has been proven, Colloidal Silver, are able to, in less than 6 minutes, to destroy over 650 different harmful organisms? In the Lucky Luke films or western films, the 19th century golden age, 'charlatan medicine sellers' are always luring the unsuspecting population with 'Snake Oil', wonder drugs that could cure everything from 'headaches to arthritis and paralysis'. Only, the 'miracle cure' worked 48 hours after taking the medicine, and then the seller was gone. However, there were inexpensive natural products that the Indians and Chinese used for several thousands of years, which were really healing... |
😒 ~ 🌟 Vilde målinger: AllesLandsmoderMette-Mus stråler ~ | Blogger: [👉#PolitiskBetaltSkønhedsMålingDJØFKvindeMafiaen: Landsmoder Jupiter Mette: I, danskere, har indgået en kontrakt med mig og dermed modtaget et diktat. Er det forstået?👈] ... 🧻Tuuuuuusinde tak Mette F., for snart 4 måneder tilbage, lukkede du landet ned, netop som 2 ægtepar var ved at underskrive købsaftalen på mit hus, men efter din tale, kørte de op i Netto i stedet, efter toiletpapir og gjorde mit hus, værdiløs... 📉Tuuuuuusinde tak Mette F., for at fortie sandheden om at hospitalerne, hvor coronaafsnit stod tomme, tusindvis af operationer blev udskudt, digitale klasserum på Zoom, free seating på jobbet blev til hjemmetjans, Smart City, 5G, Mobil Tracking og digitaliseringsstyrelsen's teknologi-bevægelsen »The Singularity« er nu 'normal' ... 💉Tuuuuuusinde tak Mette F., at du kræver 15 forskere, der alle har tilknytning til Københavns Universitet, Rockefeller Instituttet, Bill Gates og Bavarian Nordics, om at lave en global vaccine. Lægemiddelstyrelsen i Danmark har hastegodkendt de første ansøgninger om forsøg med medicin mod COVID-19 og test medicin.... ☠️Tuuuuuusinde tak Mette F., for at du har tilladt og kickstartet CIA / USAF chemtrails fly under dansk territorium, igen som muliggør spredning af Coronavira, hvis nu vi 'ikke' tager imod vaccinen... 😱Tuuuuuusinde tak Mette F., for at corona-skræmme-retorikken stadig sidder FAST i kødet hos mange og nu TØR 25.000 ansatte i regionen Syddanmark ikke at tage på udlandsferie i frarådede lande, ellers risikerer de én fyreseddel, mens "ferietopskatten" rammer stort set ALLE grupper. Nu er det blot sommerhuse og kroophold som er aktuelle, altså, er vi STADIG indespærret i DK - for ellers... 🤼Tuuuuuusinde tak Mette F., for at have fået skabt SPLID i befolkningen, borglammede Blå partier, medieredaktører, der kun TØR sige YES MA'AM. Hvem bestemmer? Din skygge-ministerium, fra påstået pjæk til depression, Sass Larsen, bedste veninde Barbara Bertelsen og din aller bedste buddy, Stabschef Martin Rossen, W.H.O., Bill Gates, ID2020, Event 201 og Rothschilderne?!. Hvad har du i støbeskeen omkring næste fase og anden bølge? Du tør ikke lukke landet ned igen, for så er du FÆRDIG, med skillingsviser og gårdsange i fællessang... 😋Tuuuuuusinde tak Mette F., for at have tvunget Kronprinsesse Mary til at sige hun glæder sig til en Vaccine og Du har eskaleret situationen til værre, nu skal alle kommuner, med mere end 20 smittetilfælde per 100.000 indbyggere, stats-personale testes hver anden uge, mens de smasker sig med 9 milliarder kroner til ekstra coronaudgifter samt CPH lufthavnen, snart diktere krav om CV-test...💲Tuuuuuusinde tak Mette F., for ALT! Hvad sker der, når restauranter, beværtninger, butikker, underholdnings- erhverv, fly- og rejseselskaber er direkte påvirket af påbud om midlertidig lukning eller rejserestriktioner, de går KONKURS, danskere fyres i tusindvis, og mange tvinges ned i løn. Alene 1. Juli 2020 fik 8.030 en FYRESEDDEL! 54.076 er blevet ledige under krisen, oplyser ministerium... 💸...🏅 Du burde indstilles til Fortjenstmedaljen i Guld💛... |
🚰🧑🚀 ~ Purifying water on the moon & solar arrays: NASA plugs $51mn into small business projects to aid mankind’s journey into space (RT) ~ | Blogger: It's funny really!... "Humans" or Darwin's "Homo sapiens" (Latin: “wise man”) the species to which all modern human beings belong, still think of themselves as the MASTER-RACE, who rules Mother GAIA, and keep pretending that "Earthlings" are the only "Living Entities" or "Humanoid Aliens" and "intelligent life" of living species in the vast and every expanding "Verse" with trillions upon trillions of stars and planets surrounding us! Buuttt, in Space, we're still in fact, a insignifiant eeny-weeny eetsy-peetsy tiny-winy little potion of a much larger complexed MASTER-piece of "Pure Source-Light" of millions of other lifeforms and advanced civilizations.... |
US space agency NASA is funding a range of new projects such as solar panels for use on the moon, air-taxi technology, in-situ water purification and compact sterilizer for space travel.
NASA has selected 409 tech proposals for funding from the agency’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. The ‘Phase I’ projects will receive up to $125,000 and include a variety of ideas and technologies that aim to benefit human space exploration.
This includes aiding NASA’s lauded next moon-landing mission, the Artemis program.
This includes aiding NASA’s lauded next moon-landing mission, the Artemis program.
🦠💉😷 ~ BioNTech and Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine shows potential in human trial (Reuters) ~ | Blogger: [👉SoTW think is was Simon Parkes who said in 2 of his latest video updates and I quote: "key players" that we know of, would LOVE to sell trillions of dollars of vaccines and the "difficulties" that would come to those, that would take this vaccine. DS failed Impeachment of POTUS or weaken United States or any other country economically, for take over and CV19 failed. Only thing left is Global vaccinations, but Trump with Warp Speed has with mix of military & civilian doctors started up on creating a vaccine, that are good, for everyone"👈] ... I truly wish that SP is right about his interpretations of world affairs, but I will NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS take any medications or vaccinations or wear a facemask, not if I can help it... |
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - A COVID-19 vaccine developed by German biotech firm BioNTech and U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has shown potential and was found to be well tolerated in early-stage human trials, the companies said on Wednesday.
🎪🤹♀️🤥 ~ Departementschefens afgang løser ikke Forsvarsministeriets tillidskrise (OLFI) ~ | Blogger: [🐇KYS, MEDSØSTRE & BIMBOER - MEN INGEN ÅNDSMENNESKER! IKKE SET SIDEN DEN SVENSKE REGERINGS-RÆVEKAGE BLEV DANNET AF USERIØSE POLITISKE 'QKVINS' TALENT-PULJE SAMT PROVO-PERNILLE👯♀️] ... Undskyld! Men jeg er ved at være trææææt af, vores folkevalgte entertainment af cirkusartister eller showfolk, især de kvindelige regeringsmedlemmer, er BORGLAMME og blot er "kransekagefigurer" i en gammel mandspræget "nye verdensorden"... I en meget kort fase i mit liv, var jeg en del af militæret... Nærmere bestemt, Militærpolitiet eller som pluto-pilot, (K9) på Flyvestation Værløse (Karup). Har været heldig, at bevogte Forsvarskommandoen (FKO). Som MP'er ved Flyvestation Værløse (NATO Redeployment Base-mobiliserings- flyveplads), har jeg personligt beskyttet og besøgt NATO's forsvarskomando (underjordiske Vedbækbunkeren) som nu er flyttet til CAOC Finderup. En del politiske (mørkelagt) VIP's lettede og landede på Flyvestationen, set en del tophemmelige ledere som susede igennem her, da det var hot (haft et par Lockdowns uden at bruge mit våben, heldigvis). Men, hvis jeg skal være helt ærlig, sker der INTET, i forhold til andre (udenlandske) militære anlæg. Vi er et meget lille land, men dog kan jeg med garanti sige, at PET, DIIS, FE, Terma A/S, Arktisk Kommando, DTU Space (m.fl) har (snablen) dybt, dybt begravet nede i de udenlandske (MI6, CIA, Mossad's) militære- og efterretningsvæsen (det militær-industrielle kompleks ). De er få, men Falske Flag begivenheder, er sket på dansk jord. Norge, kommer dog på førstepladsen, dernæst, Sverige (FF Ops)... Med filmen "Stay Behind - Min farfars hemmelige krig" og Ole Dammegårds omfattende research omkring hans egen danske far, der var hemmelig agent i CIA, så, kan du selv lave din egen - Ultimate Dot Connector...💣PS: Måske var Terrorangrebet den 22. juli 1985 i Danmark udført af "rigtige" terrorister, men der er så mange som stiller spørgsmål ved Terrorangrebene i København 2015 (som ligner 1985 til forveksling)... Terrorangrebene i Norge 22. juli 2011 er 100% et Falsk Flag, samt Angrebet i Stockholm 2017... |
🔴🎯😖 ~ BREAKING: Murder by Lockdown: Details from a Dozen Countries (Jon Rappoport) ~ | Blogger: [👉Excerpts: "The reference here is a stunning May 23 article by John Pospichal, “Questions for lockdown apologists,” posted at medium.com. Pospichal examined overall mortality numbers for Austria, Belgium, DENMARK, England and Wales, France, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ecuador, and New York City. “Surprisingly, however, these increases did not begin "BEFORE" the lockdowns were imposed, but "AFTER". Moreover, in almost every case, they began immediately AFTER. Often, mortality numbers were on a downward trend before suddenly reversing course AFTER LOCKDOWNS were decreed.” “THIS IS AN ASTONISHING FINDING…" ~ Jon Rappoport - American journalist👈] ... {WHAAAAAT!!!!} ... |
Make that 13, plus one city, New York
by Jon Rappoport
July 1, 2020
(To join our email list, click here.)
The reference here is a stunning May 23 article by John Pospichal, “Questions for lockdown apologists,” posted at medium.com.
(This is part-4 in the series, “Killing Old People”. For part-3, click here.)
Pospichal examined overall mortality numbers for Austria, Belgium, Denmark, England and Wales, France, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ecuador, and New York City.
Supported by charts, here are excerpts from his article:
“We now have mortality data for the first few months of 2020 for many countries, and, as you might expect, there were steep increases associated with the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in each one.”
“Surprisingly, however, these increases did not begin before the lockdowns were imposed, but after. Moreover, in almost every case, they began immediately after. Often, mortality numbers were on a downward trend before suddenly reversing course after lockdowns were decreed.”
“This is an astonishing finding…”
❌✴️🛡️ ~ Trump and Q on the Invisible Enemy – the Extraterrestrial Factor (Exopolitics.org) ~ | Blogger: [👉“No matter where you look, this is something—it’s an invisible enemy.” ~ Trump👈] ... "Is this what Trump is doing with his repeated references to an “invisible enemy” merely alluding to something so small it can’t be seen? Or is he referring to an invisible enemy that orchestrated the emergence of COVID-19? It’s clear from examining President Trump’s repeated references to an invisible enemy, and similar references by Q and Archbishop Vigano, that he is referring to the Deep State as the true threat to humanity. An examination of the individuals and groups comprising the Deep State reveals a significant extraterrestrial factor in its origins and operations. If Trump and White Hats succeed in defeating the Deep State, humanity will have freed itself of an ancient invisible enemy that has manipulated human affairs through contrived global events for centuries if not millennia. We are truly living in biblical times, as Archbishop Vigano asserts, where the children of light are locked in a spiritual war against the children of darkness." ~ Dr. Michael Salla Exopolitics.org... |
😂🤡🎭 ~ Sacha Baron Cohen accused of crashing right-wing rally in Olympia ~ | Blogger: OMG! No one in their right mind should turn violent and go ballistic over this english comedian! C'mon Trump/Obama/Clinton/Fauci fans! He's messing with your brain!... |
Source (KING 5)
Organizers of the "March for our Rights" rally believe the star of "Borat" got onstage and urged attendees to sing racist song lyrics
👼 ~ 💗 KRYON THE WINDS OF CHANGE PART 2 💕 ~ | Blogger: KRYON of magnetic service channeled by Lee Carroll talks about individuals and people who CREATED profound changes! Like Trump, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla and another wild card, Vera Rubin etc... Facts are facts... |
Source (Higher Self Healing)
🔮 ~ 💗 July 2020 Predictions and Spiritual Insights (Joni Patry Vedic Astrological) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [😮Waaauv!...Brace for Impact....Thx to Galactic Center🙇♂️].. |
Joni Patry lives in Dallas, Texas and is one of the most recognized teachers and Vedic astrologers in the world. She was a faculty member for ACVA, CVA and Instructor for online certification programs, published many books, journals and appeared on national and international television shows. As the keynote speaker for international conferences, she has a Japanese website, and teaches in Turkey and India. She has been awarded the 2015 Jyotish Star of the year and Dr B. V. Raman's Janma Shatamanothsava Award Jyotisha Choodamani. She publishes an online astrological magazine, Astrologic Magazine and has an online University for certification, the University of Vedic Astrology.
The world is dramatically changing; nothing will be the same. There is so much social unrest and people are fearful and concerned about the future. We will get through this but we must remain calm. Many are looking for guidance during these difficult times and if you are reading this now you are one of the many who must provide guidance to others and set the example. Times are going to get more extreme as we are in the phase of a depression now. I keep referring to the five stages of death and dying as defined by Elizabeth Kubler Ross, now called stages of grief. This process can be applied to any cathartic event in life. Whenever we receive difficult news, we go through a psychological process to adjust to the change. The five stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. This is happening globally as we deal with the COVID-19. In this process, I believe we have advanced to the stage of depression based on Saturn opposing the New Moon this month.
What stands out astrologically this month is that Saturn exactly opposes the New Moon in Cancer at 4 degrees. Rahu and Ketu are 4 degrees Gemini/Sagitarrius as well causing many unfavorable events as the planetary relationship is uncomfortable. Rahu aspects Saturn in a 6/8 (quincunx) relationship with Saturn. This is very concerning! Many feel there is no way out of the current turmoil and this is what causes a feeling of hopelessness and depression. The upcoming transits of Mars as it will turn retrograde will cause great pain and revert many deeply in the phase of anger. These phases can go back and forth until the final result is reached which is acceptance.
July 2020 Spiritual Insights
The world is dramatically changing; nothing will be the same. There is so much social unrest and people are fearful and concerned about the future. We will get through this but we must remain calm. Many are looking for guidance during these difficult times and if you are reading this now you are one of the many who must provide guidance to others and set the example. Times are going to get more extreme as we are in the phase of a depression now. I keep referring to the five stages of death and dying as defined by Elizabeth Kubler Ross, now called stages of grief. This process can be applied to any cathartic event in life. Whenever we receive difficult news, we go through a psychological process to adjust to the change. The five stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. This is happening globally as we deal with the COVID-19. In this process, I believe we have advanced to the stage of depression based on Saturn opposing the New Moon this month.
What stands out astrologically this month is that Saturn exactly opposes the New Moon in Cancer at 4 degrees. Rahu and Ketu are 4 degrees Gemini/Sagitarrius as well causing many unfavorable events as the planetary relationship is uncomfortable. Rahu aspects Saturn in a 6/8 (quincunx) relationship with Saturn. This is very concerning! Many feel there is no way out of the current turmoil and this is what causes a feeling of hopelessness and depression. The upcoming transits of Mars as it will turn retrograde will cause great pain and revert many deeply in the phase of anger. These phases can go back and forth until the final result is reached which is acceptance.
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