Apr 6, 2020
😲 ~ Åndelig fængsel, non-spirituelle danskere og Mette, høster roser, som var det Anker Jørgensen, der kunne gå på vandet ~ | Blogger: [🤪Ministeriet for gakkede gangarter. Hvad fanden sker der lige?🤔] ... {☝️ Husk lige på: "Licens er noget vi giver hinanden", "Skat - det er noget, vi ta'r fra hinanden!" og "COVID-19 er noget vi smitter hinanden med"☝️} ... Hjertelig tillykke til Socialakrobaterne, partisoldater, skygge-ministerium og spindoktorerne for have skabt så meget KAOS, at folk er rundforvirret😵... 🦵Mette F. får en klækkelig lønforhøjelse som er mangel på fingerspidsgefylen i landets værste krise, siden 1813's pengereformen, der blev kendt som statsbankerotten, hvor Danmark lånte af jødiske Nathan Mayer Rothschild, som siden, har tryllefanget verden, både som godsejer, finansiel rådgiver og bankchef i det danske hus, lige siden og Novo Nordisk, virksomheder og private aktører har fået fast sæde i regeringens kontroltårn, mens Partiledere ikke er blevet informeret om det... 🦵Partierne bliver ej heller inviteret indenfor, når Dannevang, skal delvis åbnes efter påsken, alle spørgsmål fra journalister bliver (aldrig) besvaret fyldestgørende og børn, internettrolde og overbetalte clickbait medier, siger samstemmende, at alle har STOR tillid til regeringens håndtering af Coronakrisen, bestilt til formålet... 🦵Alle taler og memes og opslag på sociale medier, bliver fabrikeret og bestilt til fordel for ministre via forfatterinden, Anita Furu, som tjener små, 1 mio. kr. om året og andre... 🦵HVAD ER strategien, kære venner? Flokimmunitet hvor vi smitter hinanden, op til 60% af befolkningen som er 3 millioner danskere eller en inddæmning, men ifølge Kåre Mølbak, er isolering og inddæmning af virus passé? Hvordan fanden skal vi eksekvere og kontrollere en 'flokimmunitet', kære mennesker? Via daginstitutioner og små klasser, som nu åbner efter Påsken? Hvis der er nogen som smitter hinanden, så er det sgu da børn og derefter går de hjem og smitter ALLE i Deres familier! Nåååå, det var også meningen.. 🦵Tør vi stole på de CV-tal som sundhedsmyndighederne gyllespreder, som var de en muteret smittebærende kyssesyge-virus?... 🦵Netop nu, har Sundhedsministeriet forlænget forbuddet mod forsamlinger på over ti personer til 18. april fra tidligere 14. april og Mette-mus, går på talerstolen, kl 20.00. Og hvad så? Det vidste vi da godt ville ske. Om 2 sekunder lukker Roskilde Festivalen efterfulgt af årets eksamener på skoler og gymnasier og alt bliver digitaliseret via Videoundervisning og videokonsultationer og pengeløst samfund med overvågning, bliver en realitet? Flere konkurser, flere ledige og små virksomheder bukker under, fordi, Mette og Rothschild, har en plan. Nej siger du, fortæl mig så, hvad DIN krystalkugle, siger om fremtiden?... 🦵Kære venner, INTET tyder fortsat på, at en bragende epidemi er under opsejling og slet ikke når varmen slår til, som netop nu... 🦵Sundhedsvæsen er IKKE presset på sin fulde kapacitet... 🦵Hvor er de POSITIVE historier henne? og om at mange, går fri for CV og er raske og sunde?... 🦵I 2017/18 kostede 1.644 danskere livet, men nærmest, forsvundet ud af sygdomsbilledet. Hvorfor?... 🦵De psykiatriske afdelinger står halvtomme og lægerne i almen praksis har efterspurgt andre patienttyper og hospitalerne har INTET at lave... 🦵 Vi lever under et samfund af bakterieforskrækkelse, resistente over for antibiotika, vores gamle frygt for farlige stoffer og bakterier, synlige eller ej, er kammet over... 🦵 HVORNÅR bliver DU som borger så hammerende frustreret over massehysteriet og nedsættende tale-voksen-til-barn, at du har fået nok og gør, oprør?... 🦵 Skal vi lukke ned igen i efteråret når en NY muteret biovåben bliver sluppet løs og det bliver koldt, eller er det bare den almindelige influenza, som er muteret?... GUD FADER BEVARE MIG VEL. HVILKEN KONGEDØMME AF NAIVE OG DUMME DANSKERE, SOM VI ALLE ER... |
※🔴Benjamin Fulford Partial Report | ~ Global System Collapse and Mass Arrests Proceeding; Reset Inevitable ~ | Weekly geo-political news and analysis |
Who is this Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (born 1961) is a journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.
Global System Collapse and Mass Arrests Proceeding; Reset Inevitable
Blogger: A far-fetched story!?... Yes I agree... Verdensalt has been following Fulford’s reports for some years, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment. BF seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface, but underneath in the intelligence services apparatus or underworld, more likely. It would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time. Especially after Cobra and David Wilcock and others latest outbreak of mistrust in BF postings... With that said, the world is unbelievable corrupted and nasty, it's sometimes hard after a man swallowed The Red Pill...
The use of the pandemic or “infodemic” to collapse the current world power structure is proceeding smoothly, many sources agree. There are multiple reports of mass arrests of elites. Some of these can be confirmed by news reports of leaders like German Chancellor Angela Merkel and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson being confined “because of coronavirus infection.” https://news.yahoo.com/merkel-isolating-pressure-mounts-her-040052387.html
The world is also about to find out that Angela Merkel is Adolf Hitler’s daughter. The Italians, who have just broken free of German (EU) control sent us a copy of the only known picture of Hitler with his daughter Angela. The message reads, “and when you grow up Angela, destroy all of Europe.”
Also, the White Dragon Society has contacted the U.S. Naval Base at Yokosuka, Japan to file war crimes charges against puppet Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for his role in the Fukushima mass murder and other crimes. Multiple, credible witnesses – including two former Prime Ministers – will ensure a guilty verdict. This has been made possible by the removal (at last) of top cabal agents in Japan like Richard Armitage and Michael Greenberg, Pentagon and CIA sources say. Abe, unlike his war criminal grandfather Kishi Nobosuke, will not escape justice. As the Japanese say: “Zama Miro.”
CIA sources in Asia confirmed this noting:
“The man in charge in Japan is on the list to be picked up during this round. The official story will be that he has tested positive for CV and is in self-quarantine. This is the code word being used once these satanic occult members are apprehended.“Meanwhile inside the U.S. ”it’s almost a certainty there will be a civil war and many will die,” CIA sources predict.
Here is what Pentagon sources had to say about the ongoing military campaign against the Satanic Khazarian mafia in the U.S.:
“As cabal underground bases are destroyed in Utah, New York, Idaho, California, and elsewhere…rescued children are getting aboard the Comfort and Mercy hospital ships, protected by marines.”(For those of you still unaware of the underground base combat going on please take a look at this 29-minute video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5cUsNTr4Yw&feature=youtu.be)
💌 ~ 💗 The Great Awakening is Happening! (VIDEO) 💕~ | Blogger: This is quite extraordinary and incredible times, we're all living in, right now.... And, even if Vidya Frazier is, let's say, Cobra inspired, it ALWAYS makes me happy to read her stuff... |
Published April 4, 2020 | By Vidya Frazier
It’s unbelievable. So much awakening is occurring across the planet! How long have we been waiting for these times — times in which humanity would finally be making a shift toward the Fifth Dimension? How long has that dimension seemed like some mystical land we might sometime in the distant future be able to enter?
And who would have predicted it would begin happening during a time of total crisis and chaos, like a virus epidemic that would come upon us so quickly, seemingly out of nowhere? And yet, here we are at that point now — global awakening is, at long last, occurring!
Yes, there are still great numbers of people world-wide who are completely unaware of what’s going on; they remain in fear and despair, clueless that humanity is being propelled forward to make a quantum leap in consciousness. Many of them may not choose to continue on this journey. Indeed, some of those dying of the virus at this time may be taking their leave now, before it gets too difficult for them to stay.
And yes, there is good reason for the panic and fear if you are in an area like New York City, in which the pandemic is raging out of control. What people in these kinds of places are experiencing is beyond-belief devastating; most of us can’t even imagine it. It’s heart-breaking to even simply witness the depth of suffering so many people are enduring.
But there is also a rapidly-expanding group of people who are waking up out of the fear and despair, even while within the tumultuous events they are experiencing and witnessing. They’re popping out of their habitual unconscious mindsets and discovering there is a whole lot more to life than they realized.
They’re waking up to the possibility that there’s more than just trying to create as comfortable life as possible for themselves and their families. They’re seeing there’s more than simply accepting, without question, life in a world that is totally unjust, controlled by a tiny elite group of people. They’re getting that there’s more than just waking up in the morning, going to work, watching TV, then going to bed.
It’s unbelievable. So much awakening is occurring across the planet! How long have we been waiting for these times — times in which humanity would finally be making a shift toward the Fifth Dimension? How long has that dimension seemed like some mystical land we might sometime in the distant future be able to enter?
And who would have predicted it would begin happening during a time of total crisis and chaos, like a virus epidemic that would come upon us so quickly, seemingly out of nowhere? And yet, here we are at that point now — global awakening is, at long last, occurring!
Yes, there are still great numbers of people world-wide who are completely unaware of what’s going on; they remain in fear and despair, clueless that humanity is being propelled forward to make a quantum leap in consciousness. Many of them may not choose to continue on this journey. Indeed, some of those dying of the virus at this time may be taking their leave now, before it gets too difficult for them to stay.
And yes, there is good reason for the panic and fear if you are in an area like New York City, in which the pandemic is raging out of control. What people in these kinds of places are experiencing is beyond-belief devastating; most of us can’t even imagine it. It’s heart-breaking to even simply witness the depth of suffering so many people are enduring.
So Many People Waking Up
But there is also a rapidly-expanding group of people who are waking up out of the fear and despair, even while within the tumultuous events they are experiencing and witnessing. They’re popping out of their habitual unconscious mindsets and discovering there is a whole lot more to life than they realized.
They’re waking up to the possibility that there’s more than just trying to create as comfortable life as possible for themselves and their families. They’re seeing there’s more than simply accepting, without question, life in a world that is totally unjust, controlled by a tiny elite group of people. They’re getting that there’s more than just waking up in the morning, going to work, watching TV, then going to bed.
🚓 ~ (Down Memory Lane) Road Trip USA 2019 : Spiritual Retreat, 3 States, 2000 Miles Round-Trip, Primary Objective, Sedona, AZ ~ | Blogger: [🧳We're back, we're bad, you're black, I'm mad🤪] ... In short, this time, i spent some time in the car, but it was worth it after search of awesome US hiking trails and mountain-biking. Unexpected sickness as it turned out to be, after 26 hours of no sleep, driving from L.A. to Primm, Jean and ghost-town, near Vegas. Not recommended in weekdays, no grocery stores, no shops, all restaurants closed at Hotel, a empty-hearted, Casino desert. I knew my cold was coming, a energetic relief & boost, since I was planing to visit a Master of (Choa Kok Sui) Pranic Healing retreat in Sedona at metaphysical B&B (Sedona Sacred Rocks). HIGHLY recommended... Next stop, before Sedona were hiking in Mojave National Preserve (Teutonia Peak Trail)... After that, Grand Canyon hike - wauv!.. Next, Flagstaff, Sunset Crater Volcano and the river of lava... Finally, Sedona, and unfortunately i didn't visit my friend, Rahelio Rodriguez, an native american shaman, to sick, but Superhost Meaghan and her team at the Airb&b toke me in their arms, which was formerly a Buddhist Retreat Center, rests on two secluded Red Rock acres adjoining two thousand acres of the Coconino National forest.. Many hikes at different places, it's a incredible place, Sedona - are the crystals, vortexes, UFOs and psychics of Sedona reality or lore? Nooo... The Vortex energy here is the most powerful anywhere on the planet, like Mt. Shasta and Mt. Adams (near ECETI Ranch - not been there yet)... For baffling and unforgettable UFO sightings, try "Sedona Ufo And Vortex Tours". Best and cheapest. Equipped with $5000 special forces military night vision goggles, turns night into day, besides we could hear or had warnings of rattlesnakes, javelinas, bobcats, wolves, foxes, coyotes and skunks, in the skies, we saw at least 30-40 objects, in 1 hour time, that was NOT planes, satellites and weatherballoons. Guide had satellitetracker and the equipment to make us, believers (seen UFO's many times before). Not long from old mining town of Jerome, between or next to Cathedral Rock Sedona Vortex - a feminine energy affecting both mind and body creating a cleansing experience, generating immense masses of energy and The airport mesa vortex energy, a masculine energy strengthening the internal spirit to take charge of their own lives, and live in self-confidence. Our guide, were claiming, that our UFO friends were attracted to the crystal gem and minerals in the area etc... Well, much could be said about Sedona, manage to spend a 4-6 hours of mountain-biking with a German guy and a US resident and to make it short, left Sedona, towards Los Algodones, which were a strange experience, like entering The Twilight Zone. US citizens only enter this place, of a population of 2500 Mexicans and 500 dental care shops, guess what (dental, optical & prostitution). Of course, i didn't do any of that, but cheap Mexican food and frozen Margarita's, both food drinks only at 4 bob... After a day of Yuma hiking trails, final stop were Palm Springs, used to have been Hollywood's desert playground for celebrities to relax and escape from the hustle and bustle of showbiz. Here, a few trips to Clara Burgess trail, in which i both walked and were running up and down in the mountain-belt, tough, but amazing experience... 🧭 PS: BACK AT HOME, in Denmark, entering a grocery store, people never smiles, nobody is talking, people are irritating of the staff, skipping queues, bumping into each-others, ruthless egocentric and has no moral or ethnics and no compassion for the fellow-citizens... O-M-G i miss America, already and their people... Thx to all the people i'll meet (over-there) and so grateful for the experience! Namaste!... |
🔔 ~ 💗 A powerful transmission is pouring through from Source love, asking us to assist humanity through this huge heart awakening that is unfolding now, all over the plane 💕 ~ | Blogger: I am filled with the deepest love and gratitude for Mei-lan sound healings... Reminds me on 2019 Sedona, AZ visit to a Master of (Choa Kok Sui) Pranic Healing retreat at metaphysical B&B (Sedona Sacred Rocks)... |
Mei-lan Maurits FB wall:
A powerful transmission is pouring through from Source love, asking us to assist humanity through this huge heart awakening that is unfolding now, all over the planet. 🌎
In this sound healing, I will guide you into the sacred space of the heart to fully release and let go of pain and hurt, so that you have space to receive an infinite flow of LOVE.
The specific tones and frequencies of this sacred transmission will assist you in moving through pain and anchoring love's power into your being. Allow this love to pour through you, to overflow, to burst forth, as a blessing for you, for the earth, for all of humanity.
I invite you to receive these sounds deeply, and allow them to perform miracles of healing on every level of your being. 💗
Your heart is awakening, beloved one.
You are infinitely worthy.
With all my heart,
~ Mei-lan
🕊️ ~ 💗 COBRA: Ascension Timeline / End of Coronavirus Meditation Preliminary Report 💕 ~ | Blogger: Can I get a Haaaaaallelujah...🤗🤩🙏... Thank you all! Victory of the Light!!!...|
Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog http://2012portal.blogspot.com; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.
Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.
We can keep surfing on the huge energy wave of Jupiter-Pluto conjunction and you can join the following activation later today and light a candle if you feel so guided:
This activation will be taking place today at 9 pm India Standard Time.
To find the correct time for your time zone, please click on the link below:
Victory of the Light!
This activation will be taking place today at 9 pm India Standard Time.
To find the correct time for your time zone, please click on the link below:
Victory of the Light!
🦠🤥😮 ~ Is There A Virus? - David Icke ~ | Blogger: [👉"We must turn over every stone, we must follow the evidence wherever it leads, and then base our conclusions on those facts alone." ~ SoTW👈] ... {DS NWO: Follow the Rothschild, Soros, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, World Economic Forum and Rockefeller Money} ... COVID-19 fake virus - i'm nooot saying it's true, it's something we cannot exclude either, as a possibility when we see SpaceX sending 42,000 satellites & 1 million small antennas for 5G Starlink internet networking around Earth, with approval of FCC and Bill Gates, to spend billions to produce 7 potential coronavirus vaccines, the 1929 Financial Collapse and Orwellian nightmare global control. Perhaps the White Hats has STOPPED the agenda, but SoTW looked at some intel from a highly reliable source within the COBRA organization (not Boris Johnsons' emergency committee, the 'real' Cobra2012 - the Resistance Movement)... (Jacqueline) has asked, WHAT IF, there's NO VIRUS... She is one of creators of "Connect2Life" movement and more and SoTW have heard if from many other people, except Simon Parkes, many are "starting" to put 2 and 2 together... Listen to David Icke's latest video and Dr. Shiva, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg or Vodafone boss (amazing video) and other sources, who are also asking the same question... As long as the govt are LYING, and evidence is hidden, who to TRUST, right?... ☝️ PS: I'm truly sorry to tell you this - many will be angry - but the Lame Stream Media is ramping up ALL the Democratic Female Countries Mother Saviours of our world; Danish PM, Mette Frederiksen, Norway's Erna Solberg, Queen Margrethe II and Queen Elizabeth II has NEVER in history, had more paying tributes and support to help us all, but also, control of the world, right now. People are DEMANDING answers and are in desperation SEEKING comfort of a MOTHER or a GIRL - the Green-Greta Thunberg-Thunder effect. SoTW has NOTHING against any soul on Earth I just don't like being LIED to... COVID-19…Is it a virus…do viruses exist? Is it the immune system reacting to 5G radiation poisoning appeared first on Vaccine Liberation Army.... PLEASE WAKE UP SHEEPERS!... |
🔴 ~ BREAKING GOOD: Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Sweden, has STOPPED "all" use of treatment with malaria medication, chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, because it could cause SEVERE side effects. Why the HECK is Trump, FDA & Alex Azar still saying it's 'miracle drug' when it could literary damage people for life? (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉"We cannot rule out that the treatment does more harm than good, says Magnus Gisslén at Sahlgrenska University Hospital."👈] .. |
🔴 ~ BREAKING GOOD: Slovenia Stops 5G Due to Health Risks ~ | Blogger: [👉"Why do you think 5G network is here and now? Because it stops or Pauses Humanity, to Evolve to next level in our Consciousness Evolution and Ascension Process." ~ SoTW👈] ... Can I get a Haaaaaallelujah...🤗🤩🙏... |
Source (5G Crisis)
The country of Slovenia has postponed the approval of spectrum to support 5G services until the effects of the technology on humans and the environment are investigated. Slovenia's Minister of Administration, Rudy Medved, told the Slovenian media, "Questions about the harmfulness of 5G technology are legitimate."
Translate and read the news report here.
🔴 ~ BREAKING GOOD: UK ministers ‘no longer discounting’ theory that Covid-19 leaked from Wuhan lab – report (RT) ~ | Blogger: [👉UK government and COBRA (the emergency committee led by now infected Prime Minister Boris Johnson) have not ruled out the possibility that the deadly illness was "man-made". Both reported in Daily Mail and Russian Today👈] ... Buuutt, even if ONE high-ranked source (cobra) member said it did not rule out that the virus spread from a laboratory, they still stick to the story about COVID-19 is a virus which originated from animals... Which is, in SoTW humble opinion, "NOT" possible... Normally "natural" vira are not "alive" and only "create" cell-dead, from the inside and out and without the host cell, a virus cannot survive long term, because it "feeds or consume" the hosts toxicities. Hence, it cannot JUMP from A2H or H2H - unless it's a "bioweapon" or / and "mutated kind of virulence" (ie virus viability and infectiousness)... According to David Wilcock and many others, like the US arrest warrant from DOJ; there's STRONG evidence that Zaosong Zheng (2 chineseman Zaosong Zheng & Yanqing Ye) who worked for Dr. Charles Lieber, chair of Harvard University’s Dept of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, was attempting to smuggle 21 vials of biological research to China, Wuhan, on December 10, 2019. It's now a DOJ official report that came out Tuesday, January 28, 2020. It was in fact Coronavirus a.k.a. COVID-19 a.k.a. CV... PS: as we speak, an American lawyer that goes by the name, Larry Klayman, filles a $20 trillion lawsuit against China for creation and release of the novel coronavirus. On the other side of the fence, China spins tale that the U.S. Army started the Coronavirus Epidemic... |
Senior members of the UK government have become less skeptical of the fringe theory that the coronavirus pandemic came from a lab in Wuhan, China, the original epicenter of the outbreak, high-ranked sources told the Daily Mail. (READ MORE)
💌 ~ 💗 Sean Stone: Time to Take off the Mask 💕 ~ | Blogger: "We are entering a powerful activation beyond calendar time. We are presented with a new modality of existence: to take off the mask of pretending we are anything other than inter-dimensional, vibrational beings, not of this earth, but cosmic and universal. We are the aliens, the starseeds, the children of tomorrow." ~ Sean... |
🦹♂️💜🦸♂️ ~ RFK Jr Tweeted: Coast Guard terminates rescue operations of his daughter and grandson ~ | Blogger: [👉White Hats - Putin And Trump vs Dark Hats - The New World Order: The Final Battle?👈] ... PS: SoTW - no disrespect toward the Kennedy clan, but there's still HOPE... According to Simon Parkes, they're NOT dead (of because nobody can confirm this in the MSM media)... The Kennedy relatives lost in Chesapeake Bay was in fact kidnapped in order to 'buy' some form of leeway in regards to the military operations that is taken place, in SP's own wordings... Rumor goes that Trump or the (positive) White Hats has conducted a raid on several D.U.M.B.s in UK, Italy and USA. In Manhattan of New York in particular, was charged by the U.S. Navy and Special Forces (Marines), who rescued hundreds of Children from a Satanic Cult D.U.M.B. That is according to many source (link below)... |
While I know it's a longshot and I mean no disrespect toward the Kennedy clan during a time of mourning, I wonder whether the White Hats might have swept in and taken Maeve and Gideon from Chesapeake Bay to a safe haven for their protection? And, furthermore, have they been safeguarded to reappear unharmed when Junior reveals himself to the world?
The Coast Guard informed our family that It has terminated rescue operations. The search for remains continues. Rest In Peace Maeve and Gideon. pic.twitter.com/4V4TcOP4Jd— Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) April 5, 2020
💗 (Semper Fi) HEARTBREAKING GOOD NEWS: Trump's War On Satanic Elite & Mexican Drug Cartels. Nurses & Other Sources Saying Children Saved In Manhattan, New York. Cabal Responds - Derail US Navy Train Near The USNS Mercy Hospital Ship In LA 💔 ~ |Fascinating breakdown of what is happening behind the scenes as the Deep State's contrived COVID-19 pandemic unravels: "Putin And Trump vs The New World Order: The Final Battle" https://t.co/M47SUbrdty— Michael Salla (@MichaelSalla) April 5, 2020
🔒 ~ When Will The Coronavirus Lockdowns Be Lifted? Here Are One Bank's Estimates 🕵 ~ | Blogger: [👉"For everyone going stir-crazy due to house arrest, there is a light at the end of the tunnel." ~ ZH👈] ... {From movie 'Contagion to COVID-19' - “Nothing spreads like fear”} ... In denmark: The PM said in yesterday's evening TV-stations and news service at ritzau fokus; "It's going to be a long time before a complete "Lockdowns will be lifted"... (no shit, Sherlock)... In the meanwhile - the eye of sauron is always watching - all eyes are on SWEDEN... "Prepare for the mother of all s**t storms if Sweden pulls this off" (rumor mill)... |
Source (ZeroHedge)
With most of the developed world on lockdown, and markets and economies paralyzed until there is a material decline in new coronavirus cases, i.e., until we slide "over the hump" of the coronavirus curve, the biggest question - and variable - in assessing the economic damage unleashed by the covid-19 virus is the length of the lockdowns now in force, with Deutsche Bank's Luke Templeman pointing out that "politicians and health officials have discussed dates ranging anywhere from weeks to over a year.""(READ MORE)
Prepare for the mother of all s**t storms if Sweden pulls this off
Posted By: AndiV
Date: Sunday, 5-Apr-2020 04:54:38
If Sweden, which has not locked down its economy and society, emerges with a death toll from COVID-19 that is somewhere in the middle of the pack of European countries, there is going to be a lot of recrimination, particularly against those who have tried to silence any discussion about the true extent of the threat that COVID-19 actually poses
In a word: Sweden. What happens if they pull this off? What happens if it turns out that we could have coped with COVID-19 without collapsing entire sectors of the economy putting millions on the dole, and imposing some of the most draconian restrictions on civil liberties in living memory?
Sweden has not closed the bars. Shopping malls are open. Schools and companies are open too. There are some restrictions such as on gatherings of over 500 people. But, in comparison with most European countries, life in Sweden is relatively normal.
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