Aug 22, 2020
🙏 ~ 💝 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟"OSHO International Membership Launch"🌟] ...A VERY IMPORTANT message, how we Spiritual Angels of Light, finds out that we have a FREE WILL (and/or moral responsibility) and are able to say NO! When HUMANITY becomes DANGEROUS to the People in Power - when Humans use their OWN Intelligence... |
❓ ~ 🌍 Who's Behind Salt Of The World? 🌍 ~ | Blogger: [👨💻Life lived completely in the '3-D Matrix of Illusion' with no awareness of the LIGHT in the crack, can be temporarily SATISFYING] ... ⏳Over time, the satisfaction is but TEMPORARY satiation. Is there not more than this Ego satisfaction, Goal-seeking, and Finite gratification world? Yes there is!... AAAAAND... THIS Is gonna be INCREDIBLY HARD for you to UNDERSTAND and sometimes I don't understand it either! Since 2017, I saw a Crack in the Matrix and ESCAPED! With NO bearing, NO Money, NO state life-support - "going all in", becoming a CITIZEN JOURNALIST on my 2014 Blog called (SoTW)... I AM, exactly the same age as our beloved Crown Prince Frederik, Denmark's coming King, born on the Three Kings' Day. Consider myself an Energy-Coach and Truthseeker. However, I am a moneyless proprietor, unknown "John Doe" and daydreamer. Didn't pay much attention during my 25 years of IT BANKING, 16 years of school time, indoctrinated, lies and false teaching, but awaken and seen a flash of light, a 'glitch' in the existing 3D Matrix of the simulation👁️🗨️ ... The name of my blog, verdensalt, was inspired of the knowledge, by the dairy-maker, Martinus Thomsen, and his vast universe ... Later on, much, much more ... 🔦 is a free breath of a whales blowhole, to the STARVING Soul who wants to Develop and De-radicalize its Entrenched Perfectionist Ego, which otherwise would have been in Denial ... Welcome - Namaste 🙏 .. PS: I understand that you wish to read everything at this blog in English, but there's still some, that suffer from difficulties in the language barrier, no worries, i've added a better translator, than Google, can deliver...Always use your own spiritual discernment.. Research, Research, Research! .. Stay tuned! and thanks for reading on my blog💟... NOW 19.874 blog posts and growing... |
🌍'Verdensalt' means - 'Salt Of The World'🌍
YOU are the salt of the world. WE are the salt of the world. WE live on Mother Gaia/Earth, but our base of operations should also include, the Cosmos. The universe seen as a well-ordered whole - a endless cosmos... Eternal, infinite and living, a conscious cosmos....
So, who AM I ? Where do I even begin?
You maybe see me outside, a few, can also see me within.
Who AM I? It’s not what others might see,
Who I AM is not what others think of me.
Who I AM is who I always was and who I will always be,
A dreamer that just wants to be free,
A warrior of light for eternity. is a nonprofit blog, no ads, no advertising and marketing, non governmental organization and no funding of any kind. It's meant as a Portal. Using symbolism, video or photos to create a good atmosphere. Do my own research, speak my mind, good friends giving me intel some times. I'm dyslexic, blogger spellcheck functions are working, even so, errors will appear. Important of all, ABSOLUTELY FEARLESS and protected by MY SPIRITUAL GUIDES. Lost friends POSTING stuff which DIDN'T RESONATE with their 3D MATRIX OF ILLUSORY perception, gets me SAD sometimes, however TRUTH will always lead the way to another PATH and NEW FRIENDS.
You maybe see me outside, a few, can also see me within.
Who AM I? It’s not what others might see,
Who I AM is not what others think of me.
Who I AM is who I always was and who I will always be,
A dreamer that just wants to be free,
A warrior of light for eternity. is a nonprofit blog, no ads, no advertising and marketing, non governmental organization and no funding of any kind. It's meant as a Portal. Using symbolism, video or photos to create a good atmosphere. Do my own research, speak my mind, good friends giving me intel some times. I'm dyslexic, blogger spellcheck functions are working, even so, errors will appear. Important of all, ABSOLUTELY FEARLESS and protected by MY SPIRITUAL GUIDES. Lost friends POSTING stuff which DIDN'T RESONATE with their 3D MATRIX OF ILLUSORY perception, gets me SAD sometimes, however TRUTH will always lead the way to another PATH and NEW FRIENDS.
🌐 ~ 💗 (OMG! Waauv! Good for Sky) I Found the Hidden Energy Vortexes in Sedona (Sky Life) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Thanks to Rahelio Rodriguez, Shaman and Astrologer from Sedona, AZ including in this video at 17 minute marker👈] ... Verdensalt (SoTW) has meet-up with this great Native American, Rahelio Roderiguez, in Sedona, Arizona in 2017 (was to sick in 2019) and went on a spiritual journey in the sweet lodge & special ceremony up in the red mountains - just like SKY.. I also manage to stay a weeks time at Sedona Sacred Rocks, a Metaphysical B&B with Meaghan C. Mc Cue, Energy Medicine/Horse Medicine Practitioner... For baffling and unforgettable UFO sightings, try "Sedona Ufo And Vortex Tours". Best and cheapest. Equipped with $5000 special forces military night vision goggles, turns night into day, besides we could hear or had warnings of rattlesnakes, javelinas, bobcats, wolves, foxes, coyotes and skunks, in the skies, we saw at least 30-40 objects, in 1 hour time, that was NOT planes, satellites and weatherballoons. Guide had satellitetracker and the equipment to make us, believers (seen UFO's many times before). Not long from old mining town of Jerome, between or next to Cathedral Rock Sedona Vortex - a feminine energy affecting both mind and body creating a cleansing experience, generating immense masses of energy and The airport mesa vortex energy, a masculine energy strengthening the internal spirit to take charge of their own lives, and live in self-confidence. Our guide, were claiming, that our UFO friends were attracted to the crystal gem and minerals in the area etc... |
Source (Sky Life)
Are the famous hidden energy vortexes in Sedona, Arizona real?! In this video, I investigate several vortex sites in Sedona and uncover the mysteries of this fascinating spiritual hotspot. Sedona, Arizona is famous for its stunning red rock mountains and unique desert landscape. But what seems to attract many New Age seekers to the Red Rock Country, is the supposed collection of unusual energy fields throughout the land known as the Sedona vortexes. A vortex is said to be an area concentrated with powerful spiritual energy making it easier to access altered states of consciousness. Vortexes are supposedly the intersections of natural electromagnetic earth energy known as ley lines. Other supposed vortex sites around the world include the Great Pyramid of Giza, Machu Picchu, and Mt. Shasta. Although Sedona as a whole is considered a symbolic vortex, there are alleged single vortex points throughout Sedona atop various mountains and within canyons that are said to be full of powerful and mystical energy. Since I am a New Age seeker myself, Sedona was quite attractive to my spiritual sixth sense. So I traveled to Sedona for one week to investigate the vortex sites and uncover the mysteries of this sacred land, through talking to the locals who know it best and visiting several vortex sites to see what might happen. Are the Sedona vortexes a real phenomenon? Or is this a load of BS and a fabricated fallacy used as a marketing scheme to rip off lost souls looking for answers? In this video, I found out. Disclaimer: This video was entirely shot long before COVID-19
🌋🌪️🌊 ~ Jason A World News: Shocking Earth Changes in 2020! ~ | Blogger: [👉MATRIX: Here at SoTW, have been through hours of LOUD Florida thunderstorms, 2015-2018 California wildfires and HARD rain in Brazil & Tangier and seen many UFO's in Sedona and Mt. Shasta skies - tried it all👈] ... Let us also sent prayers out to the world's affected populace in regards to extreme weather, water or air pollution, earthquakes, drought, wildfires or fresh water shortages, where people are suffering and worse... ❤️💜💚💙💗😇🙌👼🏻🙏☄️💥🔥🚒🌪💦☔️... |
🦟🌡️🤢 ~ (CV Designer Virus, Vaxxed & GMO-Mosquitos) WHILE WE ARE DISTRACTED THEY JUST STARTED ANOTHER WAR AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE... (A Call For An Uprising) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Bill Gates Backed Self-Destructing Genes Bioweapon Human Depopulation Agenda 21(2030)🤛] ... AAAND.. Danish scientists are cheering - I shit you not - NGOs warn against a "Jurassic Park experiment", while researchers behind it highlight potential for disease control... But according to senior researcher René Bødker from the University of Copenhagen, it actually makes good sense to release the many mosquitoes. - We have learned to be vigilant if something is genetically modified. But there is a HUUUUGE potential in this method, he says to TV2 News...WHAAAAT!?...BTW, Spiro Skouras newest video, Bill Gates, blames ‘Freedom’ for spread of the Virus on an interview to the Rothschild partially owned Economist and praise China’s authoritarian response and said, despite the fact that people's rights were violated, China’s response was really amazing! (check it out)... | | |
Source (A Call For An Uprising)
SoTW Link: |
🏴☠️😩🦠 ~ Tilbage til Fremtidens Nye Normal? (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Mange undre sig over hvornår Corona "er ovre", og alt vender tilbage til det "normale."? Men vi lever i en (falsk) holografisk maskineskabt simulering, en computersimulation, fanget i en simuleret "Matrix"-agtig verden, topstyret fra non-spirituelle entiteter af udenomjordisk oprindelse. Non-biologiske kunstig intelligens, simuleret ned til jordens Tech-giganter, Banksters og 13 illuminati familier (kald dem hvad du vil).. Så der er ikke en 'normal og jeg snakker ikke om Butikskæden NORMAL, kædens hovedaktionær, Bestseller-milliardæren Anders Holch-Povlsen, Danmarks næstrigeste mand som har tjent KASSEN FRU MADSEN på coronakrisen... HVIS ikke vi står sammen og bygger en bro til danskerens "kollektiv-bevidstheder" - bliver forenet som ÉN enhed eller "ONE-NESS", som er fundamentet i filosofien bag Just Be One, kommer vi INGEN vegne.. Der er ingen af os som har teknologien til at bruge en Star Trek Tidsmaskine, eller "Remote Viewing" for at sende os tilbage i fortiden for at rydde op i fremtidens KAOS!... Desværre, er det ikke kutyme at gå til kamp og demonstrere i hundredtusindvis, hvis vi alle gjorde det, ville Folketinget og Eliten gå i panik - tro mig!. Så må vi gøre det på andre måder, som at råbe vagt i gevær på sociale medier eller via hjemmesider og spirituelle bevægelser... Mener desværre ikke det er NOK! Vi er stadigvæk for få, til at gøre en forskel!...LIGE nu 'overlever' Alleslandsmoder Mette-mus og skyggeregeringen og troldehæren, netop på, at I-N-G-E-N gør modstand.. |
👤 ~ Hvem er COBRA: Stifter af bloggen 2012portal - denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen - Resistance Movement (verdensalt arkiv) ~ | Blogger: [👉Dette blogindlæg er også oprettet på FB-gruppen DK-SOTR (Sisterhood Of The Rose- Denmark) som jeg delvis substituere som administrator(burde)👈] ... Verdensalt er gået lidt ud af Cobra-supportgruppen, af personlige årsager, men det betyder ikke, at Cobra-organisations budskaber er dårlige eller mindre sandfærdige, af den årsag... Ja, sagen er efter min tur til Brasilien, sammen med 500 konference deltagere og min daværende 27-årige guddommelige smukke kæreste i organisationen, fik jeg lidt kolde fødder og fik indsigt i, hvordan man (også) kan tjene penge og jeg begyndte at lægge to og to sammen! Mistede både min udenlandske kæreste, jeg er også en gammel mand, min support gruppe, fordi jeg stillede spørgsmål om "læremesteren" og da jeg selv er en tussegammel sjæl og et vidende selvstændig individ, så ja, kom jeg lidt ud af det.. Emilia, hun læser til "The High Priestess", jeg selv, nåede at få 'spirituel præsteskab del 1', og eftersom Isis Astara (tidligere Cobra's partner) blev slået ihjel af et "energi-våben", så er der ikke mange tilbage af højeste præstinder på jorden, siges det!. Har desværre ikke kontakt med hende mere, eller så mange andre, der kom "bad blood" mellem alle kvinderne, rivalitet, jalousi, en pludselig opflammet strid, gniderier og hun trak stikket til alle m.m... HUSK dog, alt hvad du læser på Verdensalt, skal tages med et gran salt. Det kan godt være jeg selv tror jeg er klog og bliver guidet af mine spirituelle engle, men tager også fejl... |
Hvem er COBRA: Stifter af bloggen - Denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen (Resistance Movement).... Cobra er en talsmand for et kæmpemæssigt netværk af lysarbejdere. Han er ikke din nye Tony Robbins og en Guru. Han er virkelig, mange os har mødt ham, og de budskaber han formidler, kommer ikke fra hvem som helst... De stammer fra tidligere topmilitærfolk, Galaktiske Føderation af lys og åndelige hierarkier, nedstegne mestre, præster og præstinder, civilisationer fra andre planeter og indre jord...
🔩COBRA er et kodenavn for 'Compression Breakthrough'🍔 kodenavn Cobra er afledt af de to ord "kompression" og "gennembrud"...
Navnet COBRA, skal ikke sammenligning med Sylvester Stallone og hans film, 'Cobra - lovens stærke arm' eller En kobra (portugisisk cobra) der er en giftslange (som eksempel)...
Forsøg at forestille dig, at vor Moder Jords overflade er komprimeret / trykket sammen som en sandwich og vi mennesker, ligger imellem, lag på lag. Gennembruddet består i at lyskræfter (lysstyrkerne) fra Den Galaktiske Føderation, kæmper stødt fremad fra himmeriget nedad mod planetens overflade. Motstandsbevægelsens lyskræftere, arbejder stødt fremad, opad fra den indre jord's huler af civilisationer (Inner Earth, The Hollow Earth) til planets overflade....
Eftersom jeg for længst har givet efter på disse højst usædvanlige fænomener og trosretninger fra den virkelige modstandsbevægelse, vores Nordiske aner, Plejaderne og forhistoriske kulturer samt galaktiske venners færden, er det en god ide som newbie begynder, at læse eller slå tingene op PFC (Prepare For Change - amerikansk søsterkanel til Cobra's mange supportgrupper). Der er udarbejdet en Lazy Dog's Guide eller en hurtig reference til nogle Cobra-definitioner....…/a-quick-reference-of-some-c…/
Eller hjørnestenen af Cobra's mange artikler:…/cornerstone-cobra-articles/
💡⚠️THE EVENT - En unik begivenhed som skaber en dynamisk situation, en fælles skabelse af lys og kærlighed, fra os alle lysarbejdere af de 144.000, en beslutning på et kollektivt niveau..... Cobra har sagt, at 'Du skal forstå, at hvis du ønsker at gøre dit liv bedre, skal du selv udføre 80% af arbejdet, så lysstyrkerne kan hjælpe dig med de resterende 20%'...
🕉️ ~ 💗 NEW COBRA UPDATE: A Short Notice To The Surface Population 💕 ~ | Blogger: [🔩COBRA is a codename for 'Compression Breakthrough'. The codename "CO BRA" is derived from the two words "Compression" and "Breakthrough"🍔] ... First, who is this Secretly and Shy person called Cobra? According to postings on the internet, Cobra is a pseudoname for a human who claims to be a Pleiadian incarnate and who is part of the “Resistance Movement” that intends to overthrow the secret government ruling Earth and to expel alien races who have been living below the surface, and suppressing humanity’s technological development. According to Cobra, the terrestrial resistance movement is being assisted in this effort by an extraterrestrial race known as the Pleiadians who many may know from the Billy Meier’s photos". SoTW has been attending COBRA SCHOOL for some years and not many danes knows about his blog called Cobra2012 or his messengers and of course, it can be very complicated to grasp (highly esoteric stuff). The blog is the official facilitator of communication from the Resistance Movement... As an observer and connected to ONE particular CORE Support Group, Cobra is an advocate for a huge network of lightworkers. He doesn't consider themself as your new Tony Robbins, L. Ron Hubbard, a Guru or King Cobra of Evil(some actually believe that)... He is real, many of us have met him, has dined with him and followed him around the globe and been to some Secret Missions. The informations and intel "messages" he conveys comes or originates by former top military people, Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchies, support groups, descended masters, priests and priestesses, civilizations from other planets and inner earth - if you believe in that stuff (and as I understand it)... Sorry I forgot...Cobra "Truly and Deeply" believe in The Event/Horizon and our Earth Liberation as a Planet. YOU BE THE JUDGE... (Victory of the Light)... |
A Short Notice To The Surface Population
Next two weeks will include some decisive moments which will determine to a great degree how the battle between the positive and negative timelines will play out.
Although the positive end result is secured, the way to there is not, and the Light Forces are asking everybody to do the Flower of Life meditation as often as they feel guided, in the next two weeks especially:
They are also asking people to visualize the Flower of Life grid encompassing the planet and helping to harmonize the situation:
They are also asking people to visualize the Flower of Life grid encompassing the planet and helping to harmonize the situation:
Visualizing planet Earth and especially the planetary surface completely immersed in pink Light is also helpful.
😜👌🤘 ~ (ONLY in America?) Can You Find What's Wrong With These Pictures? (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🎶 From Danish Politicans, Magazines, Telecompanies, UCPH Bachelor's Programmes with illuminati 'Queen B', to "Medina" (Danish singer), CITROËN Denmark and Scandic Hotels, and many others are Playing along. If Not, Your Ass is Grass🦶] ... Nooooooo.. SoTW... You are an IDIOT!... Not in Denmark... Freemasonry and (evil) illuminati symbolism, DO NOT exist in Denmark... Re-he-he-heally?... To remain in the the so-called "entertainment" and "music industry", you're either all in or (all) out. If you don't play along, you will be thrown to the wolves and can't make a living. That's just the way the jungle law works and the way the cookie crumbles. Do not take verdensalt word for it, check it out for yourselves... |
👦🔞👤 ~ (Scary Movie Satire "PedoBoy" Dot Connector?) 25th Prime Minister of Denmark, Lars Løkke Rasmussen: Bestest-buddy to former danish politician #PEDOBoyConvictedFlemmingOppfeldt. #IlligalInfluencerFrankiesPizzagate. Creepy Uncle Joe #CarelessWhisperCampaignVideo. #DirtyFishingQuotas 750 mio. kr. #SØIKPoliceCorruptionCase (+) #YoungBoys'AcademyLøkkefonden, On The Edge Of Society (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤜NONE of this is lies🤛] ... AAAAND perhaps it's all a "laughing matter" for all the 'listeningers' to the popular program called ('Det, vi taler om'), Denmark's best gossip magazine and gossip-journalists digs into this week's big scandals, surprises, outrage and rumors... And perhaps Lars Løkke Rasmussen is INNOCENT or SMART DUMBASS - but if you CAN'T see the "Dot Connector" to how the Danish politicians gives away "telltale signs" to WHOM they belong to. I.e. the illuminati higher hierarchy leadership (Number symbolism, cultural associations—including religious, philosophic, and aesthetic—with various numbers)... |
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