Apr 16, 2017

BT | 16. April 2017 | Kan højrøstede nej-sigere kaste Danmark ud i en ny storkonflikt torsdag? | Blogger: Er folk endelig begyndt at røre på sig og tage et opgør med den ellers så magtfulde fagbevægelse og centraladministrationen i Danmark? Vi så det for nylig, da 3F udsendte en kampagne som hed 'fairpensionsalder' med 216.888 underskrifter gav det Statsministeren, et skarp budskab, selvom det desværre ikke hjælper.. En nej-kampagne har for alvor fået luft under vingerne og skaber frygt i fagbevægelsens top for, at medlemmerne vil stemme de nye overenskomster ned- og dermed kaste Danmark ud i en storkonflikt. Et fællestrak blandt modstanderne er, at de er utilfredse med lønstigningerne, der opfattes som »beskedne«, samt de muligheder, overenskomsten giver arbejdsgiverne for at indføre »systematisk overarbejde«. Man er heller ikke tilfredse med det værn, der sættes op mod social dumpning. Hvis overenskomsterne stemmes ned, er der lagt op til den første storkonflikt herhjemme siden 1998, den såkaldte »gær-konflikt«, som blev en realitet, da medlemmerne overraskende sagde nej til aftalen, fordi de ønskede mere ferie, end der var lagt op til. Ca. 450.000 privatansatte nedlagde arbejdet 27. april 1998, og mellem den 25. april og 6. maj lå Danmark stille. Aviserne udkom ikke, butikkerne kunne ikke få varer kørt ud, og konflikten er især blevet kendt for den hamstringsbølge, der bredte sig - og skabte mangel på ikke mindst gær... |

Et nej til overenskomsterne kan kaste landet ud i en ny storkonflikt som i 1998, hvor der bredte sig en hamstringsbølge, som hér i INCO I kødbyen, hvor der blev købt stort ind. Foto: MORTEN JUHL
Læs videre: http://www.bt.dk/danmark/kan-hoejroestede-nej-sigere-kaste-danmark-ud-i-en-ny-storkonflikt-torsdag

Anonymous Official | Apr 15, 2017 | Anonymous - It's Time You Know This and Wake Up... (NWO Elites EXPOSED 2017) |




Exopolitics | Apr 16, 2017 | Dr Michael Salla Update | Is Pentagon using MOAB bombs against Giants hidden in Afghanistan? |

On April 12, the U.S. Air Force dropped the largest conventional bomb in the Pentagon’s arsenal to flush out Islamic State terrorists according to official Pentagon reports. However, insider testimony suggests another reason for the use of the MOAB bomb. The undisclosed goal is to flush out, capture or destroy giants hiding in Afghanistan’s ancient cavern system who possess technological secrets going back to the origins of human civilization.

The Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb (MOAB), aka “Mother Of All Bombs” contains 21,600 pounds of explosives and has a mile-long blast radius. The Intercept reported that the MOAB was not used by the Bush administration back in 2003 due to fears of collateral damage.

President Donald Trump appears to be living up to his pledge to “bomb the shit” out of ISIS. But is he? Are ISIS terrorists the real target or just a cover for an undisclosed enemy? A threat Trump may not have been briefed about, but one locked in the cross-hairs of the “Deep State” that is really behind the Pentagon attack.

A number of whistleblowers have come forward with stories of giants hiding in Afghanistan and other locations, where these giants are currently awakening from “stasis chambers” they have been asleep in for thousands of years.

Secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode, was among the first to publicly disclose the existence of “stasis chambers” that have been holding perfectly preserved giants for millennia.

In an August 4, 2015 interview, Goode discussed how he had accessed information on “smart-glass pads” during his covert service about these sleeping giants and the technology of the stasis chambers that were preserving them. Goode said:
When I was in the program, the Secret Space Program, when I would have time to sit and look at the smart-glass pad, there was lots of information that I looked at. And one of them was that there were beings that they found underneath the surface of Earth, underneath…usually underneath mountains, burial mountains… Indian burial mounds that were not dead but weren’t quite alive. They called them “stasis beings”. And it turned out that had used a technology that had been there long prior, from this group they called the “ancient builder race”… So, it didn’t put the beings in stasis that a lot of us would think of, as in being frozen. But it just changed the way they experienced time.… they would probably go to sleep for maybe 20 minutes, and 30,000 years or so would pass by.…
Goode described the size of the beings found in the stasis chambers:
And to look down in, they saw these very tall beings, or very large giant humans with reddish beards…. these tall, red-headed, red beard groups were in Europe and South and North America. And apparently, at one time, before the last Ice Age apparently, they had a very large area that they ruled.
According to Stephen Quayle, who has written several books about giants, elite U.S. military forces

have been stationed around the world, including Afghanistan, to locate the giants. He cites elite military personnel who have spoken to him about battles with the giants.

During one of Quayle’s radio interviews on Coast to Coast AM, one of his military informants called in and told the audience about an incident in Afghanistan involving a deadly encounter between a 12 foot giant and U.S. Special Forces. The informant claimed that the giant had killed nine members of an elite team sent to capture it, and it took a second team to arrive and finally kill the giant.

I have heard similar stories from another Special Forces operative stationed at McDill Air Force Base, who has served in Afghanistan and is knowledgeable about the secret war to capture or kill giants. I am presently encouraging the operative to come forward with his testimony through a third party..... [READ MORE]

The Richie Allen Show | Apr 15, 2017 | Wolfgang Halbig On The BBC Sandy Hook Feature & Why He Believes Trump Will Expose The Cover-UP | Blogger: Some say Sandy Hook, is the biggest cover-up and false-flag ops in the history of US school shootings and perhaps all timer FF staged operation. Former state trooper Wolfgang Halbig, record as a former law enforcement officer (U.S. Customs inspector and Florida state trooper), an educator (public school coach, teacher, assistant principal and principal)... |

Berlingske | 15. April 2017 | DI foreslår investeringsplan på 20 mia for Danmark: Klar til robotterne | ... Robotter og kunstig intelligens vil erstatte halvdelen af alle de job vi kender i dag, Svaret er at investere i uddannelse, forskning og digitalisering, mener Karsten Dybvad, som i Berlingske præsenterer DIs plan for en ny globaliseringspulje, som er dobbelt så stor som den tidligere... | Andre headlines: | Robotter vil i nær fremtid gøre menneskehænder overflødige i mange hverdagssituationer, vurderer fremtidsforsker | 336 forsikringsmedarbejdere blev fyret sidste år grundet digitalisering og robotisering | Robotter rykker ind i pensionsselskabet: Nu skal de afgøre sager om kræft og hjerte-kar-sygdomme | Bankerne tænker kreativt for at beholde milliardindtægter fra provisioner, og det skal robotterne hjælpe med. De kan yde såkaldt ”kvalitetsforbedrende” rådgivning til kunderne, og så må bankerne beholde provisioner | RT Pressepanelet "Robotter vil gøre bankerne emotionelle iflg. Automation Lead i Deloitte, Abhijit Tuljapurkar | Bank køber robot rådgivere. Robotter vil snart give dig råd om placeringen af besparelser i SkandiaBanken. Nu er det købt i et opstartsselskab fra Bergen | Én million nordmænd vil modtage rådgivning fra en robot Folk har mest tillid til andre mennesker, men markedet, der ville stole på en robot repræsenterer en million mennesker | BOGANMELDELSE: I fremtiden vil robotter overtage vores jobs og forvise os til arbejdsløshed. Sådan skriver Martin Ford i bogen ’Robotterne kommer’. Et scenarie, som dog ligger langt ude i fremtiden, mener forskere fra Syddansk Universitet |

Portræt af direktør i DI, Karsten Dybvad
Foto: Malene Anthony Nielsen

Læs videre: https://www.b.dk/nationalt/di-foreslaar-investeringsplan-paa-20-mia-for-danmark-klar-til-robotterne


Secureteam10 | Apr 10, 2017 | MEDIA COVERUP: Mass UFO Sighting Over Arizona Desert Goes Viral on FaceBook | Blogger: This cannot be explained as being flares, paper chinese lanterns, funny, ABC15's full coverage reported this as part of meteors... |

As I was driving back to Phoenix this evening, I was a few miles past Parker, AZ when I saw a shooting star with a green hue in the corner of my eye. I kept driving for a few miles and noticed a small orange light far in the distance to my right. At first I thought that maybe a meteor had hit nearby and set a fire in the desert or possibly a distant antenna light.

I didn't quite think much of it and continued to drive for another three miles. I noticed that the light was gone. I drove another half of a mile and I saw the light appear again. This is when I realized that whatever this was, wasn’t normal.

I was about a quarter of a mile from the crossing between Highway 72 and Highway 95 between Parker and Quartzsite, Arizona.

I immediately pulled over and attached my camera to my tripod. To my SW direction, there were six orange-red lights floating around in the horizon. Some of them would dim out and then brighten back up, others just seemed to float and hover away slowly. They seemed to travel in a parallel pattern with a very bright fiery glisten. I took photos and videos and in less than 15 minutes, the mysterious objects vanished without a trace.

All of the photographs are timestamped and are not edited whatsoever. The video is slightly cropped for better viewing.

Whatever this was, I have never seen anything like this in my life before. Super cool experience.

*UPDATE* 4/11/17 11:22pm
I have noticed that my cameras clock is set 8 minutes ahead. Which means that the time stamps are all 8 minutes ahead. I also saw a video of the same exact thing but from the opposite end in El Centro, CA. That means that whatever this was, it was visible for at least 100 miles.

ABC15 is reporting that the photos were part of the meteor. They were not. The meteor struck about 10 minutes before I pulled over on HWY 95 and got footage of these lights. The difference in lighting you see in the photos is because I was using different settings to get a more visible photo of what they were.

As You Wish Talk Radio | Apr 15, 2017 | With James Gilliland & Tolec | They discuss reptilian undersea bases, DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases), the Galactic Council, and other off-world help | Blogger: I didn't post this before now, seems that James Gilliland's team of ECETI has fixed the defect sound or distorted sound from the talk at Apr 8, 2017. I've have meet both of them and they are absolutely great... |

James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience.

Tolec of the Andromeda Council, of the planet - Dakote, star system - Taygeta, constellation - Pleiades got us all enchanted with knowledge off this world. Not many people know who Tolec is. Meet him at Mt Shasta conference in 2015. Make no mistake, Tolec is very real and very informed and connected person like Alex Collier. Have seen several people on the net trying to frame him as a nutcase or worse - part of Draco or even Cabal. Tolec is one of the good guys, if you ask me. He's on many hosted show like Simon ParkesOpen Your Mind radio. Tolec has lots of information about Nordic aliens or The Tall White Nordics.

The Truth About Vaccines | Apr 16, 2017 CET | Featured: Ty and Charlene's Story | Ep #4: Examining Influenza, the HIB and Pneumococcal Vaccines & Herd Immunity | Full Length Video | PS: Episode 4 will only play until Sunday night at 9pm Eastern, and then we’ll be moving on to Episode 5 |

I hope you’re enjoying learning the truth about vaccines.

Just wanted to let you know that the replay for Episode 4 is now playing here.

This episode examined influenza, the HIB and pneumococcal vaccines and herd immunity.

You may also be surprised to learn the connection between the Norwegian government encouraging mothers to breastfeed and their low infant mortality rate.

Check it out now because episode 4 will only play until Sunday night at 9pm Eastern, and then we’ll be moving on to Episode 5.

Go here and let me know what you think in the comments section below.


Enjoy :-)

Ty Bollinger

Apr 16, 2017 | Jason A -- Who is this Man? 'Shocking' Video of Jared Kushner! (2017) | TheGroxt1 | Yournewswire | X22Report | Blogger: Finding truth in an illusory world is hard... You might find it odd, but what's going on in the White House? Jared Kushner is the owner of the New York Observer, a newspaper, and principal at Kushner Companies, a multibillion-dollar real estate organization. Not saying that Jared Kusner is the evil villain of the Trump regime. Not saying he's part of the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and George Soros(TheDeepState) doomsday cult and their globalist lackeys to get Trump ousted in a coup, either. It's just strange, that a young volatile Jared Kushner (never given interviews to the press) is one the most powerful man in the land. Trump's golden boy, calls him 'son', not son-in-law. Jared Kushner could also just be extremely talented and master the underlying psychology of office politics. Jared Kushner possess unprecedented power and it looks to me, he rules the white house. Both domestic and foreign policy decision making.. As always, use your own spiritual discernment.. |

Jason A - Who is this Man? 'Shocking' Video of Jared Kushner! (2017) 

WHO IS THIS MAN? Something Strange is Going On...
Jared Kushner globalist george soros connection donald trump 666 fifth avenue israel antichrist spirit on earth? jason a


666 5th Avenue Jared Kushner Trump Golden Calf Illuminati Freemason Symbolism

We are nearing the time of the Golden Calf and the 666 Beast .
◄ Revelation 13 ►
King James Bible
The Beast Out of the Sea


Yournewswire - Jared Kushner Belongs To Rothschild’s Doomsday Cult

Trump’s son-in-law and senior advisor Jared Kushner belongs to an elite doomsday cult that boasts the Rothschilds as members and is trying to foment a “prophesied” third world war.
Chabad Lubavitch is a Jewish supremacist cult that serve the Illuminati. Despite only having 200,000 elite followers, it has intimate ties to nearly every powerful government leader on earth.

The cult believes Jews are God’s chosen people and everyone else is trash. In the book Gatherings of Conversations Rebbe Schneerson tells his followers that Jewish people are an extension of God and Gentiles are destined to serve the Jews.

The Rothschilds belong to this cult. Historian Wolfgang Eggert says Chabad Lubavitch is the real face of the Illuminati. He says this cult intends to initiate a nuclear holocaust in order to fulfill biblical prophecy and hasten the return of the Messiah:

“History and politics are a big movie, and they are the directors, bringing old-testament-prophecy into reality. They captured freemasonry by building up the illuminati (through Rothschild/Jacob Frank/Weishaupt); they made a pact with the British monarchy when they financed William III to become king; they placed the British royals at the head of the Freemasons; they made the modern banking system and the Fed (through Rothschild); they made Zionism, the world wars, the European union and so on. They reign through their puppets Rothschild (whose ancestors had been part of the chassidic cult) and Rockefeller, who were the guiding force behind Bilderberg, the trilaterals etc. We are now in the “End Times”; they are trying to foment a “prophesied” Third World War.”

Chris Bjerkness agrees: Redemption requires the “King of the Jews” (the Rothschilds) to rule the world after a nuclear holocaust.

Jared Kushner attended Chabad House at Harvard. “Israel wasn’t a political discussion for him; it was his family, his life, his people,” said Hirschy Zarchi, rabbi at the Chabad House at Harvard.....[READ MORE]


X22Report - Trump's Covert Plan Against The Deep State Is Going To Make America Great Again - Episode 1255b

Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1rn...
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Report date: 04.15.2017
The deep state is pushing their agenda. All the noise coming from the corporate is the push to get people into going along with the deep states plan. Be prepared for some type of an event. Trump and the good guys are draining the swamp, getting the corporate media on his side to hatch their plan. Take a step back and look for the messages.