Feb 8, 2024

👯‍♀️🚨🔞 (Mike-Mistake, Mette-Too & Misandri) Hvad er du selv i dramatrekanten; offer, redder, krænker? Lovlig skammeligt at have sex med en 15-årig som i Mikes og Pigernes Jeppe Pilfinger tilfælde? Hvis SoTW fik fat i kraven på den politiker, som misbrugte min datter, uden en grensaks ved min side, ville jeg sende bud efter den sorte FBI-specialist og hans barberblad scare-tactics, i Mississippi Burning ~ 8. Februar 2024 ~ |

Komikken ved nypuritanisme er, at det gælder ikke under ungdomspartier og DSU's Mette-Too' bølgen. Eller rettere, en skræmmekampagne, der er skabt, for at ødelægge, det maskuline aspekt, i den moderne (spirituelle) tidsånd ~ SoTW

Editor's Note: Patriarkens trone skal VÆLDES tænkte Mette-Too og skyggesider, hvor den traumatiske drengebarn ikke fik lov til at røre ved sin tissetrold som barn og mor, fik også stoppet Far, Mor og Børn Legen - ergo den pædofile tankegang som voksen (spirituel og holistisk lærdom). 

»Sexisme i LAU« Syv kvindelige medlemmer fortæller i anonyme vidnesbyrd om voldtægt, seksuelle krænkelser og tilnærmelser begået af medlemmer af ungdomspartiet. VU og DSU, har haft lignende sager. DSU er værst.

Kan du huske, hvad DIN yndlingsfeminist sagde, da det i 2008 kom frem, at Jeppe Kofod havde haft sex med en netop femtenårig praktikant? Kan du huske alle de Mæætter-der-Spjætter, der synes, at sexchikane, skulle bekæmpes? Men, når det kommer til spin-løgn om DSU-formands sexchikanesag, som Mette-Too's egne løjtnanter accepterede, så er det noget andet. Mette-Too har selv indrømmet, at hun kendte til krænkelser i ungdomspartiet, da hun selv kom ind, som 15-årig.

Det er bare så sindssygt, men mellem 1969 og 1980 var det altså lovligt at besidde børneporno. Under 1970’ernes frihedsbølge, vendte man rent faktisk, det blinde øje til børnemisbrug. Mange siger, dengang, kunne man begå overgreb på børn, uden det havde konsekvenser. 

Jeg har selv, været så ekstrem heldig, at få lov af universet til, at være far, for 2 piger (1 pap og 1 bio), jeg alle elskede højt og da jeg er 'redder', beskyttede jeg dem, som ingen anden. At være forældre og besættelsen af, at skulle beskytte børn, er en rigtig god ting. Her snakker jeg ikke om 'curlingforældre', som er noget helt andet. 

Børnekonventionen foreskriver; at staten skal beskytte børn og unge mod vold, misbrug og seksuelle overgreb.' Men ikke nok man er politiker. De har parlamentarisk immunitet og beskyttet under frimurerens doktriner. For ser du, politikere, der prædiker strenge straffe og lovlydighed, bryder ofte selv loven. Mette-Too bevægelsen, som er en falsk agenda, blev kreeret, for at nedbryde, Maskulinitet og Modernitet... |  

Den sociale bevægelse Black Lives Matter Denmark, er der nogle, som heldigvis har fået stoppet,  den sorte monstrume talskvinde, Bwalya Sørensen (hun er en svindler). Vidste du, at George Floyd faktisk forfalskede sin død for at starte en racekrig??... |

Jaqueline Adams
Her er kronprins Christians første kæreste

Så mange penge får Mike Fonseca
Så meget betaler Danmarks rigeste for livvagter
WTF - Jørgen Kjøller fra Moderaterne agere bodyguard-tjans for Mike Fonseca


🙏 ~ 💝 (Charlie Ward's take on why Houthis may sabotage western internet cables in Red Sea will Cripple Cabal) Today's Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Feb 8, 2024 ~ |

(SoTW - You know whats BUUUUULSHIT?)

🌌✨💟 (A'HO. Aurora Ray. Ambassador of GF) The long wait is over: We've officially entered the Golden Age of Aquarius! And the Return of the Dragon ~ Feb 8, 2024 ~ |

This is an electrifying time for us!

Earth's slow wobble on its axis causes the vernal equinox to shift between constellations over a 26,000-year cycle known as the astrological ages!

This cyclical phenomenon, known as the precession of the equinoxes, is the result of gravitational forces exerted by the Sun and Moon on Earth's equatorial bulge. As our planet rotates and orbits around the Sun, this gravitational interplay causes its axis to trace out a slow, circular motion over thousands of years. Consequently, the vernal equinox gradually shifts against the backdrop of the zodiac, marking the transition from one astrological age to the next.

On January 20, 2024, we transitioned from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius!

This date marks our official entry into the Golden Age of Aquarius, a period heralded by profound spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Additionally, it coincides with the Year of the Dragon, symbolizing resilience, guidance, and the unleashing of dormant powers within us!

This new era represents a shift to more humanitarian values, scientific advancement, and spiritual enlightenment!

📽️🔭☄️ (Beyond Blue Beam) Benjamin Fulford has announced a new blog to dive into a curated selection of UFO/Project Blue Beam all over the world on every wednesday. It’s up to us to judge their authenticity ~ Feb 8, 2024 ~ |

Beyond Blue Beam
Benjamin Fulford Report: Actionable intelligence on child torture centers received from high level US government official – February 5, 2024
Editor's Note: Btw, it doesn't matter if the video-clips are stolen from TikTik or not - it is important stuff to talk about, SoTW thinks. Anywho, inside BF's *FULL* monday report, he's naming names, who's top high-level child torturer; John Podesta Rockefeller and Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller (very, very disturbing report)... | 

Beyond Blue Beam

ByWindlanderFebruary 7, 2024 3 Comments

Dear readers,

Welcome Back!

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our new blog, Beyond Blue Beam. Every Wednesday, prepare to dive into a curated selection of UFO/Project Blue Beam and other extraordinary news updates, directly from our confidential sources within the space force. It’s up to you to judge their authenticity. Additionally, we’ll be sharing intriguing video clips that we believe you’ll find fascinating. Initially, access to our blog is complimentary, but please note that it will transition to a subscription-based model in the future to support our sources. Join us as we explore the unknown.

Kicking off today’s newsletter we have mesmerizing footage captured in an undisclosed city in Canada. The object, characterized by its unusual shape and erratic lights, staying stationary in the sky, defying conventional explanations and captivating onlookers. The film quality seems to be affected by some form of energy pulse emanating from the ship.

Next up a breathtaking spectacle unfolds over the Philippines as a fleet of UFOs made a dramatic appearance. Eyewitnesses captured this remarkable event, where multiple unidentified flying objects were seen hovering in the sky.

This next feature presents a video from a highly credible source, purportedly showcasing governments’ tests of the infamous Project Blue Beam technology. This footage claims to reveal the sophisticated holographic projection system in action, potentially as a precursor to more public demonstrations or psychological operations. If we can spot the fakes now, imagine the realism when they truly aim to deceive. This raises crucial questions about discerning truth in an age where technology blurs the lines between real and fabricated.