Sep 6, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 (Something big is coming Sat Sep 23rd) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Sept 6, 2023 ~ |

FREE GUY: Ukraine + MSM: Russia killed "16" dead after missile attack on Donbas market with US Blinken + DK PM Mette F. in country. Russia responds: US forcing ‘fight to last Ukrainian.'.. Please remember guys abt the occult holidays and sabbats. Today date has 6, 7, 9, and 13 in it and might be a Minor Sabbath, but does require human sacrifice. The occultist assigns '6' to represent the number of man, and the number '7' to represent the number of divine perfection. Thus, as a person climbs that "Jacob's Ladder" toward self-perfection in the realm of the occult, the number '13' represents the state of divine perfection, self-achieved perfection, and Illumination (6+7 = 13). September 21 is next target date. Mabon - one of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights. After that September 23-24, 2023 (negative and positive events - this is gonna be YUUUGE). After that MAJOR occult holiday is October 31 - Samhain. Also known as Halloween, or All Hallows Eve as designated by the Catholic Church. This date is the Illuminati's highest day of human sacrifice (or animal). Denmark culled 17 million minks. The decision was made in the Harvesting month of October of 2020... I rest my case... |

👁️⃤𓂀⚔️💪📣 (3. verdenskrig kommer og hvad så?) Den danske Stat ønsker krig, død og ødelæggelse, fordi, vi er med USA, hele vejen, som ind i helvede! Butja, Butja, Butja med propagandister og Mæætte og Co., er edderrasende på Putin og Putinisterne, der ønskes døde! ~ 6. September 2023 ~ |

lor davies, [Sep 6, 2023 at 12:59]

Douglas Macgregor til Tucker: "60.000 børn fra Ukraine er forsvundet, siden krigen begyndte. Kvinder er blevet kidnappet og smidt ud i prostitution. Denne krig er en katastrofe, de mennesker, der bader sig i blod, findes i Kiev og Washington." .... Hvor er de 60.000 savnede børn i Ukraine? Zelensky & Biden's krig i Ukraine driver den største børnesex-handel/organ-/adrenokrom-høstoperation i hele Europa. Hvor er de 1000 forsvundne Maui børn? Biden handler åbenlyst med børn ved den amerikanske grænse (neeej det siger han ikke her! Det er en lille lydbid af en længere samtale)

FOLLOW: @GeneralPatton17
Massacre in Bucha. Was it a False Flag? - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Massacre in Bucha Is a False Flag | (
Bucha massacre false flag - Brave Search

Militær-Mette og Co. er igen (igen) på krigsstien og krigsforbrydelses rundtur og hele parlamentet i Kiev brød ud i jubel. Dannevang skal hjælpe med indsamling af beviser... 

FREE GUY: USA stod bag Gaslækage i Østersøen, iflg. graverjournalist Seymour Hersh og selv OLFI, siger det! Mørke-Mette og Rothschild-rotterne, som financer folketinget, er blot en lillebitte brik, i et kæmpe puslespil om magt, affolkning og kontrol. Tror snarere stanken-fra-kloakken, samt fokuseret, skal rettes på at få stoppet, frimureriets magt og alle de udenlandske grupperinger af CIA og Ashkenazim, som styrer verdens gang. Ukraine-krigen stopper ikke så længe Nazi-Nato og USA's proxy-war mod Rusland, Men faktisk, misbruger USA, Ukraine og dræber uskyldige Ukrainerne, som et krigsføde-regime. "Putin" version 2.0 (orginale død og borte) arbejder for DeHvideHatte, og er ikke skurken. Han stopper alle de biologiske våben, dirty-bombs, 1000 kilometer tunneler og militær bunkere, sex-trafficking, salg af babyorganer og Adrenokrom-fabrikker m.m... | 

Mette Frederiksen er i Ukraine - holdt tale i parlamentet (
The universe is eternal, infinite and vibrant, a conscious cosmos: 👁️⃤🤘🐐 ~ (Mææættes forkærlighed for Anker Gedeskæg...) 

Bestseller-milliardærs og Lego-arvings selskab efterforskes for svindel med EU-midler | Penge | DR
Kopi-kapløb kan stække Novos milliardforretning i Kina (
Kronen sendt ned på svageste niveau i tre år – Novos succes kan sætte en stopper for faldet (
Rasmus Seebach dropper ejendomsvirksomhed: Solgt til kendt rigmand | BT Kendte -

Tjek e-Boks: 2 millioner danskere får snart vigtig invitation (

🔥👹🛐 ('Notice the Cartoon Avatar look of the Metaverse. The Bible condemns those who practice spiritism.') ANIMALIA: 2023 Burning Man Manifesto by Celeste Solum. A broadcaster, author, former government, organic farmer and is trained in nursing and environmental medicine. ~ Sept 6, 2023 ~ |

ANIMALIA: 2023 Burning Man Manifesto – Shepherds Heart

FREE GUY: OMG! Read it and weep! I didn't know all that. Looks to me Burning Man is a festival of deceit and satanical worshipping lik Bohemian Grove. Does the 70.000 at Burning Man who was isolated and now released "into the wild" knows this?... |

The Bible describes this a different way in Revelation 13.  That this beast (G2342) is a dangerous wild venomous animal beast that rises out of the sea spewing blasphemy (vilification) of God.  Due to its self-healing nature it appears to contain properties of Synthetic Biology.  But that is a tale for another time.

The theme of the 2023 Burning Man was celebrating Animalia. Animists offer sacrifices, prayers, dances, or other forms of devotions to these spirits in hopes of blessing upon areas of life (crops, health, fertility, etc.) or for protection from harm.

The Bible strictly ... of the animists. "A man or a woman who is a medium or a wizard shall be put to death; they shall be stoned with stones, their blood shall be upon them" (Leviticus 20:27). The practice of animism opens a door for demons to enter into the lives of people who are deceived by the lie that is animism. The Bible condemns those who practice spiritism. 


🙃🔄🥴 (SoTW Sundry, Wacko Wednesday & Goofy Gaslighting) Earth Alliance paying off debt. Jimmy Buffett is not dead - WH asset. 'Original' Bill Gates (Melina) killed in India 2014 polio-vax + HPV-vax that paralysed 496,000 children. "RIP Oprah". New deadly floods. Kerry Cassidy: JFK JR. – JUAN O SAVIN : BREAK THE SPELL! CALLING ALL PATRIOTS ~ Sept 6, 2023 ~ |

FREE GUY: Snippet: Janine's tarot cards true abt PhilG + other truthers claims Earth Alliance paying off debt. Money taken away from Vatican, Horde-Elites & KM (Bill Gates is dead long gone)... Tarot by Izabela tarot cards says EU (European Union) will cease to exist as present organization and will be changed completely to benefit HUmanity (I believe it when i see it)... Laura's View and Tarot, Too: Recently, Oprah and The Rock committed ten million of other people's money (not their own) to the "People's Fund of Maui."  This stunt was received as the insult it was by many since Oprah didn't offer a penny of her $2 billion worth, nor did The Rock of his $800 million worth (RIP Opray)... A man who claims he had sex with Barack Obama in 1999 tells his story... Are DEW and HAARP Experiments being Ratcheted up Worldwide?. Southern Europe hit by deadly floods (all over the world)... | 


Tucker Carlson på X: "A man who claims he had sex with Barack Obama in 1999 tells his story. Wednesday. 6pm ET." / X (


Are DEW and HAARP Experiments being Ratcheted up Worldwide? (

Southern Europe hit by deadly floods (VIDEOS) — RT World News
