Dec 29, 2021
🎴🔮💖 ~ (BREAKING MAXWELL-MOVIE MISTRIAL HUNG JURY FLORIDA SPA MAKING DEALS & MUCH-MORE...) Tarot by Janine looks at Ghislaine Max’s trail rumours… what is going on! (TBJ) ~ | Blogger: 16 hours later this video came out, the (hung) Jury finds Ghislaine Maxwell guilty of sex trafficking a minor for Jeffrey Epstein and four other charges. Sooo, Janines Tarot cards did not speak truth?. Anyways, I believe that Maxwell have already been processed at the spa (GITMO)... PS: Like Simon Parkes says; "Let's see how many years Maxwell gets now she is found guilty."... |
🙏 ~ 💝 (Testchok: 1.640 NOK per snude og rasende Danskere afvist ved grænsen Norge/Sverige) Dagens Spirituelle Motivationscitater eller Livets Sandheder (SoTW DK) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Designer pighalsbåndet, Frankenstein-vaksiner og Stasi-frimureriet, har ikke sluppet taget endnu hos danskerne... VANVITTIGE scener udspiller sig lige nu, hvor mange danskere strandede tirsdag i en kø på grænsen mellem Norge og Sverige ved grænsebyen Svinesun. Forsikringsselskaber melder hus forbi og vil ikke hjælpe, havde du forventet andet?. Kan koste en familie med 4 personer 5.000 danske bananer hos eneste private firma, der udbyder tests, i miles omkreds. HUSK, man kan ikke forbyde en dansker, at komme ind i ens eget land. Vedtaget-ved-lov.. Minder mig om starten af December, præcist samme sekund, og jeg skulle til Göteborg, blev der udstedt nye Corona ordre fra Sverige og Dannevang. Når men, for 2 dusin stykker af os, udspillede der et rent DRAMA foran StenaLine terminalen, siden Sverige, netop som jeg skulle ombord, havde ændret corona-reglerne. Jeg måtte nu løbe ned til Falck og få en lyntest/kviktest, som ikke anede at reglerne, var lavet om. Løbe tilbage og med (delvis) mundble, pas, boardingpas, kuffert og afventning af resultatet, som kom 3 minutter efter og 10 tossede mennesker, ikke kom ombord i tide og måtte vente til næste færge... I DAG var der Intet nyt fra vestfronten, da CEO fra SS(T) Medical Core og W.H.O., Søren Understrøm, stod og langede ligegyldigheder ud, og detailrådgav sig ind i danskernes sociale liv, og tilmed, Søren-Ørn en arrogance længe set, at sige, der ingen alvorlige bivirkninger er, til vaccinerede børn. HOLD KÆFT hvor han burde spærres inde den bøsserøv (med al respekt). Måske der en grund til, han lader endnu en bøsseven ind og stiller spørgsmål, Rasmus Pedo-Paludan... Kommunist-zionisten, lalleglade skuespiller og supersælgeren, Magnus LØGNICKE, truer forældre, at de skal vaccinere deres børn, WHO's generaldirektør Tedros, kriminelle løbebane, darling af MSM og Big Tech, er bekymret for 'tsunami' af smittetilfælde... HVOR DJÆVLEN er FN's Krigsforbryderdomstol, internationale straffedomstol, Nürnbergprocessen og Trump-Teamet???. Nogengange lader jeg mig selv dumpe ned i negativitet, drama og sladder vibrer på laveste frekvens, men jeg på SoTW, er beskytter af kvinder, børn, dyr, uskyldige, svage - når de man troede var 'gode' mennesker der handler 'ondt'... |
🙏 ~ 💝 (Hilarious "COVID Test") Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: With Google-Gestapo censur some of my blog posts only means, that i'm on the right track, telling the truth. We already know, that blogs like verdensalt, are constantly scanned and readied for red flag takedown, if Danish Security and Intelligence Service and Danish Defence Intelligence Service sees it fit if wordings triggers national security algorithm, protecting our beloved (Corona-Corporation) leaders. But I have no have FEAR or EGO! SoTW are not divided or separated from Source divine Light. I'm vibrating on a higher level that is beyond dramatised version of our 3-D Matrix of illusion. Protecting myself everyday by Declares and Decrees. Asking my spiritual guides to assist me, protect me and points me towards a heart loving direction, for me to share... Keep calm and stay vigilant... Expect the unexpected... |
👩🚀🚀🌌 ~ (“Semper Supra” - “Always Above”) Ready for Full Disclosure? (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: According to my higher self, April 2022, the Secret Space Programs (MIC-SSP) at Moon and Mars and (Solar Warden) traveling our Milky Way etc. will be revealed... Besides Dr Salla, this is about Maria Orsic, also known as Maria Orschitsch was a famous (spiritual) medium who became the leader of the Vril Gesellschaft. She was born in Vienna (Austria). Her father was a Croatian immigrant from Zagreb, her mother was from Vienna.. SoTW don't think she was The Goddess of the Devil. I think she got tricked by Hitler and ("Rockefeller Initiative" ET's reptilian Brothers in Arms) to do bad things and then, left the Earth plane, when she discovered what they make her do... |
The messages allegedly contain technical information about the construction of a UFO. Hitler gave at the end of World War II mission to build flying saucers, claimed a report in the German science magazine PM.
Mary Orschitsch was a well-known medium and would have been the head of the Vril-Gesellschaft. They gathered a large number of young women around them.
They had long ponytails, something that was very unusual at that time. They believed that their long hair acted as a cosmic antenna to communicate with extraterrestrials. Vril members, also known as “Vril”.
According to the Vril documents these messages, would be obtained telepathically, from Aldebaran, 68 light years away in the constellation Taurus.
Maria had two stacks of papers, one written in code language of the Templars, the other in an ancient oriental language.
They got help from the Pan-Babylonians, a group that had close ties with the Thule Society which was formed among others by archaeologist Hugo Winckler, physicist Peter Jensen and Assyriologist Friedrich Delitzsch.
🤚🔴🧪 ~ (You're not gonna believe this) CAUGHT RED-HANDED: COVID TESTS ARE DESIGNED TO PICK-UP "SARS-CoV-2 Proteins" . . . . which the mRNA Vaccines tell your body to produce ! ! ! Self-Fulfilling "Outbreak" and total fraud! (HAL) ~ |
For over a year, we have all been told that the mRNA vaccines instruct our bodies to manufacture our own spike proteins . . . like the one found on SARS-CoV-2, so that our immune systems will learn to respond when they come in contact with the REAL SARS-CoV-2 disease, right?
Well, there's the fraud. The new tests are looking only for SARS-CoV-2 proteins, while at the exact same time, what did the mRNA vaccines instruct our own bodies to produce? SPIKE PROTEINS! ! ! ! ! Just like the SARS-CoV-2 protein! ! ! ! ! !
The test kits . . . . are picking up the spike proteins that the VACCINES told our bodies to make ! ! ! ! !
It's a self-fulfilling "outbreak" because all those "positive" tests, are actually picking up the proteins that the mRNA vaccines instructed our own bodies to make ! ! ! !
You've all heard about the latest so-called "variant" of COVID . . . the Omicron Variant . . . allegedly breaking out all over the place, and how there are new tests you can get, even for home use! Turns out, the entire thing is a deliberate fraud. Here's how . . .
Below are scanned images of two different COVID home self-test kit boxes. These are available to the general public and some are even being GIVEN away by government so folks can test themselves at home - free!
If you read the box, you'll see it plainly says these "tests" are ***** NOT ***** approved by the FDA, but are issued under an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization). Here. Look:
Door-to-door vaccination teams unleashed in NYC... they're coming for you | |
In NYC, the vaccine enforcement squads are being unleashed to go door-to-door, coercing people into taking the jabs. This completes yet another prediction we made that was once derided as a "conspiracy theory." This practice will expand to other states, and rumors are flying that California will initiate aggressive new forced quarantines similar to Australia. Prepare for covid concentration camps in California. Also today: We cover the FDA allowing abortions pills to be sent via the US mail, while confiscating ivermectin delivered in the mail. It's all about maximizing the deaths of human beings, of course. |
Estimated 1 In 95 Boys Diagnosed With Myocarditis In California Private School
Published on
Written by Steve Kirsch
This will blow your mind, I promise. I’m pretty sure that the rate of myocarditis is a LOT more than the CDC is telling people. I think the rate is ~100X higher than they claim. What do you think?
👽🖖🌌 ~ (Must-listen utterly brilliant, a shining star of knowledge) Alex Collier Discusses Latest Updates with Nicholas Veniamin (Nicholas Veniamin) ~ |
bibliotecapleyades: (Excerpts) Alex Collier claims to be a 'contactee' with a race of Nordic looking humans from the constellation of Andromeda. He has had a number of contact experiences since his childhood and this developed over the years as he was given more and more information by his Andromedan contacts. I got this note from someoneI have analyzed Alex Collier's information, had phone interviews with him, and also interverviewed him over a four day period in September 2005. I have witnessed some physical evidence he has provided to support his testimony. I have also spoken with a direct witness verifying various aspects of Alex's contact experiences. Alex has also revealed that he was the recipient of threats from shadow government agencies and abruptly chose to stop disseminating his information in 2000. Furthermore, Alex has give face to face interviews with veteran UFO researcher Paola Harris who has had the opportunity to examine the evidence supporting his testimony and concludes he is credible. My conclusion from my investigation so far of Alex is that he is very credible and very likely a genuine contactee with a 'friendly' extraterrestrial race. I therefore recommend taking the information he has to reveal very seriously. All those interested in galactic diplomacy and understanding a variety of extraterrestrial races interacting with humanity, will find Alex's work to be very helpful.
Source>>🤐💔😱 ~ (Oh my freaking god!) Google just censored my blogpost about my Ex-girlfriend Emy and Cobra's old spouse Isis Astara, once, high priestess of mother GAIA now killed. There was soo much unconditional love in that post (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: and people are telling me on SoTW; Oh no verdensalt, Love has won, we have won the spiritual war, there's no darkness left. Trust QTrump movement and benevolent off-worlders, Cabal has been defeated etc. etc. Apparently, Google (Alphabet), their A.I. algorithm and its subsidiary companies, such as YouTube, pictures, keywords and other stuff, will still be removed or omitted information from its services in order to comply with company policies, legal demands, and government censorship laws.. I guess i'm lucky, kauilapele at, got his entire WordPress website banned and removed a few years back, had to make a new one. But how the heck are Google allowed to operate with censorship on a Danish server, ISP, and webhotel, it beats me... |
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😇 ~ ✨ (Priestess, a child of God, a Sirian galactic goddess, a lightworker, a Starseed) Be a Conscious Human Being (ascension-wisdom) ~ | Blogger: .. Not that it matters, a few years back in the Cobra (school) days, SoTW had myself a ex-girlfriend, Emy (below), re-awaken high priestess training and initiation by C.O.B.R.A.S.' Resistance Movement (R.M.). I only hold the 1st phase of the Temple Priestess Training in one of the 1st presented trainings ever made in Italy. I think Emy, has all of them, but we both got out of this organization and Emy has her own platform and belief system now. Smaly7 (Steve and Anita) and Untwine and others close to Cobra also left. But apparently Emy, still see herself as a Priestess. COBRA once claimed, the sixth high priestess was stagename, 'Isis Astara', his spouse, before a american (rumored Black Witch Queen) took over her place (claimed by my danish friend Gitte, now dead of cancer). Isis, which SoTW have meet at a conference in Greece in 2015, was killed in 2018 by Direct Energy Weapons after a longer time period, so claimed by Cobra (Emy in 2020 told my a very disturbing rumor, that I will not share). Isis, was so beautiful soul with good vibes and obsolete purity, is what I got out of her. 'Now the surface of the planet is without a high priestess. This presents a certain problem as the energy grid of Light on the surface of this planet is destabilized', so says head of Cobra, which real name and identity is still a secret (not for me). I did love Emy, very much, but (evil forces) wanted to break us apart, and I don't simple fit in her spiritual narrative anyway. She's a young soul (human years) in her early stages of Spiritual Awakening process, that start when your 27 of age and i'm a old fart that still looks not only at the Light, but also to expose darkness, for others to wake up... |
Isis Astara Memorial... Just stay calm as the Chaos seems to Grow but the EVENT is NOW!!! It's all inside us and surrounding us with goddess angelic dance of divine light of LOVE....💓
"We are One
You are inside me
Every step I take, you’re there
Every breath I breathe, we share
We are One
Let’s keep the dedication, let’s keep the flame alive.
No matter what, we will make it, to the final Victory of the Light
It is the nature of Life
We will all be together again after the Liberation of Earth, together in Oneness as angelic beings of Love and Light. In the meantime we stay connected in network of Light"...
Much Love ~ Astara
Being active in the spiritual field for years now, has brought me much wisdom. One of the things I noticed as being part of many spiritual groups, is the lack of acceptance and integration of the earthly aspect of so many.
Before my Saturn Return which brought me much maturity, responsibility and humbleness, I liked to name myself in the spiritual community a Priestess, a child of God, a Sirian galactic goddess, a lightworker, a Starseed, etc. Although these names hold truth, there was no space left for the earthy Emilia, and Saturn helped me the most with this, learning to integrate, accept and love my earthly aspect.
I noticed often that in most scenarios, when someone is identifiying more with his/her Star Origin than his/her Earth origin, most of the time is because of an inner rejection of an experience that happened in this present lifetime.
🏴☠️⛪🥺 ~ (Teresa & Vatican Popes False Prophet or Bogus Icon) Mother Theresa Connection – December 28, 2021 – Rose Rambles… (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Look at all the "dot connectors" - sorry to be the one that point you in the right direction... This is among the most dramatic, disturbing news that can leave most speechless (please click on 'read more' or go to roserambles dot org)... (SoTW outside this report) 🛐 In 2018, Authorities in India have opened up a massive investigation into the charity organization founded by Mother Teresa after a nun who was working at one of the charity's shelters was arrested for selling babies... 🛐DID YOU KNOW, just minutes before she left the burning building, a danish lawyer, Klaus Ewald, and Italian Admiral, Enrico Credendino, Commander of the EU Anti-Migration Operation Sophia, reported Danish Ex-PM Helle Thorning, former organization, Save The Children, to the police, for particularly serious type of human smuggling? There's also accusations of sexual abuses by employees, top-level men in the organisation 'Save the Children', who protect each other, and lots of resignations, have characterized the organization... 🛐DID YOU KNOW, that under the guise of 'humanitarian aid', agents of UK, UN, and US sponsored NGOs traffic Haitian children for sex slaves, and pocket billions in aid relief with Hillary Clinton names written all over it?... |
What in the World is on Cynthia's mind? Love, Spirituality, Free Energy, Abundance, Quantum Awareness
Mother Teresa’s Organization was investigated for child trafficking. She had connections with Robert Maxwell, The Vatican, Clintons, & Dr. Fauci.
Strange rumor a year ago that Dr Fauci’s wife Christine Grady is Robert Maxwell’s daughter. More:
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