Nov 5, 2024

🙏 ~ 💝(Trump pledges 'New Golden Age' in Pa.) Today's Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Nov 5, 2024 ~ |


👁️⃤𓂀🦠❌👌(Træmanden - Anders Fjogh) Den næste i perlerækken efter Sprit-Johnny, Det Lange Hyl, Gøgler-Clausen og Handballs Morten? Det satme trist men hvorfor døde de? Det er ikke alle som får lov til at gå fra Dark to Light ~ 5. Nov 2024 ~ |

SoTW - ”Anders Fogh er terrorist. Han er krigsforbryder” - Fogh hiver 14 millioner hjem

Fra kampen om Gyllegården til magtelitens #kæledække...

... Fjogh; "Skull & Bones" Lobbyisten' forsvundet hemmeligt Bilderberg-referat, Irak-notat, med sit mason-våbenskjold. Den skandaløse mand med den 'smooking-gay-gun' og hemmelige bekendtskaber (Charmør, Tyran og Verdensmand)? UK Queen Consort og Norske Mette-Mareridt sygemeldt ...

... Anders Fogh, Søren Gade og Poul Nyrup (Mette-Mink og Guzzi-Helle) - Hvem mere? Alle skyldige i krigsforbrydelser på et meget højt plan? Beskyttet af Order 322 Skull and Bones Homo Society, Chabad-Lubavitch og The Committee of 300? ...

(uddrag) Statsminister Fjogh virkede troværdig, når han barberede sig og ikke smilede for bredt. Ifølge flere kilder er han en perfektionistisk egenrådig stivstikker, som hader folk, der ikke ligner ham selv. Han plukker sine øjenbryn og farver sit hår. På Christiansborg var han accepteret, men ikke vellidt. Den italienske premierminister Silvio Berlusconi har sagt, at »hvis min kone skal være mig utro, så skal det være med Anders Fogh Rasmussen«. I TV-udsendelsen »Året der gik« fortalte han stolt, at han har en polsk mandlig ven. De tager på cykle- og kanoture og ligger på gulvet foran fjernsynet og spiser pizza. Grunden til dette skulle være, at Fjogh aldrig fik en rigtig barndomskammerat. Det var der ikke tid til. Han skulle altid arbejde hårdt på den fædrende gård i Jylland. Desuden var han altid travlt beskæftiget med planerne om at blive statsminister. I landsbyskolen kaldte de andre elever ham »statsministeren«. Som 17-årig meldte han sig ind i Venstres Ungdom. Som 19-årig blev han folketingskandidat. Og som 34-årig blev han skatteminister. Efter folketingsvalget i 2001 blev han statsminister i VK-regeringen. Og strategien var klar. Håndfaste løfter, klare aftaler, stramme retningslinjer for ministrene og ingen pinlige kvajesager. Det sidste lykkedes ikke. I slutningen af oktober 2006 dykkede vælgertilslutningen til Venstre voldsomt i meningsmålingerne. Det fik Fjogh til at se spøgelser overalt. »Man kan nærmest sige, at han er blevet paranoid. Han ser spøgelser og sammensværgelser der, hvor der intet foregår« - bemærkede en kilde tæt på regeringen (kilde: Ekstra Bladet 29. oktober 2006). I 2009 smed han håndklædet i ringen for at blive NATO-generalsekretær. I 2014 vendte han hjem til Danmark for at etablere privat foredragsvirksomhed. Som 62-årig kunne han nu hæve folketings- og ministerpension på 51.600 kr. pr. måned svarende til 619.200 kr. årligt ved siden af sine andre indtægter - (censureret) 

SoTW - Frappé Cocio
SoTW - Nye slåskampe over ligusterhækken (ser vi på en film)
SoTW - Ulovlig reklame Batman x AIRTOX sikkerhedssko. Limited edition | #fearnothing - Christian 4´s forordning om hekse - The Soulless Shoes Of Death
SoTW - Direktør vil gerne selv bidrage til at slå hul i statskassen

SoTW -  Jeg har haft sex med mine patienter
SoTW - Kunderne bliver STADIG røvrendt, mens ejerne lever på 1. klasse (lidt endnu)
SoTW - Helle stadig ikke bleg for at overraske på den røde løber

📰🍿❌(Need To Know) Restored Republic via a GCR: Update As Of Monday 4 November 2024 (The Un-Redacted Version) ~ Nov 5, 2024 ~ |


Restored Republic via a GCR: November 5, 2024

Compiled Mon. 4 Nov. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities.” HOME | Judy Byington (

Be Ready, Prepared, Expectant
Military Coup Underway
Expect Chaos on Election Day Tues. 5 Nov. 2024:
White Hats vs. Deep State Democrats Armed With Their Army of Illegal Migrants, plus Deep State FBI, CIA, Globalists Behind a Planned False Flag Event For Patriots, MAGA?
EBS, Martial Law Imminent
National Guard Deployed To Major Cities, Fencing Surrounds US Capitol, White House
Meanwhile, Global Currency Reset Tier4b Has Been Activated in a new Gold/asset-backed Global Financial System Designed To Defund The Bad Guys

Judy Note: Despite an extensive Democratic Deep State Cabal voter fraud campaign, Trump appeared to be maintaining leads in most states according to the White Hat Global Military Alliance that was counting official water-marked ballots.

In such an event that their voter fraud didn’t work as it did in 2020, the Cabal had planned a nationwide Cyber Attack and Blackout to disrupt the 2024 Election voting on Tues. 5 Nov. 2024 – though the White Hat Alliance may have other plans.

According to intelligence sources this Democrat Deep State had let into the country, armed and placed at least a million illegal aliens in major cities set to begin riots on Tues. 5 Nov. voting day. Their goal was to not only interfere with voting, but give a reason for Biden to implement Martial Law and keep the Biden/ Harris Administration in office.

It was literally a war against Good and Evil. Dementia Biden and cackling can’t-make- a policy- statement-let-alone-complete-a-sentence Harris were obviously only puppets to the Puppet Master Deep State Illuminati S***n Worshipping Cabal.

To accomplish that end of creating chaos, last 27 Sep. 2024 the Biden Harris implemented Department of Defense Directive 524 that authorized the US Department of Defense to use deadly force against American citizens if they protested results of the election.

On the White Hat side and for over a week, the DC area has been preparing for their own form of Martial Law that would protect the citizens, placed fencing around the US Capitol and US Treasury while building up the presence of their deputized National Guard in those major cities.

The White Hats have already implemented Project Odin which took control of US Taxpayer Dollars paid to the Cabal since 1918, while activating the new gold/backed Quantum Financial System that gave the monies back to The People.

The below were rumored dates which were subject to change (anything could happen):

  • Tues. 5 Nov. 2024 Cyber Attack, election results, change of President, get 800s
  • Wed. 6 Nov. 2024 Martial Law, EBS
  • Thurs. 7 Nov. 2024 begin scheduling Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) appointments
  • Tues. 12 Nov. 2024 begin Tier4b appointments
  • On Wed. 20 Nov. 2024 Nuremberg Trials 2.0 to begin.

  • Tues. 17 Dec. 2024 has been designated by the World Court as a very important date. World Court legal docs demanded that high up Government officials must immediately resign or face arrest. Lower level Government persons have until Sun. 1 Dec. 2024 to resign or face arrest. …Striker

Judy Note: What We Think We Know as of Tues. 5 Nov. 2024:

  • Judy Note: As of 12 midnight EST on Mon. 4 Nov. 2024 the below had not yet happened as far as I knew: On Mon. Evening 4 Nov. Trump was scheduled to announce on TV cancellation of the 2024 Election due to extensive Election Voter Fraud that has occurred in early voting districts (over ten million illegal ballots counted by the Military to date). This included fraudulent ballots printed in foreign countries and electronic voting machines flipping votes – the same that happened in the 2020 fraudulent Election. Trump will also expose fraudulent actors like Biden and Harris who have been posing as the Biden Administration. Since the Globalist Shadow Government Cabal has organized riots to occur nationwide on Tues. 5 Nov voting day, an EBS was ready to go that was expected to announce Martial Law. Such would insure the safety of The People until a new, transparent and secure election could be held within 120 days:

👨‍👩‍👦‍👦🌍🤝 (Benjamin Fulford's Preview Weekly Report) BF: MI6 Says - Remember, Remember... ~ Nov 5, 2024 ~ |

SoTW - Remember, Remember, the fifth of November...

👨‍💼🦇🟠(SciCry - Who is Batman?) Flashback to Reality: Many are still asking why it’s taking so long.Its a Spiritual Warfare 26000 years in the Making Astronomical Monument. We're at The Final Nibiru and Solar Flash Stage ~ Nov 5, 2024 ~ |

DARK TO LIGHT: I Am Vengeance Donald Trump Orange Batman...

Editor's Note: Did the Western World of Cabals surrender on a Ceremonial Sword Dance in Saudi Arabia 2017?. Queen-Lizzie capitulated to CIC Pres. Trump in 2018?(wave at the hologram). Queen Daisy in 2023? On Queen's birthday 2024 the famous King Christian IV Stock Exchange building caught fire! Was it Batman with Airtox shoes in partnership with Warner Bros.? Are we Watching a Movie? Why has 4 DK Male Celebs died between Satanist High and Satanic Revels? (more is coming) ... | 
SoTW - For some reason, I had major goosebumps watching this scene in a IMAX Theatre