Jul 4, 2016
Did Labour MPs launch Corbyn coup to rescue Blair from war crimes charge? (Kædereaktion efter BREXIT - Coup d'état. David Cameron har meldt sin afgang, søgte væk for at undgå at blive historiens største politiske taber der trykkede på EU farvel-knappens - 'Artikel 50'. Så blev det Nigel Farage's tur. Efter hårdt pres fra højreorienterede Labours parlamentsmedlemmer, venter mange næste på scenen bliver Jeremy Corbyn grundet en frygt for, at anti-krigs lederen Corbyn vil anmode om en rigsretssag mod tidligere PM Tony Blair om Irak krigen. Hvis nu Corbyn forbliver og en rigsretssag bliver stadfæstet, så kommer turen ikke kun til Blair men også til Anders Fogh og nuværende Venstre-regering som desperat forsøger at dække over manden. Kædens næste led bliver tidligere præsident George W. Bush, både for 911 samt Irak krigen. 'Hitleray' Clinton og Bill Clinton ryger også snart ... og når alt det sker, maler jeg byen rød)
Blair knew Iraq would be his epitaph. But he dared not defy BushThe Guardian - 8 hours
Blair laughed nervously, and talked of his “epitaph”. Bush urged the junior partner to have ...More news for Blair knew Iraq would be his epitaph
David Cameron's first words when he realised he had lost EU referendumThe Independent - 2 days ago
These were the words of David Cameron when he realised he had lost the EU referendum ...
Scottish MP Alex Salmond says the coup against Jeremy Corbyn was launched by a core of right-wing Labour MPs because they fear the .
Review: 'Bush,' a Biography as Scathing Indictment
New York Times - 16 hours ago
For George W. Bush, the summer already looks unbearable. The party he gave his life to will ...More news for Review: ‘Bush,’ a Biography as Scathing Indictment
New York Times - 16 hours ago
For George W. Bush, the summer already looks unbearable. The party he gave his life to will ...More news for Review: ‘Bush,’ a Biography as Scathing Indictment
Jeremy Corbyn's leadership is over. The only question now is when – and how
The Independent - 1 day ago
I think Jeremy Corbyn's leadership is over. The only question is how it ends.
The Independent - 1 day ago
I think Jeremy Corbyn's leadership is over. The only question is how it ends.
Nigel Farage resigns as Ukip leader after 'achieving political ambition' of Brexit
The Guardian - 4 hours ago
The Guardian - 4 hours ago
Nigel Farage is stepping down as leader of Ukip, saying he has done his bit for the cause of ...
Jul 3, 2015
A new document reveals that Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who was Prime Minister of Denmark in the period leading up to and during the Iraq war...
He quickly added, "Crooked Hillary Clinton knew that her husband wanted to meet with the ...
Stråling næsten væk efter ulykken i Fukushima (Det er sgu da den største LØGN i mands minde...Vil våge den påstand, at både Japan, Stillehavet og Canada stadigvæk har store mængder radioaktive forurening og det vi spiser af fisk og andet godt fra havet kan have forhøjet tal af radioaktive stoffer og kviksølv..)
Strålingsniveauet er på vej mod normalen i Stillehavet
Den radioaktive forurening var ti millioner gange højere end normalt i dagene efter katastrofen i Fukushima. Nu er den næsten tilbage på normalt niveau.Fem år efter et kraftigt jordskælv og en efterfølgende atomulykke ramte Japan er der godt nyt på vej.Den radioaktive stråling i Stillehavet, der efter ulykken var tårnhøj, er nu næsten tilbage på et normalt niveau. Det viser en rapport fra Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research, som er et globalt samarbejde mellem havforskere. Det kraftige undersøiske jordskælv ramte det nordøstlige Japan 11. marts 2011. Rystelserne udløste en tsunami og et nedsmeltet atomkraftværk i byen Fukushima. I forsøget på at nedkøle kraftværket blev en stor mængde havvand forurenet. Og i dagene efter var den radioaktive stråling ti millioner gange højere end normalen.Det betød, at omkring halvdelen af fiskene ud for kysten var radioaktive i 2011.
- Men i 2015 var det antal faldet til under en procent over grænsen, siger professor Pere Masque, Edith Cowan University i Australien. Han er en af forfatterne bag rapporten. Katastrofen medførte, at alle Japans snesevis af atomreaktorer blev lukket ned i to år.Men regeringen har presset på og fået genstartet flere af reaktorerne. Den hævder, at det ressourcefattige land har brug for atomkraften.
Fukushima: tikkende Atombombe. Over 300 Tons radioaktivt materiale strømmer ud i Stillehavet, hver dag - UPDATE!!!!! 18. Aug (END OF LIFE)
ZeroHedge: Fukushima Five Years Later: "The Fuel Rods Melted Through Containment And Nobody Knows Where They Are Now"
Radiation From Fukushima - The Disaster in Japan
The 100-year battle to make Fukushima safe: Grim prediction as brave workers expect to 'die within weeks'
Top Official: Over 60 million Japanese irradiated by Fukushima — Nuclear Expert: 50,000 sq. miles of Japan highly contaminated… Many millions need to be evacuated… Gov’t has decided to sacrifice them, it’s a serious crime — TV: More than 70% of country contaminated by radiation (VIDEOS) April 14, 2016
Fukushima 2016 |
Fukushima 2014 |
Fukushima 2015 |
MASS ANIMAL DEATH LIST 300 Known MASS Death Events in 65 Countries (or Territory)
1st July 2016 - Mass fish die off in a river in Sumy Region, Ukraine. Link
29th June 2016 - Mass fish die off in a river in Stavropol, Russia. Link
28th June 2016 - Hundreds of dead starfish wash up on beaches in Tekirdag, Turkey. Link
28th June 2016 - Hundreds of dead birds washing up along lake Erie in New York, America. Link
28th June 2016 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Lancashire, England. Link
27th June 2016 - 13,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Yunlin County, Taiwan. Link
27th June 2016 - 3 TONS of fish found dead in a lake in Viamao, Brazil. Link
26th June 2016 - Huge number of dead fish found in a river in Nanjing, China. Link
25th June 2016 - 48 dead turtles found on beaches in Sinaloa, Mexico. Link
25th June 2016 - Large number of dead sea creatures washing ashore, 'a mystery' in Skegness, England. Link
25th June 2016 - 45,000 cattle have died this year due to drought in Tabasco, Mexico. Link
25th June 2016 - Thousands of dead fish found along the waterways of Memphis, America. Link
25th June 2016 - TONS of fish found dead in the waters of Nalgonda, India. Link
24th June 2016 - Dozens of alligators and hundreds of fish dying every day due to drought in Pilcomayo river, Paraguay. Link
24th June 2016 - 40 TONS of fish 'suddenly die' in a fish farm in Hau Giang, Vietnam. Link
24th June 2016 - 9,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Macau, China. Link
24th June 2016 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Bernardo de Irigoyen, Argentina. Link
24th June 2016 - Hundreds of dead fish found floating in a lake in Quang Nam, Vietnam. Link
23rd June 2016 - Hundreds of dead birds found in fields 'due to pesticides' in Chandrapur, India. Link
1st America's space agency, NASA Solar System Exploration, shows us tons of data from other planets in our Milky Way since 2015, kinda soft disclosure, right. However, NOTHING about Nibiru | Planet X which are still conditioning 'Above Top Secret' (like the dark side of the moon), passing close to earth at one time and can even be picked up by your camera and spot it yourselves...
Auroras created by high-energy particles are seen on a pole of the planet Jupiter in a NASA composite of two separate images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. © NASA / Reuters |
Monday’s rare Mercury transit across the Sun: What you need to know (VIDEO) |
Curiosity Self-Portrait at Martian Sand Dune © NASA / JPL-Caltech / MSSS |
Spooky clouds over CERN spark 'portal to other dimensions’ theory |
Jupiter: Planeternes konge
BAGGRUND Solsystemets største planet får tirsdag morgen besøg fra Jorden. Her er alt du skal vide om gaskæmpen, der kan kaldes Jordens beskytter.
Discover the Art of Loving Yourself - A Mirror Work Exercise for Self-Love & Self-Acceptance (Hvis ikke du kender Louise L Hay, så er 'mirror work' en god begyndelse til selv-kærlighed. Bogen 'Helbred dit liv' er næsten et obligatorisk valg, når man er alternativ behandler. Jeg benytter mig selv af 'bekræftelser' hver eneste dag og det hjælper. "Hvis vi har mange negative tanker og følelser, kan det påvirke kroppen og gøre os syge. Louise L. Hay sætter i sin bog, Helbred dit liv, fokus på en lang række sygdomme, der kan ses som en direkte konsekvens af uhensigtsmæssige tankemønstre, og hun kommer med sit bud på nye tankemønstre, der skal hjælpe til at slippe sygdommen igen")
Læs også: Tør du leve sundt?
Your relationship with yourself affects everything in your life. So, if you are feeling stuck in difficult relationships, an unsatisfying career, unhealthy habits or even financial disparity, mirror work is a wonderful way to go deep within and heal so that more of what you want can come into your life. Louise Hay discovered that positive affirmations work best when you look into your own eyes in a mirror and repeat these affirmations often. This is what she has coined, “Mirror Work” and she’s been the pioneer of this life-changing practice ever since. Louise discovered the power of the mirror work technique first-hand to heal from a traumatic childhood, low self-esteem and even used it to heal herself of cancer. As she practiced mirror work, her self-esteem improved and is responsible for her successful business and rewarding life. In this first video, Robert Holden, Ph.D., shares one of Louise’s foundational mirror work exercises to help you begin a self-love journey that will forever change the way you see yourself, how you see others, and ultimately, how you see the world. |
Robert is the best-selling author
of several books, Director of the Happiness Project and Success Intelligence,
a business coach for top corporations, and has worked closely with Louise Hay
and her mirror work technique. He’s sharing several mirror work exercises in
his free video series to help you learn the gifts that come from loving
It’s never too late to improve your self-esteem. Self-esteem is essential in all aspects of your life including relationships, health and financial security. When you learn Louise’s mirror work technique, you’ll begin to take care of yourself on a much deeper level, and you’ll begin to see that when you truly love yourself, the world reflects more love back to you. Wishing You the Best, Reid Tracy CEO, Hay House |
about the free video series:
"Very empowering. Love is as good as life gets and it does begin with self-love. Robert your teaching is great. " — Linda "Love this. So gently presented, with loving kindness. I am headed to my mirror now. " — Katy "I did this for the first time today and started by smiling as I did it, then I found I got very emotional as I've always had a lack of love in my life. I am 62 years old, so this was a "biggie" as I've never looked in a mirror before except to apply makeup. Thanks for this! " — Barbara "Thank you so much for these exercises. I have already started doing the seven day challenge. I'm expecting an abundance of love. Thanks for your patient attitude." — Catherine "Amazing and gifted teaching. I'm going to do the mirror work for 7 days. Just doing it for the first time and he's right...it's like you tap into the REAL YOU...so spiritual...tears of joy! " — Kamille |
Analyst: Deutsche Bank Insolvent; Value now MINUS €300 BILLION; Before Derivatives!
Deutsche Bank is "insolvent" according to an analyst who says the bank is worth NEGATIVE €300 Billion and when Derivatives are factored-in, the Bank is worth almost NEGATIVE €1 TRILLION!
The chart has many similarities in the descent path. However, many differences exist.
Lehman was a mortgage bond event.Continue reading at....https://www.superstation95.com/index.php/world/1582
Deutsche Bank is a universal banking system event.
ADHD er alles skyld – men dit eget ansvar
Når skylden for ADHD i samfundet skal findes, peges fingrene i mange retninger: Samfundet generelt rummer ikke de skævere tænkende, skolerne mangler forståelse, medicinalindustrien er grådig, lægerne er dovne, vores mad er forkert, og forældrene er for slappe. Jeg vover en påstand: Det er alles skyld.
Verden er stor, skolen, medicinalindustrien, lægerne, maden, forældrene, mere end en recept, fælleskabet |
Anders Stjernholm 2. juli 2016
ADHD er en neurologisk størrelse. Vi ADHD’ere har en skævhed i hjernen. Der mangler signalstoffer, og derfor fungerer vi ikke optimalt. Men en persons ADHD kan skyldes mange ting.
At du har en neurologisk skævhed i hjernen, betyder ikke, at den dermed er kommet indefra, og det betyder heller ikke, at du står alene med ansvaret. Du kan få lov til at dele det med os andre. Det bliver jeg næppe populær af at sige, men det er min holdning: Alle har noget af skylden for den udbredelse og effekt, diagnoser som ADHD har på vores samfund.....
Læs videre: https://www.information.dk/debat/2016/07/adhd-alles-skyld-dit-eget-ansvar
Message from Montague on Sunday 26th of June 2016
Kanaliseret af Veronica Keen
© 2016 Montague Keen
Hver søndag, bringer Montague et budskab om håb og støtte til alle, derer villige til at lytte. Han snakker tit om Cabal og deres evindelige konstruktive adfærd.
© 2016 Montague Keen
Hver søndag, bringer Montague et budskab om håb og støtte til alle, derer villige til at lytte. Han snakker tit om Cabal og deres evindelige konstruktive adfærd.
Understand that this is but the first step. You will have to be strong to hold on to your VICTORY. Your oppressors are busy now, trying to overturn this remarkable victory. I say do not fall for their lies. DO NOT AGREE TO ANOTHER REFERENDUM. Think back at how they overturned IRELAND'S VOTE TO WITHDRAW FROM THE EU. Ireland was cheated out of its wish to withdraw. Think about why you are always asked to vote with the use of a pencil mark which can be so easily erased. Ensure that you use an indelible pen in future.
Your oppressors will leave no stone unturned in their efforts to take over your world. They believed that their strongholds throughout England would win the day but it was the real English people who achieved this extraordinary result. The whole world owes them a debt of gratitude, for they have shown great courage. This is the first defeat the Illuminati have suffered. I say the first, advisably, as they have many more to face. Their downfall is assured. This was just the first step. The Illuminati's Great Plan to unify the world and make it into one unit that they alone would control, has taken a blow. A blow which it did not expect. From this side of life, it was exciting to see the shock waves and the dismay. They do not like to make mistakes. THIS IS A BIG ONE. The light is emerging and opening people's eyes as never before.
Tom Heneghan Update - July 4, 2016 CET
Sunday July 3, 2016
Lesbian Demon Hillary Fingered for Another Murder
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
UNITED States of America - It
can now be reported that the U.S. Military Grand Jury operating in
Washington, D.C. have reopened the case of the murder of former
Starbucks coffee employee and Clinton era White House intern Mary
Caitrin Mahoney.
Mahoney, who was murdered in an execution style manner, was found with two bullets in her head along with the bodies of two other Starbucks coffee employees on July 8, 1997.
Mahoney, who was murdered in an execution style manner, was found with two bullets in her head along with the bodies of two other Starbucks coffee employees on July 8, 1997.
who worked on the Bill Clinton 1992 presidential campaign, was hired as
an intern at the Clinton White House in September of 1993 an
immediately became the lesbian lover of then First Lady Hillary Rodham
Clinton on a weekly basis.
Former Secret Service agents Gary Byrne and Gary Aldrich were assaulted by then First Lady Hillary Clinton when she was caught in November of 1993 of engaging in hot lesbian sex in the private bedroom of the First Family on White House property.
Note: First Lady Hillary Clinton had just received a birthday present aka a 14-inch dildo from then White House aid and political consultant, closet homosexual George Stephanopoulos.
Reference: The Department of Naval Intelligence still has the photographs.
A week before her brutal murder, White House intern Mahoney had called local police in Washington, D.C., in Baltimore, Maryland, the local FBI office and U.S. media outlets CNN cable news and the Washington Post claiming she was afraid for her life.
We can now divulge that the individual arrested for the murder of Mahoney and the other Starbucks coffee employees was a David Derek Cooper who was the son of a deacon and none other than an FBI informant who had a liaison to then FBI Director Bush-Clinton-CIA Crime Family Syndicate stooge, Louis Freeh.
phone records now available also connect David Derek Cooper to contacts
with Washington Post columnist Bob Woodward and Washington Post
columnist closet homosexual David Ignatius.
Ignatius and Woodward are not real journalists; they are CIA and Naval Intelligence assets (ask Forrest Lindley 301-565-0477).
Ignatius and Woodward are not real journalists; they are CIA and Naval Intelligence assets (ask Forrest Lindley 301-565-0477).
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