Apr 4, 2019
đŽ Takebackyourpower.net | ~ Brussels Becomes First Major City to Halt 5G Due to Health Effects ~ | .. Great news. A Belgian government minister has announced that Brussels is halting its 5G plans due to health effects .. | Blogger: You can only guess why they do this... A very positive way for the citizens of brussels, yes indeed...Copenhagen and 50 other big cities are not that lucky... However, a more sinister take it, that since Brussels in Belgium is considered the de facto capital of the European Union, and 5G is banned in Bill Gates and President Trump's Florida retreat, you figure it out... |
CBS Los Angeles | June 30, 2018 | ~ Paranormal Investigator Claims To Find ‘Time Warp’ Near Las Vegas ~ | Blogger: [đŠL.A. proximity to Nellis Air Force Base. The Unofficial Area 51, Area S4. Verdensalt.dk has talked to a guy from EG&G Janet Airline and their secretsđž] ... This enigmatic air-base has become a pivotal piece in the UFO jigsaw. Area 51 is located in Nevada, taking up the kind of acreage that a small country would be proud of, and in fact is the size of Switzerland. Until recently, according to official U.S. statements, it didn’t actually exist. Unofficially it is an operational testing range for the cutting edge technological developments of America’s armed forces. The facilities centered around the Groom Lake area are amongst the most secretive in the world, requiring a level of security so remark- able that Area 51 has become a modern day myth in its own right. Access to the base is by authorized personnel only, via a daily shuttle where at least 500 people arrive at the guarded terminal owned by EG&G on the northwest side of McCarran Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada. Here they board one of a small fleet of unmarked Boeing 737-200s. Using three digit numbers prefixed by the word "Janet" as their call signs, the 73s fly off North every half hour. There is no perimeter fence, just a vast mileage of desert in all directions inaccessible to the public. This ‘no man’s land’ around Groom Lake is patrolled constantly by infamous camouflaged guards, (nicknamed cammo dudes) who travel in Cherokee Jeeps to monitor the borders and stop any unwanted visitors getting inside of the base. They are supported by electronic surveillance systems, including motion sensors and other monitoring equipment that is said to have the ability to pick up human sweat. Military units and air support are also present. Warning signs on the edge of Area 51 tell of heavy penalties for intruders, including the authorization for the deadly use of force. No one denies that the U.S. Government aims to keep this site secure at all costs. No one gets in. Period. Recently, some very good aerial satellite images of the area have been available through Google Earth (far below images), which is an amazing 3D map of Earth that has most areas mapped down to a resolution of just a few thousand feet. Most of the pictures on this page in fact were captured from the program because they are the most up-to-date satellite imagery taken of the base... |
Dr. Michael Salla Exopolitics | ~ Flying Triangles at MacDill AFB & Hurricane Irma (VIDEOS) ~ | Blogger: [đšđLars A. Buchhave who is a danish Professor at DTU - SPACE National Space Institute, Astrophysics and Atmospheric Physics says: Scientists have found 'Earth's twin' in 2017. When will we get a STRAIGHT answer!?đ€] ... Sjov tanke, ikke sandt!?? Jeg er stadig stĂ„lfast og mĂ„lrettet pĂ„ en anden teori, som deler professorens syn, men pĂ„ nogle heeeelt andre prĂŠmisser... Det, at de hemmelige rumprogrammer, har haft livlig aktivitet med andre civil- isationer de sidste 70 Ă„r... KĂŠrestede lidt med en amerikaner for et par Ă„r siden hvis far var Chief Master Sergeant (CMSgt) pĂ„ Patrick Air Force Base Ăžstlige testomrĂ„de, under hans tid i USAF. Han arbejdede senere i kontroltĂ„rnet, Ă©n af de betroede militĂŠrfolk pĂ„ et hĂžjt clearings-niveau, som havde ansvaret for den hĂ„ndlĂŠnkede 'dokumentmappe' med hemmelige dokumenter og fingeren pĂ„ opsendings-knappen til Apollo-missionerne og kendte alle de berĂžmte astro- nauter. Foruden udstationeringer i Tyskland og andre hemmelige steder, hang hans certifikater og andre kvalifikationsbeviser pĂ„, hendes vĂŠggen. Han er nu pensio- neret, vil Ă„benbart ikke afslĂžre sine hemmeligheder, stadig under ed og opsyn. For en Nordisk hillbilly som mig selv, var det fantastisk at opleve. Han har hĂžjst sandsynligt dybt kendskab til, om mĂ„nelandingerne var forfalskede, The Hollow Earth og Area 51. m.m. Da jeg smuttede en tur til Vegas, MUFON konferencen i 2017, fik jeg lige hilst pĂ„ tidligere NASA ansatte, Ă©n af dem, en vaskeĂŠgte astronaut og fik, naturligvis, deres autografer (L. Blaine Hammond, Dr Ken Johnston). K. Johnston pibede lĂžs om konspirationer, fik en god snak bla. om han selv har kendskab til at militĂŠret benyttede sig af at airbrush'e tonsvis af fotos der viser mĂ„nestrukturer m.m., mens Hammond har fĂ„et mundkurv pĂ„. Spurgte Hr. Hammond om han kendte til den fĂžrste danske ESA-astronaut Andreas Mogensen, men han svarede ud i luften, der sikkert er mange siden ham og anede ikke hvor Danmark lĂ„. SĂ„ det motto som Mogens L(Ăž)kketoft og Lars LĂžkke bĂŠrer rundt pĂ„ »Jeg er den l(Ăž)kkeligste l(Ăž)kkerider, hvem sagde storhedsvanvid?», passer vel meget godt pĂ„ os danskere, som tror vi selv er centeret for en verdensakse eller verdens centrum.. Ja, verden er mega stor, men universet er ""uendelig"", det er fĂžrst nĂ„r man Ă„bner sine sanser og fĂ„r klarsyn, vist ikke til politikernes favĂžr.. Er man inkarneret Star Wars / Star Trek fans som mig, tror man ogsĂ„ pĂ„ mĂ„nen rent faktisk er kunstig fremstillet. Titaniumbaseret kamp-planet? I hvert fald forlyder det, at efter NASA og SSP (dvs. det amerikanske hemmelige rumprogram) smed en 2-tons Compact Kinetic Energy Missile (CKEM) pĂ„ mĂ„nen og den rystede i flere dage efter, viser mĂ„ske, den er hul indeni. Ja, alle supermagter som har adgang til universet, benytter sig flittigt af computer-generated imagery (CGI) og andre simulatorer. Det bruges dog til at 'slĂžre' MIC-SSP Solar Warden Armada, deres 2 massive rumstationer i (LEO), Asteroide minedrift, indgangen til The Hollow Earth, The Black Knight satelliter, rumstationer pĂ„ bagsiden af MĂ„nen, Solens virkelige udseende (Portal) og naturligvis de udenjordiske vĂŠseners rumskibe osv. Min teori er lige sĂ„ vanvittig som Ole Lochmann, Psykotererapeut, der har overbevist 25.000 andre danskere om, at Jorden er Flad. Jooooo, mĂ„ske har du ret Ole, hĂŠlder dog mere til min og andre amerikaners teser, jeg har selv stĂ„et ved Area 51, snakket med mange amerikanere indenfor det militĂŠr-industrielle kompleks og set UFO'er med egne Ăžjne.. Hvem ved... Mange vil fĂ„ et chok, nĂ„r sandheden kommer frem i lyset... |
LĂS VIDERE: http://nyheder.tv2.dk/tech/2017-11-06-forskere-har-fundet-jordens-tvilling-faar-vi-snart-svar-paa-om-vi-er-alene
Flying Triangles at MacDill AFB & Hurricane Irma
The first two segments of a four part audio interview series with JP, who has been releasing photos of flying triangles, flying rectangles, flying saucers and other antigravity craft witnessed in the vicinity of MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, and Orlando, Florida, is now available on ExoNews TV.
JP is a contactee who has had contacts with human looking “Nordic” extraterrestrials since 2008. In addition to ongoing contact experiences with the Nordics, he has also had experiences with a U.S. Air Force run secret space program that has been taking him aboard flying triangles and rectangles.
What makes JP stand out among many contactee/insider claims is that he has taken stunning photos of the craft that he has been taken aboard, and/or belonging to the Nordics. In some cases, JP was encouraged by personnel associated with USAF Special Operations to take photos of their antigravity vehicles.
In Part 2 (released today) we learn from JP how he began releasing photos of flying triangles he witnessed near MacDill AFB, Tampa, Florida, in August 2017, after being prompted to do so from unknown covert personnel. Soon after Hurricane Irma appeared and reached Category 5 on the hurricane scale, and made a beeline for MacDill, which led to its first ever evacuation and closure.
According to JP’s sources, Irma was retaliation for the USAF Special Operations Command making its fleets of antigravity craft known to the general public.
In Part one (released on March 30) we learn about how JP’s contacts began during his early childhood, and resumed in 2008 where he encountered Nordics for the first time. He soon after began communicating his experiences with me and I have kept a record of his encounters and began writing a series of articles on them in September 2017 .
JP is a contactee who has had contacts with human looking “Nordic” extraterrestrials since 2008. In addition to ongoing contact experiences with the Nordics, he has also had experiences with a U.S. Air Force run secret space program that has been taking him aboard flying triangles and rectangles.
What makes JP stand out among many contactee/insider claims is that he has taken stunning photos of the craft that he has been taken aboard, and/or belonging to the Nordics. In some cases, JP was encouraged by personnel associated with USAF Special Operations to take photos of their antigravity vehicles.
In Part 2 (released today) we learn from JP how he began releasing photos of flying triangles he witnessed near MacDill AFB, Tampa, Florida, in August 2017, after being prompted to do so from unknown covert personnel. Soon after Hurricane Irma appeared and reached Category 5 on the hurricane scale, and made a beeline for MacDill, which led to its first ever evacuation and closure.
According to JP’s sources, Irma was retaliation for the USAF Special Operations Command making its fleets of antigravity craft known to the general public.
đ Your Must-Listen Alternative News Broadcast đ | Simon Parkes Special: Sacha Stone - Connecting Consciousness | Blogger: () = Verdensalt... Simon says... Sacha Stone is being interviewed by Simon, talking about his new film on 5G (a-must-see Sacha Stone documentary)... Sachs: "We are talking about technologies that is being developed within the military-industrial complex (MIC) basement over many years now, that is able to TRACK & TRAIL or LOCK & LOAD and then use 'Super/Quantum-computation', tracking a desired target or people or human genome, anywhere on Earth, at any time (George Orwell warnings = Total Moni- toring = The Surveillance-Industrial Complex = Global Dominance)... Sacha: The cover story about 5G i absolute nonsense -- We DON'T need faster gaming, or download a Bollywood film in seconds, and none of that, is going to be serving people or the planet (China's dystopian dreams: A.I. and “Skynet”, already exist)... Sacha: When the time 5G technology (Skynet) goes live in most footprints, we're talking about a 17-20 TRILLION DOLLAR roll-out globally... Desperately serious stuff, if you consider, NONE OF IT, has been subjected to health scrutiny or health testing... And that is the basic rub of the issue... Simon and Sacha is also talking about incredible Star Trek technology capabilities like; Ring Phased Antenna Array for 5G IoT and Sensor Networks, able to see round corners, and RFID Nanotech tagging ID with 'holographic' lenses or lense flare capacity (from Smart City wifi lamp lights), multiple photons and hundreds of IoT-devices which will be able to see in total dark like a hologram...⚠️ PS: (Verdensalt has been talking about my own prophecy after 30 plus years working with IT -- The downside from govt entities or non-human 'controllers' of 2025 (2030) Ascension and Transmutation Process agenda -- Everyone who refuse to 'detach' themselves from the 3D Matrix of illusion will undergo some serious changes that occur in the physical human upgrade. Like all are 'offered' to be incorporated into a centralized surveillance capitalism brainchip, to interact with the global 'free' 6G real-time network, which, without comparison, puts the movie 'Ready Player One' in the short-lived. In 2030, 3D bio-prints of limbs and organs are created, replaced with new advanced robotics technology, while vaccinations with superior DNA technology labeling, we already have it, takes over the dosage of diseases in the body, with nano or microrobots, which can largely cure everything but it will not be allowed by the medical mafia... If the unthinkable that our beloved Earth, collapsing of a constant chemtrailing (microscopy) with vira & RFID informations being adopted into every living thing, or from HAARP, burning of fossil fuels and other road manipulation apparatuses, we are simply beamed up to an identical Earth plane, duplicate of a 3D Matrix of illusion design, (Star Trek hologram) adapted to the mass population, who loves to live in the same 'format', as now.. sorry to be so dysfunctional thinking ) ... Sacha is also saying when the 5G (Skynet) signal is going LIVE, the first thing it will do is targeting human microbial DNA (Anthropogenic biome, ecosystems) of the gastrointestinal system (human digestive system), where mood, appetite and addictions, will be most affected and then human brain (depression suicidal etc)... (verdensalt: it makes me sick to listen to moređ€ą) ... |
Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams...
Former rock musician and artist Sacha Stone grew up in Rhodesia-Zimbabwe throughout the war for independence. He established Humanitad in 1999. After conducting a five year diplomatic campaign he engaged Humanitad upon both the NGO and IGO playing fields as an outspoken advocate of human rights and natural justice. He has instigated peace initiatives and education programs, and has lobbied against human-rights abuses in different parts of the globe and continues to prosecute for the protection of breakthrough innovators, scientists and doctors.Sacha founded New Earth Project (New Earth Nation), the worlds most integrated movement promulgating sustainable, sovereign and self-determining communities. It operates as a universal trust engaging micro-nations by Treaty and exists outside of fictitious enclosures dreamt up by self-serving corporation-governments and institutions. He is also founder of the ITNJ International Tribunal for Natural Justice, which launched under multilateral observership in June 2015 via a ceremonial seating and ratification ceremony at Westminster Central Hall in London on the 800th anniversary of the signing of Magna Carta. This new planetary court is committed to the dispensation of natural justice and adherence to the rule-of-law...
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