Feb 26, 2021

🤗🏳️🙌 ~ (1000's years of global Tyranny, is a multidimensional operation - cannot be done with the flick of a switch) ECETI Update (ECETI Ranch) ~ | Blogger: OMG! Thanks ECETI... Some positive words and assurances from James and Co... The world (seem) to be going down the shitter, after "Trump" left the Knights of the Round Table and fellowship of King Arthur, with the rigged election and Biden's "fake" presidency... Rumor has it, that cloned China Joe, is about to be removed, but like Simon, Dr. Charlie, Cobra and everyone else in the "know", we can't get ANY specific details... I, for one, are soon going insane, with lip biting, head banging, causing overwhelming distress, that, NOTHING, is in the world news... Been soooo patiently waiting on the spiritual path in 20 years time and if nothing happens, in March-April of 2021, I will join one of the most remote and isolated monasteries in the world... Why? I cannot sit and just watch all the suffering anymore.. My dad is about to get his vaccinations soon, and if he dies because of his body cannot take the man-made mRNA genetic manipulation, it will break my heart a thousand ways... |



James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience 


ECETI Update 

We are often privy to information through spiritual messages of which we cannot give details due to jeopardizing ongoing operations. We can say all is going well and there is a plan albeit not unfolding as fast as many would like. In the spirit world the word soon can mean ten years, very soon can mean tomorrow, weeks even months. We are hearing very soon as to the end of tyranny, have been for a while. One thing that always gives me solace is tyranny is not frequency specific to where the Earth is evolving. We have to be specific when asking questions. We were told 90% of the children have been rescued in America, the tunnels under the Capitol are cleaned up. The fences around the Capitol were made to keep people in not out. It is part of capturing a foreign government that took over America, USA Inc. and to keep anything from escaping from the tunnels. Use logic concerning the National Guard and fencing. Many children were seen coming out of the buildings at the wee hours in the morning with rescue vehicles waiting. This was not an arrest of the politicians that is ongoing and will escalate. It is not an operation to keep people out it is to keep people in along with other abominations. The money for the fencing was set aside during the Trump Administration. It was a multipurpose operation, capture the foreign government, USA Inc., rescue the children, remove the human and nonhuman beings responsible for the horrific things being done to children. This was a multidimensional operation.

🚢🚌💉 ~ (Mæætte's Kombardo Vaccine Expressen) STM sender et frustreret brev til EU-ledere og Vaccinefabrikkerne. System-Medico-Mette, ikke tilfreds. Dansk vaccinegeneralprøve starter i dag og SST's mål om 400.000 coronavaccinationer om dagen, er en realitet. 100 i timen / 1.200 om dagen per DEMA-camp. 5.000 personer i Øksnehallen (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤜STATEN:" I midten af maj kan vi "forhåbentlig" åbne mere op!"🤛] ... Av! Av! Av!... "The first order" (empire) of Business, er at A-L-L-E får 'stikket' - tyk som tynd, ung, som gammel - så vaccinepasset og den nye epidemilov, giver mening: »Det er et lys for enden af tunnelen« siger vores folkevalgte, CEO Lamborghini-Brian, alle hans Guld1000 virksomhedsledere og det 200,000 store parate, danske sundhedsvæsen... HER sidder jeg på SoTW-kanalen, dybt begravet i det Jyske-muld og digter, om fremtiden. En afvigende fange fra 'djævleøen, nu bosat på fastlandet, hvor bommene til Tysk-Svensk grænser er slået ned, de 45 mia. kr. af feriepenge alligevel ikke bliver udbetalt til påske, danske flag er sat på halv mast og ikke så langt fra Hitlers datter, Angela Merkel, som også ser ind i fremtidens dysfunktionelle virkelighed, hvor enigheden er nået om vaccinepas inden sommer. Merkel mener også, vi må forberede os på kontinuerlig vaccination i flere år (CV-19[84] projekt slutning = 25. Marts 2025)... Her findes Danmarks rigeste, »Guldjyder«, de hemmelige jyske »Dallas«-familier forbliver hemmelige, hvor religiøse Josef, Maria og Jesus, findes under bibelbælets bevægelser og penge, hersker, og har indflydelse på landets lovgivning... Ønsket, om et liv fyldt med roser lyserødt papir i skrivemaskiner, samlet i en bog om kærligheds margueritter, er ikke-eksisterende... Min nabo er medlem af Jehovas Vidner, et par gårde væk, skumler den amerikanske drøm af lagerudsalg Tupperware, ejet af JV, fra jordbrug og brændevinsbrænding - her går det godt... Mens lufthavnene stort set er lukket ned, alle sommerhuse er udlejet, frisører, zoo til sommerforlystelser, står tomme, grundet de nye afstandskrav. Dog, tjener DK-største Bilka og 28.000 m² shoppingområde, millioner, og smutter jeg ind i bymidten, ser DDFO Frimurerlogen "Cimbria" stadigvæk majestætisk og ufremkommeligt ud, flugten fra det uvisse, væk fra os, 'useless eaters', ved siden af Spejderborgen og Handelsskolen, som sikkert har underjordisk adgang til DDFO's lokaler, under rekrutteringsfasen, som var det Herlufsholms Kostskole for de riges børn og magteliten... HVORNÅR KOMMER 'BEFRIELSEN'? OG RETSOPGØRET EFTER BEFRIELSEN!?!.. PS: Godt vi ikke skal følge Gwyneth Paltrow coronaråd, fra vagina-æg og lys, skededampere, bistik som behandlingsform og olier mod depressioner, men at tænke sig, Mette's fup, fiduser og falske Corona-pandemi setup, bliver fulgt på samme måde af hendes 100,000 plus følgere... Fra hjernetomme til hjernedumme?... |




🙏 ~ 💝 (Never surrender never give up!) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟WAKE UP CALL | Documentary 4K | World Freedom Alliance: Copenhagen ~ Oracle Films Uncensored🌟] ... PS: At SoTW, let me make it clear, i'm not associated, a frequently voter or into any political groupings, of anykind, was once a JFK21, however, this film, is so much more, than just about the danish political freedom party, JFK21 (The Earth, Freedom, Knowledge), per say... Highly recommended to watch for any person(s), who understand English... Video including many freedom fighting celebs, from around the world, veterans and of course, social media banned, Robert F Kennedy Jr over Covid vaccine posts... Only thing missing in the video in my humble opinion, is, spiritual insights and wisdom - JFK21's way of a (bit) aggressive protesting approach... We all knew in the spiritual communities, this SARS-CoV-2 would come, in some way or form, as a unstoppable A.I. / WEF / Great Reset / Digitization / Transhumanism process and a manufactured (Wuhan bioweapon) disease, no more deadly than normal influenza, in which, we should trust, the wild-card Archangel Michael protected "Trump", Q, extraterrestrial light workers, the resistance movement and The Great Golden Age of Aquarius, to put an end to it all... |

💌 ~ 💗 (With apologies to Gandalf....) What are sacred relationships and why they are so important (Soul Calling) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉"Secrets are poison. Always remember that, any secret is poison. We are here to hold space to others, be open and honest, allow ourselves to be vulnerable, not being part of the programming of perfection and expectations. We need to heal, profoundly." ~ SC👈] ... Amen to that Soul-Sister... SoTW was build to expose secrets towards planetary liberation... Teja also talk about the blueprint, or the template of feminine and masculine aspect and so maaaany other things... Thanks to Eve Parente from The Earth Plan and Teja Wood from Soul Calling... And no, SoTW is NOT a "pink" homosexual or transgender Gandalf kinda guy, just think it was a funny picture... I'm still a 'straight', slovenly, perennially unemployed Onslow (Keeping Up Appearances) type, but at least, i'm honest😂... |