Feb 15, 2021

🛸 ~ IUFOC - T. L. Keller Lecture Slides: Spacecraft Carriers – Extraterrestrial or Terrrestrial? (SoTW Archive 2018) | Blogger: [👽One of the first lectures at IUFOC, called "Spacecraft Carriers," at the 2018 International UFO Congress in Phoenix, where SoTW attended and said hello to Mr. Keller - enjoy🚀] ... From T.L. Keller: " I have attached that slide presentation. I would encourage everyone to view the free, 1-hour interview of Dr. Steven Greer by Dr. Carol Rosin" ... 🧷 PS: How US government covered up UFOs for 80 years & Secret Space Program (Solar Warden armada and other Naval & USAF space fleet).. If you haven't seen this before, it will literally blow your mind🤯... As a former MP's at Royal Danish Air Force, of course I love this stuff... |

T.L. Keller

Bio: Mr. Keller is an aerospace engineer and graduate of engineering, University of California at Los Angeles.

Mr. Keller was a computer systems analyst at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California. He developed the computer system for the management of resources for JPL’s interplanetary exploration projects. He also worked for L-3 Corporation and British Aerospace.

His experience in the aerospace industry led to the development of Space Max: Space Station Construction Simulator, and entertainment and educational software product. He is author of The Total Novice’s Guide to UFOs and The Total Novice’s Guide to the Secret Space Program.

Lecture: Spacecraft Carriers – Extraterrestrial or Terrestrial?

T. L. Keller will be a presenting the recent history of reports of very large, cigar-shaped spacecraft in the skies and on-orbit around Earth. Are these extraterrestrial in origin or are they man-made spacecraft? The reasons why and how there is a real presence, and, consequently, the existence of secret space fleets will be discussed. Through a logical progression of factual, first-hand experiences, the presenter will establish the reality of a fleet of spacecraft carriers now in operation. Are they ours or are they theirs?

A proposed construction methodology of the spacecraft described by Gary McKinnon and Corey Goode will also be presented. Those industries capable of such a manufacturing process will be covered and explained in some detail, followed by a hypothesis by the author.

Ufo Congress Final by tim

🌬️🛸🤗 ~ (SSP News & UFO Proof) Who owns these Buildings and Vehicles on the far side of the Moon? (Beforeitsnews videos) ~ | Blogger: [👉'I want 2 believe', but I understand if you can't👈] ... Btw, the 1st embedded picture was placed in a sector of a military (super) soldier discussed back in 2015, which they indicated, the image, was a REAL photo of a prototype human made spaceship as I recalled it, at SoTW. Of course it was built to fit the (infamous) Solar Warden Space Fleet that operates under the US Naval Network and Space Operations Command (NNSOC) [formerly Naval Space Command ]... The 2nd picture, U.S.S.S. Hillenkoetter, was another blueprint hacked by Mc Kinnon in the days and I received from talking to T.L. Keller - an aerospace engineer and graduate of engineering, University of California at Los Angeles at the 2018 International UFO Congress... 3rd picture, the massive air ships for evacuation or survival purposes, were a random pick at Pinterest. Check out the (small) size of workers on the photo (amazing artwork in there including Starship U.S.S. Enterprise Under Construction)... |

 Picture was later deleted... 

REAL PIC???  - Secret Space Program - SSP - Solar Warden - Massive Air Ships For Evacuation Or Survival Purposes
 | Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban

Who owns these Buildings and Vehicles on the far side of the Moon? 


Who owns these Buildings and Vehicles on the far side of the Moon?   

Giant UFO Moves Through Our Solar System, NASA Footage  

🙏 ~ 💝 ('Woman wants to be owned, but not controlled') Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Why Women Like Assholes + Why Women Aren't Attracted to Nice Guys ~ Teal Swan🌟] ... {'Woman physically attraction in a man: matching, protecting, produce healthy offspring and protect those as well as a ticket to survival'} -- Oh man or woman!. SoTW have said that for many years... Thanks to Teal - I looove her!... Even if it hurt us to listen to truth!... Funny {'a key to a woman's heart or into her panties - it not to become, a jerk'} ... Amen to that brothers and sisters... |


🙅‍♂️🔨❌ ~ ('If you can't beat him - delete him') Slettet fra Facebook efter korrekte fakta (dkdox.tv video) ~ | Blogger: [👉Kritikere af mulig epidemilov har ret: Du kan (potentielt) ryge i spjældet, hvis du nægter at lade dig teste ~ tjekdet.dk👈] ... Alle Lysarbejdere, Jordengle, Starseeds og Lyskrigere ved, Verden omkring os og vor gang på Jorden, er ung endnu. 'Vores planet, vores fremtid' er et floskel, misbrugt i politiske sammenhænge. For at ta' imod 'livskraften' i omvæltningens tidsalder skal vi efterleve de Universelle Love, men også rette skarpt ind, på egen Guddommelig kærlighed... SoTW bekæmper alle former for Statens "Systemvold", tvang og overgreb mod børn, unge og menneskeheden... Gør det med min skrivepen, men støtter alle, som har det mod der skal til og går på barrikaderne lovligt vis, med kærlige intentioner og uden det får ordensmagten og dermed, Staten, til at gå til voldelige handlinger mod uskyldige mennesker... Der burde være et klart budskab om 'frihed, lighed og retfærdighed'. Derfor støtter jeg Per brændgaard, hans spirituelle tilgang og mange af hans slags som tør, hvor andre tøver... Støtter også "Danmark Vågner" & "National genåbning 15 Februar 2021" men Deres telegram-kanal er forplumret af for mange folk og Deres eget Ego om at lave ravage og ikke fokusere på udelukkende, at støtte op om KAMPEN og overlevelse, af de selvstændige erhvervsdrivende... En ting er sikkert og vist, hverken ordensmagten og Staten, kan længere stoppe de græsrodsbevægelser, som simpelthen, har fået nok... Pas godt på jer selv derude og lad os stå sammen om, at skabe opmærksomhed på, at den WEF/DK-aftale, som Lars Løkke regeringen (V, K, LA) og DF og RV) grundlagde fra 2015-2018, er udelukkende målrettet Den Store Nulstilling (The GREAT RESET). Danmark og udenlandske entiteters monster-store ønske om, en omvæltende og revolutionerede Digital Strategi, Transhumanisme og Teknokrati... Det har INTET med en "virus" at gøre... |

If you can't beat him - delete him

Update mødte blogger Per Brændgaard til en demonstration mod epidemiloven, der blev 2. behandlet samme dag.

Han protesterede mod, at Styrelsen for Patientsikkerhed vil få Gestapo-lignende beføjelser, hvis lovforslaget vedtages.

Få dage forinden var han blevet slettet fra Facebook, til trods for hans opslag om epidemiloven var vurderet korrekt af tech-gigantens egen ”faktatjekker”, TjekDet.

Se mere om og støt denne udsendelse på

📺💹🏴‍☠️ ~ (“You are bloodthirsty for ratings,”) This video will go down in history as one of the best red pill videos of 2021 that we should all be playing on loop for the sleeping masses to see, regardless of political affiliation (PFC) ~ | Blogger: You might wanna check out "Here's What Really Happened in TCF Center on Nov. 4 (video)" -- on Simon Parkes official blog wall... |



November 4th...

😟💉🔫 ~ (Sick and twisted people) German Nursing Home Whistleblower: ‘Elderly Dying After COVID Vaccine’ (Beforeitsnews) ~ | Blogger: [👉The Danish National Board of Health: Expects to receive 900,000 more vaccine doses👈] ... Same in Denmark (853 persons so far are dead!?!)... Sooo.. Why the denial?.. Why (pretend) you have not been warned over and over and over, again?... 2nd CV-vaccine shot will or could be the (lethal) ones in the sense, that tons of people who for some reason, not having got strong immune system and by altering the cells and DNA (genetherapy) are the casualties... Do you really think it's (ha-ha-ha) funny, that Jennifer Gates, Bill Gates daughter and medical student, notes that "sadly the vaccine did NOT implant my genius father into my brain - - if only mRNA had that power.....! ."???... These Bill Gates "elites" give me the creeps... |



(SSI fjerner døde borgere fra vaccinationstal)

Sunday, February 14, 2021 8:01

Since the public release of the controversial mRNA vaccine, many disturbing reports of adverse reactions and untimely deaths have been mounting, including deaths following receipt of the experimental Pfizer/BioNTech shot are also emerging from Israel, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, and Switzerland.

According to Children’s Health Defense (CHD) board chairman Robert F. Kennedy Jr, “Coincidence is turning out to be quite lethal to COVID vaccine recipients.” Kennedy adds, “If the clinical trials are good predictors, the rate of coincidence is likely to increase dramatically after the second shot.”

According to records from the clinical trials, it is suggested that almost all the supposed benefits of COVID vaccination and the vast majority of injuries were associated with the second dose of the experimental mRNA vaccine.

Another case which is emerging out of Germany is particularly disturbing, and involves a cover-up by officials in what clearly appears to be linked to the administration of the Pfizer/BioNTech genetic product.

2020 News reports…


💲💱🥇 ~ (1944-2021 Global Digital Currency Reset) IMF Plan To Replace Bitcoin/Gold/Dollar With Digital SDR!! (Shocking Info Revealed) ~ | Blogger: Even for me as a former IT-banker aka Technology Specialist, this stuff is hard to grasp... As an observer on SoTW and outside this videoreport, veeery quietly the Banking Mafia Cartel are heading towards Financial technology (Fintech), Blockchain and (private proprietary) Digital Currencies, including Amazon and all the other usual suspects. Deutsche Bank has also quietly moved to bring crypto into play after producing numerous reports bashing its bubble nature, Visa considers adding cryptocurrencies to its payment network and then we have all the Reddit's 'epic' silver squeeze is only helping Wall Street... Of course, all the Rothschild leading governments, except perhaps, Russia, Iran and North Korea, are in on it... My suggestion is to buy (limited) physical Gold coins or bars, if you can afford it... Bitcoins, not so much, (RSA was paid $10 million by the NSA to keep the backdoor in there)... Buuutt, I have bought Silver coins and Vietnamese dong, and at least, Silver, will be the game-changer... Cash-money will be worthless as toilet paper soon and people who have not invested their 'Digital Account' money will be hit with high fee as of negative interests and all 'cash assets aka Digital Account paper-money' could be 'lent out' or governments can seize property, including cash, if they are not "aligned" with the new Global Banking Digital Currencies... |

🛰️🔭💥 ~ (Most people have absolutely no idea...) Geoengineering and Weather Modification Patents (Climateviewer) ~ | Blogger: [👉Chronological listing of weather control technology 1891 to Present👈] ... O-M-G!... SoTW had nooo idea that there were so many patents, it goes all the way back to 1891 and I have been personally studying our Global Geoengineering and WM operations for maaany years... From Chemtrailing Denmark skies, to fake Greenland Propaganda Meltdown, to Alaska and Norway's HAARP systems and SAG (stratospheric aerosol geoengineering) and SRM (solar radiation management) programs etc. etc... PS: Thanks goes to "Project Camelot Kerry Cassidy". That include the video below: "Kab - (This happened in Shenyang, China just after the "Mothership" lightning cloud appeared in Beijing. Not a coincidence.) #NEIOH This is a Laser that destroyed a contained area where many new viruses were being used in experiments."... |



SPECIAL NOTE: My patent list has been featured on sites like Geoengineeringwatch.org, NaturalNews.com, and Infowars.com. This list only includes patents from 1891-2003. I will be publishing the rest of the list (2004-present) soon! Stay tuned!

I originally created this patent list in 2011 on my first website rezn8d.net. I have since sold that URL, along with rezn8d.com, and terraforminginc.com. Please link to this page’s URL if you choose to repost this article.

This listing of geoengineering and weather modification patents is far from complete and will be updated occasionally.

Please submit patents by leaving a comment on this page or contacting me via one of the social media links: HERE

This article is part of our series: Geoengineering and Weather Modification Exposed

Also see our Weather Control timeline and maps!

Weather Modification Patents

🥰 ~ 💗 ('Divine conduit remaining in Neutrality') Daybreak - Being the Observer (counciloflove) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Enjoy this week's insight from Linda Dillon on living a spirit-filled life... |

Spirit Broadcast 

DayBreak Feb 15, 2020

👼 ~ 💗 ('Cease seeking, and be. You are ready') The Arcturian Group Message 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Greetings, Light Warriors, Light Workers, Awakening souls!👈] ... |

Arcturians is a race that comes from the blue planet that circles the red giant Arcturus in Boote constellation. Arcturus circles about 36 light years from our solar system. Arcturians are the most advanced civilization in the galaxy, transcending into the 4th and 5th dimension. Many people know Arcturians as benevolent beings. But what only some people know is the teaching of Arcturians. Shrouded in mystery and lost in the spiritual translations through communication and channeling of Arcturians to humans, a race of beings appears to exist and communicate fundamental laws that govern the existence of peace, love and joy. This basic law allows the Arcturians to push towards higher plans of existence and allow for continued growth in a limited physical universe. Arcturians are believed to come from a circular celestial body that has not been discovered by earthly astronomers.

Channeled messages by Marilyn Raffaele 
© 2021 onenessofall

FEBRUARY 14, 2021

Welcome dear readers. Know that we are here to guide and assist, but never to force for only you yourselves can acknowledge and reclaim the innate power that throughout the course of many lifetimes you ignorantly allowed others to take from you.

The time is now to be what you always have been but have not known you were. It is time to stand in your identity as a spiritual being formed of Divine Consciousness no longer subject to the third dimensional nonsense and false claims that feed a sense of inadequacy and prevent you from trusting in your ability to make wise choices and decisions.

You have traveled through many lifetimes and have experienced all skin colors, both genders, and most three dimensional experiences. Because of it, you have reached a place of wisdom and spiritually evolved awareness that in turn has left you at a fork in the road of your evolutionary journey. You have done the work required to bring you to this fork and now you must decide.

Path 1- "Should I continue believing that others (family, friends, experts, newscasters, government, religious doctrine) know what is best for me even when or if it does not resonate with me? Do I believe that I am unable to make wise decisions for myself? Do I believe that I am powerless or that victim-hood serves me by providing comfort and attention?"

Path 2. "I Choose to trust my intuition because I know it is the voice of my real SELF. I choose to stop giving power for good or bad to everything outside of myself. I choose to begin living life from my highest attained awareness of truth in spite of what others may believe".

Today is a time of indecision and confusion because on one hand you are continually being told what is true and right while at the same time you are feeling that much of what you are being told is not true. We do not speak so much of politics, but rather about the unrecognized duality present within the small and seemingly ordinary aspects of daily living.