Feb 20, 2018

BREAKING | TV2 NYS | 20. Feb 2018 | ~ PET har oplysninger om at 29-årig er bekendt med militant islamisme ~ | Blogger: 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️BINGO!!! "Fingeren op på det rigtige tidspunkt." – Som man siger! ... Har lige præcist postet om denne formode 'livsfarlige' mørkfarvet øksemand og relationer til ISIS og SÅ tikker denne nyhed ind her!! hehe... Guds veje er uransagelige .. Mod Strømmen: Jeg tror ikke på tilfældigheder ... |


TV2 NYS | 17. Feb 2018 | Ungt par overfaldet med økse på tankstation - politiet efterlyser denne mand | Blogger: (In english:) Axe wielding maniac (of Middle-Eastern appearance) on the loose in a Copenhagen suburbs after assault on young couple outside a Circle K gasstation (and KKK). Politiets Aktionsstyrke (SWAT - The Special Intervention Unit) on a manhunt! ... This sounds like a horror movie, but it's very real! Everybody who lives in Denmark, know about the debate on racist rhetoric among politicians, trying to stop all 'foreigners'. So, after the latest US High School shooting, this episode in Denmark, is a perfect timing for our rulers to spread fear, that we live among murders, IS supporters and alike (👳Sounding Muslim name - big dark eyes, prominent noses, distinctive large black beard - affiliated with either ISIS or Al-Nusra - terrorist shouted Allahu Akbar) ... It is almost 80 years since Denmark decided, in 1939, as the first country in the world to ban hetz against minorities with the adoption of the Criminal Code, paragraph 266 a, b and c. It was primarily to protect the Danish Jews, but since then the protection has become expanded. Now it seems the political system are attacking and pushing an Racism and Xenophobia agenda - Germanic master race. You be the judge ... |

Project.nsearch | Feb 18, 2018 | ~ Trump Investigating Parkland Shooting With Military! It's On! (VIDEOS) ~ |

Posted by Glenn Canady on February 18, 2018 at 7:00pm

Tom Heneghan just reported his intel sources have told him President Trump is doing his own investigation into the Parkland Florida High School shooting using the military and others he trusts! Tom will have a huge update on tomorrow's show so subscribe to our Youtube and get on my Newsletter so you get all updates first!

Trump has most likely been told about all the funny business (active shooter drills, multiple shooters, secret service involvement etc) going on and no longer has any faith in the criminal FBI! You can tell by his attacks on the FBI over the last two days that something BIG is coming! With Trump now looking into this shooting using his own investigators we've just gone to a whole new level! It's on like Donkey Kong! Anybody that believes anything the "officials" or fake news says are complete fools. You never trust known liars with anything!

To make sure Trump and his team is aware of all the evidence including Google showing articles for the shooting dated two days before the shooting! (see below), Tweet all evidence to Trump @potus and @realdonaldtrump. If we do this, Trump and his staff will see it! Spread it around everywhere so your friends know the news is hiding huge evidence! We've caught them red handed and we must step on their throats! You sharing information will wake up others who don't know the news is 100% fake yet and is censoring everything! We all must do more NOW to break the back of the criminal mainstream media now and tweet to all hosts that put out some truth and tell them to stop holding back the rest for the sake of the Republic! Remember Trump is our only hope so all truth warriors must take the fight to the next level! Fire everything you've got now!

Google shows articles for Parkland High School Shooting 2 Days Before It Happens!

Student says active shooter drill taking place PROVING inside job 100%!
FBI Indictments based on old Troll Article from Ukraine Website!  LOL!
Judge Jeanine Just DESTROYED the lying criminal FBI!  Tweet to her ALL the evidence and tell her she's doing a great job but for her to STOP watching the fake news!  The alternative news like BeforeItsNews has the evidence the FBI is hiding including active shooter drill going on, multiple shooters and much more in this article.  Tweet blast to Judge Jeanine, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson and tell them to put out ALL the evidence on this or face our wrath!

The Free Thought Project | Feb 20, 2018 | Vegas Shooter Reportedly Warned His Brain was ‘Hacked’ and He Was Under Gov’t Control | .. A former escort who frequently visited with Stephen Paddock has revealed that the Vegas murderer thought he was a government experiment whose brain was hacked and who could be controlled .. Las Vegas, NV — Shocking information on Stephen Paddock was recently reported which has gone completely unnoticed by the mainstream media. The report entails testimony from one of Paddock’s high-priced escorts who is blowing the whistle on how a prostitute who met with the deranged shooter just before the massacre has since gone missing and noted how Paddock thought he was under the control of the government. The escort was reported missing by her boyfriend just after the shooting and now, a former escort who once dated Paddock is speaking out about the sheer insanity involved in this case. “She was telling girls after work that she was scared something would happen to her,” claimed former escort Mikaela, whose full name is being withheld to protect her identity according to Radar Online. “She was booked the day before or the day of the shooting before she disappeared.” As was widely reported after the shooting, Stephen Paddock allegedly acted out depraved torture fantasies with the escorts, paying them upwards of $6,000 an hour to tie them up and pretend to rape them .. | Blogger: WHAT IF - I'm just spitballing here 🤔😟, 'they' proceeded with same MKUltra methods (CIA mind control program) on Peter Madsen, who Kim Wall?? Rocket Madsen Space Lab - Peter Langkjær Madsen is a Danish engineer and entrepreneur ... PS: Latest from Fox News: ".. Kim Wall murder suspect allegedly texted 'murder plan' on submarine to ex-lover .." (but - Peter Madsen's criminal defense attorney, danish Betina Hald Engmark, denies those claims and so many others strange claims issued by police authorities in Denmark) ... |

READ MORE: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/vegas-shooters-former-escort-was-under-govt-control/

TV2 NYS \\ Variety | 20. Feb, 2018 | ~ Ny film om Utøya ryster anmeldere (Berlin Film Review: ‘U – July 22’) ~ | Blogger: (In English from variety.com:) .. Unspooling at the Berlin Film Festival five days after the Parkland mass shooting in Florida, Erik Poppe’s appropriately agonizing single-take reconstruction of the right-wing terrorist attack that left 69 dead at a political youth camp on a Norwegian island will prompt particularly heated debate as to the ethics and ultimate value of recreating contemporary tragedy as an exercise in cinematic tension. There’s little arguing with the technical agility and brute impact of Poppe’s film, however, which also makes the prudent choice of maintaining the victims’ perspective — fictionalized, but drawn from survivors’ accounts — to the end, while the shooter, Anders Behring Breivik, is barely glimpsed on screen .. | Blogger: 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️Here we go again! 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ |

LÆS VIDERE: http://nyheder.tv2.dk/udland/2018-02-20-ny-film-om-utoya-ryster-anmeldere


Verdensalt | Archive| | 29. August 2017 | ~ 22. juli avslørt ~ Filmopptak fra regjeringskvartalet viser tre ukjente menn i militære uniformer med røde bereter, oppbrettede skjorteermer og hansker som fjerner en kabel minutter etter bombeeksplosjonen i regjeringskvartalet 22. juli 2011 | (In English:) -- Best and most extensive coverage of 2011 Norway attacks, questioning official claims | Blogger: Nyhetsspeilet.no har - uden sammenligning - den bedste (FF-Operation) dækning af Bombeangrebet i Oslo's regeringskvarter, samt massakren på Utøya, seks år efter det skete. Inklusive kildehenvisninger, billedebeviser og videoer (nogle, desværre censurerede) ☝ Bedøm selv 👀 |

Billedet fra regeringskvarteret viser tre ukendte mænd i militæruniformer med røde baretter, valset skjorteærmer og handsker, der fjerner et kabel minutter efter bombeeksplosionen i regeringskvarteret 22. juli 2011.

Udgivet første gang 13. April 2015 af Verdensalt

Nyhetsspeilet.no er et Norsk online magasin skrevet af folket til folket. De offentliggøre oplysninger om nye paradigmer og rapportere om aktuelle emner fra nye vinkler, samt om emner som andre populariseret. Desuden sætter Nyhetsspeilet.no aktuelle emner i et bredere perspektiv end normalt. Tidsskriftsartikler beskæftiger sig med tre væsentlige hovedemner: Samfundet, Bevidsthed, Kosmos, Sundhed og Økonomi -https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyhetsspeilet

******Following article is in Norwegian - use google translate on the top of my blog entry*****
Filmopptak fra regjeringskvartalet viser tre ukjente menn i militære uniformer med røde bereter, oppbrettede skjorteermer og hansker som fjerner en kabel minutter etter bombeeksplosjonen. Til 22. juli-kommisjonen sier visepolitimesteren i Oslo at  vitner fra Utøya fortalte om flere skyttere samme kveld som massakren fant sted. Hvor mange deltok i terrorangrepet på Norge? Hvem var de egentlig?

Rettssaken som omhandler terrorangrepet 22. juli offisielt er avsluttet. Anders Behring Breivik har innrømmet at han stod bak bådebombingen av regjeringskvartalet og massakren på Utøya som fant sted i tidsrommet fra klokken 15.25 til klokka 18.34 den 22. juli 2011. Vitner har talt, eksperter likså, og retten har kommet fram til en enstemmig dom. Anders Behring Breivik har gjort det, og han har gjort det alene.
Men rettssaken ble avsluttet før 22. juli-kommisjonen kom med sin rapport. Og her blir alle sårene fra en av de frykteligste dager i norsk historie revet opp igjen. Kommisjonen viser at politiet sviktet fatalt på en rekke punkter. Det er en så omfattende og grundig dokumentasjon at spørsmålet henger i luften: Kan dette virkelig ha vært tilfeldig?
Her må vi skynde oss å legge til at det finnes flere teorier på hvorfor terrorisme oppstår. NRK/VG-versjonen er at terrorisme oppstår fordi personer er frustrerte på grunn av fattigdom eller er fylt opp av politisk  ekstremisme. Et annet syn er at terrorisme er krig mellom nasjoner i fredstid eller utføres av de vestlige eliter som en form for kontroll over befolkningen eller en stats politikk. For å illustrere forskjellen med et konkret eksempel, drapet på John F. Kennedy i 1963. NRK/VGs versjon er at det skjedde fordi Lee Harvey Oswald, den offisielle drapsmannen, drepte den amerikanske presidenten fordi han hatet det amerikanske samfunnet. Den andre teorien er at Kennedy ble skutt fordi den amerikanske makteliten mente presidenten ønsket for stor makt og ikke lot seg kontrollere og fordi han sannsynligvis ikke ville trappe opp stridighetene i Vietnam. En etterretningsoperasjon ble rigget, hvor presidenten ble skutt av flere skyttere. Oswald var bare en syndebukk. Versjon én er soloterrorisme, versjon to er en kriminell konspirasjon.
Fører vi de to nevnte eksemplene til Norge 22.7. 2011, står vi overfor dette:
A. Anders Behring Breivik gjennomførte to terrorangrep fordi han ville slåss mot et flerkulturelt samfunn der muslimer har en betydelig innflytelse.
B. Terroren skyldtes en elite eller et land som ønsket å sette Norge på plass, etterretningstjenester sørget for det.
Befolkningen, det politiske Norge og mediene har slått seg til ro med at punkt A er det rette, også de etterlatte etter de 77 som ble drept (en druknet).  Her er kort noen av argumentene for dette syn.
1. Anders Behring Breivik har erkjent at han stod bak alt.
2. Politiets etterforskning har ikke avdekket at andre var med på aksjonen.
3. Vitner på Utøya er sikre på at det var Anders Behring Breivik som skjøt.
Spesielt de to siste punktene er sterke indikasjoner. Thomas Quick-saken viser derimot at en tilståelse ikke trenger å være reell.
Så til punkt B, hva er viktige indiserer på at 22/7 ikke var en soloterrorisme, men en større aksjon med mange involverte?
1. Ukjente soldater plukket opp kabel/detonator minutter etter eksplosjonen.
2. Vitner meldte om flere skyttere, beredskapstroppen fikk informasjon om det, lydopptak viser det.
3. Nyhetsbyrået Associated Press la ut store flyfoto fra Utøya den 21.7. 2011.
4. Lanseringen av hvit al-Qaida av sikkerhetsdepartementet i USA 21.7. 2011.
5. Politiet gjorde en rekke utforklarlige feil, Forsvaret og regjering var passive.
6. Politiets løgner og selvmotsigelser.
7. NRK-bildet av gjerningsmannen på Utøya.
8. En ukjent varebil kjørte i land på Utøya klokken 16.05.
9. Vitner sa gjerningsmannen speidet ut mot fjorden og ble plukket opp av båt.
10. Anti-terror øvelse fra 18. juni til 22. juli var identisk med det som faktisk skjedde.
11. Vitnebeskrivelse av bombemann på 170 centimeter fra Midtøsten.
12. Breivik ble observert flere steder på samme tid.
13. Breiviks Facebook-profil ble endret på kvelden 22.7. 2011.
14. Brevik og myndighetenes koblinger til Mossad.
Problemet i slike saker er at de store mediene og deres eksperter underslår at punkt B, en kriminell konspirasjon eller ”falsk flagg-operasjon”, faktisk eksisterer som en mulighet og som et historisk faktum. Ytterligere et eksempel på dette er riksdagsbrannen i Tyskland i 1933. En venstreradikal, Marinus van der Lubbe, fikk skylden, og det ga nazistene under Hitler en gylden anledning til å fengsle kommunister og andre politiske motstandere. Men mange mener at det var nazistene selv som tente på riksdagsbygningen for å få en begrunnelse til å innføre en politikk som ga dem mer makt. Van der Lubbe ble stilt for retten på grunn av egen tilståelse og dømt som eneste gjerningsmann selv om det var klart at flere må ha vært med på brannstiftelsen. Han var som Lee Harvey Oswald (slik de fleste bevis tyder på) en som var forutbestemt til å få skylden, en syndebukk, en lokkedue, en ”patsy”.  Lee Harvey Oswald sa det jo selv da han ble arrestert for mordet på presidenten: ”I’m just a patsy”.  Det ligner på det den eneste som har blitt arrestert for Mumbai-terroren i 2008 har uttalt.
Nyhetsspeilet er et av de få steder her til lands som har presentert alternativer til at Breivik står bak alene, en rekke utenlandske eksperter er i tillegg av en helt annen oppfatning enn våre «eksperter», medier, politi og dommere.
Vi  går her inn på hvert enkelt av de 14 punktene

1. Ukjente soldater ved regjeringskvartalet minutter etter at bomben gikk av

En link på Nyhetsspeilet viser til et opptak gjort av TV2s Nyhetskanalen (se videoen over) tatt i krysset Apotekergata-Grubbegata i regjeringskvartalet rett etter at bomben gikk av 22. juli. To hvite varebiler står parkert i Apotekergata med uleselige skilter. En av dem har døren åpen.
To hvite varebiler står parkert i Apotekergata med uleselige skilter. En av dem har døren åpen.

Tre menn kledd i uniform og røde bereter kommer småløpende, nærmest dansende, nedover mot Grubbegata.  De har på seg uniformene til norsk militærpoliti. En av dem tar hånden i været som om han fjerner noe, han har hansker.
Tre menn som har på seg uniformene til norsk militærpoliti. Hvem er de, og hvorfor fjerner de ledninger fra gata like etter bombe-smellet?
Den andre kommer bak i blå gummihansker. Han bøyer seg ned ved Grubbegata uten å nøle. Og hva ligger der? Jo, en kabel, ledning eller en detonator.
SOLDATER FJERNER DETONATOR: Tre menn i militæruniform og røde bereter plukker opp en ledning/kabel/detonator rett ved Grubbegata noen minutter etter at bomben har gått av i regjeringskvartalet. Er dette norske militære eller utenlandske agenter som har kledd seg ut?

The GoldFish Report No. 197 | Feb 19, 2018 | ~ POTUS Report w/ Jim Fetzer: LEGAL PSY-OPS ON THE PEOPLE ~ | .. Louisa provides analysis of the latest Q-Anon Posts and its new location. Q warns of a high level terrorist threat for London, direct messages to Snowden, more operation mockingbird Psy-ops on American People and much more. Jim blows apart the Florida shooting as another classic but messy false flag operation to push gun control because the cabal know what's coming with the mass indictments/arrests and planned military tribunals as POTUS continues the swamp draining. Jim also covers the foreign policy moves including Russia, Ukraine, Syria and Israel. Jim shares the draconian censorship tactics used on social media of his own work and both Jim and Louisa encourage people to share this info far and wide. The Red Pills keep coming in this Great Awakening! .. |

To learn more about Jim Fetzer's research, books and articles, visit www.jamesfetzer.blogspot.com. Google 'Nobody Died at Sandy Hook' to find a free DVD of the facts. To receive notifications of our reports please subscribe to this YouTube Channel, follow us on Twitter at @ReportGoldFish, on our blog at www.thegoldfishreport.wordpress.com and on our 24/7 research media news page at www.facebook.com/thegoldfishreport. To help support this viewer supported social research media you can make a donation at www.thegoldfishreport.com. Thank you to our viewers for your support and stories and thank you for viewing!
Weblink to Moon Rock Books Here: http://moonrockbooks.com/

Reuters | Feb 19, 2018 | Latvia's banking sector rocked by U.S. probe, central bank chief's detention | .. The head of Latvia's central bank and member of the European Central Bank (ECB) governing council has been detained as part of a corruption investigation in the country .. |

© Ints Kalnins / Reuters
READ MORE: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-latvia-banking/latvias-banking-sector-rocked-by-u-s-probe-central-bank-chiefs-detention-idUSKCN1G30ZP


How The IMF Really Works - The International Monetary Fund | Blogger: Lars Rohde - most powerful man in the Danish business community and perhaps part of Danish Order of Freemasons? Denmark's representative IMF Governor. CEO of Danmarks privately owned Central Bank (Nationalbanken). Former and present board memberships of importance. Member of Long Term Investors Council for the World Economic Forum. Part of the 'The global elite network' - a 'true' bilderberger (Bilderberg conferences and the Trilateral Commission are among the most prominent of such forums)... Apart from the Federal Reserve (FED), it's true, that Rothschild owns all central banks... 

Published first time December 27, 2015 by Verdensalt

Update: Feb 9, 2016 - Lars Rohde is just a 'small fish in a big pond' worldwise of the Zionist  Dark Nobility "cabal Banksters", much more important key player to the world at large, just turned over a new leaf and went rogue to the Khazarian Financial System he defended for 49 years. Whistleblower - High Profile Investment Banker - Mads Palsvighas set off a giant cyclone circling truth which never stops spinning.... "An Investment Banker speaks out" (English subtitles)     

Youtube: Published on Jun 16, 2015 From the Brother Nathanael Foundation!

One of my friends was inspired to start prepping the meal of power structure of IMF or at least curious about if Denmark has been caught with their hand in the cookie jar.. so here's my version why Denmark has so much influence in the geopolitical stage  and within IMF finance system....Please use your own discernment before believing anything stated in the blog post... Text and language is largely my own, references to articles do not necessarily reflect my own opinion, but are angles that can refine the topic from experts. Let the blog post inspire you to seek the truth...  

So far, apart from the Federal Reserve (FED), it is true that Rothschild owns all central banks. Denmark went bankrupt in the year 1813, by the year 1814, Denmark lost Norway to Sweden by the Treaty of Kiel. Denmark has forced to take huge loans from Nathan Rothschild... Since then, Danmarks Nationalbank is owned by the Illuminati global banking dynasty? 'Centralbanks' across the globe is enmeshed in the Illuminati's global banking network.....Did you know, Denmark's loan commitment to the IMF totalled kr. 86.4 billion in 2014? That's 60 pct more than 2008 loan commitment... What kind of Power do Denmark get from the money loan, you might ask? Or, is Denmark obligated to maintain the Economic globalization and pay their dues for the Cabal banksters to continue the scheme?

Here is 3D matrix of illuion of why'sThe Danish mortgage finance system has been a mainstay of the economy for literally hundred s of years and has performed well in extremely difficult circumstances. Danish covered bonds backed by mortgage loans are: of high credit quality; very liquid; and among the best & largest investment alternatives to government bonds in the world... Covered bonds backed by mortgage loans totaled nearly €360 billion at the end of 2013, second only to Spain (just over €400 billion) in aggregate amount. The stock of covered bonds is equivalent to 143 percent of GDP, more than four times as large as in any other country. The covered bond market is also nearly four times larger than the Danish government debt market. Denmak/IMF Financial Sector Assessment Program 

Læs også: Nationalbanken har sænket renten på indskudsbeviser tre gange på 11 dage. Nationalbankdirektør Lars Rohde optrapper kampen for at svække kronen.

The ruling elite in Denmark

From the book: "Magteliten – Hvordan 423 danskere styrer landet"

Who are the members of the most powerful group in the Danish society? To answer this question, we explored the elite through two different methodological approaches. Using correspondence analysis, we charted the oppositions structuring two exclusive groups, the 100 most important Danish CEOs and the 1,527 elite individuals identified in the Danish Power and Democracy Study in 1999. Through social network analysis, we identified and explored the integration of a core of the power network in Denmark – the power elite - and the inner circle of the corporate elite. - 5,079 different networks, 56,536 different items and 37,750 different Danes. That's what Anton Grau Larsen and Christopher Ellersgaard, both sociologists, has spent four years mapping for subsequent boiling it down to just 423 powerful people. It has been two doctoral dissertations and book "The ruling elite - how 423 Danes governing the country"....

You can also download the list of 423 persons. Both according to how well are connected in the network by name and bytheir organization.. Lars Rohde is placed as number 33 on the list, Bjarne Corydon as 258....

What's the real connection between IMF, Dong, Goldman Sachs, coverend bond market, Lars Rohde (ATP & DK NB) and Bjarne Corydon (ex-finansminister)? Lots of hard questions and nobody knows, one of the biggest secrets beside, why Danish government went to war in Iraq in 2003 ... 
'search' bar for 'DONG' on verdensalt
September 2015 newspaper posting : The new shareholders of Dong Energy in the form of Goldman Sachs and ATP may be forced to sellviolently out of their shares when the energy company within 18 months of going on the stock exchange. According to Berlingske BusinessThursday with reference to the fact that there is an agreement among the "old" shareholders - ie the state and a number of small Danish energy companies - which means that all are required to proportionally to sellthe same number of shares through an IPOlink

Big money bin means power

Mikes Gear Reviews | Feb 19, 2018 | The Financial Survival Guide: What is Bitcoin? Cryptocurrency For 5 Year Olds |

READ MOREhttps://www.mikesgearreviews.com/bitcoin-for-5-year-olds/