Mar 11, 2015

Hunger Games Society: Are YOU "PAYING" Attention?? PLEASE SHARE! March 11, 2015

"We can accept God becoming Man to save Man, but not Man becoming God to save himself." - Vernon Linwood Howard (1918-1992)

Published on Mar 10, 2015
DEAR FRIENDS, if you appreciate the material i share, and would like to help me out with my productions, please support my productions by becoming my patron here: or contribute on my site. much LOVE AND GRATITUDE! (GREAT ATTITUDE!) ;)

Secret NWO Island Headquarters Discovered At ‘The Last Place On Earth’? March 11, 2015 CET

By: Stefan Stanford, bradleyloves

Despite being the most remote location upon the planet Earth, completely uninhabited according to the CIA’s World Factbook, the subantarctic volcanic island called ‘Bouvet Island’ is home to the top-level internet country domain code .bv and is located in the direct vicinity of several recent unsolved mysteries as outlined in the story and 1st 3 videos below.

The facts we’ve uncovered lead us to believe a secret island headquarters of the New World Order has been discovered in one of the most remote regions on the planet that is also the home to an ongoing series of internet cyber warfare attacks being launched across the world as well as a HAARP control point for the NWO’s nefarious electronic warfare.

Far away from humanity in the south Atlantic Ocean between South America, South Africa and Antarctica, you could draw a circle with a 1000 mile radius around Bouvet Island that would contain no other land whatsoever. Ruled by Norway since 1930, it has been statused as a nature preserve, an area with no human inhabitants, yet the top-level internet domain code remains a mystery.

See more here:

We Demand: President Putin Release Documents Vital to World Peace - March 11, 2015 CET

11q_056Release of intel files on traitors key to global stability
Vladimir Putin
President of the Russian Federation
23, Ilyinka Street,
Moscow, 103132, Russia.

Mr. President:

Political divides within the US now clearly threaten world peace. Pro-Israeli factions within the US are working, not only to sabotage a nuclear settlement with Iran but go much further. Recent lapses in judgement and decorum by General Breedlove of NATO, covert US aid to ISIS/ISIL and moves by certain US factions in support of terrorist factions in Libya and across Africa have raised the stakes.

We at Veterans Today, in consultation with staff members and unlisted associates, some former Soviet and Russian intelligence officials known to you, are aware that the intelligence services of the Russian Federation have files in their possession, some kept for many years, that should now be made available. As our initial request, we ask for the following documents we know to be in Russian keeping

Tape recordings and transcripts of John McCain’s 32 propaganda broadcasts made while a prisoner of war including his claims that the US was using germ warfare against North Vietnam.

The text of John McCain’s debriefing by the KGB in Hanoi including full order of battle information that led to redeployment of air defenses and a much higher success rate shooting down American aircraft.

Full information on Netanyahu’s role in running Jonathan Pollard as a Soviet agent.

Full information on Netanyahu’s role as a Soviet agent in the theft of American cryptographic units from the UNTSO in 1990 and the nature of the data, NATO military secrets, US State Department correspondence and US Naval codes that Netanyahu passed on to Moscow.

Full information on Mitt Romney’s meetings with Russian intelligence in Havana during his visit there in 1999.

Recordings and transcripts of Romney’s meetings with Raul Castro and the promises Romney made.

Surveillance video of John McCain and Joseph Lieberman taken in Zurich showing them entering banking facilities after a trip to Kabul and meetings with druglords of the Northern Alliance.

Satellite imagery showing the movement of highly enriched nuclear material in and around New York City prior to the events of September 11, 2001.

Files showing the role of Israeli involvement in nuclear proliferation including but not limited to the sale of nuclear weapons to Saudi Arabia.

Files showing deposits in Cayman banks managed by Bain on behalf of over 300 members of the congress of the United States.

Evidence showing the transfer of nuclear material from Israel to North Korea.

These are only a small percentage of the materials you have available, materials that, quite frankly, will not be of value if world events continue their current levels of deterioration.

Thank you,

Gordon Duff

Senior Editor Veterans Today

Jesus: All Are Now Enveloped and Overlighted in Every Moment by the Tsunami of Love.

Sananda udsender ugentlige budskaber for tiden, for os som har fulgt Jesus Sananda i længere tid, har det altid været en fryd og opløftende oplevelse for vores forståelse, hvad der sker omkring os. Den Opstegne Mester Sananda / Jesus / Kristus / Jeshua tjener som en lærer af hele verden, og var en af ​​de største Spirituelle healere, der gik på vores elskede planet Jorden/Nova/Gaia. Det er vigtigt at forstå, alle vores opstegne mestre og de galaktiske venner, så at sige, ikke har tilladelse til at bruge Deres beføjelser for at ændre forløbet af civilisationer, kun i yderst sjældne tilfælde. Universets lov. 

Kanaliseret af John Smallman 11-03-2015 CET
© 2015

No one is unworthy of God’s Love, and therefore no one is unworthy of yours!

The only reason that you would withhold love from anyone is because you believe yourself to be unlovable, and to withhold love from someone is to withhold it from yourself.

However, to acknowledge and be aware of that extremely painful belief about yourself is often too horrific to countenance, and so you project it outwards on to someone you can judge as unworthy of being loved.

Judgment is an aspect of the illusion to which many are enthusiastically attached. Because of the underlying sense of unworthiness that so many feel and deny, it can be very satisfying to see another’s behavior as wrong, sinful, criminal, deceitful, untrustworthy – in fact being in any way different in their behavior from your personally perceived and accepted sense of what is “normal” – judging them according to some arbitrary rules of your own making, and then righteously condemning them and enthusiastically sentencing them to what you have convinced yourselves is their well deserved punishment.

De bånd, der binder - Frigivelse Af Giftige relationer - 11. Marts, 2015 CET

Fantastisk artikel som i hovedtræk beskriver de oplevelser der har præget min livs-cyklus..... kunne ikke formulere mig bedre selv..... 

"Din opgave er ikke at søge efter kærlighed, men blot for at søge og finde alle hindringer inden i dig selv, at du har bygget imod kærligheden" ~ Rumi

Giftige relationer kommer i alle former og kan være skadeligt på så mange måder, men de tilbyder også den største mulighed for vækst og læring. Det er inden for den tankegang af vækst, som vi kan begynde at navigere og løse problemer i forholdet "toksicitet" for at frigive og komme videre. Dette kan være en meget vanskelig ting at udrette, da toksiciteten er meget ligesom en dråbe blæk, der ødelægger hele brønden, efterlader en cellulær toksicitet, ligesom en allergisk reaktion, at denne form for misligholdt forhold. Forgiftningen af ​​brønden efterlader os "plettet" og i sidste ende efterlader en kontinuerlig cyklus af sorg i de følelser af benægtelse, kompromisløshed, vrede og smerte - en cyklus, som aldrig kan føre til Accept og vi søger i form af ubetinget kærlighed .

I det store perspektiv, har ingen "tilladelse" til at bringe toksicitet ind i vores energifelt, medmindre vi tillader det. Men nogle gange sætter forgiftningen ind på et cellulært niveau, når denne slags forhold er født ind i barndommen, før vi har de første erindringer eller har endda lært at kommunikere i nogle tilfælde. Det kan blive en udfordring, at lære at adskille ens egen "energi" fra energien af ​​den giftige forhold, så det er vigtigt at have indsigt i, hvordan man kan give slip og / eller navigere forholdet på en ny og anderledes måde.

Den forgiftede cyklus 

True Vision Of Peace Team Answers Questions - March 11, 2015 CET

Asiatiske Ambassadør fra "Red Dragon Family" opdatering med Ron Van Dyke aka Paradoxman316 udsender daglige Youtube Videoer omkring vores Evolution, Revaluering, baseret på Spiritualitet og Opvågenhed.

Offentliggjort den 10/03/2015

We began with just three people in this video: the Ambassador, Gwen and Ron. Radagast joined the discussion a little later, followed by Crystal. Much of the discussion centered around the workshop Gwen hosted this past weekend, specifically, questions about the IRS and what is involved in the funding of projects. Gwen made it very clear that she does not support the IRS; yet it is her responsibility to provide the information based on the law as it currently exists in the US. She does not want to be responsible for getting people arrested or for putting out information that is not correct based on the current system. More clarification was provided by the ambassador and others in regard to funding. It is hoped that the major questions have been answered with this video.

Sheldan Nidle opdatering for Galaktiske Føderation af lys og åndelige hierarki - 11 Marts 2015 CET (This world is quickly changing for the better...)

Hvem er Sheldan Nidle: Sheldan Nidle er grundlægger af Planetary Activation Organization, en UFO religion. Han siger at han er i stand til former for telepatiske kommunikation, samt er i kontakt med rumvæsener. Han er tit kanal for budskaber og formidler af Det Galaktiske Føderation Af Lys. Har tilladt mig, at indsætte links, så man beder forstår de begreber som er beskrevet.

The BRICS group development bank is ready to come online and replace both the SWIFT system and the international status of the Federal Reserve and the IMF.

4 Muluc, 7 Ceh, 11 Ik

Selamat Balik! We come bringing you great news! The new banking system, which we have talked about from time to time, is quickly becoming an international reality. Meanwhile, the breakdown of the U.S. governing corporation continues. The world’s nations understand more fully what this coming collapse truly means. A new economic and financial system is emerging, which puts the US on a par with a number of nations in Europe, Asia and the western hemisphere. This new set of realities is finally bringing an end to the highly distorted realities that governed your world during the first six decades of the post-World War II era. A new era is forming, which is to feature the rise of the NESARA governance in the US as well as a whole slew of new governances in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Western Hemisphere. The highlight of this, in our minds, is disclosure. At that time, we can easily address you and permit you, at last, to see our ships in your daylight skies. We fully intend to support the global addresses of your Ascended Masters and the open interactions possible with your Agarthan relatives. You can then learn much about yourselves and your true history and origins.