Most remarkable UFO sightings in February 2018
Most remarkable UFO sightings in February 2018 by
Dette er et debatindlæg. Indlægget er udtryk for skribentens holdning. Alle holdninger, som kan udtrykkes inden for straffelovens og presseetikkens rammer, er velkomne, og du kan også sende os din mening her. |
Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System | |
London's Royal Opera House and surrounding area in Covent Garden are being evacuated over a bomb scare. People are being moved away from the area. A police cordon is in place. Photo courtesy of Missy Mills.
Covent Garden and Royal Opera House evacuated …
The Royal Opera House was evacuated this morning along with other businesses in the area. The situation is now resolved with staff and artists returning safely to the building.