Feb 28, 2018

LUFOS | Feb 28, 2018 | ~ The best UFO videos in February 2018 ~ |

Most remarkable UFO sightings in February 2018 

Most remarkable UFO sightings in February 2018 by www.Latest-UFO-Sightings.net

David Icke Update | Feb 28, 2018 | ~Is there a change coming? - David Icke answers questions from Polish media ~ |

David Vaughan Icke er en engelsk forfatter, foredragsholder, og tidligere medie personlighedbedst kendt for sit syn på, hvad han kalder  "who and what is really controlling the world".Beskriver sig selv som den mest kontroversielle taler og forfatter i verden, han har skrevetmange bøger der forklarer sin position og er døbt "New Age conspiracism". Har tiltrukket en betydelig skare af følgere fra hele det politiske spektrum. Hans 533-siders "The Biggest Secret(1999)" er blevet kaldt konspirationsteoretikers "Rosetta Stone".

To have David's Dot Connector Videocast sent to you in full every week, Click here http://www.davidicke.com/register World Tour Tickets - https://www.davidicke.com/shop/produc... All David's Books Now Available Here http://www.davidIcke.com/shop Latest News From David Icke - www.davidicke.com Social Media

Politiken.dk | 27. Feb 2018 | ~ Journalistisk lektor: TV 2 ødelægger vores tillid til medierne ~ |

Dette er et debatindlæg. Indlægget er udtryk for skribentens holdning. Alle holdninger, som kan udtrykkes inden for straffelovens og presseetikkens rammer, er velkomne, og du kan også sende os din mening her.


MALENE BJERRE - Lektor, Danmarks medie- og journalisthøjskole

Det er problematisk, at medierne ikke selv ved det, når de spreder misinformation. Som nu historien i TV 2 om de somaliske kvinder.

Fake news er russiske troldefabrikker, der producerer falske historier for at destabilisere den vestlige verden.

Eller konspirationsteorier på højreekstreme medier om en pædofiliring på et pizzeria ledet af Hillary Clinton herself....LÆS  VIDERE

The Anti Media | Feb 28, 2018 | Did Assad Use Chemical Weapons in Syria on His Own People? | Blogger: Why “false narrative” is your worst enemy!!! ... Why are we headed into World War III? .. Yet another white lie proclaimed by The Deep State, Syrian rebels (funded by U.S. Inc. aka Wall Street), fake White Helmets and the Military-Industrial Complex? ... |

(TIM) — It was a stunning announcement, stunning because of what was said and maybe equally as stunning because it was honest.

Secretary of Defense James Mattis says there is no evidence that the Syrian government used sarin gas on its own people.

It is a narrative we have been pushing back on for years. So what does this mean for U.S. policy in Syria? And will President Trump continue to push for war in Syria, or will he return to the positions of candidate Trump who said the U.S. should stay out of it?

Let’s give it a Reality Check you won’t get anywhere else. READ MORE

Sheldan Nidle | 28. Feb 2018 | PAO - Planetary Activation Organization | Opdatering for Galaktiske Føderation af lys og åndelige hierarki ... |

Hvem er Sheldan Nidle: Sheldan Nidle er grundlægger af Planetary Activation Organization, en UFO religion. Han siger at han er i stand til former for telepatiske kommunikation, samt er i kontakt med rumvæsener. Han er tit kanal for budskaber og formidler af Det Galaktiske Føderation Af Lys.

Hjælp til NESARA etc: - Finansielle akronymer 

As the light grows, the dark shrinks. You tremble now on the brink of disclosure, heralding a golden era of unimaginable peace and the dawn of limitless prosperity! The old reality is waning and a new and glorious world is being established firmly in its place!

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation 
Symbol For The Sirian Star System

Selamat Balik. The clean-up operation continues. Our crowning victory grows closer each day. Most of the major bases and strongholds of the cabal have been utterly destroyed. Our list of arrests grows longer by the minute. Meanwhile, the plan presses on to implement the New Republic, empowering our allies to ultimately take over USA, Inc. The RV continues to roll out and move forward. Our allies are discovering just how weak the cabal has become. Its few remaining strong points dwindle with every day. The long-promised prosperity is systematically approaching its delivery date. A most auspicious moment has arrived when the foundation will be laid for a new reality and a golden age.

Our mission is based on carrying out a series of heavenly directives. These decrees were issued to assist humanity's return, at the right divine time, to its former state as fully conscious galactic humans. It is vital to realize a new realm, free of the hindrances contrived by the relentless scheming of the devious cabal and its many henchmen. In the past, many of our diverse groups of allies were working separately and their efforts were disjointed. With our support, they are learning about "Fluid Group Dynamics", which has helped make the different Light groups coalesce into an unstoppable force. This ever-increasing strength is freeing the Light to create myriad ways to defeat the dark. Their collaborative effort is proving to be the knockout blow that can crush the dark. As the light grows, the dark shrinks. You tremble now on the brink of disclosure, heralding a golden era of unimaginable peace and the dawn of limitless prosperity! The old reality is waning and a new and glorious world is being established firmly in its place! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

TechRepublic | Feb 26, 2018 | ~ DIY genetic engineering is about to explode ~ | .. Implanting RFID chips under your skin is so 2017. Modifying your own DNA is where it's at now, and the ethical questions are only just beginning to be asked .. | Blogger: [Next generation 'Genom-lovforslaget' - de griner hele vejen ned til banken💰💰💰] -- Det kan ligestilles med en 'hyperseksuel forstyrrelse' af Borgens regerings-lakajer, som prostuere sig overfor 'Det medicinsk-industrielle kompleks' .. ".. I Danmark har staten, forskerne og medicinalindustrien fuldstændig tabt det etiske kompas når det gælder genetisk forskning. Alt bliver nærmest tilladt ud fra en falsk forudsætning. De involverede forskere siger, at vi kan slippe afsted med det vi gør i Danmark, fordi vi har så strenge etiske, juridiske og sikkerhedsmæssige foranstaltninger. Men sandheden er den modsatte, nemlig at det kun kan lade sig gøre fordi de etiske og juridiske rammer i DK er så ekstremt vide, - og at sikkerheden så også sejler gør det blot værre. Lovforslaget er blevet forbedret lidt efter al modstanden mod det. Det er nu indskrevet i loven, at DNA-kortlægninger foretaget i sundhedsvæsnet i forbindelse med behandling før oprettelsen af Genom centret ikke skal indsendes til Genom Centret; hvilket kun er rimeligt, da det ville være selvtægt fra statens side at bemægtige sig borgernes DNA med tilbagevirkende kraft og uden samtykke! Men efter oprettelsen af centret er det et krav, at DNA-kortlægninger både foretaget i sundhedsvæsnet ved behandling, og i forskningsprojekter ledet af forskere og industrien, skal indsendes til Genom Centret .." - part af en længere skrivelse fra Oplysning og borgerretsforeningen May Day samt Forebyggelses-og Patientrådet FPR ... |

In 1974, the Altair 8800 microcomputer kicked off a revolution. The kit cost $439, or around $2,000 in today's money. Assembled, it cost about 40 percent more. For between $150 and $350 on top, depending on the version, you could add a programming language, Altair BASIC, from a newly-formed company called Micro-Soft.

In 2018, you can buy a "Genetic Engineering Home Lab Kit" for around $2,000. For beginners, $159 will get you a "DIY Bacterial Gene Engineering CRISPR Kit". It includes "everything you need to make precision genome edits in bacteria at home" for an example experiment, "allowing the bacteria to survive on Strep media which would normally prevent its growth". And there's more.

What could possibly go wrong?

Right now, getting into genetic engineering costs roughly the same as getting into computing did back in the 1970s. That means we're about to see a revolution in do-it-yourself genetic body modifications, according to biohacker Meow-Ludo Disco Gamma Meow-Meow, who launched BioFoundry, billed as Australia's first community lab for citizen scientists, in 2014.

"We're on the border of lots and lots of people doing self-experimentation using CRISPR," Meow-Meow told the linux.conf.au open-source software conference in Sydney last month.

"[It's a] really interesting Brave New World. This is kind of where biohacking is now," he said during his presentation. READ MORE

ETH \\ TheFreeThoughtProject | Feb 27, 2018 | ETH: Actor Chris Pratt Faces Twitter Storm After Offering This Prayer Request | TFTP: Second Florida Survivor Family Now Alleging CNN Scripted Narrative to Push Gun Ban |

The war against prayer that ignited after politicians began calling for “thoughts and prayers” instead of “taking action” after the Florida school shooting has made its way into Hollywood. Actor Chris Pratt is receiving a massive backlash on Twitter for offering up prayers to a fellow Hollywood star, Director Kevin Smith, who suffered a heart attack on Sunday. Pratt, a Christian, took to Twitter when he got wind 

of Smith’s circumstance after the director tweeted that he “could’ve died” from the 100 percent blockage in his heart had he not gone to the hospital. The “Guardians of the Galaxy” star was quick to voice his admiration for Smith tweeting, “I have loved you since Clerks,” and “You inspired me.” Pratt went on to say he would be praying for him. READ MORE



Second Florida Survivor Family Now Alleging CNN Scripted Narrative to Push Gun Ban

In their alleged attempt to control the narrative on the tragic shooting in Parkland, Florida last week, CNN has been accused of scripting the very testimonies from survivors to propagate their agenda. While CNN denied doing this to Colton Haab yesterday, as TFTP reported, another survivor has come forward with similar claims.

Andrew Klein’s daughter survived last week’s deadly school shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School. Klein came forward Thursday accusing CNN of attempting to control the narrative in favor of gun controlinstead of an open uncensored town hall on how such tragedies could be prevented in the future.

Klein said a CNN producer told him the day after the shooting the network some have called the “Clinton News Network” of looking for only one type of person to speak out against guns. Klein told FNC’s Laura Ingraham the network was looking for survivors and their families who would, “espouse a certain narrative which was taking the tragedy and turning it into a policy debate. READ MORE

Nyhedsbrev fra Journalista.dk | 28. Feb 2018 | cand. jur. & markedsøkonom, Lars Bjørknæs | ~ Lønfesten fortsætter hos DR : 14 skrivebordsgeneraler har lønninger over millionen ~ |

Mens man fra politisk hold anbefaler Danmarks Radio at finde et fornuftigt leje for lønningerne, fortsætter de alligevel med at nå nye højder.

Journalista.dk kan nemlig i dag afslører, hvor høje lønninger de ledende medarbejdere i det statslige mediehus sikrede sig i 2017.


Senere på dagen sætter vi fokus på Grønland, som går til valg i år. Det for at fortælle om en rejse for politikere og topembedsmænd, hvis omkostninger i bedste fald må anses for markante.... 

A Message from my Higher Self | Channelled through Mike Quinsey | Feb 23, 2018 |

Kanaliseret af Mike Quinsey
© 2018 treeofthegoldenlight

The future is in the hands of every soul, whilst some will project specific changes that they would welcome, others simply wish for the better without necessarily being specific. The net result is that as a Human collective you will determine what the future holds for you. You have already been informed of new advancements that have in the meantime been developed and simply await the right time to be introduced. Be aware that there will always be those who try to hold onto the old ways, so be assured that progress cannot be stopped. You are in a new cycle and with it will come many changes that will affect various aspects of life. The trials and tribulations of the old cycle will not return, and you have everything to gain that will lift up the quality of your lives. You had effectively been kept in a time warp and denied many improvements that you have since become aware of, that cannot be denied you for much longer.

However, no real progress will be made until specific changes take place concerning certain people and the positions they hold in authority. Things cannot move on whilst those that have a different agenda cling to the old paradigm, and if necessary enforced changes will have to take place. To that end the Light workers have been removing many of the dark Ones to make the changes easier, but it is those who command authority in high places that are harder to remove. However, progress is being made and the most important changes will take place in due course. Nothing can stop the vibrations from continuing to rise up, and these are affecting the whole Human Race, that is gradually leaving the old ways behind. In time, anything or anyone holding on to the old lower vibrations will have to change or be moved to another path that reflects their level of evolution.

Slowly but surely your friends from other dimensions will now be able to visit you, whereas previously most of them were stopped so as to not “interfere” with your evolution. Again, because you have progressed beyond 2012 you have proved that many of you are ready to meet them. You have already been given information regarding your mentors – the Pleiadians and they too will meet you as and when it is appropriate. You are entitled to start feeling excited at the thought of what is being lined up for you to experience. It should make all of your previous experiences well worthwhile.

Joni Patry Vedic Astrological | Monthly Newsletter of The Galactic Center | News from the Stars | ~ Spiritual Insights March 2018 ~ | Blogger: Excerpts: (..).. ".. There will be more attacks and possible airline crashes between now and September, mainly due to terrorism. Mars and Saturn together intensify emotion, and as Mars aspects the new Moon, Mercury, and Venus there are angry disputes worldwide. As emotions fly high so do natural disasters. There will be more storms and earthquakes around the world. The sign Pisces is fully aspected not only by Mars (4th aspect) but Rahu as well (9th aspect). Emotions concerning past injustices are brewing and stirring old resentments from the past. Water signs have a way of uncovering deep buried emotions that direct reactions and behaviors. Most human tendencies are expressed by the conditions of life from the past. Hindsight is 20/20 and looking back can help heal conditioned emotional behaviors. Jupiter and Venus are in parivartana, (mutual reception) in each other’s sign of rulership. This connects these planets totally. Pisces represents emotions and the past while Libra represents justice and balance through world affairs. Many past injustices are surfaced for healing now...(.) .." |

I will be speaking at the UAC conference in Chicago, Il May 24-29
This is the biggest astrology conference in the world! Hope to see you there!
For more info click the button at the bottom

Spiritual Insights March 2018

As Mercury retrogrades in the last and final sign Pisces it gives us the opportunity to review and analyze the past based on our feelings. When Mercury retrogrades it is usually in the same element throughout the year. Pisces is a water sign which is relative to moksha, which means spiritual liberation from this world. When Mercury goes retrograde it is time to reassess, review and reflect. We have so much to learn from experiences in the past if we choose to see the lessons.

Jupiter is in Libra and Venus is in Pisces exchanging signs. This empowers the connection between these two planets. Jupiter brings growth and opportunities and in Libra means healing and balance to many past injustices. Venus in Pisces can heal the past problems many have had with their beliefs. This can bring the world together with a sense of understanding from a spiritual prospective. But with the aspects of Mars and Rahu to all the Pisces planets this month the realization of all the past religious and political injustices surface to be healed. This will be made apparent in the social context of world affairs and will be reflected in our individual personal lives.

From the vantage point of past injustices the case of Natalie Wood’s drowning resurfaces as the case of her untimely death is reopened after 36 years. The injustices of the government and how it affects the people’s feelings of trust is surfacing too. In 1971 Rahu was in Capricorn and Ketu was in Cancer, during this time there were repressed truths concerning the government and the lies told to the people surfaced. Many learned to distrust what they were being told. A new movie has come out called “The Post” about these turbulent times during Nixon and Watergate and the lies the people were being told about the Vietnam war. During that year Rahu and Ketu and the eclipses were in the opposite signs as now which means hidden secrets are revealed. Natalie Wood drowned around the time eclipses were in these placements of the zodiac. Eclipses have a way of surfacing the hidden according to the signs they are in.

As this reflects in our own lives we have to recognize where we feel a personal injustice and understand the truth will be realized. Many feelings from the past are being dredged up for healing. As we recognize these feelings we can heal our lives from these realizations.

Awakening Our Truth | Feb 27, 2018 | by Joanna RossPerez | ~ Special You Alignment ~ | .. Moon and another Grand Trine on Monday with the Moon, a big Moon weekend and allowing us to once again go deeper and own, claim, heal, anchor a new rebirth .. |

Subscribe for more meditations: http://goo.gl/7BWkgA
Visit our WebPage: http://universalunity.ca
Original meditation by Joanna L. Ross
Connect with our meditation and align with your highest and best and create the free flow of information with your higher self. 
Preparing the ascending ones for contact, higher realm communication, and ascension for new earth!
Blessings and light,

Verdensalt | 28. Feb, 2018 | ~ Grounding - hvad betyder grounding for din livskvalitet? Gør minus dage til plus dage med små skridt ~ | Blogger: 💭Du tænker sikkert - det er nemt at sidde og skrive på en blog, uden at formidle sit budskab i åbent forum og vække andres indre gigant, som Anthony Robbins. Har haft en del drømme for nyligt, som indikere, jeg skal træde ud i lyset og blive 'den' spirituelle leder, som jeg kan blive. Det er nemmere sagt end gjort, når man er privatperson og en minoritet i et samfund, som ikke lovpriser spiritualitet og åbenhed (og SLET ikke vor udenjordiske liv, forfædre, ledsagere og omkring sandhedsgivende konspirationer). Personlighed er meget mere end at være introvert eller ekstrovert - ja men der skal mod til at tale i en forsamling. Meetups, kunne være en løsning, har luftet tanken hos enkelte danske medlemmer af PFC community (Prepare For Change) ...💬 Som REIKI-healer (selvom jeg ikke er indviet REIKI-master) ved man, hvor enormt vigtigt det er, at være 'grounded' til moder Jord/GAIA. Jeg når ikke altid meditation hver dag, men bekræftelser og positiv tænkning - er min guide til aktiv positivitet affirmations. Verdensalt.dk skriver OGSÅ om ting, som vores "dybe (mørke) stat" ikke bryder sig om. Temaer og Emner kan fremkomme 'negativt' men er blot en dyb grundlæggende forståelse for faktagivning - i dene 3D Matrix af Illusion, som vi lever i. [Konsekvenspædagogik -- Det nytter ikke noget at sidde i en rundkreds og synge Kumbaya«]. Det spørgsmål som du sikkert skal stille dig selv om er: Hvad er Fake News, alternative fakta, kildekritik, postfaktuelt, løgn og rygter? ... LAD OS SÅ MODTAGE VOR DAGLIGE SKUD AF HJERTELIG GROUNDING FOR AT FINDE 'VORES' EGEN INDRE SANDHED 💙❤️💚💛💜💗 ... |

Spirituality - the quality of being concerned with the human spirit (with Alien DNA) or soul as opposed to material or physical things...

Our Spirit Guides has stated it very clearly. We are a Spiritual Being having a human experience, not human beings having a spiritual experience. That means, we are all spiritual beings. If you believe there is more than life itself in the present of now, then in my book, you are becoming aware of one's own spiritual state. Spirituality is not a religion. It does not come from your parents or Jehovah's Witnesses come knocking (just an example). Spirituality arises from somewhere deep inside you (HIGHER SELF or SOUL). It's a inner belief taking root in the heart, without having any visible evidence or proof of why. We have all agreed to stay on earth in this "present-moment-awareness" to experience our Five Senses. That also means, we need to listen to what our thoughts, intuition and gut feeling and act on it. When you learn to actually listen to the inner voice, the result will inevitably be - changes. Because life itself in our 3D Matrix of illusion, begins to fall apart. You begin to questioning everything that surrounds you, what we been taught in school, news media, parents, government and politicians, religion beliefs. Next thing - rollercoaster emotions - angry, fearful, disappointed, confused, exhausted. Determine to understand. Fear holding You back? Break free from the chains of fear and begin to explore...



1. (1-minute grounding meditation -Ask your guides, ascended masters or guardian angels, to assist your)
  • Take a seat with your feet on the ground. Eyes closed and hands were it feels comfortable
  • Take a deep breath in. Feel your body as you inhale
  • Take a long breath out. Notice your body as you exhale 
  • Try incorporating a set inhale-exhale ratio (3 times or as you feel comfortable)
  • Follow your breath in and out
  • Rest your mind on your belly or your chest or at your nostrils
  • Just be aware as you breathe in and aware as you breathe out
  • Kindly ask to be joined with the inner Earthly Star of Gaia and to be grounded with her
  • Say thanks and send LOVE to the healing your have receive from above 
2. (Extended grounding - Ask your guides, ascended masters or guardian angels, to assist your)
  • While sitting quite, feel your body rotate clockwise and ready for receiving.  
  • Kindly ask for a WHITE pillar of light to cleanse your chakras. 
    • Visualize it cleansing your body of any and all negativity  
    • Imagine light flowing in from above, through your crown, down your spinal column, and uniting all of your chakras as one pillar of light
  • Kindly ask for a RED pillar of light, penetrating your body, from above
    • Coming from our own Central Sun of Alcyone (Pleiadian System) or Galactic Central Sun, going through all known planets into your crown chakra, down to the root chakra, through your feet, into inner Earth, until received by Mother GAIA. 
    • As Mother GAIA returns a second RED pillar of light going up, all the way to your body, through all known planets into, up to the Central Sun of Alcyone, Pleiadian system.
    • Say thanks and send LOVE to the healing your have receive from above 
PS: you can add as many of the rainbow pillar of light, as you wish for and understand the meaning of (below my interpretation) 
  • Pink Light - Goddess or feminine energy - to virtualize healing the Earth (COBRA)
  • The blue ray represents the Father (Power), the yellow ray represents the Son (Wisdom), and the pink ray represents the Holy Spirit (Love)
  • The Violet Flame - most powerful protections your can have. Add yourself into that pillar of light with a spinning OCTACAL.  

"The eight-point star as a symbol marks early human understanding of the intellegent order that underlies our universe. Today, it carries religous and mystical associations. Known as the khatam in Islamic cultures, it and its variants are found at the center of stunning zillij masterpieces throughout Morocco. Amidst the color and compostion, the khatam stands as a symbol of early astronomy, interconnectedness, and faith in the ultimate harmony of Creation. In this way, the khatam represents the highest virtues in Moroccan culture: learning, community, faith, and love of beauty." 

Feb 27, 2018

BREAKING INTO NOTHING | RT - Russia Today | Feb 27, 2018 | London's Royal Opera House is evacuated after bomb scare - reports | Blogger: 💣💣💣 We have been warned before, that England is a high targeted False Flag Operations area for LIVE drills. Maybe next country will be Denmark again - since it's common, that 'Deep State' attempt on German & UK soil, mastered the politics of fear, scaring bogeyman, Denmark will follow - like clockwork... |

London's Royal Opera House and surrounding area in Covent Garden are being evacuated over a bomb scare, after reports of a 'suspicious package.'

London's Royal Opera House and surrounding area in Covent Garden are being evacuated over a bomb scare. People are being moved away from the area. A police cordon is in place. Photo courtesy of Missy Mills.
The Metropolitan Police has since stated that the incident is over. The Royal Opera House confirmed that the "situation is now resolved."

The Royal Opera House was evacuated this morning along with other businesses in the area. The situation is now resolved with staff and artists returning safely to the building.

Verdensalt | Arkivskabet | TVS Nyheder | 20. Juni 2017 | ~ VUC efter massiv kritik: Vi fortryder ikke forbrug. . . ~ | Blogger: 🤑🤑🤑 Et fantastisk undersøgende gravearbejde fra TVSyd & Radio24Syv's journalister har gjort det muligt, at spore til bare nogle, af skandalesagerne i VUC SYD. Der er 30 VUC'er rundt om i landet med i alt 90 afdelinger. Tænk på alle de andre sager som ikke har set dagens lys endnu!! -- Endnu en dag med Flid, Fedt & Snyd i centraladministrationen -- Velkommen til HF på voksenuddannelsescentret VUC Syd i Haderslev. En statsfinansieret selvejende institution, her hos os, går det godt! ... Nogen kalder det en skandale, grådighed, forvaltningsmæssigt korruption og ulovligt, VUC synes at mene, at bruge 18.000 kr. til fri bar; at forsøde livet med penge som flyder i oceaner. Magtens arrogance, vil ingen ende tage!!! 😔| Bestyrelsesformanden protestere: (satire) ... Ja, ja.. vi har måske overdrevet lidt, alt med måde, det er jo ikke vores penge, men DINE penge! Det hele startede med vi skulle til USA og hele bestyrelsen og ledelsen var enige om en frynsetur.. Vi indlogerede os på 4-stjernede hoteller og besøgte nationalpark på studietur til Californien. Vi brugte i nærheden af 380.000 kroner, siger vores revisor. Vi måtte desværre aflyste VUC's elev-studietur og nogen blev sure. Folk påstår endda, det var grænsende til mandatsvig. Hvad bilder de sig ind. Vi syntes dog det er fagligt begrundet.. Det er så godt nok for skatteborgernes penge, men vi i ledelsens 'trænger' til at forsøde livet.. For ser du, det er ligesom Matador hvor murermesterinden Jessen, trænger - "Jeg har ikke lyst - MEN JEG TRÆNGER!". Det gør vi også.. Der har måske været andre ture, nu hvor jeg tænker mig om.. Ledelsen og jeg, satte os ned og brainstormede, vi stoppede det hele ned i et begreb som blev opfundet til lejligheden, nemlig: ”Pædagogiske Dage” - hvor vi rejste europa rundt, indlogere lærere på luksushoteller og transportere musik og oplægsholdere. Det startede med Wien, siden Østrig, i 2010, til Hamborg, Tyskland, i 2012 og til Berlin, Tyskland, i 2014. Kostede godt nok 3,9 mio. kroner. - vissevasse.. Løkke og Co. har ikke klaget. Vi har jo alle sammen en klemme på ham alligevel, ikke sandt.. Nåååååå, ja sidenhen er vi blevet anklaget for at bruge 1,6 millioner offentlige kroner på sponsorater? Vi stiller os helt uforstående.. Vi støttede jo bare vores direktørs golfklub, vicedirektørs cykelklub, købte designmøbler, Bang & Olufsen-TV, kunst på kontoret for over 200.000 kroner. Jo jooooo, kom ikke her daw!. ”Ka’ du vær en kårl om æ nat, ka du ow vær en kårl om æ daw.” som man siger.. Vi tog faktisk et proaktiv initiativ for at undgå den furore, forleden. For når ens lidenskab er at golfe og Tour de France, så mister man hurtigt tidsfornemmelsen i arbejdstiden. Derfor indkøbte vi Apple-ure til ledelsen for over 40.000 kroner, simpelthen! Urene skulle gøre vores ledelse mere tilgængelig, det er vores begrundelse for indkøbet, dog, helt ude af det blå, vækker det nu undren hos eksperter, som naturligvis, er helt hen i vejret!... Vi ved jo, at flere og flere danske ledere dyrker fysisk og psykisk krævende sportsgrene som golf, triathlon, ultraløb og faldskærmsudspring. Vi støtter gerne vores ledelse. Det er ikke vores penge siger DU?. Jamen, pengene lå på bordet, og den havde ingen ejermand, andet skatteborgerne, selvfølgelig. Husk lige på: "Licens er noget vi giver hinanden" og "Skat – det er noget, vi ta'r fra hinanden!".. Rigsrevisionen har været forbi et par gange, de siger vi skulle skamme os. Eksperter har endda truet med indgriben fra Undervisningsministeriet.. Det er vigtigt at pointere, vi er super glade for vores direktør og vores ledelse og deres eftermæle, som er golf og luksus og husk ikke at forglemme, at forsøde livet.. Uden en glad ledelse, ingen VUC SYD. Stop nu med den vedvarende chikane.. Hos os skaber vi glæde og begejstring som igen, skaber positive ringe i vandet.. Derfor ansatte vi også vicedirektørens datter i 2013. En forvaltningsekspert har nævnt overfor os det er ulovligt at ansætte egne børn på VUC Syd.. Prøv nu at hør engang. Hele centraladministrationen gør, vi gør og dermed den politiske stab, gør det.. Hvorfor skulle vi være anderledes? Det handler om at genfortrylle tilliden til det offentlige, vores ledelse lider, på bekostning af VUC-elever og hvad så, ledelsen føler sig chikaneret af al den ballade og misundelse på vores forretningskoncept. Det handler om at forsøde livet, koste hvad det vil, ellers er det ikke sjov at være leder mere i Danmark.. Vi tjener da okay bevares, mens de private virksomhedsledere tjener 10 gange mere end os, semioffentlige. VUC’erne er selvejende uddannelsesinstitutioner, men underlagt Undervisningsministeriet. Den eneste måde vi kan forsøde vores liv på, er at 'låne' penge fra skatteborgerne og de støttekroner vi modtager. Lad nu vær, Du ville gøre det samme, ikke sandt?. Det politiske system kan gang på gang, bryde ministeransvarsloven, men vi kan jo ikke gemme os bag 'mørklægningsloven'!!. Hvis Du vidste, hvad der ligger af korruptionsskandaler bag offentlighedslovens gemmer samt særligt hemmeligt arkiv i Statsministeriet, så ville vi slet ikke have denne samtale, siger en noget fortørnet med fattet, bestyrelsesformand for VUC.. (Bestyrelsesformandens udtalelser er rent satire og fiction, men det er skandalesagere ikke)... |

Bestyrelsen på VUC SYD var tirsdag samlet for at diskutere den massive kritik, der har været af skolens forbrug.

Læs videre: https://www.tvsyd.dk/artikel/vuc-efter-massiv-kritik-vi-fortryder-ikke-forbrug