Dec 19, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 (Old World Order, Tartarian Documentary 2024 Sean Hibbeler. Dangerous & Banned Toys) Today's Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Video ~ Dec 19, 2023 ~ |



SoTW - along with Gilbert Kaster Kit Jr. (1931) and Gilbert Glass Blowing Set (1920) also banned 

📰🍿❌ (Black Swan Event: 'Red Sea STOPPAGE has IMMEDIATE impact upon Israel.') DC: Restored Republic via a GCR ~ Dec 19, 2023 ~ |



Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of December 19, 2023


Compiled Tues. 19 Dec. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities”

Judy Note: What we think we know as of Tues. 19 Dec. 2023:

  • Mon. 18 Dec. Black Swan Event: Red Sea Supply Chain Halted. After attacks on shipping containers in the Red Sea connected to Israel all transits through the Red Sea have been paused, causing a major supply chain interruption – that would likely last at least 5-6 months. Expect goods shortages and delays in manufacturing products.
Mon. 18 Dec. The top five Container Shipping Companies were now refusing Israel Cargo Transit Thru Red Sea. Within the past 96 Hours, five of the top 10 ocean shipping lines on the planet have announced they will no longer handle shipments to or from Israel through the Red Sea (Suez Canal)

  • The top five shipping companies have now halted service to Israel via the Red Sea.
  • It began with MAERSK, and hours later, Hapag-Lloyd announced they would no longer handle any shipments via Red Sea transit.  The next day, those companies were joined by CMA-CGM. One day later, those companies were joined by OOCL- Hong Kong (Owned by COSCO), and today, all four of those carriers were joined by the largest container shipping company in the world, MSC.
  • It is important to note that all of these companies CAN still provide shipping service, but without using the Red Sea and its Suez Canal, all their ships must now go around the southern tip of Africa, adding 14,000 miles and three weeks travel time to the shipments.   The price increase for such shipping is astronomical due to the vastly increased fuel costs.
  • This stoppage of ocean container service through the Red Sea is going to have an IMMEDIATE impact upon Israel, which must import much of what the country consumes. 
  • Shortages are likely to develop this coming week with Outages the next week. Stunning price increases will also likely take place over the next two weeks as the availability of goods dries up.
  • Then, additional price increases will hit during week three, as any ship that had to go around Africa brings that freight with the added cost of 14,000 miles and three weeks.
  • This may collapse the Israel economy.
  • More companies halt shipping thru the Red Sea:

👁️⃤𓂀💰🤏👀 (Svindel Dannevang - der er ikke styr på en skid - Arbeit macht frei) Det kan, Britta Nielsen, fra Socialstyrelsen og det store svindelnummer, afholde foredrag om, i årevis. Medierne er BESATTE af, at tale MILLIONERNE op, som ruller ind til kendisser og de flittigste, på arbejdsmarked. Jeg har engang jobbet med IT i bankverden og for en finsk CEO fra "Golden Slacks" Casper von Koskull (Krudtugle) og ved, at Rothschild-dynastiet, trækker i Dannevangs lange klunker, siden Statsbankerotten 1813. Som så mange andre (jødiske Ashkenazi Kabbalah) kontrolleret lande. ~ 19. December 2023 ~ |

Forsvaret får kritik for at holde milliardplan hemmelig
Amerikansk jurisdiktion er et ufravigeligt krav

Forsvarsaftale betyder den bliver 'uopsigelig' med amerikansk jurisdiktion, som et ufravigeligt krav. Hvilket betyder for SoTW, at USA's militær, kommer til at bestemme. Og vi er tættere på befrielsen fra monarkiet, frimureriets og zionisternes besættelsesmagt, end nogensinde før...

Editor's NoteDet er svært at spå om fremtiden - men det er nyttigt mener den danske regering (som går af Maj 2024 iflg. mit H-S).

SoTW mener, det tal er nok steget til 2.000 mia. kr. i 2023, som staten hiver ind, af indtægter fra skatteyderne. Så, selvom 750 mia. kr., er afsat til udgifter, lad os kalde dem det, så har vi stadigvæk 750 mia. kr. på positivsiden, som (ledelsen af) de 900.000 offentlige ansatte, kan jonglere rundt med. 

Med andre ord, kan man i centraladministrationen, lege Bytte Bytte Købmand, i al evighed. Du ANER IKKE, som alm. dansker, hvor pengene figurer henne. Du ved bare, at ALLE som jobber for staten og i det semi-offentlige infrastruktur, fra NGO'er, foreninger, organisationer, el-vand-varmeværker, og jeg skal komme efter dig, selv kan hente lønninger og selvtægts-tage midler, på forgodtbefindende... |

🛡️🌍⚔️ (Magic Mother Earth Advocating For Peace & White Hats Cosmic Call of Duty Black Ops 5?) American soldiers are to be permanently stationed in Denmark (which correlates with Tarot by Izabela predictions for Denmark 2024 of a massive military operations underway). Was the blackout a.k.a. power cut off in the big KM stronghold of New York in order to turn off alarm systems and let special operations troops grab high-profile individuals?. In the meanwhile, Iceland volcano eruption in Reykjanes peninsula - fissure opening is almost 4 kilometers long. ~ Dec 19, 2023 ~ |

Editor's Note: Kash Patel's "battle" going on in SPACE and WATER... Dr. Michael Salla says;' Tucker Carlson reveals how UFO issue is one of two that scare him the most about the future.'... Benjamin Fulford on; ' KM stronghold of New York power station blown up at midnight on Dec 15th - exactly when they predicted - by Q Clock, causing widespread power shortages in New York... As you know, a car plows into parked vehicle in actor Beijing-Biden’s motorcade outside Bank of America, which could be important to RV(GCR) effect and 3 hours from NY city... Earthquake kills over 100 people in China - authorities have deployed over a thousand firefighters and emergency personnel... |