May 31, 2019

Operationdisclosure | ~ RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - "Crumble" ~ | Blogger: [👄RUMORS AND GOSSIP REPEATERS👂] ... It's all about replacing the old corrupt financial system with a new QFS; a new hack-proof, super-conscious, Quantum Computer Global Financial System... US Financial Executive or Legislative Bodies like - I.M.F., FED, U.S.T, C.T., B.I.S., WORLD BANK, U.N., M M.O.U.S.E., is to be removed, "cause Kansas is going bye-bye!"... Second, introducing and ratify NESA- RA. GESARA - the secret GESARA Treaty(disguised as the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change) ... You cannot rely on Bitcoin cryptocurrency either (NSA has a backdoor).. Benjamin Fulford says, George Soros, has been dead for 14 months and family has already divided his money stash. Bill Clinton is also death of AIDS... No- body has seen Bill Gates either, presumably death, as well (It's all a pretend, KM Khazarian Mafia Zionist need to keep the wheels going - Psychological operations (PSYOP) - Political decoys, body doubles and cloning....We've heard it all... Endless waiting has been in play for the RV, the financial rest, GESARA, NESARA…or what- ever you want to call it. The main concept at play here IS the liberation of Humanity/Earth from forces of evil and limitation... So be it, and so it is!...🙏 |

POTUS Tweet - T-5976 - 24 May 2019 - 2:19:32 AM  

RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - "Crumble" - May 30, 2019

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

The US-China Trade War is currently at a standstill.

The plan to expose and mass indict Deep State players is nearing completion.

FISA is key.

The declaration of Martial Law and the Insurrection Act to mass indict Deep State players will cause the stock market to crumble.

Another event is expected to occur simultaneously with the mass indictments that will be related to the US-China Trade War.

Valg & Verdensalt | ~ Den hemmelige Socialdemokrat Lars og (Mette) reklamerer ulovligt på fjæsen. Pia og r-ø-v-e-n på kogepladen. Ikke-mere-pis-Hønge, vikaren fra helvede. DONGHØ-SF, (R)adikal queer-feminisme og (E)nighedslisten kræver, flere klimahoax krav. Ensomhedslisten-Lars-Seier-LA-Iværksættere. Det nye åndelige hitler-barn-hjerneskadet-PaluDansk. Tramp, Tramp, Tramp: Historien om 65.000 klima-bekymrede borger (forslag), der fik fingeren af DF og Venstre, Kassetænkning i kommunerne, Lønfest og russiske trolde fra (D)DR, StatsAdelen misbrug af skattekroner, Mai-Mercado-egoisten og vuggesuen og Britta Nielsen, tillidsbruddet til den store embedsbukke-bruse og hvidvaskskandaletrolden i Danske ~ | Blogger: Undskylder på forhånd😫I må bære over med mig, men kan simpelthen ikke håndtere mere af politikerens erotik til fetish, løgnagtigheder og ildelugtende gødning af møgspreder.. Den Narcissistiske Karrusel og Politikerlede. Er mistillids- og kvalmegrænsen nået? Mistænker I danske politikere for at være korrupte? »Ja da«. Transparency International kritiserer partistøttesystemet for at muliggøre korruption. Danske politikere mistænkes for korruption af selvsamme organisation, der flere gange har kåret Danmark som verdens (mindst) korrupte land. Men, det handler vel ikke 'kun' om korruption? Det handler om hemmelige studehandler og vennetjeneste, rævekager, grådighed, hvide løgne, fremmedhad, løftebrud, vælgersnyd, skatteplyndring, fuprejser, magt og så 'korruption'. Kan faktisk godt li' 'politikerlede's udlægning: 💭".. Danske politikere er lige så svigfulde som badutspringerne i en bananrepublik. Christiansborg er en koldbøttefabrik, hvor politikerne udlever et skatteyderbetalt orgie i plattenslageri og pengemisbrug. Løgnagtighed er en forudsætning for at blive politiker. Politik er kunsten at lyve. Og politikerne er professionelle løgnere. De lever med løgn som en livsstil...".👨‍🌾Kresten Poulsgaard sagde det sååå smukt i en af de første udgaver af Huxi og det gode gamle Folketing: ”Fyr hele bundet, og start forfra”, ikke at jeg er 100 % enig med den gamle fodermester, men der er noget sandhed i det, han siger.. |

Fint skal det være - Keeping Up Appearances - Attempts To Prove Their Social Superiority - By Fooling Everyone...

Lille søde mini Putt Putt staten, LegoDanLand... 

Blogger: Det er historisk korrekt at antage, at politikere med deres fremstilling og retoriske kneb, bøllemetoder, hvide løgne og et afslørende sprogbrug, skaber FALSKE TANKER i mennesker... Et sprogbrug som er indpisket af smarte Folketingskurser, sprogkonsulenter og spindoktorer... Uanset hvor flasken peger hen, slipper de ALTID afsted, såsom Bilag-Lars, Messer-shit, Anders Fog-The-War, Claus Vader, Sauron Pind, Bjarne Cory-DON, Stoejberggaten, »Per Stiv« Møller, DF, SF, MELD, FELD og alle de andre med svindel og hamburg i overfyldte lommer af BS... 

Vi suser videre, som intet var hændt...Det er alt sammen bare for sjovt og skide underholdende, undtagen når vi selv bliver fanget med snablen nede i kagedåsen og lyver og forfalsker historier overfor chefen som står med en fyreseddel.. Så peger vi gerne fingre på andre og afleder opmærksomheden... 

Politikeren, Anders 'Fog of War' Rasmussen - Manden med den 'smooking gun' og hemmelige bekendtskaber (charmør, tyran, krigsforbryder og verdensmand?).. Tony Blair igen og igen undslipper at blive retsforfulgt som krigsforbryder:
Please take Anders 'Fog of War' Rasmussen, The Bushinator, Poppy, Vice Big Time, Rummy, The World's Greatest Hero Powell, Guru Condi and all the other evil, warmongering, lying, stealing scam artists and dumb them in the smelly fertilizer of poop... 
Baby-Lars snubler i bunken af bilags- og skattesager, hemmeligt sikkerheds-arkiv samt LøkkeFonden (Kampen om Gyllegården og sin pensionsfinte) - Dyssocial personlighedsstruktur, festabe, ubeslutsomhed, hidsige temperament og hang til natteroderi?

Uanset hvilken top-politiker der hentes ind fra gaden, så stiger magten dem til hoved, og der sker en kortslutning. Brist i selve personligheden - en karakterafvigelse. Afstumpet brutalitet, selvglade, uempatiske, overvurderer sig selv, udnytter andre mennesker, manipulerer. 

Conscious Reminder | ~ 💗 It’s Hard To Find Your True Self In The Mayhem, But These 3 Places Can Be Where You Do 🧘 ~ | .. When we watch the news, they will probably remind us of how is chaos a dominating thing in life worldwide right now. People need some leaders that will protect their interests, but not the political careers they have .. |


Because of the lower rates of vaccination, one disease which was virtually eliminated more than 20 years ago, now experiences resurgence on the level of epidemic too.

There is a loneliness crisis which we all face. The religious institutions which bind our societies lose their influence too. Social media, the tool which has the original intention to connect people, results in smaller human intimacy.

Unluckily, Instagram and Facebook only supplement human interaction, which means they can’t substitute for friendship in person, although their users hope they actually can.

Here are the three useful ways which will help us to find the truest version of ourselves in this world full of chaos:


When it comes to religion, some people feel disillusioned. No one really wants sermons that focus on condemning and judging their truly wicked ways. But, there is actually something present in the DNA of people that longs for something better.

God is loving and just, and every one of us is his or her child. Regardless of our faith, and also the differences existing between most of the traditions, we can say that we are inevitably connected together by the ways we are treating one another.

Every religion in the world encourages kindness, compassion, generosity, and patience; such things are the universal virtues that are fundamental to our societies, and everyone can embrace them.


RT | ~ White Helmets and ‘Russian’ nerve gas: New Call of Duty trailer is modern propaganda at its finest ~ | .. The latest installment of the Call of Duty franchise ‘Modern Warfare’ hopes to add newfound realism to the game, highlighting the “morally gray” side of modern proxy wars, but so far it seems to be more ‘oorah’ Western propaganda .. | Blogger: [⛑️White Helmets Is Pure Propaganda👷🏽‍♂️] ... When I (verdensalt) first watched the trailer for the Oscar-winning documentary The White Helmets, or The Danish-Syrian-made film Last Men in Aleppo - gruelling portrait of a city without hope, I experience helplessness and sadness so intensely. It paints a beautiful picture of saintlike, peaceful soldiers saving innocent civilians from the terror in Syria, with the song “When The Saints Go Marching In” playing in the background. It ignited a fire of compassion and empathy within me for the Syrians plagued by war... BUT when i've later learned it was all a HOAX, and this form of propaganda is so effective, I already knew, human beings, are naturally empathetic and if we see someone hurting on the other side of the world, it pulls on our heart strings, then my soul overtook me completely by anger and frustration... Netflix has become a 'master of deception' (Hollywood's deception for the masses) from false documentaries that has only ONE purpose - to deceive us all - sinister way to dumb us down... The US military is using video games and esports to recruit - it's downright immoral - video games were a tool used to escape reality through diversion, they are now extensions of the reality in which we live in... |


Dr. Steven Greer | ~ Multiple Main Stream Media reports about UFOs - Pay attention to the spin ~ | .. In the past few days there have been multiple mainstream media reports about UFOs. Pay attention to the spin .. |

How to evaluate these articles with discernment.

These are a couple of the articles you may have seen:
Fox News:

It is important to read these and other main stream media articles with discernment as many of these articles are presenting a disturbing scenario of ETs being hostile.
You may want to read Dr. Greer's paper: "When Disclosure Serves Secrecy".

OR watch the first part of his Phoenix May 2018 workshop which goes into detail about the Atacama Cover-up but also then discusses how main stream media has been corrupted by the intelligence community with its negative agenda. | ~ Will Trump Be The Disclosure President? ~ |

Will Trump Be The Disclosure President?
by Rich Scheck

With all the apparent good news regarding UFOs with its implication for the much cherished end to the Truth Embargo, the possibility looms that Donald Trump will be the Disclosure President.

Currently the planet is in a pre-world war mode similar to 1914 and 1939 with many proxy wars, trade wars and wide-spread economic uncertainty as well as an ineffective United Nations.

Amidst all the chaos, confusion and suffering lurks the ever-present dynamic of other-worldly visitation----whether from ETs, Angelic Entities or some as yet to be determined class of beings.

Reports of UFOs remain high. The US government continues to legitimize discussion of the topic with its recent announcements, so much so that the New York Times (the"unofficial paper of record") has felt comfortable enough to give it credence with several articles....

Remember, it was Ronald Reagan who spoke at the UN about the unifying role ET visitation might have to quell Earthly discord. Perhaps, the planetary quarantine described by Afred Webre in his book ExopolitIcs, is coming to
end by virtue of enough humans having evolved enough to recapture their Universal citizenship and/or the level of crisis being so great with the potential use of nuclear weapons by combatants that an outside intervention is deemed mandatory by..........Them!


The Common Sense Show | ~ After Seventy Years of Cover-up, We Still Don't Know What THEY Want With Our Planet ~ | Blogger: [🚀My father surmised that the United States had a Secret Space Program because none of the technology ever ended up in NASA' ~ Dave Hodges🛸] ... |

When I was a very young child, my parents bought me a telescope and part of my fascination was to look for UFO’s. I was 12 years old when I learned about the Betty and Barney Hill case and was fascinated. I hung onto theDenver Post article about the Hill case for years. I never admitted to anyone of my interest in the topic, but I devoured everything on the topic. When I was just starting elementary school, my favorite TV show was The Invaders. The show was about human impersonators who were actually aliens who were plotting a covert takeover of the Earth.

Longtime readers may recall that several years ago, I revealed the my father worked with captured Nazi scientists in order to reverse engineer their drawing board technology. My father surmised that the United States had a secret space program because none of the technology ever ended up in NASA. Over the course of his last two years of life, my father revealed the developments. I asked him where the Nazis got the technology and he said they stated it was from aliens. My father did not believe them because not one of them had ever met an alien. The Nazi scientists stated that their supervisors claimed to have had contact with the aliens. This revelation by my father, made in 1985-86, made me sour on the topic of aliens and alien contact. However, more recent developments have rekindled my curiosity.

SPACE | ~ Astronomers Spot 'Forbidden Planet' in Neptunian Desert ~ | .. Astronomers have discovered NGTS-4b (The Forbidden Planet), the first exoplanet of its kind to be found in the Neptunian Desert, an area close to stars where no Neptune-sized planets have been detected .. | Blogger: Every week NASA seems to have learned something new that was unthinkable... TIME, to disclosure the true nature of Planet X / Nibiru, don't you think?. There are presently nine known planets in the solar system if you want to include Pluto. It is possible that a tenth planet, referred to as “Planet X,” exists and is waiting to be discovered.?.. |

An artist's depiction of NGTS-4b, nicknamed "The Forbidden Planet" by its discoverers.
(Image: © University of Warwick/Mark Garlick)

TruthTheory | ~💗 Ikea’s Hydroponic System Allows You To Grow Vegetables All Year Round Without A Garden 💚 ~ |

By Jess Murray Truth Theory

Ikea’s indoor garden system is the perfect option for those who wish to grow their own food all year round but don’t have the garden space to be able to do it. Ikea’s indoor hydroponic garden allows anyone to grow fresh produce at home without the need for soil or any previous gardening experience.

The hydroponic system of the garden means that adequate light and water are everything that is needed to grow the plants successfully, meaning that there is no need for soil. According to the report, many of the vegetables that are widely available today are grown using this method. The absorbent foam plugs that come with the Ikea system enable the seeds to sprout, and then proceed to keep the seeds moist without over-watering them. Following the germination of the seeds, all that needs to be done is to transfer the entire foam plug into its own separate small pot and fill it with pumice stones, which can retain a lot of water.

Soren Dreier - Zen-Haven | ~ 💗 The Crystal Eyed People 👁️ ~ |

I have crossed paths with some very interesting people who bear some very interesting similarities.
I had the idea of writing about them for about half a year, but decided to wait until I was absolutely sure and that I had enough experience so I could describe them. I don’t know if they are described elsewhere.

I have touched on non-biological beings before, in the astral and more lighter realms (devas), whom we share this planet with, us being in the physical body.

The Crystal-Eyed People are in the physical body and they have such rich deva-like features that —it is my understanding—that at some point in their evolution, they made a crossover and incarnated as human beings in the physical form.

Seen from a metaphysical perspective, that makes sense since there are sober non-religious ancient scriptures describing that Angels are able to make that crossover and humans also can make that crossover and pursue their evolution either as Angels going Human or Humans going Angel. It’s embedded in many song lyrics, poems, and literature, so maybe we know it, but don’t really know that we know it.

I also take into account that The Crystal-Eyed People sometimes lose their composure and suddenly, for some seconds, shapeshift into their deva-like state. They have Deva DNA imbedded in their human DNA.

This shapeshifting isn’t spooky or dark in any way like the reptilians. Being beside a Crystal Eyed person, when they do will most likely strike you with awe. They become more ethereal, the flesh of their human body can’t coat the high frequency they have. When that hits you out of the blue, you will know that you’re with one.

The first encounter I had with The Crystal-Eyed People was about five years ago.
I met some more briefly in the following years and last summer, they seemed to present themselves in numbers. As I got used to the whole concept of them, I started seeing them in the photos people send me if they need a healing or a reading. It’s in their eyes. The people I met was between 21 – 33 years of age.

Their Eyes


intellihub | ~ John Cleese: London is not an English city anymore ~ | .. Monty Python icon John Cleese has stoked controversy by reiterating his belief that London is no longer an English city due to mass immigration .. | Blogger: O-Man.. I travel frequently (more or less) a few times into Copenhagen every week and the train are filled with foreigners and The walking street Stroget (Strøget) & other places like near Nørrebro/Nørreport (Norreport Station) ONLY has foreigners. I don't understand how they can afford to stay in Copenhagen in the first place, must be a looot of students and tourists (i will not go into the immigration agenda, added fuel to the fire of debating haterism in the political game)... |

In a tweet to his 5.6 million followers, Cleese said, “Some years ago I opined that London was not really an English city any more. Since then, virtually all my friends from abroad have confirmed my observation So there must be some truth in it.”

“I note also that London was the UK city that voted most strongly to remain in the EU,” he added.

Cleese first made similar statements back in 2011 when he opined that London was handed the Olympic Games because of mass immigration.

“I’m not sure what’s going on in Britain. Or, let me say this – I don’t know what’s going on in London, because London is no longer an English city,” said Cleese.

E.B. NEWS | ~ Desperat Løkke skrev til slotsejer: Skaffede luksus-ophold til Sólrun ~ | .. Ejer af Dragsholm Slot sikrede familien Løkke eksklusivt ophold efter nød-sms fra Løkke. Uklart, hvem der betalte .. | Blogger: [👹Private-Lars-Shrek-Den-L(ø)kkelige : Verdens mest korrupte mand« og en »politisk Jekyll og Mr. Hyde«!?🤷] ... |

Løkke i gavenød sendte lillejuleaften en sms til sin løbeven, ejeren af Dragshold Slot, Mads Bøttger. Derefter skaffede slotsejeren et weekendophold til Sólrun. Foto: Rekonstruktion

The Guardian | ~ Women are happier without children or a spouse, says happiness expert ~ | .. unmarried and childless women are the happiest subgroup in the population .. | Blogger: [👯🏿‍♀️'Ah Sh*t, Here We Go Again'. Pregnancy Without Men!. Woman Don't Need Men! - The #MeToo shockwave: Offended Retrospectively - Feminism & MSM Media has become Obsessed with the Cult Victimhood. Global Acceptance of LGBT & Transformation to Transhumanism = Eternal Separation from God/Source is Spiritual Death👯🏿‍♂️] ... {Shaming, bullying, sex offense - "See-Me-Egoism", harrassmentwillingness & harrassmentdictatorship) - How feminism, media troll womens & victims of anger toward the patriarchy & men in general, has taken over the society!? ...THIS has nothing to due with the return of the Goddess (within) or how we balance our Shiva (masculine energy) & Shakti (feminine energy), according to my spiritual book of life in the 3-D Matrix of illusion...👸Essentially the return of the Goddess is something to be celebrated by both men and women. It is a return to wholeness. It is a return to love. It is a return to honouring the web of life. It is a return to empowerment where we individually and collectively once again understand and experience that we create our reality from the inside out. As we embrace the Goddess our world will naturally transform... 🤔We know for almost suddenly that our ego does not like being alone, or in solitude. The ego craves company while spirit wants to connect in solitude. Does that mean that the stigma of unmarried and childless women are still strong!? According to Dolan's study, the success stories of women deciding exactly what they want, and living longer, happier, healthier lives is = Alone...🧠Well, out of experiences, the only way to live in a happy relationship is to understand how women think in relationships. There is really no way around that. Problem is that we MEN, have no clue how complex a woman brain operates (really)... 📚According to John Gray(Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus), most common relationship problems between men and women are a result of fundamental psychological differences between the sexes. That men and women are from distinct planets—men from Mars and women from Venus—and that each sex is acclimated to its own planet's society and customs, but not to those of the other. One example is men's complaint that if they offer solutions to problems that women bring up in conversation, the women are not necessarily interested in solving those problems, but mainly want to talk about them... |

READ MORE>> | ~ Dronning Margrethe fortsætter togt ~ | .. Sommertogtet fortsætter for dronning Margrethe. Efter et par dage i Køge sejler dronningen nu til Fyn .. | Blogger: (ARKIV) ... [🚢Det koster et kongerige - Hvornår skal vi afskaffe Kongehuset?💸] ♕♕♕... Ja - beklager min blonde og bramfri kritik af besættelsesmagten, men så er 'vi' danskere, bedre stillet foruden mht. kommunens Rådhuskonger (især Københavns Kommune, der brænder skatteyders penge af, som var det hashtobak), de sleske journalister og de bukkende politikeres overforbrug af sommertogterne ... (2017:) ... Kommuner betaler kassen for royale besøg: Dronningen er alle pengene værd siger borgmestre -- Kritik af royalt besøg preller af i Aabenraa, Vejle, Kalundborg osv. - Kommunerne investerer millioner i nye vejbelægninger, nye facader på folks huse, udsmykninger, flag og tingeltangel, sminker med papfacader og smider uønskede folk væk og danner et sikkerhedsnet, når Dronningen besøger danske byer i 2 timer... (DR) -- Dronningens sommertogter koster kommuner millioner -- Det kan koste kommunen mange hundrede tusinde kroner, når dronningen lægger vejen forbi på sit sommertogt (Minutpris for besøg af kongehuset : 1.555 kroner – Det skulle have været et discountbesøg holdt indenfor 300.000 kroner. Men det blev næsten dobbelt så dyrt, da Vejle Kommune sidste sommer havde besøg af Dronning Margrethe.. Margrethes fede finte : Skatteyderne betaler ekstra millioner for besøg i udlandet... |

30. Maj 2019 : Dronning Margrethe fortsætter togt


🤫(verdensalt) : -- Hvis vi anfægter troværdigheden og om Dannevang har brug for Kongehuset, anklages vi for at være fordømmende, illoyale, uden fædrelandskærlighed og borgerdyd. Det ikke er troværdigt, at pille ved glansbilledet omkring kongefamilien. 

Kongehuset er den sidste bataljon af folkekære, elskelige og troværdige ildsjæle som udbreder danske interesser rundt om i verden. Kongehuset ønsker dog ikke at være ulydige overfor folket. 

Formelt er kongehuset hævet over loven, og myndigheden til at drage for eksempel kronprins Frederik til ansvar ligger hos dronning Margrethe, men reelt overvåges kongefamilien af en kritisk offentlighed og rådgives af centraladministrationen. Konstruktionen forudsætter, at kongehuset følger den rådgivning. 

Når jeg udgiver blog indlæg omkring Kongehuset, ønsker jeg ikke, at vække utilsigtet følelser op i folk omkring illoyalitet og upatriotiske sammensværgelser, formidler bare en realitet, set ud fra mange års interesse i tabloidpressens dokumentation (BT, information m.fl.) og de få som 'tør' kritisk journalistik. 

Er helt klar over, der er mange som opfatter vores konstitutionelt monarki som en hellig institution og statshoveder som urørlige og trofaste mod vores nation. Dog, kan vi konstatere, 'magteliten' har særdeles gode forbindelser igennem Kongehuset og Kongehuset har særdeles gode forbindelser til politik og som tilnærmelsesvis truer hele den selviscenesættelse af magtvælden. Fordi der findes så meget hemmelighedskræmmeri og beskyttelse-doktrin over Kongehuset, er det svært ikke, at konspirerer. 

Jo mere jeg graver i mudderet, jo mere skidt kommer der frem, vil vove den påstand, snavset sidder godt fast under neglene, uden de bliver rene igen. Uanset hvor flasken peger hen, en ubestridelig kendsgerning, ud af de 300 navne, dukker Dronning Margrethe II op på listen samt Anders Fogh Rasmussen. 'The Committee of 300' - The Olympians - modelleret efter den Britiske East India Company Council of 300, grundlagt af den britiske aristokrati i 1727. Dronning Elizabeth II er øverste leder af denne magtfulde gruppe og de anses for at være ansvarlig for falske narkotika krige i USA. Gruppen styrer verden via en tre-bystats-imperium(London, Vatikanet, og District of Columbia), hvor byerne ikke betaler skat og adlyder kun deres egne love. 

"Tro den, som søger sandheden; tvivl på den, som finder den"... 

🛎️PS: Hvorfor er der ingen af de bukkende politikere, skrabende journalister, og fedtende kendis-venner, der fortæller Kongehuset, at den er helt gal?... |

verdensalt | ~ TV Actresses Grace Park, Nicki Clyne, Kristin Kreuk, Allison Mack were active in NXIVM Cult – now busted for Extorting, Beating, Branding and Blackmailing women. Clare Bronfman and Kathy Russell, indicted in March on racketeering and racketeering conspiracy ~ | Blogger: [🔭Hidden in Plain Sight- But Nobody Cares!? Mum's the word 🤫🙈] ... {Did Allison Mack Confess She Sold Children to Rothschilds and Clintons? Facts The Dark Alliance Don't Want You To Know} ... Sorry to bring this up again, but important, nevertheless... 'Keith Raniere, who also was indicted and is now in federal custody. He faces sex trafficking and forced labor charges ~ CNN'... 'Literary EVERY B-list actors and actresses in Holly- wood, is a either a recruiter of the NXIVM Cult or recruiters of the secret cult above NXIVM. Other people is unfortunately 'child procures' for these elites, and enforcers of MS-13 (deadly MS-13 gang) during the Obama administration, that's according to Journalist David Seaman'... In other words, Bush/Clinton/Obama cartel used L.A. inspired deadly MS-13 gangs as their own Assassin Hit Squad ...(O-M-G! Sickening🤢) ... 🥺CONCLUSION: -- The newest cabal, dark alliance, the establishment or elites, controllers (whatever) agenda, is to normalize and pro- mote pedophilia as a sexuality instead of a mental illness. They would have you believe that it is normal, and it is okay, as long as you do not act upon it... Regard- less of our political or religious beliefs, our sexuality, our race, or whatever, we all have to deal with the day to day grind of being a human in this messed up world. The one point of our journey on this floating ball that is supposed to be worry free and innocent, is childhood. Pedophiles and abusers take this away from people at an alarming rate. For most of modern history, this has been highly frowned upon, and offenders are severely punished (exception is politicians and high ranking VIP's in our society)... As long as we 'pretend' to care - heavily influenced the brutalizing, numbing and dumbing-down effects of mass culture and 'bystander effect', we humans, as a species, don't stand a chance to change the world as a ever loving caring planet🌎☮️✌️#Mee-Too vs. #OccultPedoGateOrder:... Sexual harassment is a serious matter, but, #metoo is also about "hiding" the global pursuit of pedophile criminals among the power elite. Yes, quite simple and I can calmly say, it is not a conspiracy. 👉The worldwide #Metoo wave is the hard chocolate that borders the Mars chocolate bar, while the hidden soft part of the nougat core - the heavily-fused pedophile world, that includes horrible and much more offensive criminal offenses against children and adolescents👈..They call it Hillary's #Pay-to-Play, #Pizzagate, Podesta's #Spirit-cooking of secretive shady occult sex freemasonry rituals... The NXIVM Cult is 'unfortunately' ONLY, the tip of the iceberg... ⚠️PS: It's rather bizarre, that BLACK FOLKS, like Singer R Kelly, who has been hit with 11 new sexual assault charges, (career pedophile) Michael Jackson & (disgraced comedian) Bill Cosby, (The Troubling Legacy) Martin Luther King Jr., (CONFESSED) OJ Simpson has been (handpicked) to be exposed in the media, but you almost never hear about NXIVM Cult, anymore, or any WHITE FOLKS, in the (political) VIP Cabal establishment in US or England, where the REAL #GlobalPedoGate, exist... (just saying).. Sorry if I offended someone... |

CNN: Seagram's liquor heiress pleads guilty to crimes related to New York sex cult, pyramid scheme case
ZeroHedge: Allison Mack Pleads Guilty In NXIVM Sex-Cult Case

Sarah brännmärktes – med ledarens initialer

Verdensalt - ABOVE TOP SECRET | ~ Detained And Thrown In A Cell - Welcome To Bilderberg 2019! ~ | ~ DR '21 SØNDAG' 1/6/14 - BILDERBERGMØDE 2014 I KØBENHAVN ~ | Blogger: [🤐The 67th Annual Bilderberg Conference Was Revealed 3 Days Ago, Participants Has Been Told Not To Talk or Disclose Anything🤫] ...{Like clockwork, Press For Truth & Luke Rudkowski with two other journalist, was on the spot, attempted to get jail time - part of their gig!?] ... 🚩 ... I min bog, er der ikke noget som hedder tilfældigheder og sammenfald.. Af tidligere danske deltagere (magteliten) gennem årene som springer i mine øjne er bl.a. 2 personer: ⚙️ Anders Eldrup som var medlem af styrekomiteen i Bilderberg. Tidligere depart- ementschef i Finansministeriet samt tidligere administrende direktør i DONG Energy. ⚙️Tøger Seidenfaden, tidl. chefredaktør ved Politiken og medlem af styrekomiteen i Bilderberggruppen (fra 2005 i Trilateral Commission). Begge, har siddet i øverste styregruppe i Bilderberg gruppen, deltaget over 10 gange, ifølge wikipedia. Måske begynder man at forstå den sammenkobling mellem de øverste sande ledere af planeten Jorden, den såkaldte “skyggeregering” (nogen siger delvis styret af udenomjordiske indflydelse). Hertil kommer alle deres håndlangere: Øverste illuminati familie - Rothschild familien, Rockefeller som udgør familie- dynastier, af de 13 mest magtfulde blodlinier i verden. Længere nede kommer iblandt mange, GoLDMaN SLaCKS, som har fået til opgave at eksponere og udnytte: VL-grupperne | Dansk Selskab for Virksomhedsledelse, Den danske statsmagt, Det danske realkreditsystem, Nationalbanken og Pengepolitiken (og alt lader til at føre til Den Danske Frimurerorden, G7 og de hemmelige konferencer)...😇Vi må ikke være naive og tro, at det kun er sikkerhedspolitisk, flygtningekriser, europæiske økonomiske model, miljøproblemer, eller hvad der nu er 'hot stuff' i de førende aviser, som bliver diskuteret.. Uffe Ellemann-Jensen, Jens Otto Krag, Mogens Lykketoft, Prinsgemalen, Anders Fogh Rasmussen har også været på Bilderberg, en del gange.. Listen af danske samt skandinaviske deltagere er anelang..👥Andre deltagere på listen er: Connie Hedegaard, Dronning Beatrix af Holland, Carl Bildt, Olof Palme, Kronprins Haakon, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Henry Kissinger, selveste CIA-direktør Allen Dulles & David Petraeus, verdensbankchefer, EU-kommisærer, finansfyrster, prinser m.fl.. Kan godt forstå når Folkets avis påberåber sig lidt pli og dannelse og moral, eller mangel på samme: ".. Du er et totalitært fjols med storhedsvanvid, Mogens Lykketoft.. ".. Svenske Carl Bildt med hans helt vanvittige Trump tweets, nærmest iscenesættelse dramaqueen eller Kronprins Haakon mange skandaler, som forstår at trylle med kongehusets midler.. 🗺️Ligesom Magtens atlas - kort over netværk i Danmark, vedlægger jeg et verdenskort over Bilderberg, CIA, Danish Intelligence Service (DDIS), Trilateral Commission, Finansfysterne, Oligarkerne, Politiske Institutioner, Kongehusene, Verdens Ledere, militær/medicin-industrielle kompleks, MSM medierne, fødevareindustrien og for ikke at forglemme, de fem verdensreligioner - alt er sammenkoblet med hinanden (NNDB Mapper)... ☝️PS: Det er ikke tilfældigt, at Schweiz, er hovedattraktionen (Black Nobility - Switzerland 1291 - Merovingians - Tower of Basel - Bank of International Settlements). Sidst, der blev holdt Bilderberg-møde i Schweitz, var 2011, St. Moritz... |

".. We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.." ~ Rothschild... 

PS: (verdensaly) -- Topsøe, Jakob Haldor (DNK), Chairman, Haldor Topsøe Holding A/S er kendt i inderkredsen for at være en BILDERBERGER...

I alle de år, som jeg har fulgt med Bilderberger-gruppen, har Jakob Haldor og Ulrik Federspiel, dansk ambassadør i USA, vicepresident i Haldor Topsøe A/S, figureret over gæstelisten (ALLE ÅR - 2004, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)..

TÆNK over hvor meget MAGT, denne kemivirksomhed har, ligesom Novo og andre kemi-giganter... Kræftsygdom får Haldor Topsøe-formand til at trække sig i 2016. Haldor Topsøe, der i 1999 blev hædret som det 20. århundredes største ingeniør, er en af dansk erhvervslivs helt store ikoner. Det er imidlertid de færreste, der ved og forstår, hvad hans firma i Nordsjælland beskæftiger sig med.

VIDSTE DU, at Haldor Topsøe, forhandlede under krigen i Tyskland om etablering af stor dansk industri til syntesekemi!? 

Selvom ALLE gentagne gange konstatere, at Haldor Topsøe, hjalp modstandsbevægelsen, så har 'Kurt Jacobsen's bog: 'Haldor Topsøe Virksomheden og verden', vist at de mere ukendte historie om firmaets første opgave, førte Haldor Topsøe på flere rejser til Tyskland i 1940-41 med forhandlinger i Berlin med den tyske kemivirksomhed I.G. Farben, i tyske regeringsorganer og i den øverste tyske sikkerhedstjeneste... 

Man kan også læse om historien om Haldor Topsøe A/S spændende beretning, der for første gang fortæller, hvad der egentlig skete omkring det fejlslagne projekt om opførelsen af det såkaldte Pyrolyseværk i København, som førte til et brud mellem Haldor Topsøe og den jævnaldrende Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller... 

Der er nu for verdensalt, MEGET BESYNDERLIGT, at Jakob Haldor Topsøe, bestyrelsesmedlem (siden 2013), har så kraftige rødder til verdens mest hemmelighedsfulde og nogle siger, mest modbydelige organisation - Bilderberg... |


DR søger (naturligvis) at latterliggøre demoen imod Bilderberg-gruppen ude foran Marriot Hotel, uden at komme ind på de fakta, som bakker vores kritik op. Som fx at Henry Kissinger er krigsforbryder, som sørgede for at tilsløre både JFK-mordet og 9/11 og at ledende Bilderbergere som Rockefellers og Bush-folk gennem årene åbenlyst har indrømmet, at de stræber efter en verdensorden, hvor magt er centraliceret. Vi er på ingen måde i tvivl om, at top-Bilderbergerne påvirker de "små" gæster - politikerne - til at bedrage og spille skuespil over for befolkningen - og det uanset om det lige sker på selve Bilderberg-mødet eller nogen af årets andre 362 dage.

Dog er det positivt, at DR ikke har fraklippet Dino Knudsens udtalelse om, at der er et demokratisk problem i, at møderne er hemmelige. Og til Connie Hedegaard: det er ikke absurd, det, Knudsen siger, for han udtaler - oven i købet som ekspert - et faktum. Næh, frk. Hedegaard, det der er absurd er, at du ikke har fattet Animal Farm!