Feb 24, 2021

✨ ~ 🤗 ('Drinking the Kool-Aid: the inorganic ones want your Soul') YOU BETTER WAKE UP!!! 😲 You won't believe what I'm about to tell you... (Infinite Waters (Diving Deep) ~ | Blogger: [👉'LOVE is their Kryptonite!' Stop being afraid of the Godzilla aKa Corona and stop being Gaslighted ~ Ralph Smart👈] ... |

🌺 ~ 💗 (Sharing) Matt Kahn: A Deeper Compassion 💕~ |

♾️ ~ 💗 ('out with the old and in with the new') The Council of Light: You’ve Got This (EOL + Channel: Rebecca Couch) 💕 ~ |

Beautiful Ones,

Yes, it is hard to feel like wonderful things are happening when everything aches! This is the long-expected and welcome soul upgrades you have longed for…so just breathe it all into alignment. You know the rules: out with the old and in with the new…and vice versa. What has delivered you to this juncture is now outmoded and it’s time for those rocket boosters to be decommissioned. All old services are released and new upgrades follow…much more advanced technology is being commissioned inside of you, and transforms your vehicle from DNA out!

These are the most significant upgrades of your entire Earthly sojourn and you have prepared for them – so no need to brace yourself – you know that welcoming them and going with the flow of integration is the key. Focus on absorption, balance, release, hydration and self honesty, all the while expecting peace and miracles as the outcome. You are becoming more and more in your physical body that which you are as a spiritual body. You are rising to meet yourself here in the physical world, something that has not been done ever before to this degree. It is an extraordinary journey and your purpose for incarnating right here, right now. It is a miraculous, expansive, exhilarating and magical experience.

🙏 ~ 💝 ('Hopes on High - only the Heart knows') Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Coming out of Lockdown Plan, March to June 2021~ Magenta Pixie🌟] ... |

🐲👃🐀 ~ (HunDragen er væk i en sæk fyldt med blæk og statsministereffekt!) Den elefantastiske beretning om Baron Munchausen' LØGNEN og #Coronakrisen! 81 Hip hip hurra! og så de 15 korte HU! (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤜SMELL A RAT: "Varmt forår kan åbne for yderligere genåbning, men det kan blive uhyggeligt svært, advarer Heunicke"🤛] ... Restauranter, frisører og butikker i storcentre, er ikke omfattet af den første fase af genåbningen. Hvad er forskellen på en butik som ligger på et strøg og i et storcenter?... Alle afgangselever i Nord- og Vestjylland kan vende tilbage, men hvad med resten af DK?... Rejserestriktionerne er forlænget frem til 5. april - efter påske... SÅDAN "genåbner" (dele) af Danmark - men hvor fanden er Mink-Mette henne? Travlt med at hovere, nu hvor Socialakrobaterne og Deres undersåtter, har stemt en ny epidemilov igennem som FRATAGER alle danskere, sine borgerrettigheder. Det gælder rettigheder over privat ejendom, egne børn, egen krop... Skider hun på os alle sammen, igen, igen, undskyld udtrykket!?!... EU er RASENDE på Danmark: I har ti dage til at ændre grænseregler, men der er blot, LARMENDE RUNGENDE TAVSHED?... Altimens, uddeler Mette F. julegaver til sine spindoktorer, ministre, borgmestre og det 195.000 store statslige forhandlingsområde (staten) af regeringssoldater, men stadig flere virksomheder bukker under... Helt friske tal viser, at vaccinerne virker i Danmark, siger SSI, men har fjernet, døde borgere fra vaccinationstal!?!.. Danske skolebørn er også klar til at teste sig selv, hvis bare de kan få lov til at komme tilbage i skole, siger elevernes organisation, som har nærstuderet Østrig, hvor, ALLE, skolebørn putter en vatpind op i deres egen næse. Hvad tror det får af konsekvenser, mht. traumatisk stress, at alle vores Indigo-børn, som i forvejen mistrives, uden menneskelig kontakt i dagligdagen, når de opdager, det hele var bygget på en LØGN?... Total nedsmeltning i Fredericia Kommune, hvor Tommy Abildgaard, er fritaget for tjeneste. I forvejen er kommunaldirektøren sendt hjem - og Jacob Bjerregaard har trukket sig som borgmester.. Hvem er så JB? jooo ser du, han var tidligere DSU-formand, som tilgav 'Teenage-Predator' Jeppe Kofod, tilbage i 2008, var én af dem, som brød ind på Hotelværelset, hvor en uskyldig DSU-novice (14-årig-plus-366-dage) 15 årig gammel jomfru, som sad og græd på toilettet, mens enten Kofod gemte sig under sengen i skam, eller havde et håndklæde om (tissetrolden), efter badet og så diffust ud. JB var også HAM, som fortalte forældrene, ALDRIG, at tale om dette emne, nogensinde, igen... HVAD DJÆVELEN ER DET FOR ET LAND VI BOR I?... Hvordan får vi opsamlet 100.000 demonstranter, på gaden?... Vil du med?... Nej, det tænkte jeg nok, vi har så travlt med at gemme os, tænk hvis "nogen" fik øje på os, i mængden, af sølvpapirshatte og monstre... |


Fakta: Disse restriktioner er fortsat gældende

En række restriktioner er blevet lempet fra 1. marts, men Danmark vil fortsat være delvist nedlukket.

En række restriktioner er blevet forlænget til 5. april. Se en oversigt over de fortsat gældende restriktioner på nationalt plan:

  • Forsamlingsloft på fem personer.**
  • Frisører, fitnesscentre og massører er lukket. Det samme gælder klinikker, der udfører kosmetiske behandlinger.**
  • Elever i folkeskolens 5. - 10. klasse og studerende på ungdomsuddannelser og videregående uddannelser er sendt hjem og modtager fjernundervisning.**
  • Storcentre skal holde lukket. Butikker over 5000 kvadratmeter må have et begrænset antal kunder.
  • Alle indendørs idræts- og kulturanlæg er lukket. Det gælder blandt andet håndboldhaller, svømmehaller, fitnesscentre, teatre og biografer.
  • Restauranter, barer, caféer, diskoteker og lignende skal holde lukket. De må gerne sælge takeaway.

🧬📚👸 ~ (David Croeni family tree Swiss Cabal & Danish mother) Spiritually Raw 2-17-21 VIDEO… “GUARDIAN of GLOBAL ASSETS, The MOST POWERFUL WOMAN You NEVER Heard Of! Kim G. Earth Restoration Plan” (kpblog.space) ~ | Blogger: Waaaauv!.. I wonder if Mads Palsvig know David Croeni, because he has been in the upper echelon of Cabal Banking Cartel, got a danish mother and american father, been to Scandinavia over 70 times, lives in Switzerland, meet many Royalties in Scandinavia, as relatives and tells a unbelieve story, about his ancestors, and about, Marduk the Mesopotamian Creation God, the bloodlines, and sheds light on what is likely going on behind the scenes, and many levels above what is playing out in the eyes of many, on this planet... 🤔PS: WHY the heck have SoTW posted a picture of our "beloved and beautiful innocent" Helle Thorning-Schmidt - a Danish retired politician who served as the 26th Prime Minister of Denmark - why can't you leave this amazing (commie) alone!?!... ☝️Well, for starters, as you know, EVERYTHING is connected... 👉Yesterday, a tabloid newspaper in Denmark told us, 'Guzzi-Helle', has received MUCH more than just a photo opportunities with David Cameron and Barack Obama next to a (very upset) Michelle Obama (aKa 'Michael' IS A MAN, Barack Obama aKa 'Barry Soetoro' IS GAY - muslim commie - whatever). The newspaper, explained that Obama has sent her a copy of his new book ‘A Promised Land’ with a very special and personal greeting in it ('To Helle. With gratitude for your leadership and partnership), 'it says on the first page of the book, where Barack Obama has also signed the greeting... Since then, Obama has been in Denmark, 2 times, earning MILLIONS of dollars, on his EU tour... WHO do you think is running the Chinese controlled America right now? Joe Biden... Nooooo... The Obama's (third term) and the Clintons... EVERYTHING is connected and Helle Thorning is MAJOR player inside the deepest Cabal or Deep State and 1000 year old Royal families in Scandinavia of secrets - take it or leave it... |


 Spiritually Raw 2-17-21 VIDEO… “GUARDIAN of GLOBAL ASSETS, The MOST POWERFUL WOMAN You NEVER Heard Of! Kim G. Earth Restoration Plan”

Posted on February 22, 2021 by kauilapele

This one was pointed out by a certain “GV of Kona”, who often talks about the famous “Kim” and how she is some sort of “Wonder Woman” for the planet. This video interview, with David Croeni from Switzerland, sheds light on what is likely going on behind the scenes, and many levels above what is playing out in the eyes of many, on this planet. I listened to this on my drive home, and all I can say is, I was “pulled in”, and felt my awareness was quite expanded after listening.

There is a slightly longer version of this at this link (available for a small charge). I’m including the notes from that page, below the video.

Some may also wish to check out the website mentioned in the video, https://projectspeak.net.

Notes from this link:

GUARDIAN of GLOBAL ASSETS, The MOST POWERFUL WOMAN You NEVER Heard Of! Kimberly Goguen aka “Kim Possible”, Manna World Holding Trust, Earth Restoration Plan, Global Banking Power Structure, Marduk, Trump, Meds Beds, Quantum Mapping Systems not QFS, “The Savior Program”, NESARA / GESARA.
Guest, David Croeni, Swiss Banking family for the Vatican. David’s mom is of Danish royal blood. He was part of it and left to save humanity and speak his truth. David has been privy to some of the most secret information on the planet. “People speculate who is at the TOP of the POWER structure, I know. I’ve always known.”

🪐⏱️🛸 ~ (NASA - Never A Straight Answer) Situation Update, Feb. 23 – The COSMIC WAR against human civilization (NN) ~ | Blogger: PS: Reading Mike Adams reports should probably be done with a large grain of salt, as everything else you read and take in and experienced, from HU-mans five basic senses: touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste (and higher-self etc)... You may not like Natural News and many is harassing conservative scholar texian, Mike Adams, for his pro-gun views, sometimes gloom and doom stories, net worth of ‎$15 million, Apocalypticism christian religious beliefs etc. etc... However, I personally think he is a good hearted person and means well and would love to visit Texas one day and meet-up with him - have been to many other states, but not Texas and the nearby, states. My vision, after the 'Corona-pandemic' and Weather Manipulation Freeze, has ended, is to spend time on a farm, in Texas or somewhere else on a ranch with huge untouched land, not owned by Bill Gates, after China Joe, has been removed, and do some horseback riding, meditation and meet some amazing enlighten and free people... So be it, and so it is!... |

NASA is lying and covering up the cosmic war to end human civilization
Mike Adams

NASA now claims they've landed a helicopter on Mars. They are lying, of course, since helicopters can't function in a near-vacuum, as they need atmosphere to generate lift from the spinning rotors. Mars has virtually no atmosphere, according to NASA.

What I'm revealing in today's Situation Update podcast is shocking and stunning: NASA is engaged in a massive cover-up about life on other planets, and the Pentagon now admits to studying UFO wreckage taken from crash sites. There is a cosmic war to exterminate humanity and transform Earth into a post-human future, and depopulation globalists are working in alignment with those anti-human forces to achieve this outcome.

This is way bigger than politics, economics or climate. This is the cosmic truth about the war against humanity.

See the full article and podcast here.

⚠️🏳️🙌 ~ ('A CME IS COMING') G1-class geomagnetic storms & More (ECETI Stargate Official YouTube Channel) ~ | Blogger: 💉A dare warning comes from Dr. Lee Merritt, a former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, has admitted that she believes the current “vaccines” are actually very dangerous bioweapons that are being deployed against the population... 🏴PS: SoTW pulled up the SR and the flow of data from the detectors was interrupted at 9:30 UTC today, 2 sudden large blackouts, which is rare at The Space Observing System in Tomsk. Before the blacks the situation was of total calm, until, the Frequency with small oscillations on the base value and the maximum value of the Amplitude which was of Power 6 just before the break. Then another black. What that means, I don't know... 🔆It seems that SW.com is alerting us with a glancing blow, that could cause minor G1-class geomagnetic storms and high-latitude auroras... 🌠Meg Benedicte has talk about '222 Gateway Activations' - that opens us all to new levels of consciousness and ancient knowledge, as we learn to trust the Soul’s inner wisdom... ❄️You could also go into more details about the Texas NASA / DEW / HAARP / WM alert with Mike Morales... |




James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience 


G1-class geomagnetic storms & More 

Kahi Harawira
t15 FebntrSeiffuaruprioy ahetgfns tocr20t:rethdfd18 · 
Doctor with Bioweapons Expertise Calls C19 Injections ‘Weaponized Medicine’

Space Weather News for Feb. 22, 2021

A CME IS COMING: Over the weekend, a dark filament of magnetism on the sun blew up, hurling a coronal mass ejection (CME) into space. NOAA computer models confirm that the CME should sideswipe Earth on Feb. 23rd or 24th. The glancing blow could cause minor G1-class geomagnetic storms and high-latitude auroras. 
Full story @ Spaceweather.com.

Instant solar flare alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts and receive a text message when strong solar flares are underway.